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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 154: “Intrinsic Raditude Is The Attitude”

February 24, 2021

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As you read the headline you probably thought, “What…what the heck is intrinsic ratitude?” Right?

Totally understandable and “ratitude” is my word for ‘radical gratitude’ and intrinsic is what’s deep inside of you and inherent to your BEing.

When I say intrinsic to your being, I mean things like your ability to see, smell, taste, feel, and even your ability for your heart to beat and for you to breathe.

Oprah has said, “Gratitude is the attitude” and many of us have heard that before but how many of us truly live that? How many of us embody it? How many of us understand that to the core of our being? When we do, it changes everything in us and around us, and when we live it in our daily lives they radically transform.

In this episode, I talk about my journey to finding “intrinsic ratitude” in my life. And, I assure you, it has been a journey and all of us can do it if we commit just 5 minutes per day to having intrinsic ratitude.

The great thing about ratitude is that it’s literally an avenue to all that you want in life. It’s free and yet most of us overlook it in our lives or we’re tepidly and mildly grateful but we’re not really embodying it.

Let me ask you, do you take time during your days being immensely grateful for all that you have? I mean genuinely grateful, not perfunctory gratitude. I mean instead of just saying you’re grateful because you’re “supposed to” can you feel it in your bones, do you embody it. Do you savor your gratitude?

You’re not fully aware and alive until you can reach this place in yourself and all else is just being externally influenced. All else is not being fully present in life and not being fully immersed in life.

When we start immersing in life we start infusing with life. And, when we infuse it, it’s as if we are co habituating and living in communion with all of life…and that is power.

In this episode I discuss:

[7:04] How having gratitude will change your life
[13:57] How once you are living in gratitude the Universe will start reflecting that back
[18:55] Having gratitude for your breath, your heartbeat
[23:15] An exercise in being grateful for your hands

Transformational Takeaway

What if you woke up today with everything you were genuinely and intrinsically grateful yesterday? Ponder that….

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Full Episode Transcript


You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the inside out podcast. This episode is titled, intrinsic ratitude is the attitude. Now, you’re probably wondering, Jim, what the heck is ratitude? Well, it’s my word amalgamation for radical gratitude, then you might also be wondering about the word, you know, what’s intrinsic gratitude? Well, you already know what gratitude is. and ratitude is radical gratitude, as I just stated, and what intrinsic is, is intrinsic is you, and the most profound you from the most profound levels of you. Basically, it’s operating from the intrinsic being that you are. And when you operate from the intrinsic being that you are, and you have gratitude, then you’re in what I call ratitude, and this will transform your life. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life. from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one, to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.

