You’re listening to episode number 40 of the Transform your Life from the inside out podcast. And this episode, we’re going to do something new. As you know, we’ve been doing, Q&A on Monday and then the regular podcast on Wednesday, what we’re going to give a world here is what I call a Transformational Story. And today’s podcast is from one of my students named Jennifer. And her story is from depression, to happiness, Jennifer is going to share with you the exact steps that she took to go from a life where she could barely get out of bed each and every day where she went, you know, from being extremely unhappy to being in a funk, and really not having good health, to a place where she’s really, really doing well, and has a really amazing life. So enjoy her story, because there will be takeaways for anyone and everyone listening, that I’m sure that you can apply in your own life. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin. And you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this Podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation and no hype. Because this Podcast is a combination of Brain sScience, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you have never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive. And to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life in this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Jennifer’s Journey: Managing Depression and Living Again
This podcast is new, it’s a different format than we’ve used before. I don’t even know what we’re going to call it yet. I think we’re going to call it something like just transformational Podcast. And we’re going to have someone on each podcast that’s made significant transformation in their life like today, we have Jennifer and I wanted and the reason we want to do this is because I was just talking to Jennifer before we went into record mode is that I can say something. And Jennifer is in one of my programs, it has been for a while, and she can hear it from me. But if she hears it from someone else who’s taking the information, they’ve integrated, the coaching and the information, and they’ve gotten the breakthrough, she might hear it in a different way from that person as opposed to hearing it from me.
So I don’t know where this is going to go yet. I have some questions for you. And we’ll talk about it. But let’s do this first. And we’ll just see how this unfolds. And again, this is not scripted for either of us. And we’re just going to see where it goes. Okay, I’m going to help some people. Okay, so what I do, and this is not some gratuitous, you know, push for my program or any of that. I mean, we will mention it because that’s how we know each other. But this is really about people hearing Jennifer’s story and those that can relate and everyone can relate in some way can take her story, her learning her shift her transformation, apply it to their own life and get changed. So Jennifer, when we met, where were you in your life?
I was in probably year three of a healing journey, which I had been on since my divorce. And I had kind of hit rock bottom after that divorce. And I had been working slowly, slowly, slowly working my way back up, trying to get to the level that I thought that I could knew I could reformat again in business and life.But what was happening was I kept falling into these deep depressions. And my business was suffering, my relationships were suffering, my physical health was suffering. And I would I just kept looking for the next thing that would heal me and I would heal a little bit better a little bit better. But I just never found that thing that would take me back into kind of my pre-divorce pre-depression.
Okay, well, I want to take that apart. When you share, you hit rock bottom. What does that mean for people listening? I mean, what was that for you, because I’m sure people can already relate to this.
I mean, I didn’t even realize how deeply depressed I was, I thought that it was exhaustion. So I could not get out of bed. I could not speak in complete sentences, I could not email my clients back because I couldn’t finish the thoughts that I needed to have to email them. I couldn’t. It was very hard for me to go out in public. I was consumed by fear. It was really just really paralyzed in a lot of aspects. Most of most of the aspects of my life, I was paralyzed by fear. And again, that you know, that happened in business that happened to my social life. Just a minute today life, and there was just so much exhaustion and so much mental fog, that I really struggled to just get through the day. And just stay out of bed get through the day without just you know, wanting to crawl back in bed.
Yeah. And I want to ask there, I want to create a distinction.And by the way, I’m being very serious here. But please tell people that I have a sense of humor, and I enjoy.
You doYes you do.
Because people I’ve seen will write in and say I like seeing you have you know, you’re joking or something? And I don’t think they see that enough in the podcast. So you know me I do. I do have a sense of humor people were being serious here. The deep depression.Did you seek any medical help for that? Or were you on medication or, or,okay,
No, I actually was in a unique situation where I lost my healthcare insurance in my divorce. So it was very important to me, I knew that I was not going to be able to get out of this through medication. So to me, I just, I decided I have to get through this by shifting the thoughts in my head, shifting the food that I’m eating, shifting the physical things that I’m doing with my body, I had to figure it out without medication. So that’s kind of where that healing journey came from was because I knew that if I wanted to feel better, I had to do it on my own.
