You’re listening to episode number 126 of the transform your life from the Inside Out podcast. Now, if you’ve been listening for any amount of time, you already know that most episodes have a spiritual theme to them. Well, money also comes from the universe and is spiritual. I’m not going to talk about that so much in this episode, but you know what, I know that you have bills, and I want to help you be more prosperous and deliver, you know, a healthy, more prosperous and abundant life. So in this episode I’m visiting with Jake and Jake has been a student of mine now for a little over half a year. And in this episode, Jake is going to share with you how he went from making right around the tracking right around $4,000 per month to making or I use the word attracting right at $38,000 per month. Now as you’re listening to Jake and I visit what’s going to become obvious and I say it over and over and over again. Here you know at the podcast, what’s going to become obvious is that money is pretty much 99% a mental game. Okay? Keep listening, and enjoy.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of brain science, transformational psychology, and ancient wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life. Then this podcast is for you, because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Transformative Thinking: Jake’s Journey to $38,000 a Month
Okay, guys, so this is an episode on money, which, you know, so many people here I’m going to be visiting of Jake Curry. And he’s in Australia, but so many people and I would think Australia is the same. So many people struggle with money. You know, here in the US 78% of people live paycheck to paycheck and and Australia, given the economy and the relationship with the United States and everything else is probably the same. I don’t know, but it’s probably pretty high. And the reason I have Jake on today and visiting with me in with you guys, is because Jake enrolled in my transformational coaching programs, I guess, last spring, right, Jake?
Yep, September,
And when you enrolled and we’re going to go through your story. This is not going to be a promo for the programmer and he that it’s going to be people seeing your story and recognizing that what you’ve done they can do.You enrolled in September. And when you enrolled, we’ll dig into this when you enrolled, you were literally scraping by working jobs you didn’t want to work. $4,000 was a lot of money to you the best month you’ve ever had. And now you’re doing extremely well, which we’ll talk about. And then I want to talk about some wealth, things that you’ve learned from me over time. Before we do that, and I apologize if I’m yelling at you, or whatever, I’m wearing this headset. And I can’t actually even hear really good audio out of this. So it’s like I’m in a soundproof booth. But anyway,if you would, relative to money, where were you when you started with me six months ago? And where are you? Well, I guess not six, it was last September. So eight months, whatever. I don’t I can’t do math, but months ago, but you started last September, where we’re at let’s start there. Where were you with your money situation then?
Yeah, so basically, at that point in my life, I was I was probably living paycheck to paycheck. Really, it’s those always just enough money to get by. It was a matter of doing. I always thought that I had to work really hard and do something I didn’t enjoy, just to make money. And actually, the investment for the program was one of the biggest steps that I actually made with money like I was absolutely packing it in. going, man, how am I going for for the investment for this? I know I need to do it. But man, I just didn’t want to part with that money. So, so badly, which was a stark contrast to where things are today.
Well, hang on. Now, by the way, for those of you listening, because I did interviews like this last year, and somebody said Jim’s interrupting? Well, the reason I’m interrupting is I want to pull more stuff out of you that people can relate to. So let’s take what you gave us. Basically, the investment in the program, and this can be anything in life there but your investment was more than you’ve ever invested before you knew you needed to do something. But let’s go here first. How did you grow up with money
So I grew up with single parents. So my mom raised us and she worked as a massage therapist, and she worked often 10 hours a day. And so she, like, so, so grateful for everything that she did. But she literally worked so damn hard to raise us. And she did a fantastic job. But there was, there was always a sense that there was never enough or there was always a sense that we need to be careful with our money because, and I guess as well, as a kid, I probably picked up that I saw my mom working so hard to support me my sister that I didn’t want to be, I didn’t want to waste money, I didn’t want to. I felt guilty get receiving money, I felt guilty spending money. So because I sort of in turn, made that realize it’s like if I take money if I spend money, it means my mom has to work even harder. So there was that kind of relationship growing up where I didn’t want to spend it all was always hoarding it. And then just a lot of a lot of really funky emotions and feelings in my body like whenever I would spend money or whenever I would need to spend money it was like this massive contraction in my body. My body’s just screaming No, don’t let it go don’t spend money and so yeah, there was always there was always some interesting things. I’m sure that ya know, I inherited from, from childhood.
Yeah, so until we met you, literally. So you’re you’re 30 years old now, right?
31 Yeah.
31 Old Man, I tell you.
Hey, go easy.
You’re 31 and I’ve been where you have because when I was your age, I was living the same way I was waiting tables even though I have college degrees and all that kind of stuff. I was getting my NLP training during the day and I was waiting tables at night. And I was living paycheck to paycheck making back then 30 years ago, whatever. 25 years ago, making 500 bucks a week, two grand a month. That’s probably double that now for inflation. But I remember always thinking that oh my gosh, you know, I’ve got enough money to pay my rent my car payment, student loans, all that kind of stuff. But holy cow if I gotta buy tires for my car, I’m in trouble or if I’ve got a bike you’re granting people because you’re listening and they’re watching what you’re getting that right?
I’m okay. Yeah, I’m okay. this creeping lives.
It’s always comfortable.
Yeah. But if something happens that then what something bad happens and I need extra money then where are you?
Yeah, panicking freaking out. And and often that was where my attention was, as well. It was. I was always worried about going, what happens if I do need new tires for my car or what happens if my car breaks down or even when I was working? Even when I was running my own chiropractic practice and making decent money. My feelings and emotions around money were exactly the same. It wasn’t a matter of like there was an experience in my life where I was making more money, but it was still the same like feeling is still the same worries and concerns and fees.
Okay, let’s go there for a moment. So I hear everything you’re saying and you said making decent money. But that was never ever over $4,000 a month, right? Or was it?
No and I went I was so I probably need to go back a step. But when I was practicing as a chiropractor before I finished up practicing and sold my business. Like I was probably making probably around all the business was generating probably around 20 k a month. Okay. That was, that was a good time. But then once I once I stopped practicing, because I realized that that the day to day practice wasn’t familiar. It wasn’t where I wanted to play. And so then I left that and that was a really stressful time because then I was freaking out about going well, what am I going to do to make money and that’s when I was like, for the year, that’s where I was prior to meeting you.
