You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This is a deep dive with the last conversation that I had of Gary Zukav Now as you probably already know if you’ve listened to, for any amount of time, I’m doing a four-part series with Gary. And then I do a follow-up op after each episode, digging a little deeper into some things in the episode. So, this is a deep dive from our last episode. And I want to focus in this deep dive on the concept of intention. And why you are on this planet and the concept of being. Being most of us never really recognize that we’re human beings, not human doings. We’ve been conditioned to be human doings. And I want to talk to you about being in this episode and how that affects your intention and your experience on the planet. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay so another deep dive with Gary Zukav You know, I really enjoyed doing these deep dives and I’ve really enjoyed doing the episodes of Gary and he wants to do a lot more. He and I get along very, very well. And we talked personally, aside from the episodes and we have very similar stories. He’s had a non-physical teacher for 30 years and I’ve had a non-physical and physical teacher for My brother-in-law the shaman. Don Xavier has brought many non-physical beings to me. Gary and I our stories, parallel each other in a lot of ways. Our understandings, our knowing’s, we parallel each other. Now we might use different language, different vernacular has different experiences, obviously. But we were both laughing, not being recorded that we both kind of say the same thing just in different ways. You know, I, say that we’re growing into an into a 5D species, meaning fifth dimensional.
Gary says basically he calls it multisensory being. We’re talking about the same thing, just different language. All right I want to dig into the last episode not all of it. But a fundamental part of it. And all of it was very, very powerful and very important. But a fundamental part of it is at the beginning of the episode, Gary uses a phrase, just be. And I recount in that episode after he says that when Don Xavier is talking to me about just being. many, many years ago when I was on a sacred journey with him during the spring Equinox and we were doing ceremony it Chichén-Itzá in Mexico. And Don Xavier said to me, I was having a very challenging time in life and he said, just be I didn’t understand what that meant.
And it took me a long time. And most of us don’t understand what it means to be. Now analytically, we know that we are a human being. But yet most of us don’t function from that perspective. Most of us function from being human doings. I’m going to be a little candid here. I don’t necessarily need to mention a name, but there are people that are big social media personalities. They just don’t understand the mechanisms of life. They don’t understand energy. They don’t understand the deeper essence of what it even means to be a human being. You know, there’s one guy. I don’t follow anybody on social media, any of the big personalities and, you know, 25, 20 years ago, I used to whenever early in social media, I don’t follow any of them because most of them are leading people the wrong direction. I even told somebody that I coach a good friend of mine. That he’s more chilled out these days. But he used to have a massive social media following. As a matter of fact, back when we had Facebook fan pages, he had a million bands on his Facebook fan page. And his YouTube videos when he was doing them, had hundreds of millions. I think he had hit a hundred million downloads. And I said to him one day, you know, and I have a very, very solid, very candid, conversations with him and, I’m his mentor and I’ve met his coach. And I can say anything to him, and sometimes I’ve got to be a little more forceful and direct so that he gets it. But I said to him, excuse my sniffling. I’m getting over the third round the COVID third bout of COVID.
I said to him, you know, you’re the blind leading the blinder. Because you talk about a lot of spiritual concepts. But you don’t know them. There are things you read in books. Things that you’ve not integrated things that you may think you understand. And you do understand that analytically, but you don’t know it. And that’s, what I want to talk about in this episode is knowing, even though it’s a deep dive on Gary’s episode. About a year and a half ago, I created a nine-day challenge called the get unstuck challenge. Prior to that, it was titled the BE-DO-HAVE challenge. And that was simply done for marketing purposes to get it into the hands of more people. And in that get unstuck challenge. It’s nine days of talking about being, which I’m going to talk about here a little bit.
We don’t know what it means to be. We know how to do, but we don’t know what it means to be. And of course, we know that we’re human beings, as I mentioned earlier, but most of us don’t function as human beings. We function as human doings. Because there are these social media personalities. That are misleading people like my friend was saying, you’ve got to take massive action. You’ve got to work until your eyeballs bleed. You’ve got to put your nose to the grindstone. You have to hustle. I don’t want to tell you, that’s all a bunch of bullshit and it’s leading you in the wrong direction. Why. Something Gary and I’ve talked about on every episode and something I’ve been familiar with for many years, if not decades. And I’ll mention it here. Humanity is changing. Humanity is evolving. And I want to actually segue here again. I want to mention something Don Xavier gave me in 2007. Now, when I mentioned Don Xavier, if you’re new to the podcast on Xavier is, Don. Spanish surname for it’s a car I don’t know what the word is. It’s a prefix of respect. And for whatever comes after it, like Don Xavier hoppy years, his name, my brother-in-law, the shaman but we call him Don Xavier. His mentor was Don Juan Matuse and Doña which is female. Doña Maria Sabina. Doña Maria Sabina was recognized as one of the most powerful healers in all of Mexico for many years. All the Mexican presidents went to her. The Beatles went to see her. Walt Disney went to see her back in the fifties. And she’s the one who introduced him to mushrooms. So, she was one of the mentors to Don Xavier and she has, nonphysical worked with me for many, many years.