Now, let me add here just a legal disclaimer that if somebody thinks they need health care, and they can afford it, or whatever, and they think it’s right for them, then they should obviously do what they think is right for them and then seek Professional Help Health Care, whatever it might be. But you were in a place where you didn’t have health insurance, I’m guessing and you’re like, Well, like I can’t afford health care.
Exactly. Right. I wish I had health care, but I didn’t.So..
And so you were going through how to heal, which is how you started this right? Okay, how was your health suffering? At that time,
I was full of pains in my body. So I turned during this period, I turned 40 years old. And I really thought, well, this is what 40 feels like it hurts. My joints hurt my knee, sir. I just told you before we got on this call that I have multi-level house, and going up and down the stairs all day, my knees hurt every time I went up and down the stairs. And that was all day long. And I just I really thought that that was what 40 felt like I didn’t think that it would get better.I was kind of resigned to…
Stop right there, you didn’t think that your life would get better?
Nope. I thought that this was how it felt to be 40. I thought that this was how it felt to be single. I thought that I had maybe burned myself out I was a Doer and I worked very hard for the for, you know, the previous part of my life. I worked a lot. And I see now that that was a lot of avoiding what was going wrong in my marriage and everything else. But I did not think that I was going to feel better. I accepted where I was at.
That’s powerful. We’ll come back to that. And something I don’t think you’ve ever heard me say before, as long as you’ve been in my programs, is one of my co is one time. She has a PhD. You’ve heard me mentioned Laurie before. And she said that many times that when people are over doers, they do that as a mask to help to keep them from being intimate with themselves or for or with other people. So they stay busy all day long. So they never have to look into themselves. And she even took the word intimacy, and she broke it down. And it’s in to me, I see. But so many of us avoid that because we stay busy all day long. And when we do that, we don’t have to look at ourselves. So I’ve not said that in the group before, but I wanted to share that with you and people listening. So you believe you were in a place where you thought. Now let me share something with you is even though you just said you thought nothing would change, you did have a glimmer of hope because you enrolled in my program. So you were still looking for something, knowing that something would change. But let’s do this. Where are you today? Okay, she’s grading so if your audio she’s like smiling now.
Beaming. I am in a place that I did not know was possible. I have one of the things the depression is gone. I mean, absolutely gone. The one of the other things that, you know, I haven’t talked about, well, I guess I did a little bit but fear, I was really paralyzed by fear a lot, there was this fear of not being good enough. You know, I’d already lost my marriage, my healthcare, my almost my business, you know, half of my kids my retirement, I mean, I’d lost a lot, I lost my identity. And I was really afraid to kind of rebuild my identity and go back out there.
Unknown Speaker
I thought that if I did it and failed, and kind of the way I felt so I mean, it was very easy to fail in that very tired, exhausted mental fog place. If I created this new identity, and I put it out there and I failed. To me, it was like the culmination of everything. Every pain from the past every judgment from the past where I had been judged, you know, not good enough, it kind of felt like I had one more chance. And if I didn’t do it, then this was the it was like, This is it, you’re not good enough, you can’t do it.
And let’s go here. So like I said, I’ve not done a format like this. So you know me being with me that I just tell it like it is. I don’t sugarcoat things. So, obviously, I don’t want to make this a gratuitous promotion for the Transformational Coaching Program. But what’s the number one thing in the program? Me, let’s go here first, fear, Fear of Judgment. If you still have some or whatever, let’s just be open and honest where you are. But you’re saying that you’ve transcended that, so or explain to what degree you have and how that applies in your life. And then we’ll talk about how you did that.
So where I’m at now is that I, it’s kind of two steps, I let go of the pain of my past, and that includes the divorce and everything else that goes with that. And the overdoing that I was always doing to avoid knowing myself better. I let go of that pain of the past,
Will stop there is is that and you hear me talking about being present all the time in the program? Is that what you think? And I don’t know, I’m just going fishing here. Do you think that’s what kept you trapped or stuck is that I’m going to live in the past every day.