Okay, got it.
Is that make sense.
Let’s go back here because we’re going to hop around the world. And our time together because I want people again to see kind of your mental roadmap, your thought processes, how they’ve evolved, and how they can do the same. So let’s go here first, is when we met, I think you said you were making $4,000 per month. And last month, I think, correct me if I’m wrong, I think you said you made $38,000 last month, or the month before, right? And then before we hopped on a hit record, just a couple of seconds ago, we just chatted and you said, You know what, I’ve got a product launch coming up, and that’s going to blow away the $38,000 a month, right?
Yeah, easily.
Okay. So when we started together, you were in 4,000. Now you’re at 38 plus per month. Okay. So we’re going to go through what changed that our time together. But we talked about where your money mindset was and your money, history and everything when we started. Where are you now if you could synopsize how you feel about money, how you think about money, how you approach money, where are you today?
Cool. Yeah, so I guess Previously, there was a big lack mentality, there was a lot of fee around money, there was a lot of guilt around receiving money. Even even when I was working as a chiropractor it was I hated taking money of, of patients because it made me feel so guilty that I was somehow putting them out. Whereas today,
Wait everyone to hear that you’re doing a service for people. They’re paying you a medium of exchange, which is money and you’re putting them out to take their money. They’re paying you for what you want to for four years worth of school or whatever it was, all these thousands of dollars. And you’re thinking was, oh my gosh, if I take their money, I’m putting them out. Am I hearing that correctly?
You imagine,
Okay, got people listening. I just want people listening, go ahead.
The main reason I actually applied a receptionist was so that I didn’t have to actually take the money. Because if I didn’t if I Didn’t have someone on the front desk taking payments I would have let everyone get get treatment for free every single time.
And now notice how illogical you’re being here and for people listening I don’t want to take money from people but I will pay somebody money to take money from people that I don’t want to take money from. So either way I’m not getting money and I’m gonna put money out to get money.
Right? Yeah. Right. Okay. Yeah, let me at it now it seems a bit seems a bit backwards.
Yeah, think Yeah. As you look at it, where are you now though of taking money accepting money?
Yeah, absolutely. And, I guess this is probably the biggest transformation is like I can laugh at that situation now because it just seems so backwards and so different to where I am now. Now I know the value that I create the value that I that that my service and that is what I bring to the world and so I’m completely okay with receiving money. In fact, actually, no That by people investing in themselves with me, I know that that’s going to benefit them. And so all of a sudden it’s, it’s completely different. It’s, it’s not about me anymore. It’s about them. It’s honor. by them investing, it’s actually going to be helping them.
Okay.Let’s go here. This is not scripted. Obviously you and I are on video but I put together a money program I’m doing next week This podcast is going to come out after that. But there’s I look at my own journey with money growing up poor growing up like you did, I, I did have two parents but my dad was we’re working class we never had any extra money ever. So I grew up with the mentality of money’s hard to come by you have to work really hard. You have to save and save and scrimp and you’ll never have enough you’ll never have nice things. We’re not those kind of people is the mentality that I grew up with. So I put together a program and there’s six pillars in it, that I found to be very valuable for me. You’ve already heard all this from me, but maybe in different ways, maybe not organized. But the first one is us is locus of control. Meaning does money come? Where’s our focus? Is our focus on money coming from inside of us? Or outside of us? Where today, based upon all of our work, where does money come from?
My frequency from the universe.
From inside of you, right? Where were you prior? And by the way, if you give an answer, and I cringe, I’m just kidding. I mean, Jake doesn’t know anything. I’m gonna ask him. And let’s leave it at that. You don’t know what I’m going to ask. And that’s fine. Because I want this to be as real as we are for people. All right. Prior Okay, so locus of control as does money come from me, and my creation and my mind and my energy my bioelectromagnetics or does it come from something external, which would be my my physical work and a job and somebody’s paying me outside of myself prior to us meeting. Where do you believe money came from
100% outside of me. So what I do is what I what work it how hard I worked. It was all it was all completely outside.
Notice what you said, how hard you worked. You probably had the illusion. I’m sorry. Go ahead.
That was a big thing for me. It was like, I need to work really hard.
Did you? Did you grow up working hard?
Well, I grew up seeing my mother work incredibly hard. And so I was like, okay, that’s how we make money. That’s how that’s how you you need to be doing something really. You need to be working. Making your fingers bleed to to generate income. I guess not easy to come by. That was my own mentality.
Yeah, so many of us grew up that way. And you know, I grew up that way on a farm in Texas and I grew up working at five o’clock in the morning and what I was taught is you have to work Hard to make money. And if you work hard, then you’re going to make money. And what we both have recognized over the years is you can work hard all day long. And you can be a road crew for 12 bucks an hour and the hot sun. And you know what, you can work hard for eight hours, you know, 100 degree heat, that’s not going to get you ahead. So what I want to what I want to share here, and you confirmed with your experience, which is what I brought, you know why I brought it into the program. Money does not come from outside of us. It comes from inside of us, because if it came from outside of us, two people could do the very same thing and the very same industry and make the same amount of money. But one might make 10 bucks an hour another might make 1,000 an hour, very same industry. It’s because they have different perceptions and interpretations and beliefs about what money is and where it comes from.
Okay.The second one is and you’ve heard me this is kind of what I’ve known for is identity around money is you know that our identities are completely subconscious. And you’ve learned that very well in our time together, I think for the answer, but let’s recapitulate How did you identify like what what kind of person did you identify as relative to money prior to us meeting?
