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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 119: “(Attention) Please “Get It” About Money”

July 1, 2020

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Money, money, money…it’s what 80% of my listeners struggle with and it’s the thing that’s easiest to attract, really.
So, at least 80% of you can relate to my opening line and the rest are either doing “OK” or well and would like to do better.
So, if money is so easy to attract then how come you’ve had such a hard time with it? Easy, I give you that answer in this episode, and no, it’s not some “pie-in-the-sky” answer. It’s practical and it will make perfect sense to you.
Trust me, I know how easy it is to get lost in podcasts and episodes and books and content and this direct message will be easy for you,that’s why I titled the episode, “please get it.” Until you “get it,” you'll keep having problems.
So…..listen and listen several times if you need to and this episode is the “ah-ha” as to why you may have listened to other of my episodes and you’re still struggling.

Transformational Takeaway

Listen to the episode to discover it.

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Full Episode Transcript


You’re listening to episode number 30 of the transform your life from the inside out podcast. This episode is a Q and A episode and I’m going to answer Stacy’s question and her question is up and down with money is my money theme song. How do I stop that? I got to say that I can relate to that question because that used to be me and statistically just even looking at you as demographics and money and income and all this kind of stuff. I bet this question probably pertains to you. If it does, stay tuned.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin and you’re about to start transforming your life from the inside out. With this podcast, I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you have never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.

You Must Be Rich In Your Mind Before You Can Be Wealthy

Okay, so Stacy asked an amazing question and a lot of you submit questions and I really appreciate that so much and obviously I can only get to so many with one Q and A a week. But as I said before, I look for questions that resonate with a lot of people and I am sure this resonates with a lot of people because what I’ve discovered is money is the easiest thing to make, but yet people make it the hardest thing to make. And I have been there, so Stacy obviously has her money. So you know her money song money goes up, money goes down, and that is her pattern. I have to say that in my twenties and into my thirties that used to be my pattern. I would make, you know what I considered back then a lot of money and then the next year I wouldn’t and I literally, it was just like a roller coaster, you know the roller coaster goes up and it comes down and I ran that pattern for at least a good 10 years or so.
Now I didn’t understand fully back then what I understand now and what I’m going to share with you in today’s episode. However, plain and simple, this is a matter of self image and it’s a matter of identity and obviously there are other podcasts here, other episodes where I talk about self image and identity. Here’s the mistake that a lot of people make been here as well and even though you know I say it and you’re listening and you’re like, yeah, yeah, you know Jim, I get it. Most people and I’ve been there as well, don’t get it, is that your external life is a reflection of your internal state, meaning your internal Subconscious Paradigms. You know I enough, I’ve sat here on another episode. James Allen said James Allen wrote “As a man thinketh,” I believe back in the 1880s and there’s a quote in that book, there’s a passage that I, I memorize many years ago and the passage is this “Mind is a master power that molds and makes man is mind and evermore he takes, he thinks in secret and it comes to pass that his environment is just his looking glass.”
So when I talk about self image, many people look at their bank account, which is something external or their their bills or whatever, but all of that, and when I say bills, the money not to pay them, every bit of that is a 100% air tight reflection of yourself image and your subconscious identity. Then the biggest mistake that a lot of people make is they try to change their money from the outside by crying to go do things, not even fully embracing and recognizing that money is a state of consciousness. It is a Psychological Subconscious Paradigm. And how you see yourself, about, you know, with, and about money in your mind is how it actually manifest in your external world. Let me give you an example here. A thermostat, you know, and when I say Thermostat, we have people from all over the world listening and I think everyone knows what a thermostat is, but it’s the, you know, it’s a little thing that you control your heating and your air with and it has temperatures and it has degrees.