I did live in the past every day I did I was in this victim mentality, which I didn’t even realize. Because I had gone from this overdue were, you know, work hard, hard, hard. I mean, you know, I got stuff done. That was who I was. And I helped everybody else. And again, that was to avoid the pain of what I was going through. I went from that to this, you know, person who just wasn’t able to do anything. And I, I adopted this kind of I let go of my overdue or personality or identity and I adopted this victim identity. And I was just so stuck in the past, I lived in the past constantly, and I didn’t even realize it.
Okay. Give us some examples of what you mean living in the past,
I would try to relate to somebody, like see if I’m I met a new person. I mean, dating was a, you know, a thing that was trying to happen in my life, not very successfully. But if I met somebody, I felt like I needed to explain my entire past to him so that he knew this deep sadness that I had inside me, because I felt like nobody could relate to me unless they knew all the horrible things that I had gone through. And so constantly, I was just I, we couldn’t talk about who I was now or what my hopes were for the future. Because I always had to explain my past in order to kind of feel like see could you know, possibly understand me?
Let’s take this apart some more also, because I actually answered upon quest pod cast question you ask? Well back, what you didn’t mention here is Didn’t you have years of abuse prior in your life?What What can you share with us about that, and then we’ll come back to where we’re going.
It was, I mean, I’ve experienced every type of abuse there is physical, sexual, mental, emotional, verbal, mental, emotional, or kind of the same. And I did not see this is, this is where the overdue or thing came in. Because I did not realize that I cannot see it as abuse. I thought that I deserved it, I thought that I was not good enough. And therefore I deserved the things that that these people my relationships were doing to me. And so I did not see it as abuse until I removed myself finally from my marriage. And counselor helped me see that, you know, his behavior was actually very abusive.
You were recognizing it, is that right?
I wasn’t recognizing, I recognize it as something that I deserve. I had a mantra, and I shared this in the program that I am so unworthy. That was a mantra that I was on repeat all day long. I am so unworthy because I felt like I deserved these things that they were doing to me, there were multiple relationships. And I just kept attracting the same ones
Yo, which is identity, which you’ve earned, which we talked about in the pro really
I really deeply thought that I deserved those things. So I did keep attracting them. And that’s where I think that’s where the fear of going forward with a new identity team, because I thought if I fail at this, if I’m not good enough, it’s like all those abusers of the past. were proven right?
Yeah, they’re right. Okay.
And that one instant, they would be proven right? Because then it would mean, yep. You weren’t good enough?
Yeah, absolutely. What I want to point out is actually, I don’t know if this is going to be what’s going to be audio for the Podcast, we’re doing video. And I don’t know if the team is going to use it, repurpose it, or something else, I had the shave for this particular podcast. But if you’re not watching the video, what I want you to what I want to share with you is Jennifer, when you’re talking about not being good enough, and I just was unworthy, she’s actually smiling here in the video. Now being a hypnotist for many years, if she had started crying, when we were doing this, and she went into the emotions, that would have told me even though she’s analytically saying I’m through this, guess what, she’s not at an unconscious level, because the emotions are coming out. And you’re being very congruent right now. I mean, you’re actually smiling and your, your physiology shows that you have moved through that emotionally. That was your life.
That’s a really interesting point, which I didn’t know. But it really, that’s exactly where I was at previously, is I when I said when I said I couldn’t move forward, I was crying all the time. I couldn’t think about, you know, this past without crying all the time. And when I finally did let go of the past, and to me, that means I, it’s a little bit different than forgiveness. And I don’t know if we want to get into that or not. But to me, it was a little bit different than forgiveness, it was almost just, I let it go. I saw it as something that created who I am, and it had its place in my life, and I let go of it, and I no longer am consumed. Number one in the past, I don’t think about it all day long. I rarely think about it at all, actually. And when I do think about it, I don’t have that sadness, I don’t have that crying at night. I appreciate it for what it was. I appreciate that it happened actually,
In which I had mentioned to you in the program that everything that’s happened to you is brought you to where you are. And then I posted something last week, and then we’ll come back to you being stuck. And then move on from there is but I posted something last week that now is the only moment we have and everything in the future is created from right now because there is no future. So what you we’re doing is what so once you’ve seen this and you see people when they come into programs, so many people are I’m divorced, this happened to me Somebody stole my business, this failed my husband, is this my wife is this, my kids are that my mother in law’s, all that stuff. And so many people live in the past. And the question I was going to ask you is,What kept you stuck? And it sounds like that was the linchpin for you that when you’re living in the past, everything changed for you.