Well I guess like your story resonates a lot with me as well. Like, I grew up in a little hobby farm in Tasmania, Australia, Australia, which is where, where we’re known for having two heads and all that kind of joke, all those kind of jokes, but so I always grew up being poor and or feeling quite bored and thinking that, like, a lot of my friends were a lot more wealthy than what what I what our family was, for example. And so I always grew up with the identity of someone who doesn’t have a lot of money. And so that, that correlated through my entire life until, until So what can we do?
Okay, so let’s go here, identity would you say if you had to pick an adjective or describe yourself? would you would you have called yourself poor or working class or struggling or what how would you have classified yourself?
Probably probably working class would probably be how would you use to describe like, even when I was practicing as a carreer it was a still was felt like a working class person. Okay, does that make sense?
No, it definitely makes sense. And I think a lot of people listening they’re like, yeah, I grew up the same way. My mother and father said, you know, you have to do this you got to work hard. You got to work till your eyeballs bleed work to your till your fingers bleed, you have to work hard. Yeah. How would you say and I know you’re a work in progress. We all are. But how would you say you identify now as a person with money? Or how do you identify about or relative to money?
It’s a really interesting thing. There’s so much less energy around money now in terms of like, worry and fee like fee was the biggest thing for me and we’ll probably talk about that later, but there’s just no lack anymore. Like I instead of always focusing on what I don’t have and where money isn’t, it’s like I’m actually quite grateful for everything that I have very, like thankful for where I am and what I the income that I attract. And so now I actually identify as being someone who’s quite wealthy.
And in the past, which we won’t, we won’t literally get a stumbling today. I’m so tired. I got no sleep last night. Oh my gosh. But in the past who identified, I guess you would say as a working class person, which makes working class wages, working class money, and now you’re identifying as somebody that you know what that can attract money that it’s probably I don’t want to put words in your mouth but probably easy for you based upon a statement you made earlier before we started recording. You said the 30,000 you made last month is nothing compared to what you’re going to make with this launch. Yeah, that tells me that you must be identifying as somebody that you know what it’s easy to make money.
Yeah, it hundred percent is.
Notice the difference between where you were less than a year ago where I have to struggle and work hard. And money is really easy for me.
Yeah, and it’s always what you know you get is granted guys for those of you not just watching the video he’s, which tells me he’s congruent with what he said, meaning he believes it, that it’s easy to make money. I know you want to say something to go ahead. It’s kind of hard for me to explain like, it’s, I’m trying to think how do I explain that in a succinct way but it’s just that it’s money that was hard to make. But now it’s just like, the only way that I think differently now is it’s easy. It’s just, it’s nothing. It’s like I don’t have any thoughts about it just is a simple process of attracting money is easy. And it’s all internal.
So let’s go all internal. So let’s go there. That’s exactly where I was going to go. We’re on the same wavelength right now. Is a year ago. We We’re not in the middle of a global pandemic. Now we’re in the midst of a global pandemic, where everybody’s shutting down and 40 million Americans are out of work, but etc, etc. And what’s interesting is that people listening, you’re here saying the opposite of what a lot of people are probably saying, which they’re living by what I call the locus of control we just talked about is all my money is contingent upon what happens in my external world, meaning the economy or the pandemic or whatever. And you’re here demonstrating, not just talking about that your wealth and your money and your prosperity is all internal. It doesn’t matter what happens on the external world. Now, I’m not asking you about that, but how are you feeling about your money relative to what’s happening in the external world?
I’m excited.Honestly, like, I think back in, I think back to when I was practicing as a Chiro and it’s like, I’d be panicking right now. Like I’d be freaking out going, like worrying about if people are going To turn up, but now I’m actually I don’t have any worry or concern. There’s no fee. It’s actually just excitement of going what’s possible. What’s, there’s some really cool stuff in the pipeline. And I’m excited to see that come to fruition.
So yes, yes. And notice here that the external world is changed for the negative.
But yeah, you’re operating from the positive, and you’re still making money and attracting money.
Yeah, exactly.
Because people are still spending money all over the globe, right?
Just shifted how they’re spending it or where they’re spending it or to what degree they’re spending it. But where you are now, it’s where you were last year, is where most people live from. Oh, my gosh, the economy has shifted. What am I going to do?
Exactly. That’s where I was.
Yeah. And let me get into fear. Oh, my gosh, what happens because the economy shifted. What happens if no more patients show up? Right? What happens if no one else hires me to design their website or no one hires my marketing or no one hires this. Why? Because of the pandemic that has everybody actually just running in fear. And what I want everyone to notice from you and if you’re not watching this video because his body language is very telling and 55% of communication is body language, is that you’re very congruent with your message I mean you’re living from doesn’t matter what happens in the external world. He nodded his head saying, No, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what happens in the external world. Money comes from the inside, not the outside.
Yeah, it’s so true. And I listen to your last podcast on the on the Kybalion. And the whole like, attract like, like attracts like, it’s, that’s exactly where it is. And it’s like, internally right now I feel abundant. I feel wealthy. I feel excited. I feel grateful. And as a result, that’s what’s reflected back that’s what that’s what he’s attracted. And so it’s nothing, nothing in my external world has really shifted dramatically yet. But everything on the inside has. And as a result, the circumstances in which I experience are now different as well.
I want to back up here and I want to back up here and expand on something. I would say that going from 4000 a month to $38,000 per month, last month is a dramatic shift.
Yes, nice. But you just said things have dramatically shifted, but now you’re I didn’t mean I didn’t mean that in a sense of my like environment. I meant that in turn, I meant like nothing. I hadn’t implemented any strategies or hadn’t changed funnels or I hadn’t really done anything differently. But everything had changed inside and therefore everything. Like all of a sudden money started coming in. really unexpected,
Surprisingly Right.
Yeah, it was. It was just like all of a sudden people are just reaching out of the blue wanting to work with you and pay you and it’s you didn’t have to do anything for it. It was it was effortless.
Can I want to be? Yes. And I want to be careful there when you said I don’t have to do anything for it what you did. It’s your vibration and your frequency.