Well, when you look at your external world, imagine that. Let’s say you set your thermostat at 75 degrees. While that’s the temperature that you have when we also all also have what I call a money thermostat. And whatever money you have in your life is a reflection of that thermostat. So what that means is if you want to make and will attract more, I don’t want to say make, if you want to attract more money than change your thermostat. But as I said just a minute ago, what pretty much everyone does is they try and I’ve been there as well. They try to change their external world by going out and doing something. But the challenge is, is even if you go out and do something, if that thermostat internally is, is like money’s hard, the key are, money’s hard to make or whatever or track or it’s hard to hang on the money.
It doesn’t matter what you go out and do to make money. The internal thermostat is always going to air quote. When if you look at, for example, you look at, and there has been, there’s been a lot of research on this. If you look at lottery winners, people that win, you know, 30 $40 million three years later they’re back, right where they were again, they’re broke. I remember watching this program on Discovery Channel, this guy that was living in a double wide trailer down in Alabama or somewhere like that. And no offense, anybody, you know, living in Alabama who listens to this, but literally that’s where he lived, double wide mobile home and he won $43 million and then he took the money lump sum and he went and bought this big $5 million home. And he showed all this stuff in the house that he had bought. I’m into just extravagant, extravagant things that he bought, you know, like Japanese, Japanese Samurai sword that he paid a hundred grand for and just stuff.
Well, in five years he was completely broke. He went through every bit of the money. Now notice he was living in a double wide in Alabama because, well, let me put it this way. If you’re a wealthy for the most part, you’re not living in a double wide in Alabama. You’re living in a nice home and a nice neighborhood somewhere. So that tells you where his money prosperity, and money consciousness, and even his money, the external environment, his money situation was. So then what happens is he won the money, but yet the money’s external and it didn’t fit his internal subconscious paradigms. So if you could hear the dialogue in your subconscious mind or his subconscious mind, it would be like this. His subconscious mind would be saying things like, you know what? You have all this money and rich people have money, but you’re poor.
Therefore, I am going to make you squander and lose all the money. Why? Because your external world. That is my job to make your external world congruent with your internal world. Your internal world is broke. Therefore, your external world, we have to get you back there. You know another great example is Mike Tyson. I mean, have you ever googled before or have you ever heard about how much money Mike Tyson made in his career? I believe he made something like $330 million is what I read and I don’t know that I’m correct, but I did read that he was like near bankruptcy a few years back. Holy Cow. How do you make $330 million and squander every bit of it? Well, as I said, what happens on the outside is a reflection of what happens on the inside. Now I know I’ve got some people listening that do very well, but you know what?
I’m talking to you because I see people making two, three, four, $5 million a year. I’ve worked with people making, you know, their company makes 100 million a year and they make several million a year net income. So this pertains to every single person listening including me that if you’re making 70 grand a year, that’s where your internal thermostat is. You’re making a hundred that’s where your thermostat, 500 Thermostat, 1.5 million Thermostat, 10 million thermostat and wherever you are, and most of us always, we want to go to a higher level, in life and the emotional fulfillment. You’ve got to change the thermostat. And let me show you how that plays out in life. You ever notice before that and I, I’ve trained, I don’t know, countless thousands and thousands and thousands of selling professionals over the years and I see these patterns. You almost never, now you will see an exception to the rule every like 10,000 people, and I’m just making that number up.
But it’s a lot of people. But you never see anybody making a hundred in one year and they go to 500 the next year doesn’t happen. What normally happens is they make a hundred and then they make one 15 and then one 27 and one 38 and then they’ll have a really good year and make one 55 and I’m making it up when I say a really good year. But what I mean is notice how people stairstep. Why? Because their internal paradigm is about, wow, I can’t go from 100,000 to 500,000 so what I can do is it’s realistic and it’s rational for me that if I make a hundred yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s cool. I can make one 15 next year, I can do that. And they’re actually also working by circumstance, not by possibility, not by consciousness, not by, not by vibration and frequency, which is what attracts money.