Exactly. Yeah. And I did not realize, like I said, I didn’t realize that I had this victim mentality. I didn’t realize how much time I was spending living in the past, rehashing the past. I spent,
were you angry about the past,
I was hurt. I was I was more hurt. I don’t, I don’t have a lot of anger. in me. That’s one thing that I never really had to work through. I don’t have anger in me, I had a lot of pain. And I had a lot of fear. I had fear of you know, when you’re when the people who are around you that love you the most can hurt you the worst? I really had trouble trusting other people. You know, how does it just the average friend? How does just an average acquaintance? How can I trust them to treat me? Well, when the people who love me the most in my life? treated me so painfully? So I had a lot of fear, I had a lot of pain.
Where are you with that now about trusting people.
So with letting go of the past, one of the things and this was not a conscious thing that I tried to do, it just kind of happened together, when I let go of the past and when I really saw it for kind of the beauty that it that it was in creating me who I am now. And this journey that I’ve been on, I realized that there is no need to fear anything, because whatever happens, is going to make me who I am. Again, it’s, you know, everything that has happened has made me you know, it’s given me the strength that I have, it’s given me the outlook that I have, it’s given me the story that I have, it’s given me the drive to heal other people in the way that I have. And that’s all part of my purpose in life now. And so anything else that happens will be viewed. I always say beautiful and perfect, it will be beautiful and perfect too, because it will make me who I am. And it will be part of my journey. So that really erases so much fear in my life. I mean, I’m not perfect. I got nervous before this podcast, because it’s my first podcast recording. Yeah. And my dog is for barking of course
Your doing great by the way.
Thankyou. Thank You.So but you know that I get nervous about things, but I don’t have that paralyzing fear that kept me from engaging in life completely,
Yeah, yeah. And I remember that you were I was coaching you in the program. And I said to you one day, I said that anything and everything that has happened to you in your past is a blessing, so that you can grow and evolve. And our Remember when I said that you actually You got it. I mean, a lot of times people will take it and they’ll wrestle with it. Or they’ll argue with it or fight it or don’t they’ll ignore it. And watching your body language when I said that, I’m like, yeah,that landed. She got it.
I think I was like this. When you first started talking, I have my shoulders hunched. And then when you set it, I remember just relaxing. I just, it did it. It released a lot. And my just didn’t even in my body just
Yeah, yeah. You also use the word here like four times, and we do is we do a whole week on this and TCP. But from your perspective, you’ve said I was a victim. There were a lot of people. Now first off, you didn’t know you were a victim. Right?
Okay. So I think it’s fair to say and I can say it by observing people over the years that most people live from victim mentality, not even knowing they’re living from victim mentality. Because no one says, You know what, I feel like being a victim today, great day, you know, it’s sunny out, I’m going to be a victim. So what the victim mentality look like for you?
I think it goes back. Well, it was interesting, because I, like I said, I didn’t realize that what I was experiencing was abuse. And so when I was working with a therapist, and she did not tell me, I was a victim of abuse. But she told me to think of the things that happened to me. She said, picture them happening to somebody else. And instantly when I did that, I just was horrified. You know, it’s like that is not appropriate. That’s not right, that can happen. And that was the first time that I realized that what I experienced was abuse. And that is what instantly shift my shifted my identity. Just suddenly all I could think of was, I’m an abuse victim. I am an abuse victim. And that’s the first time that abuse or victim really came into my awareness. But it was something I couldn’t drop. I couldn’t stop thinking, I am an abuse victim. How did I become an abuse victim? Because I, you know, like I said, I was a Doer, I got things done, I ran my own businesses, I’m independent and intelligent. And yet, I was an abuse victim. Yeah, I couldn’t rationalize that with who I thought I was.
And you will you who you thought you were was based upon who you were, what you were doing, you were being exactly what you were doing is you’re like I’m doing and this is productive. So you know what I’m like XYZ person, I’m great. But on the inside, you still had that the those hurts and all those pains and all that stuff, all those years of the abuse, covered up with the doing, which actually probably gave you a sense of higher self worth. Because if I’m at least doing something, then people can look at it. And they can approve of me and I get my value there as opposed to value from the inside.