We’re talking about being. And excuse me if I’m skipping around here a little bit, or I miss a point, but being. So, all these people that are big, many times, big social media influencers, personalities. Are talking about, you got to hustle, you’ve got to do this. But where I was going. Let me get back to where I was going. Humanity is in the process of evolution. Consciousness on the planet is changing. We are moving and I’ve said it before, and I’m not the only one, obviously. We are moving and evolving from a 5D from a 3d being to a 5D being meaning from a predominant three-dimensional being to a predominant five dimensional, dimensional, and beyond being. Gary’s phraseology for that is that we are becoming multi-dimensional. Now, when I say this, what I’m saying when I’m pointing out is that Gary and I. I’m mentioning two different phraseologies Gary and I have both talked about it and we both pretty much say these same things. He had nonphysical teachers for 30 years. I’ve had non-physical teachers for 30 years. We’re taught the same thing. From his physical teachers, teaching him, non-physical teaching him and mind non-physical and physical Don Xavier teaching me. But we find where you use different language.
So, for example, when I say 5D he says, multi-sensory, we’re talking about the same thing. We’re talking about the evolution of you and consciousness and being this on the planet. Now, let me hop around here a little bit. So, humanity is evolving from a lower functioning being to a higher functioning being. Let me give you a metaphor here that I’ve used before in the podcast. But I’ll give you a metaphor and, it’ll make perfect sense. Now for me, I use, apple, I use a Mac book pro and I use iPhone and all that many years ago, I used to use a PC and windows. Now let’s use PC and windows as the example. Let’s say for example, that you know what windows 5 is and th6at’s probably windows 8 is when I stopped using it, using it herself but you know what? Windows 8 is now the metaphor I’m going to give you. Is that all of us born before 1965. We came to the planet and our operating system was Windows 8 After 1965 till about the 1980s early 1980s, the beings that would incarnate in the planet were coming with Windows 9 And now beings are coming with windows 10, so to speak different operating systems. The operating systems coming now. And since the 80s, our higher evolved operating systems than Windows 8 that I came with. I’ve spent 30 years working on my own evolution. Whereas many people that are in the early twenties, find it easier to do things and be things that require A lot of work on my part. And it’s not because they’re better than I am or I’m any worse or any of that is because we’re using different operating systems.
So, I’ve had to do my best over the years to evolve my operating system. So, Gary talks in this episode about the power of intention. Let’s we’re going to get there in a moment. Let’s come back to being. Okay, so I’ve offered before actually it’s probably, maybe. Offer in in this episode. I don’t know where my team puts it. But a commercial when every episode for the get unstuck challenge. The get unstuck is simply marketing hyperbole, and that it’s really a facade for the, we used to call it the Be Do Have challenge. We Do Have everyone wants to have more in life and they try to do things to create it, but they don’t recognize their being is driving. What they do and what they do is driving what they have. And to have more in life, we have to be more. We don’t understand being, we don’t even know what it means to That’s, why you know, 27 years ago, when Don Xavier has said to me, just be. I didn’t understand it. My voice also has a little horse.
It’s not come back. I had, as I’ve mentioned, I’ve had COVID three times and 2021. I had a 20, 22. I had it in 2024. I got whatever’s going on now with COVID, but I was literally like, I just had a really bad cold for a week. My voice has not back. And my energy is not back yet. Was it a while make I will make this a shorter episode? But being. Okay. Now, let me talk about something, Gary and I talked about in the episode is the power of intention.
as Spiritualist. We’ve all heard that word before you have. We’ve all heard before you have to set your intention. And I’ve talked about that before we have to set our intention. But what I look at is who is the being and what is the being, setting, the intention. Because the intention is only as strong as the being, doing the doing setting the intention. One of my coaches, the 3d coach, many years ago, a Transformational Coach, his name was Barry. And he used to say, we’re all taught to do things. But our doing is only as effective as our being. And let me concretize that let’s say that you want to do more things to grow your sales. Okay. Let’s say you’re in business only as a metaphor. Okay. So, you understand that. I got to do more things. I’ve got a prospect cold call, do video, do my podcast, whatever it might be. I’ve got to do more things. But. Let’s say that you are afraid of. Let me back up. Let’s say you want to do more things to grow your business. But let’s say you are afraid of telling people about your business and you’re afraid of sales or offering your, opportunity, whatever offering you have to people.
So, you’re not. So, look how effective when you do it, when you do something. Look, what you’re doing is driven by its driven by your being. And you’re being is the way that you be, where you hold your emotions and where you hold your attention and where you hold your emotions and attention meaning paying attention to something. Where you hold your emotions and attention is the way that you’re being, and then the way that you’re being filters in and determines the effectiveness of your intention. Now I said attention A T T E N T I O N and intention I N T E N T I O N. Intention. So many spiritualists will do things like setting their intention, not recognizing that setting their intention is literally being affected by the way they’re being when and who they are, that setting the intention. Intention is the most pervasive and powerful force in the universe. Everything is intention.