Find The Things You’re Intrinsically Grateful For

Okay, so you’re probably wondering, Jim, why will it change my life? Well, for two reasons. One, and I’ve talked about, I don’t know, four or five, six times on this podcast, different places about the physics experiment called the double slit experiment. Basically, what that experiment demonstrates, is that the physical world bends to our consciousness. So think about that for a moment, if you’re thinking about all the things that you’re grateful for, and you hold that in your consciousness, the physical world will bend to that. And then secondly, as you know, gratitude changes, it changes your emotional state, it changes, you know, your way of being. So think about that for a moment, if you were in ratitude, how would that affect? I mean, you were in just radical gratitude. How would that affect your way of being and your internal state? And what if you lived in ratitude all the time? How would that change your life?
Now, I don’t know about you. But I know a lot of us are the same. And, you know, I work with many, many, many, many people. And we’re all kind of the same. And I see this in so many people. But let me share a story with you. The reason that I tell you that is I used to give lip service to gratitude. I mean, we’re taught as kids, you know, every time somebody will I was and most of us are. When somebody gives you something, your mom would say, you know, if you just took it, your mom would say what do you say? And you say thank you, will you say thank you, you know, in gratitude. And I always thought because it’s the way I’m supposed to answer when people you know, people would say are you grateful? I would say of course I’m grateful. Not ever really fully immersing, immersing in gratitude. I remember I’m going to mention Don Xavier a few times on this podcast, my brother in law. I remember 20 years ago, 21 years ago, when I moved back from New York City to Dallas.
I didn’t have a car because I didn’t need one in New York City. And the very first week that I was back I wanted, I went and bought a new Ford Bronco. And that was probably on a Monday or so. And I saw him Saturday night. And we were sitting on the back porch. And he used to call me Cuñado which is from Mexico, and that’s Spanish, for brother in law. And he was sitting there and it’s pretty quiet out when you know, starry night and it’s quiet. We’re just sitting outside. And he said, Brother in law Cuñado Although are you grateful for your new car? And I said yes, I am. And then I said, but he drinks a lot of gas. And he just nodded his head. And he didn’t say anything. And I just sat there and he sat there. And then he says, very good. Very good. He goes, You have perfect health, a beautiful family, you’ve got your own company, you’ve got money in the bank, you’ve got pretty much anything that anybody could want. You got a brand new car for crying out loud. And you still find something to complain about. And talk about like a Muhammad Ali knockout. I was like, boom, talk about Whoa, knocked out.
And even my brother was sitting next to me. And he goes, You know what, I bet you didn’t see that coming. And he’s right. He’s right, because I lived so many years like that. I wasn’t grateful for everything I had, and especially if it’s brand new car in front of me, I wasn’t grateful for it. And I know, as you’re listening, I’m a lot of you, if not almost all of you can resonate with that. Because we have so much in the West. I mean, I’ve read before something like if you’ve got, you know, a roof over your head and food, you’re better off than 90% of the population. And how grateful are you for that on a daily basis? The way that most of us live? Is we live from just never enough more and more and more and never enough. And then people say are you grateful? Oh, yes, I’m grateful. Not even recognizing that we’re not.
You know, I saw Oprah one time, and I think she was was a repeating Maya Angelou. But Oprah used to say gratitude is the attitude. And that’s catchy. It’s really catchy. I mean, come on, gratitude is the attitude. And we all want to think that we’re, as I said, we all want to think that we’re grateful. Having gratitude, you know, gratitude will and yet if you live from that place, it’ll change your life. But if you have gratitude, and you’re radically grateful for what you have in your life, that will transform your life. Hence, the title of this episode, obviously, is intrinsic ratitude. You know, as I, as I mentioned these things, and I mentioned our ways of being think really quickly, I’ll give you you know, a few seconds, I want you in your mind right now, to name three things that you’re grateful for. Okay, quick, do it three things you’re grateful for what is one? What is two, what is three.
And when I talk about intrinsic, a little deeper, I guarantee you that most of you, if not all of you didn’t even nail one thing that you’re intrinsically grateful for, which I’ll demonstrate in just a minute. But all of you, if you you know, we go to the old go to things and we say, Oh, that’s easy. My family, which is where most of us go, and then we’ll pick you know, things. And for me a long time ago, it wasn’t the new car. But we’ll say my home or, or my you know, this or that, or having shelter or food or something, you know, generally speaking, we’ll pick something external. But what we’re never really looking at for most of us. And I can say this when I’m generalizing here, when I say most of us most often never do this, or always when I’m using those qualifiers is because I observed people and I observed myself and just by watching myself, I can see people and being in the world, you can see a lot of this.