That’s a worm. Okay, so yes,
exactly what you just said, Yep.
Unknown Speaker
Okay, how long did it take you to shift
in the program?
But we don’t want to keep it to you. I don’t know how to ask the question I’m curious with. But you see, a lot of people think it takes a long, long, long time to change. Your you’ve been you’re in the program for a second round, because a lot lot of people’s, you know, go through multiple times, because each time it’s like peeling back the layers of an onion, and they evolve and grow it even more. But let’s say timeframe, I’ve known you for what, five months? Okay, they’re about five months. How long was it before you started realizing, hey, there’s something else here? There’s something more inside of me.
I think I mean, so back up real quick, I get what you’re saying. And just real quickly, I started this my healing journey in 2015. And that was it was very incremental, I went through so many mentors, you would not believe it. And every one of them contributed something it, it was a little bit better, a little bit better, a little bit better. But then I knew I still wasn’t to the place where I needed to be. So I kept looking for more. And so that was from 2015. And then I joined TCP in January 2019.
Transformational Coaching Program, right? Yeah.
So,so I had been working for four years or three years to get better within three months of this program. That is where that the pain of the past was gone. My fear was gone. My depression was gone. And I really, you know, another thing that we haven’t even talked about is I was starting to find my self worth, I was starting to find actual self love, like not Lighting a candle and taking a bath. But like actual self love. And I was starting
Let’s talk about that, obviously like week number one and self esteem and stuff like that, right? Yeah, keep on going. Because I had another question. I want to I want to add to that, but unless if there’s anything else.
And I think in, in the first round of the program, I had so many great breakthroughs. But I joined for business, I joined because I couldn’t get my business going, I kind of felt like Well, I’m as good as I’m going to get I need to get my business going. And that’s not at all, what I actually had to work on. And it became very clear once I started the program. And so the first round of the program, I got so many great breakthroughs. But I never even really touched the business. And so now in the second round, I’m still having more breakthroughs. And now I’m starting to kind of approach my, my business. So that’s kind of where I’m at now. It’s like it just keeps going, it keeps getting better. And there’s just so many more, you know, layers of the onion, we talked about to peel back,
Let’s actually bring that back to people listening, is you seen this because you know the amount of people in the program, you’ve seen evidence 90% of people are like I’m here for my business.And they recognize that that’s not what it’s about. Because your business is a reflection of you. And you can try to fix your business, which is external, but your business will never get better. If you’re an entrepreneur, small business person until you get better. Speak right? And
Until you healed, your business did not start to heal. And then you heal like you posted something in the group two weeks ago. And I think you were on the beach with your dogs. Remember that post? And that’s what I’m like, You know what? I said to myself, I said she’s finally free up yourself.
Yeah,yeah. And I couldn’t put myself out in my business until I reached that place. Because every time I went to put myself out, out there in my business, I was just consumed by that fear again, I didn’t see my own self worth. And I didn’t want to be judged and have this be, you know, the final judgment where I’m not good enough. So I couldn’t do anything in business until I tackled this victim mentality, this fear this lack of self worth.
Okay, so let’s go here. Yes. Okay. So very good. So the thing that kept you the most stuff was living in the past, with all the not so much the anger, but the fear and everything related? What is the daily thought process or strategy, which you’ve, you’ve heard me use the word strategy before? What is the daily process for people listening, that keeps you continuing to grow?
You shared mantra that you have, that I’ve adopted and yours is a bit longer, and I just kind of made simple. Here’s is everything always has been and is and will be fine. Yeah, everything is fine. And so I just say that to myself. Whenever I need it, everything is fine. Everything is fine. My office that you’re looking at right now flooded couple months ago, and it almost flooded this last weekend, because I lost power again. And I just keep telling myself, everything is fine, everything is fine. I don’t go into worries of the future. I don’t go into, you know, horrible things that have happened in the past, everything is fine. And I just stay very present.