It’s so simple. You’ve been with me long enough to know it’s and you’ve seen a lot of this and people in the programs and for everyone listening, it’s so simple that most of us miss this is people will say, I don’t know what happened. I shifted on the inside. And when I shifted on the inside, everything shifted on the outside. And it’s so simple that we miss that. Right? Because we’re trying to go out in the world and do things.
Exactly. And I guess to affirm that is I actually reverted back to the old way for a little bit there for a while, like I had all these big shifts on the inside. And then for whatever reason, I guess, neurologically it’s a well worn path for me to be stuck in that poverty, poverty mindset. And I reverted back to it for a while and I could feel the change Internally, and as a result, things felt like a struggle for a little while. But the thing was, it was cool, because I noticed that and I noticed that I sort of got back into that lack for a little bit. But once I was there, I was like, No, no, no, I don’t want to be here anymore. This is not where I operate, and shifted that and all of a sudden, things started moving and flowing again.
No you told me about two weeks ago, two and a half weeks ago, when we talk now I want everyone to notice something. He goes that neural pathway and he’s been around me long enough to know about habits which I want to go into next is that our brain does have neural pathways. And that’s what actually habits, our habits, our neural pathways. And just because you’re not traveling, the old neural pathway of not having money doesn’t mean the neural pathways no longer there, it just means you’re not traveling that pathway anymore. Prior to us working together, what were your thought habits about money?
Constant worry, Jim, like constant, constant constant worry. It was like even little things like going to the grocery store, I would be worried about oh, I hope I don’t spend too much or, or get a letter in the mail. I don’t be like, Oh, it’s not a bill like just, it was it’s ridiculous. I look back and laugh.
That is so funny because the third pillar is habits and all habits as you know, are brain based. So I’m curious as to what your habits were when you’re giggling it isn’t so funny, but you’re laughing at yourself.
I haven’t thought about this in in a while. It’s just been so out of my mind since I started working with you. And like since I started experiencing this shift, it’s like, I just forget where I actually came from. Yeah, that makes sense. I forget how much how much I worried about money, how fearful was around it and all these other crap that I had in my head around it.
Okay, so let me go there. I hear you and let me let me ask you this. You’re a health and wellness professional. And you help people actually release physical pain through trauma, past experiences in our life, etc. emotional things. Yeah. How do you feel different physically now than you did when you worried all the time.
So much different. It’s, I guess growing up, I always had a lot of chronic pain, which is what actually put me on this path is I was always injured always had mystery illnesses and things like that. And one of the biggest things that I noticed, like in shifting and I think the biggest thing for me was actually getting in alignment and getting into flow with what I’m here to do. And it was such a big thing that the getting out of the fear of that was actually a big part of this transformation, I guess, I guess you could say, but yeah, it’s, it’s completely different now in that sense.
Yeah. Okay, so let’s contrast. What are your thought habits now? today compared to eight months ago about money?
Well, I just don’t worry about it anymore. I
so it’s a habit not to worry about it. Oh, yeah,
exactly. Exactly. I don’t worry about it.It doesn’t hold the energy anymore. Like if I go out and spend a couple hundred bucks on a nice meal with with jazz, it’s like, I don’t think about it. It’s just like, Oh, great. That was that was a really lovely meal. Instead of going, Oh, crap, how much did I just spend on how much I spent on dinner? What? Like there’s just none of that anymore.
Okay, so there’s none of that anymore. Fill in the blank because of what
I guess because I just stopped worrying.
But you stop worrying because you came to some realization and epiphany and knowing that calls the stop worrying. So you stopped worrying because of what epiphany?
That’s a tough question, I’ve never really thought about it that way. But I guess just from the realization that my vibration and frequency is the thing that actually attracts money, and that’s something that’s within my control, as opposed to working from circumstance and working from the outside in, going, Yeah, well, if things aren’t good on the outside, then I can’t have money. It’s been shifting that in realizing that I actually have the power and the control. He’s actually helped me drop a lot of the wiring, because all of a sudden, I’m not a victim to my circumstance. I’m actually the creator ofmy circumstance.
And you learned all that From who?
From from you, Mr. Fortin.
I want to point out there is that that’s a pivotal shift. And I’ve been there before that pivotal shift, where when we think money, locus of control is outside of ourselves, we are always at the mercy of whatever’s going on outside of ourselves in, right, okay. And then when we recognize that, hey, you know what, it’s all within my influence. I mean, what’s gonna happen to my life when I’m 100%? responsible? It’s within my influence. Here in the states in 2009. I used to coach real estate agents very heavily. And I was coaching one of the top 10 agents for a company called REMAX they’re very large real estate company us and I said I was at another company earlier that day, and a lot of agents working planing about how bad the economy was, and whoa is me and economy in the housing market. And he and I were having lunch and he goes, I’m going to be a top agent, and one of the top 10 in the nation, whether or not the economy is good, or the economy is bad, people are still going to buy and sell homes, not as many. But it doesn’t pertain to me. As long as I do, and being who I need to be an identity, then everything’s going to work out just fine for me. And that’s what carried him the top 10 in the nation. And that’s where you are right now. And that your internal your your locus of control has completely moved from external to internal.
Yeah, and that’s, that’s the thing that stopped the worry. Like the worry was my biggest habit, I guess you could say, and shifting that internal to an internal locus of control and going, you know what, I’ve actually got this no matter what’s going on outside. I’ve got this and all of a sudden that stops to worry. Run instructs.
Yeah, something I tell people is as long as there are people in the world that need help what you do? You’re always gonna have money.
Right. There’s you work with pain, there’s always gonna be people in pain. There’s billions of people in pain. I mean, how are you ever going to run out of a target market? It’s never gonna happen. Okay, so let me segue from the episode for just one minute. The fact that you’re here listening to my podcast means that you are serious, and you want to transform your life from the inside out. Now, that being said, you’re going to want to mark your calendar because I am doing a live, no charge free training, starting on September the 3rd, it’s going to be a three part training and it’s called the B do have series training. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to dig deeper and two ways, ways of identity that you need to be so that you can do the things that you need to do so that you can have what you want to have in life, to health, wealth, success, money and all the things that you want. Want. So whatever you do, Mark your calendar September the 3rd 3pm Central Standard Time. And, again, whatever you do now, click the shownotes click the link and get registered for this no charge training. Okay, back to the episode.
