You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. The title of this episode is Stop Thinking, and Know more. Now, what does that mean? Well, what it means is that most of us think that we can think our way to an answer. And have you, you know, have you ever noticed that you think, and you think, and you think times 100, and you keep thinking, and oftentimes, you find yourself trapped, and then more confused than when you started. So if you’d like to learn more, or you’d like to learn my suggestion, for coming to know more in life, then stop thinking, and keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
We Look For Answers in Your Own Thinking
Okay, So Stop Thinking and Know more. By the way, my office is in the middle of finishing renovation, and it’s a lot. My office at home is 1,000 square feet. So and I have a lot of glass and tile. So maybe maybe getting some reverberation in this episode and I’m waiting for rugs and furniture and stuff like that to come. So if you’re getting a little bit of an echo I, I apologize for that. So today, I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about on this episode. And I found some notes from Don Xavier to me many years ago, and as I said, I piles of notes. And the first thing I picked up, I read and I’m like there, you know, there we go. There’s the headline for this week, or there’s a topic this week. And something that he said to me was this and I wrote it down verbatim. He said, we look for answers in our own thinking.
Now. It’s taken me many years, many, many years to really and fully understand that. because trust me when I tell you, I used to be a very analytical thinker. And I used to place a lot of value in analytical thinking. And I used to be very proud of the fact that I was literally a very good comprehensive and analytical thinker. I mean, I even took like, you know, logic and college and all this kind of stuff, to enhance air quote, my thinking. And working with a shaman, one of the first things he started doing is shaking me loose from all of the thinking, which I’ll talk about a little later. But something I learned from him, and I’m not going to go into it in depth in this episode. But he said to me, is there’s a difference between thinking and thoughts. And he said, for example, thinking comes from from our brain. And thoughts come from our mind. So let’s say for example, if you’re thinking about hitting the blinker and going right, if you’re driving, that’s not a thought. Thought is something that comes from mind. It’s thinking, why because it’s wrote in the neurological processes of the brain.
So what I’ve learned over the years, and trust me, I know and you know, I teach Transformational Programs, and so many people come so analytical initially. And that’s the surest way to find yourself in a trap and to find yourself in what I call the round room. And the round room is a room that literally is a circular room. And somebody just says, sit in the corner, and you go in circles looking for that corner because somebody told you to sit, you know, in the corner, and it’s a round room. And then my programs I tell people often that you know many of us until we learn this, we’re in the round room. And we spend our entire life just thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking.
And have you ever noticed that many times that you might have a problem you’re thinking about Which even thinking that it’s a problem is a thought about the thinking. So what you try to do is you try to think your way out of the problem. And then you toss and turn all night and you think and you think and you think and you think and you analyze, and you postulate and you hypothesize, and you think and you think, and then you come up with answers, then you rethink the answers and overthink the answers and rethink and rethink and rethink. And then, you know, sometimes you don’t act at all. And then sometimes you do act, and you find that the action doesn’t get you the outcomes that you want. Why? Because the very same thinking that created the problem, which I use air quotes for the word problem, the very same thinking that created the problem is the same thinking that’s used to solve the problem.
Einstein said, he said that a problem cannot be solved at the level that was created. So if you’re the one, you’re the one who created all the problems in your life, guess when your thinking is what created it, guess what, you have to go to a higher level of thought. Or we can even say a deeper level of thought. Or we can actually even say thought instead of thinking. So I’ll talk a little bit about that. But our thinking, our thinking mind, is just peppered and riddled and polluted. With the cognitive bias, cognitive dissonance and distortions. I mean, we have these models of reality that all of us have created when we were little babies. And then what we do, and these model of realities pertain to everything about how we look and how society perceives us and, and what society is and what it’s not, and what’s acceptable, and what’s not, and how we have to be. And then we learned that, you know, if we, if we are a certain way, we get rewarded by mom and dad, and then we’re a good person, and then we’re a bad person, which we’re taught very early in life, that we’re either good or bad.
And we even learned that as small children because of Santa Claus. You know, if you’re good, Santa Claus is going to bring you this for all of us are familiar with Santa Claus, I don’t care your religion or where you are in the world. And if you’ve been a bad little boy and girl, then you’re not going to get that anyway. So what we do is we go into all these analytical thinking, and processes and all this analytical thinking, the correct grammar there, even though I mangle grammar a lot. But we go into all of these processes. And then we get into all of this dissonance and confirmation bias and cognitive bias and distortions, and cognitive, you know, dissonance. And even know, we think we might have an answer. Many times our answer is not significantly beyond where we started in the first place. Because we think at the same level that created the problem that we’re trying to solve the problem.