But what most of you probably never went to I bet none of you as I was alluding to, none of you said, I’m grateful for my eyes. Or I’m grateful for my heartbeat. Or I’m grateful for my lungs, or my sense of smell, or my ability to stand, or my ability to run, and even plain and simple. My ability to pick up a fork or a spoon or a marble. Think about that. Those are what I call intrinsic gratitude. They’re basically things that we can do as a result of being born, which most of us have, not all of us because not all of us are sighted or can hear, etc. Yet most of us are born with faculties like this, this senses yet we’re not intrinsically grateful. We’re not willing to that differently. We’re not grateful for the intrinsic senses that we have. And like I said, we picked the external things like which they are external, family and friends and money and home. But those are all things outside of us. But what about the things inside of us? What about the ability to function well, what about this?
And I wonder how many of you thought about this? How many of you are grateful, and when I say the word, you’re gonna say, OPF. That’s me. But how many of you heard that word pop right to the front of your consciousness? How many of you are grateful for your health, and that’s a big one. And what I’ve learned the past years, which I’m healing, and I’m healing and becoming extremely health, healthy, is that if you don’t have your health, seriously, you don’t have anything, you can have a lot of money, and all the brand new cars you want. And if you don’t feel good, it doesn’t mean anything to you. But see your health, most of us not all. But most of us are born intrinsically, at least in the West, were born intrinsically healthy, or the ability to be healthy.
So the question is, you know, just ponder that, are you intrinsically really grateful for everything that you have in your life, because once we reach that place, we then become it, and I can’t explain it, I wish I could put it into words, but I can’t you have to experience it. But once you become intrinsically grateful, at a deep level, we become what I call an infused, we become infused into life, with the essence of our being. And it’s I’m going to use a word here that I’ve learned by working with a shaman over the years. And I’ve been you know, I’ve worked with him for 25 years. And he’s, he’s, I was gonna use the word taught, it’s not the right word, but I’ll use the word taught anyway,
It has taught me about what is called your second attention, how to see the the energy coming out of water, and people and things and how to commune with nature and trees and birds and animals. But the word that I was going to use as commune, because once we become intrinsically grateful for things that we’re intrinsically born with, we start communing with the deeper functions of life, we start communing with the essence of everything. And that is power.
Okay, let me segue from the podcast for just one minute.The fact that you’re here listening to my podcast means that you’re serious about transforming your life from the inside out. Now, that being said, you’re going to want to mark your calendar, because I’m doing a live no charge training, starting on March the fourth, it’s a three part transformational training, and it’s called the BE DO HAVE series. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to dig deeper into the ways of identity that you need to be so that you can actually change the things you need to change so that you can have the health and the wealth and the success and the money and all the things that you want. So whatever you do, Mark your calendar for March the fourth 3pm Central Standard Time and visit and again, whatever you do, right now, get registered for this no charge training. Okay, back to the episode.
So, what I want to say is is living in gratitude changes who you are. And when you live in the hopefully the ratitude, which we’re going to talk about some more here and I’m going to give you an exercise at the end of this podcast, something that I know will give you an instant AHA, pretty much every one of you listening. But once we live in ratitude, and we are being in ratitude, guess what, because of the double slit experiment, which I started with, and I mentioned before the universe and life start reflecting that back to you. Okay, so how do I come to these realizations and these what I call knowings? And you’ve probably heard me say before, there’s a difference between knowing and understanding. We all understand what gratitude is, but do you know what gratitude is? And working of Don Xavier for many, many years, in 2012, December 21,2012. I woke up, throwing up. Now, as I’m going to go go on with this story. Listen to the date that I said December 21, 2012. I woke up that morning and I supposed to go to Boulder, Colorado to start looking at some homes. I wanted to move to Boulder, Colorado, and I woke up at 7am that morning, and I was just violently throwing up and dry heaving. And I thought, you know, I’ll feel better by later today.
And I suppose to head to the airport around three or 4pm, I was still throwing up and I was sick, like I had the flu. But I knew it wasn’t the flu. And as it worked out, I didn’t go to Boulder. And my brother in law called me that night. And he goes, Well, I guess you were not supposed to be in the air today. Now, again, December 21,2012. That is the day that what we know is the Mayan calendar ended. We are currently in what’s called the time of no time. And it’s also the winter solstice. So Equinox it let’s see. Anyway, one of those two, I was mixed those two words up. But it’s, it’s seasonal change. And my life changed the day that that happened. Because I started feeling energy. And for three years, I felt tremendous energies. And I can go into it more here I won’t, because I want to, I want to continue with what I’m talking about the ratitude, and apply that to your life.