You’re living I shouldn’t say you’re living right now. And then now,
And I have this is I don’t we’ve even talked about this, but I have so much more time in my day now. Because I am so much more present. I think I spent so much time rehashing the past, and worrying about the future, and not enough time just being present to what is and I feel like I have so much more time in my day. Now I never, I never is a strong word. But I almost want to use it almost never go back and rehash the past anymore. I worry about the future a little bit. And that’s something to work on. But it’s very easy for me to bring myself back to the present. And just say just remind myself, everything is fine. Everything is fine.
No, yes. And that’s a very powerful place that I work from is that every everything always has been is now and will always be fine. Because when you really take a bigger look at life, that is a truth. As I mentioned to you in the program, the people in the program, if you’re not on the planet anymore, you kick the bucket, well, you’re fine that also you know, everything is always fine. And then I did mentioned also is you set a little fear, and we are all learning every one of us on a path is that fear is the idleness of will not mean willpower, but using your life force will this is what I create because I’m a born creator. But I’ve watched you grow so much and our time that you’re getting there very, very quickly. Okay, let’s say that you’re coaching someone, somebody comes up to you that you can relate to, or they can relate to you and say, You know what, Jennifer, your story just resonates with me so much. What would you How would you coach them? to higher ground?
once once I figured out where they were in their life?
Well, they can relate Jennifer, I got a similar story. I’ve been in bad relationships, I was abused as a kid. I just don’t feel worthy. And maybe we’ve covered it, but I’m just curious, how would you coach them?
I think I would think the biggest thing for me is to really question what is true, and, and what is not. And I had so many things in my mind, just the mantra that I had, I am so unworthy. That was never a true statement. Never. But I took it as truth. And I think that I would really, you know, take a look at a lot of the things that that person believed. And really question Is that true? How do you know it’s true? Is there another way to look at that? You know, is there Is that how you really feel? Because there’s so much that we just believe that isn’t true. or things that we can’t even know are true. I mean, we just wait but we take them as truths. Yeah. And we live our lives from them. And I think that’s been a really powerful place for me is just to, to question everything. Is this true or not? Or am I just going with what I’ve always believed? Or what I’ve always been told what I’ve always been programmed,
which we do we do in the program as well about stories about identity and about interpretations, right. So what I want to point out alsocompletely off topic, but on topic is that I didn’t even realize till right now my watching you and talking to you. You didn’t just go through the program. You were in the program, emotionally. Meaning you did what I asked you to do, you have to put your life on hold, let me transform myself. But I want to talk to everyone not even about my program. But any program. So many people approach whatever program it is, and they’ll just kind of dabble with it or play with it a little bit. But they were getting many people get what you said you were getting a little more a little better, a little different. That’s how people live. And that’s a longer road as opposed to approaching life from How can I transform my life from the inside out? Because transformation is not more better different? You know, and I always mess up the word is it what’s what’s a what’s a butterfly before it’s a butterfly? Is it called a chrysalis?
Yeah, you know, a chrysalis never says I want to be a little more a little better, a little different. It transforms into the butterfly. But most of us we just want a little more a little better, a little different. And we just met take baby steps forever, which you’ve actually, you’ve gone beyond that. What is one? What, okay, here? What is one more? What if I said to you, and again, this is not I’ll have any, you know, pre-questions or anything. What is one thing that you say that you’re either doing or being on a daily basis to keep you climbing further and higher.
The thing that I’m working on being right now is committed,
okay, committed.
And that’s kind of open ended. But I’m committed to the things that I think will make the biggest difference to me, I’m committed to my business, I’m committed to healing, I’m still committed to healing. I’m committed to being kind. That’s what I’ve always said in this journey. It’s been so important to me to be kind and loving. So I guess I’ve also been very committed to the program to this work, too. And that is one thing that really helped me, you know, get as much out of it as I have.
Yeah, let me ask you there. Do you thank you for that. Do you think a lot of people when they they approach, change, not transformation, but the approach change, I’m going to be my opinion is are not at all committed. And that’s not their air, quote, fault. It’s that they have a belief system that overrides that says nothing’s going to be different, nothing’s going to change. It just is what it is. And this is my life for me.
They might believe that or they might also just think Change is hard. I mean, I’ve I have worked with close friends who want to change, but when it comes down to it, when we identify the things that maybe should change, there’s resistance there. because change is hard. People are just not open to it.