And then what we do as well, is we use our biases, and our dissonance, and our distortions and deletions and generalizations and thinking, we use all of this. Here’s the crazy thing, okay, we use all of this, that can to confirm the thinking that created it in the first place, you know, just popped in my mind here many years ago, we were on what I want to call what we do call a sacred journey. As I mentioned before, every spring equinox for many years, we would go to some power spot on the planet. A power spot for those of you who are wondering is an extraordinary energy on that part of the planet. So for example, that would be Keops. The Great Pyramid that would be Haleakala that would be Chaco Canyon, that would be Palenque. That would be Teotihuacan that would be Tiahuanacu or Tiahuanaco . It’d be Mount Shasta. It’s places like that.
And I remember one morning I was sitting out talking with Don Xavier. And he said something that you will see this in your own life. And you will see this if you just look out on the world around you. He said and it hit me like a hammer in the head when he said this. He said most people never ask for truth. They ask for what confirms their reality. So think about that. And let’s bring this down to the ground level. So look at let’s let’s pick for example, because it’s still very fresh here in the United States. And in the world, everyone knows who he is Donald Trump. And then look at your thinking, and then your thoughts about Donald Trump. And notice that your entire life and your thought processes is to confirm your thought, either he’s a great guy, or he’s not a great guy. And then look at all your, your deletions and your distortions and your generalizations. And the same thing about you know, Joe Biden or Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or JFK, or anybody or Gandhi or Hitler anybody, yourself people around you, is what we do is we have this thinking, and then sometimes we play with it in mind that it becomes a thought. And then all we simply do even about ourselves, is we set out to confirm that thought about ourself.
Because for example, if we believe we’re not lovable, are we believe that I don’t know you know, whatever things we believe. Whatever you believe, you’re going to look to confirm it. And even if that belief is restricting for you, and it’s imprisonment for most of us, you’re going to look to confirm it. So think about that for a moment, is that most of us never asked for truth. We ask for what confirms our reality. Okay, so let’s keep this episode simple. But you might be thinking, Well, okay, you know, Jim, how, okay, yeah, I get it. How do I get out of this? Well, I wish I could give you an easy answer, yet I can get you started. And the way to get out of it, is because you’ll never stop your thinking people will say stop your thinking. And I even tell people that because we understand that. But it’s not just stopping your thinking, because you can’t stop your thinking because it comes from the brain. And as long as you’re on the planet, you’re going to have a brain. So and also that depends upon rush hour traffic, how much of your brain you use, and obviously, I’m kidding there. But here’s the thing is you can’t stop your thinking, but you can slow it, and you can manage it. And that’s the key is managing your thinking.
Now, where most people are already going, I think that would listen to this neither a member or people that follow me. And I was going to say, you know, members of my tribe and people who listened to me. And this is interesting, because I’m going to give you a thought about what I’m going to mention. But it’s about meditation. Meditation has so many values to it. I mean, it has physical value and mental value, health value. definitely held value, spiritual reasons. And you see so many people, let’s go here for a moment, is so many people, you see spiritual people, you know, I live in Sedona, Arizona, which is a very spiritual air, quote, you know, air quote, spiritual place. And we attract a lot of that vibe. I mean, we attract a great deal of what I call the hippie vibe, or, you know, the nomads or the travelers, and it’s just all over this town, which is I mean, I like that it’s great.
However, so many people get into the false notion that if I just sit and I cross my legs into a lotus position, and I put my thumb and forefinger together, and the mood rose and everything else, and I have my mala beads, and all that they have these notions that they are then meditating and that spiritual, when in reality, much of that is nothing more than thinking. I remember. I remember many years ago, Don Xavier was talking to me. And he said, so many people get into meditation, as if it is a I don’t remember the words, but I’m going to try to recapitulate this as best I can. But basically, he said, so many people get into to meditation as if it’s an exercise. And it’s something that they do. So they’ll say, you know what, I’m going to sit down, I’m going to meditate as if it’s mechanical exercise. And he said, yes, that can be kind of meditation. But that’s not meditation. True meditation, is when you live in that let me go here for a second. You look at people and not everyone, okay? Guys, this is a generalization about a lot of people go to church, okay? And when they go to church on Sunday mornings, or wherever it was Saturdays, or whatever it is for them. They go to church, and they get in this space, this environment of Oh, I’m, I’m being religious and I’m being spiritual and I’m being committed to God or whatever it is.