So the bottom line is this, if you want to make more money plan and simple, you’ve got to change your self image and your identity about money. I’m going to be, which I hope to always be. My intention is to always be transparent with you guys because I, I can’t, I can’t help you grow if I can’t use myself as an example, I grew up a small, you know, small town, Texas farm boy, we were very much working class. As I’d mentioned before. My Dad in today’s dollars probably made $55,000 which is not a lot of money and my interpretation, and he had a family of, there was a family of five of us. So I learned that money’s hard to come by and you’ve got to struggle for it and you have to work hard for it and there’s never enough and you have to Rob Peter to pay Paul and there’s a lot of things that you have to go without.
And all these things that I learned over the years and I carried those into adulthood. And right now, this moment I am actually in my new home that I bought in Sedona, Arizona. It’s a seven figure home and I was talking to the contractor today. So things that I want to build out and it’s going to be about a hundred thousand dollars to do some things that I want to do plus add some new furniture. And today I was kind of like scratching my head going, wow, who is this person doing this now who years ago, heck, you’d be scratching around trying to find a a hundred grand. Now you’re, you know, you’ve got a new seven figures, you know, second home and your easily, you know, spending and investing the extra hundred grand just in building out some space and some furniture and everything else. But the reality is what I can do, you can do, the reality is I wasn’t there years ago.
So where you are, wherever you are, and there’s people listening now that make more money than I do and I do make multiple seven figures a year and there are people that make even more. But what I want to share is there’s plenty of money in the world and the money doesn’t come by what you do or your struggle or any of that or working until your eyeballs bleed. The money comes as a result of your consciousness. And what I told my partner awhile back is that the money that I attract is not a result of what I do now. Things that I do for example, are like this podcast and transformational coaching programs, but the money that I attract and there’s lot of it comes not because of things that I do, but because of the person that I have become. And you probably heard me talk before about be do, have before you can have, you have to be that thing first.
And that applies to money in particular. I also want to say that in my personal experience with myself, because I made it hard on myself, which is what most people do, we humans love to overthink things and we love to make things about 10 times more complicated than they need to be. And many times, even when we think that we want to, you know, air quote change or transform, we even make that hard. But you know, this is not hard. It’s just a matter of where you’re holding your attention. But as I just said, and you’ve heard me say that before, is that you are where your attention is. But as I just said, if you want to actually get off, Stacy, if you want to get off the money hamster wheel, then you, you’ve got to shift the unconscious paradigms that you have because like James Allen said, the “External world is a reflection of your internal World.”
And what I was alluding to the story I just started, I don’t know why I did and many people, we make money, the absolute hardest thing to make or to attract. And it’s the easiest. I mean, many of us toil for an entire lifetime struggling with money when literally there’s a million ways to make $1 million. You know, you even look back in the 70s for those of you that you, that are old enough, I mean these people made $1 million off from the pet, raw millions off the pet rock. What about that? That uh, that adult game, what’s it called? Cards against humanity. I mean they sold BS literally, and I think they sold, I don’t know, I read somewhere where they sold out was it 60,000 or 600,000 or something. That’s literally what they sold in a box. And the company I’m sure makes millions of dollars. But what I want you to get understand is there are a million ways to make $1 million.
There is money everywhere. And of course the government keeps printing it, but there is money everywhere. And what I find so interesting about myself and others, even though there’s money everywhere, is the thing that people struggle with the most. And even here in the United States, people that don’t have money are actually much better off than people. You know, living in other parts of the world that don’t have money. People that don’t have money here still actually are to some degree, very comfortable or get by and live. Okay. You know, they’ve got you know, they’ve got shelter, they’ve got food, they’ve got transportation. But again, we make it so hard and in this country many years ago, I don’t know him personally, but I had you know, a meeting with, because of mutual friends with a guy named Mark Victor Hansen. I don’t know if he’s, I’m sure he’s still out there, but he wrote “Chicken Soup for the Soul” or he actually, I should say combined the stories for “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”
And Mark said something when we are talking, he said, you know what, it’s really easy to make it in the United States. All that you have to do is just stay awake. And I’ve found that to be true over the years. And I even look now and I marvel, I marvel at how many tools that we have at our disposal, which we didn’t even have, you know, 10 15 years ago. And think about 20 years ago. Right now I reach people all over the world via podcast and you know, video and all this kind of stuff and social media and Instagram and Facebook and all this stuff. We have all these tools that are pretty much free that we can market. And advertise herself with and we can attract people and we can lead people and we can assist people. We didn’t have all this years ago. You’ve got tons and tons of resources at your disposal, but yet most people do not use them.