But I spent three years not knowing whether I was going to live or die. I’ve just felt bad, bad all the time. And I had blood work and everything done all these all this test. And the doctors are like you’re perfectly healthy, we find nothing wrong with you. Yet, I would just go through these days where I was just ill. And long story very short. He said to me, my brother in law is like its energy, you have to learn to manage the energy took about three years, and I finally started learning the hard way and taking me longer than what it could have. And I started learning that it was all energy. But what I want to point out and the reason I tell you this story is that’s when I started learning, you know what I had air, quote, good days and bad days. And prior to that in my life, I haven’t had a prescription since 1992 20 years prior. there abouts are 30 however many years, a lot of years. And I took feeling good for granted, I took my health for granted. And when that started happening to me I was I had good days, and I had bad days. And I started recognizing wow on the days that I have good days, I really, really appreciate, you know, the good days.
And working with him for so many years. It’s a hard path working with a shaman, it really, really is. I mean far more than I show. And people have said, You’re so lucky to be working with a real shaman, your brother in law. And I’m like, Yes, I’m extraordinarily grateful for that. However, there comes a price with that. And what they don’t see is that everyone that works with him will attest to this and can say this with all of us in the inner circle. It’s a tough road sometimes because you can feel the moon cycles and the lunar cycles and the solar flares and things happening on the planet. You can you can start feeling these things. And trust me, it’s the shovel moment. And it can be very disconcerting, physically, and we have to learn to manage it. So anyway, those are my lessons. But that’s how I came to this, and to the intrinsic part of it. But how I came to the intrinsic part of it is if you’ve been listening at all.
You know, for many for some time, you know, I work with a shaman, as I said, and I’ve been learning also for a lot of years. And an Era Veda. This is where I learned this and my brother in law I learned from him through example. But I learned the mechanics and Era Veda when he actually started, you know, talking to me about talking to me about this, I started learning elsewhere, because he’s not a teacher. He’s a Doer. He just does what he does. And it’s my job to learn whatever I pick up. But an Era Veda which is ancient Indian, they talk about this concept about, for example, just sitting down and meditating and having gratitude for breathing. I was going to breathe in, and then I stopped halfway through but for breathing, and for your heartbeat. Now that being said, Do you have gratitude for your heart? Because there are many people that have a bad heart? Right? Do you have gratitude that you can breathe and breathe well, and you can run and you can jog, there are many people that have lung disease or have different things. Trust me, they would love to walk a mile yet you can do it in your sleep, metaphorically speaking.
I guess you could do it in your sleep too, and people sleepwalk but you know what I mean? That’s the intrinsic part that I mean, and I’m being a little, you know, I’m saying things redundant in different ways, because I want you to fully understand this. When I got that, many years ago, I recognized that in meditation, and the Saturday, which is a whole different, you know, episode I could record but he’s meditation is not what people think that it is. Most people think to sit down and go home, metaphorically speaking. And as an example as meditating, that’s not that’s simply disconnecting from the world. But yet we are a being that exists in consciousness. So we can never disconnect from that.
Anyway, back to here. So anyway, that’s why I started learning this, you know, back in 2012, and embodying it over the years. But everything that I just said, I said, for a reason, because working with him can be very, very challenging. And a while back as I was, and I experienced all these air quote, weird symptoms working with him, and I have for again, 20 something years, it’s normal this day and age. I mean, there have been days that I’m like, I should go to the ER, and I’ve called them is like, you can go, they’re not gonna find anything. And it goes, do what I tell you to do, you’ll be fine tomorrow. And that’s always been the case, always. And a while back, my hands were numb. And one morning, I woke up, and my right hand was numb, as if I didn’t have a right hand, completely, like, no feeling none, you could have run over my right hand with a car. And I would have not not felt that. And it came back almost instantly. But it wasn’t as if, for example, you’re sleeping, and you can feel all the pins and needles. It wasn’t like that. It was simply almost kind of miraculous.
And it happened at four in the morning. And I almost texted him and I didn’t and I had dinner with him the next night. And I texted him the next day about that. And I saw him for dinner, and he started laughing at me. He’s like, I’m experiencing the same thing. And then he went into different things, which I won’t go into this podcast is that we can feel sorry for ourselves, we can get into fear, we can get into all these things. But the reason I’m sharing this is what dawned on me. And here’s the purpose of everything that I’m getting to is it only lasted for a few minutes. And I’ve learned also over the years, that things like this, come and go. And it might happen for a month, two months, three months in a row, every day, every seven days, every 14 days. Just you never know what’s random. And then it never happens again for a lifetime. And so many things have happened that I’m just I’m used to it. Everyone that works with we’re used to it.