And I realized that it’s a realize that it that’s something that’s not dependent on the economy or pandemic or whatever, it’s, there’s always there’s always people out there that need need help and it’s just if I’m ready and willing and able to help them well then there’s going to be that exchange and so all of a sudden, it’s just no concern about money.
And there’s no reason to be because you’ve also taught yourself that there’s always going to be money coming as long as I’m actually being who I need to be and doing what I need to do. Money is always going to come.
That was something that I never had as well Jim, it was I was always going where’s my next? Where’s the next lot of money coming from? Where’s my next sale coming from? Where’s this coming from and I was always freaking out. about, like, even when I had money, I was always worried about losing it. And then worried that no more would actually come in.
Yeah, I laugh I’ve been there. I’ve been there and that’s when you’re living from, you know what I call resignation. I’ve got metaphorically I’ve got 100 bucks. Whatever I do, I can’t lose that hundred because if I lose that hundred, where’s my next hundred gonna come from? Right? And then worry, worry worry. Something that I read on a blog post two years ago is when I was out of college just a lot of years ago. But if I had 20 bucks in my pocket, I would not put 20 bucks worth of gas in my car. And the reason why is I put 10 because if I put 20 then I give all the money that I had. And then guess what? What if I needed $10 for lunch or something? I wouldn’t have it because it’s in my gas tank. So I literally went through yours. When I fill up my car, I could fill it you know, I had 20 bucks to fill up my tank but I never would. Why? Because I wanted that extra $10 on reserve. I mean that is major poverty. Thinking, no more money’s gonna come into my life. And the reality you and anyone listening or watching is money always comes. You could bust your bank account tomorrow. Go back out put yourself out in the world money’s gonna come again. Yeah, it’s always it’s a that’s crazy right but it’s true.
I think he I think you told it to me in a way it’s like, because I said that in in the program I was like oh, I just I just get really worried about losing money and I like any money that I have I don’t want to let go of and that’s why I like investing in your program was was a big step for me because I actually had to let some money go. But and I remember you saying to me and it really stuck with me it was it was like standing on a hose pipe. It’s like if you’re trying to hold money and not let go. But it’s like having your foot on a hose. You completely stop the flow of abundance that is possible for you. When you’re in that hoarding. mindset.
Yeah. And then when you actually because everything’s a cycle and everything’s a flow with Physics also. And then when you kink the hose, the water pipe, you’re referring to you and kink it, meaning you put money out, money comes back because you’re part of the flow. But what you used to do, and I used to do and probably 80% of people listening, oh, let me hoard my money. Let me bury it in the backyard. Let me step out of my mattress. Let me make sure let me put a lock on my wallet to make sure that I don’t lose any money. Well, economics let’s let’s go to let’s go to concretize this back in 2009, when the US economy came down, the economy started not exploding, but imploding. It started destroying itself from the inside out, because what happened is banks were hoarding all their money because banks were hoarding money. They weren’t lending because people weren’t being, you know, having money borrowing. They weren’t building and they weren’t buying when people weren’t building and buying what happened. Nothing to build and buy. People are hoarding Money the economy comes to a screeching halt. That makes sense, right? Yeah, absolutely. So we have to be if we want the supply to nourish us, we have to be part of the supply. And meaning if we’re going to play a game we have to be playing the game. We got to be in the game playing the game. And that is actually putting our money out there. And that comes to the next pillar prosperity consciousness. But I want to go somewhere else first here is you said something earlier and I want everyone to get this and I’ve been there as well is how much did you value what you do? versus how much you value what he’s granting guys? How much did you value what you did a year ago? and charge versus what you value what you do now and what you charge?
Not in day, not in day. I didn’t value at all what I did.I like it’s it’s almost funny to say but back then I charged 75 us for Like an hour and a half concert
oh my gosh
And it’s like a pretty in depth console you sort of helping people understand what the the emotional issues and things that have led them to experience pain and then helping them
Stop there I’m gonna interrupt you for a reason. How many years did you go to school to learn how to do all this?
five or so five, five for being a Chiro and then like all the extra study like extra sort of my own study afterwards? Yeah.
So what did that cost you to become a Chiro?
Oh, God, I don’t know. I looked at my expo probably like probably like 60 70,000
but you are afraid to charge or charging $75?
I was there was this clarify that Jim
Was for five years of your life and $60,000? Is that correct? Is that what I’m hearing correctly?
You are hearing correctly.
And I want everyone to hear that that’s listening or watching is that you were not putting value on your value.
You we’re devaluing.
Yeah. And this is the biggest shift for me, I think he’s, he’s actually realizing the value that I create in the world with people. And so during the program, I actually bumped up my prices to, like, currently charging 275 US for the same thing. And, and it was easy it was actually actually got a lot more consults, a lot more clients coming in, I guess, not because of the price change, but because I was actually I knew the value that I that I created for people.
How did you? Yes, and how did that shift how you felt about what you do and wanting to do? It went from 75 for an extensive console to 275 How did you shift emotionally different that to 75 versus 75
So different I was so much more invested? I was wanted to give so much more and and yeah, it was actually provided a better service.
Yeah. So The point here of this pillar is prosperity consciousness is where you used to live from. And I’ve been there is we think that people believe that they’ve been taught that if you create value in the world, you get the value back. But you can create value all day long, like you were helping people, it’s 75 bucks a session, you’re creating value, but you’re not getting the commensurate value back. People only value, the value you put out to the degree you value, the value you put out. Meaning that if you don’t value your work, other people will not value your work in terms of exchanging money with you. If you value your work, then other people will value your work. So what came that I watched you have known you for a while. So what happened for you and please share any ancillary thought around this is that you learn to appreciate what you did. And be grateful for it and value it When you learn to do that, and you charge more money, other people were glad to give you more money because they valued it more as well.