And they’re all you know, Hari Krishna peace now peace and love, you know, all this kind of stuff and do unto the neighbor, you know, doing the others as you would have them do unto you and all these, you know, worldling and very good principles. And then what happens is they leave Church at noon, and somebody cuts them off in traffic. And they yell at the person and scream at the person and honk at the person. And they go home and they get in fights that afternoon and evening. And they, they do all kinds of things that are literally, you know, opposite of the religion, they were just practicing from nine to 10am that morning. Well, as an example, a lot of people do that is they think I’m going to meditate. And they go into, you know, I’m going to go into my meditation room and my meditation pillow and ohm and the music and the incense and everything else. And that’s all well and good, it’s better than not doing it, I’ll just share that. But back to what I was saying, Don Xavier said that true meditation is when you learn to live, and the silence of your mind 24/7.
And he said to me, he goes, I live in meditation 24 hours a day, I’m in meditation all the time. And I’m going to just share with you guys, I have not mastered this just for the record, okay? I’m just I’m I’m just being candid, is that he said that even if I’m talking to you right now, and I’m talking, and I’m doing all these things, My mouth is moving. He goes, internally, I’m silent. And, you know, it just popped in my head. As I’m thinking about this. I don’t want to talk too much about my family or him. But he’s 60, I think 67 years old. And he does, I mean, tons of regiments in terms of things that he takes, you know, everyone that works with him, I take tons of things. Actually, I did a list last week, and I take 22 different things on a daily basis. And part of those are because I’m healing still, you know, but he took his blood pressure not because he would do it, because somebody prompted him to do and ask him to do it. We were We were gathering several days ago.
And I took his blood pressure on Saturday. And his blood pressure was literally I’ll just leave it at this, it was, you know, they say blood pressure, ideal blood pressure is 120 over 80 his blood blood pressure was a tad below that. And again, he’s 67 years old, he he exercises, I mean, a lot, he stays extremely active. But what he said was, is See, I told you, the the external piece that we want, comes from the internal peace, and the silence within ourselves. So look at all the external things that cause you to get angry, because it’s how you respond to the world. Or cause you confusion or, or any kind of, you know, negative emotion or negative emotional state, is because you’re having thinking about these things that are doing that and are robs you of your internal peace. So, you know, just just so poignant, the way he was talking to me and some others about it. And trust me, none of us carries a blood pressure cuff or any of that it was just a conversation and somebody happened to have one and he’s like, Okay, well, I’ll put it on me.
And he put it on and his blood pressure was extremely good. And he said, See, it’s internal. It’s, you know, the internal peace. So where it’s going to go there is that I covered You know, he had said that live in a meditation 24/7 is meditation. Now, some meditation, and however you practice it, because what I do not want you to do is get into your thinking, and think, Oh, I’m doing it wrong. Oh, no, because I’m not doing it. Right. And I can’t do it at all. Oh, no, I’ve got to read 47,000 books on it and, and watch 2400 you know, YouTube videos and think and think and think about meditation. Am I doing it right? Am I doing it right? Am I doing it? Right? Am I doing it? Right? Am I doing it? Right? Am I doing it? You know, that robs you of the peace. But you know, practicing at least the exercise of it is better than not, don’t get at all. this day and age, there’s so many tools I mean, for crying out loud the amount of app you know apps that you can buy. I mean, go to YouTube, there are tons of videos on everything from the Solfeggio Solfeggio resonance Solfeggio tones to binaural beats B I N A U R A L beats which actually create entrainment in the brain. This DNA there’s so many tools that you can use to learn to slow the mind. And it’s all technology. I mean, I after I had a stroke, I bought a little product. It’s called heart math. H E A R T M A T H heart math and You put an electrode on your on your ear lobe, and it measures the electromagnetic impulses relative to the brain, and your body, like an ECG, or EKG, whichever it is. But anyway, I was literally able to just take a few deep breaths and sit there and mine would be green the whole time, which is where you want to be. It’s just complete state of peace. Now, mind you, I’ve been meditating for a lot, a lot. 20. You know, I started in college.