So Stacy, and I’m going to go a little further here, but Stacy, the reason that your money story goes up and down is because that’s the story that you have in your unconscious identity. Awesome. And if you haven’t listened to it, maybe you’re new to the podcast there. I did an episode on how people use the law of attraction, to repel money. And I see that more than anything else. What a lot of people have not recognized is, and by the way, I just, I got to chuck a lot of this, somebody, I don’t read the reviews and I just scanned them. I think every one of you so much for living and review, and if you’re listening now and you’re enjoying this, please leave a review. But I had to Google my name and my iTunes podcast a couple of days ago because I was looking for some marketing stuff.
And as a couple of days ago, I had 306 and 5 star reviews and I had one review that actually called me arrogant. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m not arrogant. And actually that’s just, that’s not me. What I want to point out is this person was judging the podcast even though they said they got value out of it. They called me arrogant. Personally, I don’t care because you’ve heard me say before, you know what? If you let other, if you care about what other people think, you’re never going to do anything. But I always want to show up with respect for everyone. So I use phrases like things like, I want you to get this or you have to understand this. Or most people, and that’s just my vernacular, but I want to tell you, I’ve done this a lot of years and there’s truth and those statements, most people don’t get money.
They don’t understand the Psychology of Money. So anyway, when I say things like, you have to get this or I want you to get this, it’s simply colloquialism and it is not arrogance. Okay, so back to what I was talking about, the law of attraction, people don’t get it. They don’t understand because they think the law of attraction is actually to attract, it should really be called the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Meaning the law actually works either for attracting things to you or repelling things away from you, but people and all the hype and the commercialism, they just call it a law of attraction. And I once heard somebody saying, I read some or many years ago, they said, you know what? I’m not making any money because a law of attraction isn’t working for me. And I got a good giggle out of that. Why? Because a law of attraction works perfectly for you and me, all of us at all times.
So that person who said that was literally attracting a lack of money when they thought they were supposed to. I guess just stand there and wave the magic wand and go shazam. And the money’s supposed to show up. It doesn’t happen that way because the external world reflects your internal world. And if your internal world is poor, and has no money, then what happens is a law of attraction repels money for you. Okay. Something else here. Been there myself because I grew up, I would say I keep calling it poor because I think I want to look back. I mean we really, it would be lower working class I guess. If I had to classify it now, but most people work from sustenance and I watched my parents do that. There was never, we, I never, ever grew up and it was about abundance and having plenty of money.
I watched my parents juggle things all the time to pay bills. I watched my mother ask her parents to borrow money for a lot of years. My dad was also, as I’d mentioned before, it was an alcoholic. So he spent a great deal of his life being very, very unproductive. And I grew up till I was 18 years old. As a matter of fact, when I turned well, I was obviously, well, not obviously, but obvious to me. I was going to go to college and I went to a very good small private school and my dad literally when I was 17 said, well, I don’t know how you’re going to make it. I guess you’re going to go in the army because I’m not able to help you. Well, you know what? That’s how he lived his entire life when I was 12 years old, what he taught me when he and I were, I was talking about something and he looked at me and he goes, you know what?