Hundred percent.Yeah, I can’t sum it up any better.
So let me ask you this. If you’re going to go to somebody for what you do, and this applies to everyone listening, you’re going to go to somebody for some professional service. And you’ve got one that charges $75 and one that charges 275 Which one do you automatically emotionally want?
Yeah, exactly the 275.
Because if I go 75 I’m getting what?
A lesser valued product.
Getting cheaper, right? So why did I can’t afford the 275 I wanted 275 but the big takeaway here for everyone listening in you and you’ve already gotten it, is when you value what you do, if you want the world to value what you do, you have to value what you do. Now I also want to tie in here about Jake and about his his his evaluation of money. Notice now listening to him talk how he spends money or puts money out. But notice when he used to hoard money, so even when you ask for 75 even back then you probably thought, oh 75 is a lot you hired receptionist for crying out loud. It takes 75 bucks. So what was your interpretation of how much 75 was versus now?
Yeah, so different different kettle different things, really. But yeah, so 75 bucks. I was like, Oh, that’s a lot of money like I laugh. You’re laughing like, it’s because it is so broken. But yeah, I thought because I didn’t have any value on what I did. I didn’t put value on it in terms of the price point. And it’s funny, like one of the things that I actually noticed is I actually developed a bit of resentment towards even doing it because I feel like I was I felt like I was delivering so much but then wasn’t seeing the rest of it. wasn’t saying the return.
I’ve been there for everyone listening and watching later is if you undervalue your service, people won’t undervalue it. They will undervalue in terms of paying you under value. And then what happens for most of us and I had been there, we come to resent our clients or our customers. Why? Because they’re not valuing what we’re giving them and putting out there been there hundred percent, I completely get that. And what I recognized is when I started valuing what I do, and I charged thousands of bucks an hour for one to ones, when I started valuing what I do, I attracted much better clients, people that valued what I did, and one of the pay for that value. Jake’s here nodding his head is laughing everyone is that and being totally transparent. Let me share this with everyone is I’ve heard for many years in marketing that if you want to make a lot more money, and you want to help a lot more people raise your price points. And my whole thing used to be but no, I can’t raise my price points. What I didn’t recognize is because of my real my poor relationship with money. So I’m like, No, let me keep it cheap so everybody can afford it. Well, if you want to keep it cheap, everyone can afford it, you’re going to, you’re going to attract a bunch of cheap people that aren’t going to do anything with it anyway, and they’re going to throw it in the trash. They’re not going to refer people to you. And when I raised my price point, and started charging premium prices, I started getting premium clients and started making premium money. Is that what you’re experiencing?
Yeah, exactly. It was once I actually once actually took that step and raise my prices, which initially was a was a big step for me.
Which is scary. Let me interrupt with this. Yeah,
Yeah, absolutely.Yeah, it was it was I freaked out I was like going on doing but but but then
Well stop there let me interrupt again, didn’t weren’t there sure. I’ve been there. Then. Then you went into oh my gosh, if I raise my prices, no one’s gonna come see me anymore. And then I’m not gonna write he’s nodding his head guys and no one’s gonna come check. No one is going to book their appointments and then oh my god. Where am I going to be next month because I’m not going to be able to pay my car payment because nobody came because it raised my prices. So as long as I keep them at 75 a session and I’m scraping by, I am safe.
Well, that is a big word Jim safe.
Expand it Go ahead.
Yeah, that was that’s something that’s, like in terms of prosperity and in terms of my journey, it’s like staying safe, was the thing that kept me kept me broke.
That’s, that’s a good mark, and I’m gonna borrow that staying safe. Okay. That’s a good headline for an email. Notice what he said, Everyone, I’ve been there. As long as I play safe. I know what I have in the bank. I can count my little pennies and everything else. You know what, I don’t have what I want in life and I’m struggling. I’m driving a Honda, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And that’s fine, too. I mean, they’re dependable cars. But you know what? I’m safe. I’m safe in my little world. And now I can go buy a dozen Honda’s if I wanted to drive a Porsche and blah, blah. It’s a whole different world. But the world hasn’t changed outside of me it’s really changed inside of me like it has with you and hopefully people listening right now. Okay, next next pillar. Now I don’t know we haven’t talked about this what experience you have with this, but I explained the importance of separating your work from your money, meaning money comes from your consciousness, which we just talked about prosperity, consciousness or poverty, consciousness. Money comes from your consciousness, not necessarily and not what you do. An example could be, you could have two people selling real estate. The examples I gave earlier, one scrapes by and sells two homes a year and they’re wondering why they don’t have money. But another one actually, they don’t worry about the money they do what they love, they sell the house they’re making a fortune. But here’s here’s the takeaway guys, is that I don’t tie my money to what I do for a living I love like Jake does and if you listen back earlier, he said something along the lines of things changed when he started loving what he did, and then people started showing up what I’ve learned to do. And then I want your perspective because I’m visiting with you, but laying the groundwork here is that when I stopped saying, if I do XYZ work, I’ll make XYZ money. Where I work from now is let me just do what I love to do what I’m here on the planet to do. And as a result, whatever money will come will come as a result of that. And that’s when I had the tidal wave of money coming. Okay, how do you want to share on that or your experience with that?
Yeah, so I guess, before I before I stopped being a chiropractor, and I was working in my old money in prosperity, consciousness or lack of prosperity consciousness, it was, I need to see X amount of people this week, and if I don’t, well, it’s everything was dependent on on that. And if for whatever reason, there was, I don’t know, a pandemic or something and people couldn’t come in or whatever it was, I would freak out.
Stop right there interruption again. Did you ever write down on a piece of paper how many clients you needed this week? I got to have six this week because I have these bills his nodding people he’s nodding yes. Like if you Okay, yeah. So you hear you got an extra bill and you’re like, Okay, and you calculate in your mind I have an extra bill. Okay, I need two more clients to cover that. Have you ever done that before?