For crying out loud when I think I’d mentioned this before, when I was in college in 1980’s. I bought this program online, not online. We had no online back then out of the out of the back of a magazine, and it was called relax in the alphanoetics which alpha brainwave state, and I remember telling our Just remember, what am I supposed to go go play beer ball with my buddies, which is my fraternity brothers, which is beer ball is breaking, you know, going to the park, and they get a keg of beer and playing softball. And I said, Hey, guys, after lunch, they’re like, let’s go. I’m like, No, I have to meditate first. And they’re making fun of me back then. But I just I’ve always been into it always. And I just was always attracted to it. So what I’m sharing with you is, that’s a great place to start for sure, no question about it. But let me go back here. There are so many resources online, there are apps and I don’t have my phone on me right now. Or I’d open up my phone and even tell you. But there are so many applications to slow down your brainwaves and to slow you down. And you know what, at the very minimum, literally the very minimum, it’s going to be good for your health.
And I was listening to my little brother in my fraternity, he’s, he’s also like, is like 54 now. So we were talking recently. And he’s a triathlete and all this kind of stuff still. And he’s something amazing once off topic, he ran a marathon. About two years ago, he ran a marathon at the North Pole. They have races there. I mean, who knew right? He ran a marathon 26 miles at the North Pole. I mean, good grief. But he told me last year he goes, I’m getting into meditation. He goes, I’m learning as I’m getting older, I’m learning to settle and quiet and everything else. And I’m still laughing at that, my God and that because I’m like, you know, Jay, what was your like, what was your biggest challenge? And he and he, he said they kept falling through the eyes when they were running was one thing. But he said he said Secondly is we had armed armed people around us with like tranquilizer guns, because we had, they had to keep the polar bears away from attacking us while we were running. I’m like, good grief, who? Anyway, meditation guys.
And meditation is is what starts facilitating the internal state. And you know, you’re not gonna you’re not gonna master it over. So let’s say we have people two levels here. People that are brand new and never done it. Well you know what, start and start at that level with the practice of it. And start with the audios and the YouTube videos and but turn them you know, turn the video don’t don’t watch the video just listen to the music, which most of it’s binaural beats and entrainment, which trains your brainwaves. Which means basically, it gets in sync with your brainwaves, which is what entrainment is it’s completely safe for most people unless they’re I think they’re prone to epileptic seizures, but it’s safe. That’s one practice for those of you that are brand new to it. And then people you know what, listen here, this is a great example. I remember this one time, I was talking to a woman, a woman about meditation a lot of years ago. And she said to me, Oh, I can’t meditate. I think too much.
And now that I look back at that comment many years ago, and I’d forgotten about it, is notice it’s her thinking and her overly analytical and active mind, which keeps her from meditating, at least mechanically in terms of sitting down and quieting and just getting quiet yourself and everything else. And then for those of you that might be more seasoned with meditation, so the key here for you would be is okay, how can I expand my youngest I’m looking at something here I was starting to like flip out of here for a second was that thought I forgot to return my mic on I’m like, holy You know what? I know. Mike, are you kidding? This is a pretty good podcast.No way. My mics on. Okay.
So but for those of you that are more seasoned is what you want to you want to look at is how can I make maintain silence not just on a practice that I become good at? But how can I maintain the silence 24/7, my brother in law’s shaman who taught him I was talking to him. Literally, it was 1996. So however many years ago that is, and the first time I met him, he said to me, and I’ve said on the podcast before, he said to me, You think too much. And when you think too much, you make yourself heavy. When you make yourself heavy, you cannot fly. Now, what he meant by that is that I lose dead, I lost so much of my world, and my experience of the world, by being trapped in my thinking. So hopefully, that’s starting to make sense to some of you guys. We do have an episode here also episode. It’s one of my earlier episodes, Episode Number six, you may want to go back and listen to that episode. Because I’ve learned it’s the first thing that a shaman starts his apprentice with, or her apprentice with, is the most powerful thing that you can master in this lifetime. And this is true, unlimited potential, the most powerful thing that you can master is either silencing or quieting the mind.