I wasn’t born under that million dollar star. My father worked from the illusion that money was a matter of luck or something in the universe or whatever. Money comes from your consciousness. Now speaking of consciousness and abundance and money, I want to segue here for a second and stay with me is one of my best friends is a guy named James Wedmore and as a matter of fact, I’m doing what I’m doing out in the world to the, to the degree that I’m doing it because of James Wedmore to some very large degree. And James actually is having a workshop coming up and I believe he calls it nailing your niche. And by the way, some people say neSH, but anyway, nailing your neSH or your niCH, whichever you choose. He’s got a training coming up on I believe July the sixth and seventh. It’s a two part training.
Go to the show notes over and you can actually get registered for that training. This is first off, I want to point out, somebody once said to me, Jim, I’m really glad you don’t have commercials in your podcast while I in the future maybe, I don’t know, I’ve had people approach me about that, but just I haven’t done it yet. So I don’t arbitrarily and commercially promote things from other people. I promote James 100% his integrity is beyond question. And even than that, he has the most amazing heart. He truly is all about helping you grow your business. And obviously when I say nailing your niche, that really is for people that have, that are online marketers because most people never really think about it to the degree that he’s going to train you on is that the riches are in the niches.
As Brendon Burchard once said to me, so he didn’t know who I am now. I’m sure he didn’t know, but he and I were talking many years ago and he actually had a niche. If you don’t have a niche, you’re literally, your marketing is too broad. And by the way, I’ve taught marketing for a lot of years. If your niche, if you don’t have a niche, your marketing is way too broad and you are losing a ton of money. So go to the show notes over on this episode. Get registered for his training. And I haven’t even seen it yet, but I know James, he’s also, if you don’t know who he is, he is a leader. He’s a top, not even 1% or probably a top half percenter in terms of the impact that he’s making in the world. The people that he impacts has own business growth and what he’s doing in the world, so okay, changing your money consciousness and just a moment I want to refer a couple of books that I refer to every one of my students.
The very first week they come into what we call TCP, my Transformational Coaching Program. I want to refer to this, but let me share another way that people work backwards and Stacy’s probably doing the same. Most people work backwards and according to Newton we live in a cause and effect universe. I believe it’s it’s Newton’s third law of motion. For every action there’s an equal, equal and opposite reaction, meaning what we put out like a boomerang is what we get back. That’s also called Karma. Here’s one a lot of people do though, is they don’t actually apply that to money and money is also cause and effect and what not. And I used to get the same thing. What 99% of people do is they focus on the effect, money, money, money, money. I want money, I need money, I want money, I need money.
They’re not focusing on the cause. And the cause is the value that you create in the world and the value that you place on your value and your level of money. Consciousness. And by the way, when I say the value, when I say that you have to value the value you create. I believe that’s my, the last podcast or one or two prior to this one. Okay? So what we really would serve as well is to focus on the calls of money because money is the effect, but, and the causes is our consciousness and our value and us valuing our value. But most people focus on the effect. Then what they do is they say, you know what? I want money. Want money, want money. Then what they’re doing inadvertently without even knowing it is they’re telling the universe, I want money, but I don’t have it.
Then the universe corresponds to you and says, okay, you don’t have money, therefore we’re not going to put money right in front of you. So the two books that I talk about, one is I in my interpretation, one of the best works ever written. And so you can get an Amazon for probably five bucks and it’s called the complete works of Florence Scovel Shinn,S -H- I-N- N. I do want to point out that Florence Scovel Shinn writes the books or her her work from a Christian perspective. if that has, and I’m not endorsing that when I’m just telling you is this, it’s not going to resonate with everyone. If you, if you work from that place in life, then great. It’s gonna resonate with that word. She uses the word God a lot and the Christian word God, but do what I do just to replace that with universe or divine force or infinite intelligence.
