Jim Fortin
You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is an interview with a recent student named Nic,we talk about a lot of things. But primarily we talk about subconscious values, and habits, and self talk, and choice, and how he’s made changes and all these areas in his life, and how you can too keep listening.
Jim Fortin
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life. from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Nic’s Journey: Connecting The Lines Between Where You Are And Where You Want To Be
Jim Fortin
Okay, so before I start playing the interview, as I had mentioned, in the introduction, we talked about, you know, Nic, and I talk about subconscious values and habits and self talk and choice. And candidly, as I was, you know, thinking about, okay, how am I going to title this episode, we talked about so much that I had no clue how to title this episode. So basically, I’m just calling it you know, an interview and subconscious values and habits and self talk and choice.
Jim Fortin
And Nic was a former student of mine, as I mentioned in the introduction, and we talked about his journey with me and his transformational journey about the gist would be this, how he’s a person that has everything in his life together, or so he thought. And, you know, he thought things were going really well, and they are, but he didn’t realize how well they could go. And he didn’t realize how many loose ends he had in his life, that were actually blocks for him that he didn’t even know that he had. And as you’ll hear very quickly into our time together, you know, we focus a lot on four areas. And then other areas revolving around this are pertaining or maybe even not pertaining, but there are things that I know you’re going to find valuable.
Jim Fortin
And we talked a lot about subconscious values. And how he was wondering why he struggled, why he was struggling so much in life. And he didn’t even recognize that he couldn’t get to the next level, because some of the values that he needed, weren’t even high values of his. And he didn’t even recognize that he was working from his subconscious values that were actually keeping him, you know, down and holding him back. So we talked a lot about subconscious values, and brain based and subconscious habits. We talked about his self talk, not recognizing how nasty he was in his own self talk to himself. And we talked about the power of choice. So no matter where you are in life, whether you know, you’re making 100 million a year, or you’re making, you know, not a lot and you’re getting by the reason I picked this episode out of all the ones that I’ve done recently, is because I knew there would be something in here for everyone. And I knew that pretty much everyone could relate.
Jim Fortin
So anyway, I’m going to stop here, we’re going to actually I’m going to play the interview. And enjoy. And one more thing, please share the podcast with you know, I’m sure you’ve listened to other episodes, please share with your friends and family. We’re growing very quickly, and we’re impacting a lot of people, and I appreciate your assistance and reaching the amount of people that we have. Okay, thank you so much. And enjoy.
Jim Fortin
Okay, so we’re visiting with Nic today. And Nic was a student in my recent transformational coaching program. And I wanted to visit with him. He didn’t know why yet because I pulled something out of a conversation we just had a few minutes ago, about, as you probably already know, listening to the podcast, I want every episode to have a takeaway for people. I want people you know, people to be able to say yes, that’s me or I can relate or, okay, I can take that I can apply it right away. So Nic, normally I start with a background on you, but let’s do this first. Let’s start here. Number one. Thanks for thanks for doing this today. You’re going to help a lot of people. So thank you for that.
I’m happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me.
Jim Fortin
I hope you’re Happy to be here. So you were like, like, not happy to be here.
I’m gonna contain my excitement level right now this is great.
Jim Fortin
I was like, I can’t imagine that interview if you hate being here. But anyway, you would mention, we talked about some of the transformation that you went through things that had happened. And I know a great place to go in our time together today. Because you can accentuate something that most people have a challenge with that in our time together and TCP, you found the golden key for you. And I’ve talked about it on the podcast. But let’s go to habits. Okay, let’s, let’s talk. And guys, for those of you listening, you can’t see that as granted. He’s like, Yeah, let’s go there. So let’s talk about habits. And we’re, what’s your thought? Okay, what was your thought on habits prior to working with me and thought on habits now, we’ll dig into that.
I’m not sure if there’s a bigger gap on what I thought before, to what I what I understand now. My habits, I thought I had my habits dialed before meeting you and working with you.
Jim Fortin
They came on. And like I’ve said before, for everyone listening, I’m going to interrupt because I want to take things apart as we’re talking. Okay. So let’s go there. So remember where you were put a mental place marker. You said you had your you thought you had your habits dialed in? Let’s go there first, what does that mean? What did you think?
I looked at my life and where I was at that point and thought, I’m a fit guy. I go to the gym all the time, I can stay disciplined in those kinds of things, I can stay disciplined in the way I treat my body, what I put on my body, what I eat, I could get up at the absolute earliest hours in the morning and hit the roads to go fishing meet clients, whatever the day called for, I had a lot of things that I really, really had a good habit behind. And I thought that that was translating through pretty much everything that I was doing in life. Yet, I still felt myself struggling in business in certain areas for some reason, and it was really kind of a, it was a it was a tough correlation for me to get because I here I thought I was just so good at laying out what I needed to do developing habits and going for it. And and I was still struggling.
Jim Fortin
Okay, let’s go here. Yes. And a lot of people, so I’m talking to people listening, that and I hear a lot of this, and you’ve seen this and our time together. People like you know, I might I might work with him, I might not. I have my stuff together. And then they work with me and are like, Oh my god, I didn’t realize that I didn’t have my stuff together, you know, especially when people like I thought I was the consummate personal development person, and then I work with you. And I find that I’m a victim. But so what did that mean for you in terms of you thought you had it all together, meaning you had a pretty good life pretty good business, you tell them what you do, by the way?