So I haven’t had it I had I had it tonight, the next night, it was not as bad. But I had it. Now the point of the podcast is I literally had no feeling in the hand. And I’m like, do I have use of my hand? And that’s when this podcast hit me is I’ve not had gratitude for a simple things like my hand and my hands. Everything that my hands do. And my ability number one that I even have hands. And secondly, what can my hands do? And I thought about this is one a dawned on me. And this is where the idea for this episode came up a long time ago. And I’ve been waiting for quite some time to to record this particular episode. But I thought,what if I had no hands? Now I’m going to put that question back on you. So let’s let me let me be generous, you can keep one. But what if you lost one of your hands? Think about that for a moment. Just consider I don’t really want you to, you know, really imagine that. I’ll want your consciousness to go there. But let me give you some external tangibles.
If you didn’t have a right hand, actually, this is what I want you to do. Pick your dominant hand left or right. Now, if you didn’t have that dominant hand, would you be able to button a shirt? How about this? picking up a fork? How about this brushing your teeth? Or what about leaning over and using your thumb and forefinger to pick up a penny off the ground? Or even more importantly, if you didn’t have a dominant, you know, predominant hand, which this is good. I’m just joking here. I’m just kidding. How are you going to like click on your phone all day long. I mean, you you’ve got to train yourself to use your other hand, click on your phone, and your your your apps and everything else and especially my podcast. So think for a moment about all the things that you do with your hands.
Now I do want to send out a caveat here is to all of our brothers and sisters that have lost a hand somewhere and maybe in war and they don’t have a hand or they’ve lost function. And I’m telling you, they, for the most part, understand what I’m talking about. But I also want to say what I’m saying to everyone else might apply to them is that what you do have have extreme gratitude for it. Okay, let’s do some rubber meets the road here, let’s make this very tangible. This is something I came up with a while back. And I came up with it because I was watching a movie a long while back. And for some reason, I was watching a movie about somebody that was handicapped. And then I read something online about it like an hour later, and like, boom, okay, that’s an omen, that that’s a sign. And I know what the movie is as YouTube video. And a guy said in the video, if you want to know what it’s like to be handicapped, with your hands, put a sock on your hand, and wear the sock, you can’t use that hand. Because if I just told all of you right now, you know what, you can’t use your hand for an hour or half a day or whatever, you’re gonna do what we all do, you’re gonna forget, like in three minutes after you click off the podcast.
But here’s what I want you to do. And I’ve thought through this, and I want you to do this today, I want you to do it now, if you can, because if not, you’ll probably forget, you may forget, that’s what we tend to do is we get busy, we get distracted, and we move our attention. But right now, if you can, or you’re at home, or somewhere that you can do this, I want you to get a sock, and I want you to put that sock on your hand for one hour. And I thought about well, I should say two hours or three hours or no, one hour. And the reason why because I did this a while back to test it out seriously. before I say anything on the podcast, also I make things work. And I did test this out a while back, is I put a sock on my hand, and I started taking a shower. And I’m like, Okay, I got to keep my sock dry. And I could have gotten it wet. But I had no use of my you know, my predominant hand, my dominant hand in the shower. Trust me, it’s not as easy to take a shower. And you could think well, you can wash with the other hand your other hand? Yes, you can. But have you ever been a little transparent here? Have you ever tried to wash your armpit on let’s say, the left hand side with your left hand, I mean, you got to contort a little bit, and I’m just giving you an example there.
But that’s your, that’s your homework this week. That is your homework is I want you to think about, you know, doing this and the implications for you. Because when you do it, you know, the old Chinese proverb is something like what is it, I’m gonna mess it up. So I’m not even going to say it. But we learn by doing by immersing. And we get that like realization when we immerse ourselves. So what I want you to do is get the sock, put it on your hand, for one hour, and you cannot use that hand for one hour. And if you’re anything like me, you’re going to recognize that literally within one minute, two minutes, three minutes, geez, I didn’t recognize that I use my hand that much and becomes apparent to you. But I want you to do the hour, not just so becomes apparent in a few minutes, I want you to do the hour. So you’re fully immersed in that one hour without your dominant hand. And that in itself will help you know what it’s like.
Okay, so there you have it, but I’m going to give you more here, so stay with me, okay, I’m going to talk about some things that we can do to start becoming through a habit, a grateful person and living from gratitude. But you’ve got your homework, you know what it is, I’m really curious, I wish I could talk to you personally, because I’d love to hear, you know the outcome of your experience of you doing this. But I promise you do it for an hour, you’ll have a different, different perspective on your hand. And then obviously recognize is the whole key here in this episode is learning to be grateful for your hand, but not just your hand. Obviously I talked about earlier. I mean, your breathing, and your lungs and your toes. So I started a long time ago, I would sit down in the morning, and I would literally like scan my body and just say I’m grateful. I’m grateful. Thank you Hans. Thank you fingernails. Thank you elbow. Thank you knee you know and just but I would start I wouldn’t do randomly because I’d skip over and forget I would just start top my head and just go down my body. And I wouldn’t think every organ I mean I would focus sometimes on an organ but I wouldn’t focus on every organ one.