Our supreme being just changed that in the way that works for you. But I’m going to tell you right now that content is a plus,plus,plus. There’s another book that I recommend and I think the guy literally writes under, what’s it called? I think a pseudonym. He’s not writing under his own name and it’s by Richard Dotts. And the book is called dollars flow to me. Easily. You get these books, don’t just read them. You know what’s what we do is we read a book, put it on the shelf, take the books, put them on your phone. I don’t know if you can get money. Dollars flooded me easily. But Florence Scovel Shinn you can put them on your phone and put them on repeat and listen and listen and listen and listen. You know, years ago when we had tapes like cassette tapes, I would say where that cassette tape out, listened to it, integrate it become, and you will find your life changing a significantly.
Why? Because you’re changing on the inside first. And when you change on the inside, the outside changes automatically. So Stacy, the reason that your money goes up and down is because your internal blueprint is all about up and down. One of my mentors about 10 years ago, I did a lot of coaching and her company, I don’t want to mention her name because she’s an extremely private person. Even though her company is a multibillion dollar company, she’s a Real Estate Broker, not an agent. Well, I mean, I guess she has an agent, but she owns a, well actually she’s shutting it down as well. She’s approaching 80 years old. But at one point her company was the same size of Barbara Corcoran’s. You know, Barbara Corcoran on Shark Tank, Nar, the National Association of Realtors, has named her as one of the top 20, top 20 thought leaders in National Real Estate.
This woman is a powerhouse Dallas business icon. I was fortunate because I was coaching a lot of people in her company. She became one of my best friends and she became my mentor, which I never expected to happen. And this woman has impacted my life in business more than any other person relative to doing business in the world. And one day we were in the car and she and I were talking and she goes, you know Jim, my agents just don’t get it. They don’t understand. She goes, if you’re going to be successful, you first have to be successful in your mind. And when it comes to money, if you’re going to be rich or even financially stable, you first must be financially stable in your mind, which is your subconscious paradigms and anything else is gonna put you right back on the hamster wheel.
Okay, so your Transformational Takeaway, I wrote this down, it just popped in my head one day, and this is, this is my own phrasiology and it’s the phrase that I use for me and the phrase is this, and this is your transformational takeaway. If I don’t have it on the inside first, I’m not going to have it on the outside. Obviously what I’m saying is if it’s not in my unconscious paradigms first, if it’s not in my identity first, there’s no way I’m going to have it on the outside and the same thing applies to you and it’s called self image psychology and we have a self image about everything about money and health, wellness, sex, relationships, everything and everything in your external life corresponds 100% to everything in your internal thought paradigms. Okay. That wraps up this episode and the next episode I just posted an episode and the episode was about why.
Why are you on planet earth people all the time, all the time ask me, they will say, you know Jim, how do I find my purpose? And if you’re like most people also, you probably have spent a fair amount of your life looking for your purpose. Well, most people are looking in the wrong place. And in the next episode it’s all about what is your purpose and what I’m going to do is I’m going to share a perspective with you that’s different from the paradigm you’ve been thinking from most people and I’ve been there, are looking for their purpose in the wrong place. It’s kind of like, you know, as I said before, I grew up on I literally people laugh because they used to live in New York City and I’ve been all over the world now are not well a great portion of the world.
And I’ve been around some movers and shakers and very influential people. And I guess my point is I’ve been around some very cosmopolitan, very successful people. I’ve had, you know, I’ve had celebrity clients, Blah Blah Blah Blah. But I literally grew up in a small town, Texas farm boy and we did have pigs and chickens and cattle and all this kind of stuff. And if you watch a chicken, chickens will run around and they will scratch for worms. But you know what? Many times chickens are scratching in the wrong place for worms and the chicken’s not going to find a worm and tell the chicken actually a scratching at a place where there is a worm. So the whole reason for me giving you this story is that most people are looking for their purpose, but they’re scratching in the wrong place. So all the next episode, I’m going to share with you my perspective that I learned from a Shaman. That is my mentor about the right place to find your purpose. Okay. Thanks for listening.


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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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