Because when you do that, then you have access to what I call knowing, versus just thinking and understanding. Thinking is neurological understanding is left brain analytical, neurological, knowing comes from the mind. And when you stop thinking, and you get out whether you air quote, get out of your way, then you come to know things. And then what you do from there, as you develop that into a higher function of mind, where you’re actually your higher function of mind. Got it, you develop it into a higher function a mind where you spend a lot of your time in silence of mind. And knowing in that state, knowing not knowing the mind, but knowing of mind. So that when you observe things, you don’t think about them, you automatically start then using and it happens automatically. You start using what’s called your sense, you know, you’ve heard a sixth sense, right? When you stop thinking, your sense develops. And from your sense, that’s when you come to know things. And that’s where the power is.
When it comes to the majority of my decisions, people, my team will say, Jim, what do you want to do? And you know, most most people will say, Well, I don’t know, let me think about it. What I tell my team is, let me sit with it. And unless it’s a time sensitive decision they need, and many times my team is empowered just to execute without even getting, you know an answer for me. But I’ll sit with it. And I don’t act and tell the knowing comes. And people will often say to me, Jim, how do you you know, how do you do what you do? When you coach people? How do you know? I mean, it seems like you can read their minds? Well, no, I don’t do cold reading. I’ve never taken a program and and I can’t read minds. But I can read minds. We all can. And it’s again and I’m going to use that outlet. Explain that is that I know what through sense.
I know what people are going to say I I get anybody who knows me like any my coaches can can tell you is that I already know someone’s heart. When I meet them. I know if they’re an angry person, I know if there is sad person. And I know that not through thinking. I know that through sense, which comes through thought which comes through what I’m going to call individual mind and divine mind. So hopefully I’ve hopped around here a little bit. But let’s just take this back to the ground level. For now, where you want to start let me recapitulate is if you’re brand new to meditation, and you’ve had the thinking that you can’t meditate, because you can’t quiet your mind, you’re literally doing a disservice to yourself, literally doing a disservice because it’s not true. Simply it means that you have an untrained mind, and you had no untrained brain and a rooty the brain or an unruly brain sorry. And what you want to learn to do is metaphorically Take a deep breath and relax into life. And then once that becomes you know habit for you because in the brain go back to the brain, the brain creates habits. Once that becomes a habit for you. What happens automatically is your sense starts developing for you. And as a result of that you start to know things, and that every one of you please listen, that’s where your power is, is in the knowing, not in the thinking. Because like I started this episode, that thinking is what keeps you trapped.
I don’t know why I had it here. Let’s see old, you know, thumbing thumbing through the pages, see old book, Think and Grow Rich, and I had it on my bookshelf, and I read this, you know, in the 90s, when I started reading self development in part, you know, personal development, Think and Grow Rich. Yes, I get the concept. That think, becoming rich is all about thinking. However, have you noticed the conundrum here, or the the paradox here is that the majority of people are not rich, because of their thinking. Because if they knew themself, they would know that the universe doesn’t divvy up and separate money and life doesn’t divvy and separate money from individuals on the planet. It is people who end their thinking, separate themselves from money because of their thinking about money. So hopefully, that concretizes that for you. And that’s where I go back to a final thought here. And this will be your transformational takeaway.
And I’ve wanted to use this in my marketing for a lot of years, I was going to use it in my USP, which is a unique selling proposition for my business, and a program I did for a lot of years. And it’s powerful when you get it. But but the phrase I was going to use is, everything is mental. And the reason that I didn’t is I listen to a friend of mine, and my friend is like, you know, you might want to be careful of that. Because, you know, I mean, when they say, you know, somebody shot up a post office, they went mental, and it might not have had the best connotations to it, you know. But Don Xavier often, often often says that, and he even said, you know, a couple of days ago, where when we’re talking about blood pressure, and when you get your, you know, you get your thoughts into that is that everything is mental. There’s your takeaway, every this week, everything is mental. Your Money is mental, your health is mental.
You know, when I was in the hospital for heart failure back a little over a year ago, February a year ago, and the hospital, oh my god, it’s such a system people humans are trapped in, but they came to my room. And that like a diet, a dietician came. And she goes, now you know, this is a lifetime condition, and you’re going to have heart failure for their you know, for the rest of your life, and you have to manage it. And here’s some dietary, you know, guidelines and all this kind of stuff she went into. And basically, I was kinda like La la la la you know, when she was talking, I smiling when La la la la la, I’m not listening, like putting, you know, putting my fingers in my ears. I wasn’t listening, metaphorically speaking.