Okay, let me thank my liver, let me thank my spleen, let me thank my pancreas, you know, I wouldn’t do that. But I’d say you know what, let me just be grateful and I’m grateful for all of my vital organs that function well, and they’re healthy. And thank you for my bone structure and my skin and this and that and go through and I would do it for two or three minutes doing that will create more awareness for you. But the main thing is do it every day. And while I’m going to talk about that here in a second, do it every day and start habituating gratitude, because then it becomes a ratitude because you become radically grateful for things that you have in your life.
Okay, before I share a few more ideas with you here speaking of gratitude, if you’ve listened for any amount of time, and you’re grateful for the podcast, please share. Even though I record, you know the episodes, it’s a lot of work. And I mean a lot of work for my team to do this. Everything from my podcast editor and honestly, we don’t edit a lot. I mean, 99% of the time, I just put on put on a microphone and chat. I don’t really care about making a perfect because that doesn’t exist, but my team and everything else. So and if this will help you it will help other people. So please pay it forward. And please share the podcast. And even better. If you’ve been listening for a while, what I’d be very grateful if you would do this is go leave an iTunes review. And hopefully I’ve earned it, leave a five star review. If you look at our reviews on iTunes, I have a five star review view in terms of all of them together and I have near 1000 reviews. But the more reviews I believe it affects the algorithm and we can reach more people.
Okay, couple ideas. I mentioned in another episode, I learned this from Don Xavier is and I have mastered this over the years is he taught us many years ago those that work with him if you want to start mastering gratitude, have it in front of you. And he said what’s the one thing you have in front of you all day long, you would die without it is water. And he said every time you fill up your water container, your water jug, your water glass, just stop for a second look at the glass, and thank the water. And I would think the water for me for my survival my sustenance and keeping me alive. But you can actually thank the water for whatever you want. But think the water and something else that I do that I learned from him. It’s a habit now is every single morning before I get out of bed, and it’s an anchor, now it’s a trigger. When I put my feet on the ground, what I do is before I stand up, my feet go on the ground. And I stop for a second. And I say thank you. Thank you, thank you. I’m grateful for this day.Take a deep breath. Exhale, put my feet on the ground. And that is how I start my day.
Okay, so with the water, you can do stickies I that’s how I did it. I put sticky notes everywhere that there’s water in the house, I put sticky notes to remind me to be grateful and say thank you every time that I use water. And for anything else set an anchor, which is our alarms on our phones, you got a phone, we all have phones, use your phone to set the alarm if you need to. But that’s the way to start habituating because we learn as you know through other episodes, we learn through habit. Okay, do this every single day and focusing on this but do it with you know what I’m great. I’m truly grateful for this is not just an exercise, I’m doing this to learn, you know, ratitude. I’m doing this to embody this. I’m doing this to start living from this place. I promise you, your life will start changing. And I say that to everyone listening because every single one of you and I can I can elongate this and say a lot more and I’m not because of timing for this episode. But you know what, I don’t care who you are listening. There’s always something to be grateful for.
One of my interviews one time that I did this probably 10 years ago. Oprah said of this guy. She said he has the he has his. She said this. It’s the worst case of child abuse I’ve ever seen in my life. This was near the end of her career of the Oprah show. And I interviewed this guy. I don’t want to mention his name. I don’t know what he’s doing these days. But you know what, he was one of the most jovial, sweetest, kindest people. And when I was talking to him, he goes, You know what, I wouldn’t be who I am today. If that didn’t happen to me, then I’m grateful for the earlier part of my life. And that was like, mind blowing. And that Oprah said, it’s the worst case of child abuse. And I agree, I’ve know a story that she’s ever seen. And he’s grateful. Which by the way, I’ve said before, and I’ll wrap up here, just a couple more minutes, is Don Xavier has always said that to me, and that’s been a life. That’s that’s helped me big time, when he said, every single thing that happens to you everything, not something’s not picking and choosing every single thing that happens to you happens so that you can grow and evolve spiritually.
Okay, your transformational takeaway. I have a question for you. I’m going to slow down here. I’m going to say it slowly. ponder this question. What if? What if you woke up today, with everything that you were genuinely grateful for yesterday? What if you woke up today? With everything you were genuinely grateful for yesterday? What would you wake up with? And what would you have right now, in front of you. Thanks for listening. And I’ll catch you in the next episode. Bye bye.


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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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