Yeah, so so like, when was it like back before 2018 when I was still practicing in that old way. It was that was exactly what I’ll do is like, okay, crap, I’ve got this, this thing coming in. It’s like I need to be seeing an extra this many people awake. So everything was dependent on my work in terms of whatever whatever money would come in, in my mind and everything was dependent on what I did.
What’s your money dependent on now?
Me.It’s dependent on how I feel and how I think and how I vibrate in my frequency. around money. It’s I I’ve noticed gyms that when I’m in alignment and doing what I love and just doing it for the love of it, money comes to me in weird and wacky ways and you don’t have to try. You don’t have to, like, work into your eyeballs blade. So you say things just start to start to happen, right? Whereas the old way was like I need to force things and make things happen and try really hard to do that, to generate people coming in or whatever.
Yeah, and that’s what I call the, the forcing versing the allowance, when you force the more you force, the less that comes when you allow, that’s when the floodgates open for us.
Yeah, I remember you talking about that invitation in, in the program. And, and I remember having like these, this thought, or this vision of me rowing a rowboat up a river, and like working really hard and sweating and blisters on my hands, and then letting the old go and then just drifting with where I needed to go and how much easier it was. And that’s kind of how I like in the change in , in attracting money is instead of it being like a grind that I need to work and do this and do this and do this. All of a sudden it just becomes easy.
Yeah, I do want to point out once you stop fighting, the way money create is created, once you stop rowing upstream, that’s when the money starts coming in. Now you can buy a power motor boat, and you don’t have to work. You don’t have to row anymore, because the money’s coming and you can buy a power boat now. Okay, and then the final pillar is, and I don’t I do know, but I don’t know your opinion on this. So we’ll talk about this is I heard many years ago, Brian Tracy. He’s a peak performance speaker. He said many years ago that whatever you do, and if you work for a job, you sell your skills to the highest. Well, most people don’t but you, you basically if you go to work at XYZ company, and they give you a paycheck, you’re selling your skills to that company at XYZ paycheck level. And where I’ve always worked from is and Brian Tracy taught this many years ago is you’re the CEO of your own company, which is you Jake or somebody listening. Now, what are you going to sell The surfaces for most people have a J. O B, and they work for a living. What I tell people is that when you work for a living, you actually make people you work for, for the most part wealthy, and they’re giving you a paycheck. So, and by the way, if anyone in my team is listening right now, I’m grinning, because guess what I take good care of my team. And I’ve got plans for everyone on my team, I want them all to do well. And some people want to work the comfort of a J O B. But the reality is, if you work the comfort of a J O B many years ago, when I waited tables one night, I remember making 60 bucks and this was 1992 or 93. And I said, if I’m going to wait tables, why would I wait tables here as opposed to going to one of the nicest restaurants in town and making five times the money for doing the same amount of work? Same amount of hours? Because why wouldn’t I do that? Right? So what I want to talk about here, because a lot of people might have a job is autonomy. What is your thoughts about being self employed and wealth versus working for someone and becoming wealthy?
I’d much rather doing what I’m doing then then going back and or having a J O B. And I guess, like even even in so we have another business and we have actually hired someone recently to do a lot of the grunt work and to do a lot of the, of the work. And that’s been really cool because it’s also something I never would have seen myself doing. But
What’s that hiring or what ?
Like paying someone to do a job that I can do? Okay. And so having that has actually created more autonomy and created more freedom and created more space to do do other things do do what I’m here to do.
Let me add there and like my team, I have an amazing I may I think maybe a lot of I don’t know, but I say my team’s spectacular, and I’m very fortunate to have them there. You know that I know a guy and if you’ve never heard of him before, look him up. Mantra business podcast, James Wedmore. And Jame’s gonna talk about whereas James has mentioned his numbers he makes millions a year I make you Millions a year. But here’s the thing we both have recognized that when we hire people to do things for us that can do it maybe not as good as we can, but they can do it well, our businesses really just exploded. So the reality is is where I was going to go here is Warren Buffett once said that you’re not going to become rich working for other people. So where I want to go here is this. I mean, if you want to work for other people then maximize what you’re selling your services for and work somewhere that’s going to pay you the highest return for your services. But the true way to well, for the most part is literally is working for yourself, which you work for yourself, right, Jake? Yeah, perfect. Okay, so that’s the six pillars. What do you want to share with people listening? I mean, you grew up working class. I grew up working class. I think a lot of people know my story on the podcast. What do you want to share with them?
Well, you have to keep doing that. That’s probably the one thing that I would say is if you are living paycheck to paycheck if you are like I was freaking out about money and worrying about money and and depending on your wealth and your the money coming into your life completely circumstantially will there is a different way. And I guess I like in that different way to that boat analogy before it’s like when you can just let go of the oars and allow yourself to to get into the flow of money get into the frequency of money. It’s like that’s when it starts showing up. And I guess the other thing as well is the whole playing it safe. That was the biggest thing that I took away from TCP is the biggest part for me was I was safe, building websites and doing some marketing work for people. But it wasn’t what lit me up. It wasn’t what really, I was here to do. And I was really scared to put myself out there. I was scared of criticism and all that kind of stuff. But once I actually took that leap and started putting myself out there and charging what I was worth, that’s when everything started to change financially. For me, so if that’s some things that I would probably say is, because use that line gym, it’s like if that your comfort zone is the thing that keeps you broke, because it’s so true. It’s, I know, there’s probably a lot of people out there that aren’t necessarily doing what they’re on this planet to do. They’re not necessarily in alignment with with themselves. And that’s another thing that I think really stifles the flow of money. And it’s once you can get into that alignment yourself, it’s like everything starts to change.
Now I know. Yeah, thank you. And hopefully people, every one of you go back and listen to what he’s said a couple of times, literally just rewind and listen a few times, because what he said is the magic key. And he said, I think two times maybe three in our time together is that playing it safe, is what was keeping you living paycheck to paycheck.
Hundred percent.