Because I said to myself, I’m not trapping myself in that nonsense. I’m not trapping myself in the cultural beliefs about the body, and about what the body can do. Now, I’m still learning spiritual lessons and some major ones, you know, I had a stroke, hemorrhagic stroke six months ago. And I had all this cardio cardiological work done and stuff like that. And just 12 months, not even 12 months prior, like seven months prior, when I was in the hospital, but the doctors were like, you’re at 32% heart function. And you may or may not regain and all this kind of stuff. They told me I am talking to you, I bought none of it. I bought none of it. Because I knew notice the word I knew I was going to heal. And when I was in the hospital, just you know, six months ago, they the neurologist said, You said you had heart failure. And I said yeah, because you don’t have heart failure. Your heart is at like 74% or 75%. Now for you, you guys listening, you might think, Well, Jim, that’s not 100. The average person’s heart only functions at 50%. And especially in my age category. I’m at 74%. Where am I going? I’m going that it was my thoughts, not my thinking about what the world told me. But my thoughts about what’s possible for me and to be fully transparent.
When this happened Don Xavier called me and we talked about it and he goes, do what I do. Use divine mind to heal yourself. Now, some of you might not be religious at all. I’m not religious. Let’s just call it Universal Mind. Let’s call it Cosmic Mind. Let’s call it the universe. But it goes use that lifeforce, for example, you have a cut, you know, you cut your paper cut, you don’t have to think about that to heal that it heals itself, because there is an innate intelligence in us. So what I was using and what I’ve used to heal, what I’m using to heal, is that innate intelligence in me, which is divine mind, which if you ever read the KYBALION, K Y, B, A, L , I ,O, N it’s the seven cosmic laws. And the first cosmic law is that the universe is mental universe is mental.
So everything is mental. Everything is mind. And the only way to truly, accurately access that is to get out of the analytical, brain based neurological thinking mind and start moving into the unthinking, knowing mind. That will, I’m just kidding will blow your mind once you start discovering that. And it gives you so much more opportunity in life, because you start functioning at a higher level. And when you start functioning at a higher level, a lot of this nonsensical stuff that we get into as human beings on our planet that society gets into, like everything that’s happened in the world, the last 18 months, I’ve gotten into none of it. Why? Because I’m not buying into the cultural stories, even all these stories that are saying, oh, that what’s happening in the world is this and I’m not buying it. I’m not saying things don’t exist. I’m just not buying the official narratives, and what it means to me in my life. And that’s power, because you’re stepping outside of what I call a human think and groupthink at that point.
Okay, I’m gonna stop here, but you get the point. So your takeaway this week is that everything is mental. And you have to get out of the heavy analytical thinking, to access knowing mind. Okay, thanks for listening, as I say on every podcast, and if you would, please, I’m asking you a favor, please. If you find value here, and you do or you wouldn’t be here, please every one of you just share what just share this episode, please, with you know, on your social media, your Twitter, your whatever it is, you’re using, tik tok, I don’t know whatever you’re using. But please share this somewhere so that we can help more people live better, more empowered lives, and we can help other people transform their life from the inside out. Okay, I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye, bye.
If you’re serious about Transforming your Life, from the inside out, I have a free training that you’re going to want to listen to. And it’s helped 10’s of 1000’s of people all around the globe. The thing is, all of my students start here, because when you learn to change your thinking, you’ll change your life. Because as you already know, life happens from the inside out. The training is called discover how to eliminate fear and negativity and an instant. So go to and start learning how to transform your life at a deeper level from the inside out.
Thank you for listening to this entire podcast. If you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. You know, if you found value, they will too. So please share via your social media channels. Also, if you have questions, I’m here to assist. You can email me questions to, and I may even use your question for a future podcast episode. Also, if you want transformational content like this daily, connect with me on Instagram, my Instagram name is @iamjimfortin. Finally I do have a personal request. I believe that we’re all here to help others and to grow and evolve ourselves. together, you and I, let’s help more people. If you would, please leave a review on iTunes and a good one by the way. I’d be grateful and through your assistance together, we can transform more lives. Thanks for listening.