We are there. Okay, so we also know that what we believe is what we create, we can make change hard and make change easy. In our time together. The transformational work. Has it been please just be very, very candid. I want to choose the right words here. Has it been a matter of being committed a matter of being focused a matter of attention? Has it been hard?
It has not been hard. It has been amazing and eye opening. And there are difficult days where you feel like everything’s falling apart. But it’s like the chrysalis the chrysalis actually butterflies don’t just turn from a caterpillar into a butterfly, they turn into soup. Yeah. And then they put themselves back together. And that that happened for me within this program. But it also definitely happened for me within the whole my whole healing journey. So there are difficulties, but it is not hard when you know that there’s something better, you know, on the other side, and I think out of all those things that you said focus committed. I think trust was the biggest thing for me, I trusted myself, that I was that I was committed to myself that I was going to get there. I trusted this process, I saw enough results quickly, that I trusted it. I was like there’s something here, keep going with it. And I think that trust was probably one of the biggest things that made a difference for me,
I want to go I didn’t know this was going to go there two places I want to go and we’ll wrap up is obviously I asked people to trust me. But if you don’t trust yourself, first, it’s hard to trust me. And if you don’t, if someone doesn’t trust, you know, I very beginning of the program, I say just put yourself in my hands, just stop questioning go through the process. There’s a method to my madness. But the reason that people won’t enroll in the program in the first place is because they don’t trust themselves. They like what I have to say, but they don’t trust themselves. Enough. That is, I wasn’t planning on going there. But that is a massive thing is that we have to trust in ourselves. And you hear me saying the program a lot. If even that, then you know what, trust the universe, or whatever you want to call it God or whatever. Because we’re all supported. People think you’re not supported. But you’re breathing air, you’re supported, you’ve got water, you’re supported, you’ve got a roof, you’re supported, you’ve got a car you’re supported. But trust is I think vital in the transformation process. And then I want to add something else that you did you know that you you’ve been in the program. So you know that I bought a home in Sedona, Arizona. And it’s only a couple of hours from the Grand Canyon, which is mystical and magical. And somebody just posted yesterday, which was a really good post on Instagram. And it said if you don’t believe consistency is the key. Look at the Grand Canyon. Right? I mean, that’s for millions of years. And what you were is you were trusting in yourself and a process and me. You were trusting you could change you were trusting you could have a better life. Let me ask you this. By watching other people in the program that foster more trust in you for yourself.
It did it did.I wanted to question I’m a questioner, I need to know all the answers. And you told me once you’re like, stop doing so many things. Why don’t you just stop doing so much? You know, I want to do I want to know, I want to understand I want to question and it was it was I don’t want to say work. But it was a decision I made like Okay, stop questioning, just sit and see how this plays out. What you There’s nothing to lose here. You know, you you already feeling better healing better, you know, getting breakthroughs just let’s see where else this goes. And what I noticed is that in my mind, mind, I was so frantic I was it was hard for me to focus, it was hard for me to read, it was hard for me to, to listen, because I had so much frantic thought in my head. And sometimes just talking to you listening to you, listening to the coaches listening to the other people who’ve been through the program, I got this calm energy from them. And that intrigued me so much because I thought I want that I want all these voices in my head to be quiet, so that I can radiate that calm. And so that was something that really kept me moving forward to is we you know when you can be when you can audibly hear that calmness, and you can see it in somebody’s personality. And for me, that was something that I thought, you know, what just trust because they’ve been through this, and they’re saying, this is where you’ll get. And that’s what I want. And, and I trust that that it’s, you know, if I do the work, that’s what’s going to happen. And I mean, I just have to throw this out there that I have healed in ways that I did not even know were possible. I am living a life right now. And I’m not talking about externally, my life externally is fine. If you look at my house, and my kids and my clothes and everything, it’s fine. It’s great. But I’m telling you about the life that I live internally right now is so incredible. I did not even know it was possible. I did not even know that this was a level of life that I could aim for. Because I did not even know it existed. And I am still starting this work.
We all are, you know, I’ve been on the path with shaman for 25 years. And I’m like, I’m a novice a lot of times and early in the program. Because this is not about the program. This is about life. But early in the program. I said, what I want for everyone in this program is one thing. I want peace of mind. Because when you have peace of mind, that’s joy, that’s well being that is everything. And you’re evidencing that when we met, you had no peace of mind. And actually, you were like on the negative scale for peace of mind.