Yeah, let me just play safe and as long as I do that, I can count. I know my bills every month I can count my dollars into the month. I’m safe and I’m going to play safe. And I’ve known Jake long enough he’s been in my program. He’s still in one of my programs. Here’s the thing. I remember I was actually in Phoenix at the airport on a bus, from the rental car, place back to the terminal. And I read one of your posts, it was the first post in our group, a private group, where you would set I’m gonna put myself out there, I’m gonna, I’m gonna I’m gonna put out in the world. What I do when you call the Germans something medicine, or what do you call it?
Yeah, yes. So J and M German medicine.
Yeah. And, and that when I read that post, I’m like, you know what? He’s doing it. He’s putting himself out there. And what I want everyone to I want to share with everyone is that when you put yourself out there with what lit you up, and what you love to do, that’s when everything literally miraculously so to speak, and very quickly started shifting for you financially and emotionally.
Yeah, exactly. It was. So I had another business building websites for healthcare practitioners, which we’ve actually completely transformed into a scalable thing that is, that’s a whole another story. But that was my safety net. It was like doing that was safe. But once I actually, it was so scary for me to actually put myself out there because it was controversial. It was, it was a hard thing to sort of go against the grain to say, Hey, your pains actually not from physical stuff. It’s emotional. That was scary for me to do. And once I got over that fear, and once I realized that I’m probably going to get criticized, but it’s actually more important for me to do what I love than just keep seeing here playing small. That’s when everything shifted.
Okay, you blew my last question I was going to ask you and it came from no I came from what we were just talking about is guys, knowing everyone listening knowing Jake and anybody watching. one of his biggest limitations when we met is that he was afraid what other people were going to say about him for what he did for a living, which I think he called it new German. medicine but let me just put it in simple words. Basically helping people understand that many of the elements we have in our body are simply caused by which being a hypnotist, I can verify this at least with my experience. Many of the things that happen to the body back pain, the pain, all these kind of things happen as a result of some kind of emotional trauma earlier in life and it’s stored pain in the body. you resolve the trauma, you resolve the pain. Fair enough assessment, Jake.
Okay. Now, when I met Jake, he was afraid that if he put himself out there talking about that people with what Jake
Criticized me did that did say nasty things or whatever, and that’s what I was really scared of.
Okay. And then what happened when you put yourself out there?
People criticized me
And did you stop?
No, I nearly did like it. I guess growing up I got bullied a lot and all that kind of stuff. That was a bit of a trigger for me is is being criticized but the thing was, it was I realized that no matter what I do, people are going to criticize me. So it’s like I’m as we’ll be doing something, something I love, and caught some criticism. But the thing is, the more that I keep putting myself out there, the less the criticism comes in, I guess as well, the more the more certain I am, in what I do, because I guess Initially, I was probably putting myself out there. The first time probably, quite tentatively. And that would that’s a recipe for probably experiencing some criticism. But the thing is, I realized that the more certain I am, the more confident and the less I get criticized, and the more people actually resonate with, with what I do, and the more fun I have.
And this is something I know that you hear me say a lot is that no matter what you do what you’ve said twice, people are going to criticize you anyway. Right?
Doesn’t matter what you do. I don’t care if you’re a ballet dancer, you’re an artist, a chiropractor. There’s somebody out there wants 50% of people are going to criticize you. You know, I run Facebook ads and a lot of them for what work for what I do. And I get I have people calling me an idiot and on my ads stuff. You know, that’s what people do. There are haters out there. But the point the takeaway for people listening is that once you had the courage and you started small, and you started putting yourself out there, doing what you love to do, you were a little affected by the criticism. But once you push through it now, it’s like, not even a thing to you.
Okay, I’m glad you I’m glad you actually said yeah, Yeah, exactly. Because now, you’re in a place that you’re on Pat, you’re on the road, you’re on the path. It’s like you’re in a jet your jets off the runway and you’re in the air and now flying. Okay. That wraps it up today. Thank you so much. I know that a lot of people listening can relate. I’ve been there. You know, you and I are kindred spirits about this. I grew up in the same kind of way without money.
And I the stories you tell our stories that I could tell but the stories you tell I can relate to but here’s the thing. A lot of people listen to this podcast and I guarantee you 80% of people listening can relate to my story and your story and they grew up the same kind of way and through what we just done if we can release them from that fear then hopefully they can actually get out of the money for years and they can stop playing safe they can get out in the world and they can start making a difference and we can all make a difference in the world
That sounds pretty good.
all right, that being said, hang on Jake. That being said, Hey guys, for everyone listening Jake’s already been through this he’s a veteran now we were having what’s called the BE DO HAVE series it’s a three part series I’m doing training starting on September the third mark your calendar September the third 2020 I only do two trainings a year are you in the training last year Jake? In 2019 BE DO HAVE series
Yeah, that’s that’s where I started for you
guys started right and now liquidy is today but anyway it’s there’s no charge September the third Yes, September the third 2020 mark your calendar we will be starting the BE DO HAVE series three part series. And we start digging into look at Jake. We look at here on our time together. what ways do you have to be Jake and you have to be courageous and you have to be passionate. You have to be aligned, what ways do you have to be to do the things you need to do, which is to put yourself out there to have what you want, which is emotional fulfillment, to have the enjoyment of helping people and to have the prosperity you want. So we started with BE DO HAVE. And what we’ll do in that three part series is break down BE DO HAVE even further. So Jake, thank you again. Stay with us. I want to say hi to you once we’re done. But thank you again for sharing yourself and sharing your story to help people so that they can also, as you said, I’ll leave it at that. It doesn’t have to stay. How did you say it? You don’t have to stay that way? Or
Something like that. Maybe go back and rewind. But you don’t, it doesn’t always have to be so hard. You don’t have to, like your current way of thinking doesn’t have to be that way it can change and when once it changes, everything else will change for you.
Thank you. And that said, All right. Thanks, Jake. So much. I appreciate it very, very much. I’ll talk to you soon.
My pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Okay.Bye bye.
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