Now in the Christian narrative and the Bible and that story, God created the world in what? Seven days or six days or whatever. It was six days. And if you look at the narrative of Genesis, it’s all about intention. So, for example, God said, let there be light. That is an intention. The intention to create the world is an intention. Even the God, the divine forest that created humanity was intention before humanity was even created. Because humanity is not has not existed in all of for lack of better words, the history of consciousness, which is infinite. Infinite and humans are not infinite. Therefore, something had to create humanity. That is the intention of the creator to create humanity. Now people look at the Jesus in the narrative. Jesus could heal people. He could do things. by the way, there’s, there’s speculation that Jesus was a shaman. But it was all on a sorcerer, but it was also a Fakir F A K I R. But Jesus could help people heal because his consciousness was of the being that he had the power to help people heal simply by. His consciousness. Now I’m not going to go into it in this episode. But I want to tell you from personal experience. Sharman and a sorcerer can affect you physically. And they can affect you nonphysical but they can affect you physically. And I’ve had direct experience and knowing of that, and I know the power of that.
And that’s white mind-boggling, but also quite disturbing. And that, let me give you a metaphor for that or an example is this is why, if you understand some of the like voodoo folk lore, a voodoo priest, maybe putting an air, quote, a hex on somebody. But that is a voodoo priest, perhaps biggest Shaman or a sorcerer using nonphysical liturgy to affect people. Jesus could do the same thing, but he could do it because that’s what his intention was and his being his evolution of being affected the intention. So, we’re going here and we’ll wrap this episode up. Is humanity’s in the process right now of evolving from 3d physical beings. they’ve already evolved. From the lower operating systems to higher operating systems, meaning to be 5D beings or what Gary calls, calls multi-sensory beings.
Now what keeps you from evolving is your lower frequency, 3d experiences and thoughts and feelings and emotions. Hate, shame, anger, resentment, greed, envy, and all the lower frequency emotions. These keep you from evolving into a higher sensory multi-sensory 5D being Now the question that I have for you, which is the things I want to impress in this episode or three things. Number one, your ways of being. If you want to know how you’re being, look at your life. Your life will tell you exactly how you’re being because your life is a reflection of your being, because what you have in your life is a result of what you’ve done, but what you’ve done is affected by your being. That’s why I created, and I think it’s one of my best products. They get unstuck program. There might even be an ad for it in this particular podcast.
Get that program and participate, you will understand a hundred times more about what it means to be. Now I’m not promoting that episode so to speak, I’m talking about deep diving with Gary. But the salient points that I wanted to make were the power of being. The power of intention. And then evolving in the multi-sensory beings. Because if you’re not functioning at like Windows 9 And you have your operating system at Windows 8 How can you expect to evolve in the ways that you need to evolve with the evolution of humanity? Humanity is evolving. Consciousness is changing on the planet. This is why you see so much chaos on the planet. And it just popped up all of a sudden.
Look at the chaos on planet earth. Now look at the thought processes and the emotions and feelings of people on planet earth. That becomes their attention, which then becomes their intention, which creates the observable chaos. That we’re seeing. We’re seeing governments collapse. You’re seeing that in the United States, we’re seeing economies collapse. You’re seeing global power structures collapsed. Why it’s not because humanity is just a complete fuck up, which a lot of humanity is it’s because the energies on the planet are changing as the energies on the planet change. So, to speak it’s cropping like, like the old space shuttle taking off or a rocket. Once it takes off and it gets lift off. It drops the fuselage or whatever it’s called. It drops it. It doesn’t need it anymore. And that is what’s happening to humanity is that humanity is evolving and it doesn’t need the old ways. The old ways cannot function. Anymore. And if you’re trying to function in the old ways, you’re trying to function backwards. So actually, I can feel my energy dropping even more as I do this episode again, as I said, I had COVID for a third time.
I’m over it. It was pretty bad last week. But my energy is not backward needs to be. But transformational takeaway that I have for you in this episode is this. Why are you on the planet at this point. You’ve been here before and you’ll come here again. But it’s been estimated that there’ve been one hundred billion people. That have lived on this planet and you have too in the past. Why are you here now? Are you here to stay in your old shit? The old 3d. Or are you here to evolve your own consciousness? And the process of the collective involvement of the species. So that’s the transformational takeaway question. Remember everything else I’ve talked about. Ways of being. BE-DO-HAVE and you are a human being, but what does it mean to be. We talked a little bit about intention and attention and then the evolution of the species. And we’re evolving to 5D beings and multi-sensory beings as Gary calls them. As I’ve said before Gary and I say the same things, we just say it differently.
He says multisensory being, I say 5D being but he, and I’ve talked about it. We’re talking about the same thing. But the question for you in this episode, not to be taken lightly. I cannot stress that enough. The question, the transformational takeaway not to be taken lightly Why. Why are you here on this planet at this time? There’s some profound digging for you and dig deep and it may help you find new discoveries in yourself. Okay. That wraps up this episode, hopefully you enjoyed and I’ll catch you over on the next episode. Thanks for listening. Bye-bye.