Monkey mind is crazy in there.
And when we have all of us when we have, ah, when you have peace of mind, that’s when everything just starts to become okay. And a very positive way not okay. But great.
Easy, beautiful, beautiful. I mean, life is beautiful.
And it’s then we realize then we start saying, you know what, that beautiful day outside that I didn’t see yesterday? Now I see it today. Another question here is do you are you ever afraid that you’re going to go back to the old You?
Nope, I it’s interesting, because in my healing journey, I kept doing that I kept getting better. And then I would I called it crashing, I would crash again. And I don’t I couldn’t understand why I was doing it. I couldn’t understand how I could prevent it. And that was another thing that I lived in fear of was that I would create crash again if I worked too hard, or I wasn’t doing the right work. So I that was a huge fear for me that I would fall back into that depression again, the way I feel now, I never even considered that. It doesn’t feel like an option. If I do I do have bad days that happens. I do have hard things that happen. That’s going to happen. That’s life. I worked my way right out of it.
Yeah, there’s when I started with my brother in law, this Shaman the very first night, he said, and I never even thought about this in the program until now. And I’ll tie it back to you and everyone listening. He said, once you start this path, you can never go back. And back then I’m like, What the heck team, I can go back if I want to tell me I can’t go back. And I can quit tomorrow if I want. And what I recognized is, the metaphor was, is I can never go back. Because that person doesn’t exist anymore. And you for everyone. Once we start growing and evolving and transforming. You won’t go back because there’s no person to go back to anymore. Because we’re shifting, we’re transforming our unconscious identity.
Okay, anything else you want to share? And we talked about a lot so is your
I just I mean, just personally, just because I have you here. I mean, the gratitude that I feel for this work is just immense. It can never really be. I can never explain it, you know, I can never really fully show it.
It made me cry. it made me cry here.
The fact that you’re crying, and I’m not I mean, that is the change that has happened in my life because I couldn’t drive anywhere. I couldn’t take a shower I couldn’t get through the day without crying.
Yeah. And you know that what I do is just it’s I don’t like like the word labor but labor of love. This is what I do is so that people like you, as I say on every Podcast, not on every podcast, but every every coaching session is the world is needed of us. The world is in need, the world is in distress. There’s a lot of chaotic things have chaotic things happening. And the more that we transform ourselves and grow the bigger ripple effect we can make in the world, and the better world that we can live in for ourselves and for our kids and for our grandkids. So thank you for sharing.
Thank You.
Absolutely. A big hug to and I’ll catch you up on the Facebook Live later. And again, thank you so much, Jennifer, I appreciate it.
Thank you, Jim.
Okay, talk to you later.
Okay, so in each and every episode in the past, we always have a Transformational Takeaway. Now, I can’t tell you specifically what was exactly Jennifer’s transformational takeaway in the story that she shared. But as I was listening to it, it hit me that the transformational takeaway this week is for her is to live in the present live in the now, which is something that you probably heard me say many, many times before. So hopefully you found this episode to be insightful in many, many ways about how you also can Transform your Lfe. Because as you may have heard me say before, what one person can do, another person can do as well. Okay, the next episode, the Wednesday regular episode, is something that I’ve not really talked about here on the podcast. But it’s the concept of 100% responsibility. And people have told me when they’ve really learned this when they really come to actually not learned but when they come to know this, it has become a game changer in their life. So make sure you tune in on Wednesday for the podcast episode on being 100% responsible for every area of your life. Thank you for listening to this entire podcast. If you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. You know, if you found value, they will too. So please share via your social media channels. Also, if you have questions, I’m here to assist. You can email me questions to And I may even use your question for a future podcast episode. Also, if you want transformational content like this daily, connect with me on Instagram, my Instagram name is @iamjimfortin. Finally, I do have a personal request. I believe that we’re all here to help others and to grow and evolve ourselves. Together. You and I let’s help more people. If you would, please leave a review on iTunes and a good one by the way. I’d be grateful and through your assistance together, we can Transform more Lives. Thanks for listening.