Well, I am a professional fly fishing guide. That’s that’s a big part of what I do. And from that came some ideas for some products. So I’m a Product base guy, I have a fly fishing apparel line. And I also have a natural beard care line as well. So a little bit, they sort of relate but not completely. And and I felt a little bit different being a product guy coming into the program. But I knew that there was still an absolute wealth of information that I was going to take away from working with you. And I absolutely did.
Jim Fortin
Yeah. So let’s go back here. And I want to actually we’re going to tweak that a bit a wealth of information, because as you’ve recognized, getting changed is not information. It’s literally he’s not in your right. He’s not you’re nodding that you you know, you understand that it’s integrating information, and living the information. But let’s go back for everyone else where I interrupted you, is you thought you had it all together. I mean, I can get up at five in the morning, blah, blah, blah, two continue the story.
So, gosh, where do you go from there? So I again, I thought I had it all together. I thought I knew the processes, I thought I could just wiggle my way into having a better life. And I saw where I wanted to go and what I wanted to accomplish, but I wasn’t getting there. And the bridge from where I was to where I wanted to go. It just it didn’t seem I couldn’t find anything tangible. I couldn’t draw any lines to why it wasn’t accomplishing the things that I wanted to accomplish. And that was unbelievably frustrating for me.
Jim Fortin
Now, let’s go there for a second. It’s probably unbelievably or was unbelievably frustrating, because you’re the type of guy who’s like my life’s buttoned up as they call I mean, I can get things done. And then what you were doing is I’m understanding as you’re asking yourself, I know I need to be doing XYZ and I know I know what I want, which is a big deal. Makes a lot of people don’t know what they want. I know what I want. Why? Why am I not getting what I want? And then that comes back to the reason why is because of back to you.
Well, now I know that the reason why I wasn’t getting what I wanted was, because I didn’t have there were certain. There were certain internal processes that I didn’t understand that I didn’t have in place. And once once I began working with you, and you started uncovering these things, it was like, things just started to make sense, things started to fall into line. And I could see why I was I was just so caught up in, in doing right. So it’s like the external thing where you just work in and grind in, and I’m such an achiever. And once I set my mind on something, I’ll get there, whether I burned myself out, or it’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done, I will get there. But it was just, like I said, just spending so much on an unbelievable amount of energy, trying to get the results that I wanted. And just coming into work with you and having those interactions with you and your program. It just really just started to draw those connections that that I can act and act and act as much as I want. But if I’m not being and not doing the inner work and not understanding the subconscious game, it’s just not gonna get you anywhere. Yeah, I’m just I was spinning my wheels. And you uncovered that clearly.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, yeah, we want to go there. Because the word I was looking for, which we talked about, and everyone listening, we didn’t have a link the call, I have no idea what he’s gonna say on our time together. But he mentioned the word habits. So as you’ve heard me say, and you’ve, you’ve fully I think, immerse yourself in, we don’t get what we want in life, we get our habits. And then as you just alluded to, as we do in the program, and I teach in the podcast, and everywhere else, is our habits are all brain based, and their subconscious, their subconscious paradigms. So I can sit here, every one of you listening, no matter where you are, whether you’re sitting on $100 million, or you’re scratching your broke rear end, doesn’t matter. Because you got there, because of your identity, and your unconscious paradigms, and your brain based habits. And you can hope and wish and walk and pray all day long. But like Nic’s talking about here, but until you change that, you’re going to work yourself into the ground, and nothing’s going to change for you. Because he used the word I’m going to Will my way. Now, what’s your take on that now that you’ve been with me? As opposed to what it was? Well, I’m just gonna make it happen. And what’s your take on that now?
What kind of like I alluded to a moment ago, it’s just it’s it’s such an unbelievable waste of energy to try to feel your way into something that you’re not. You just you the magic of of you uncovering this subconscious game. And this whole thing was literally the key to vaulting forward in in seeing that, that what I want to achieve what anybody wants to achieve is is really attainable. We’ve just been going about it the wrong way. And I mean, I won’t even talk about values we had a minute ago,
Jim Fortin
again, because let’s dig into the exam like, okay, where the heck do we go next? So let’s talk values. Let’s go.
Well, that was one of my favorite subjects to talk about was was when we got into values, and realizing that as a business owner, and an entrepreneur, money wasn’t even on my radar. I mean, that was an absolute shock to me. I thought, again, going back to the beginning of the conversation, I thought I had it figured all out, I thought I had I had the habits in place. I thought I was doing the right things. But I didn’t even value money. How am I supposed to make money? If it’s not even in my values? I mean, I,I would.I would be shocked if I had it in my top 10 at the time,
Jim Fortin
Yes, everyone listening and in my in people’s time with me. And it’s the transformational coaching program. And I don’t want to overlay gratuitously promote. So I’m trying to be careful in what I say. But we discover unconscious values, we go through a process. And so many people are trying to create something in life, but it’s not aligned with their values. And because it’s not aligned with their values, they think they want it. And then they’re like, why, why why why am I spinning my wheels? Why can’t I get from point A to point B, I want to go to point B, but I just can’t get there now and tell you what, as Nick knows, and I want to expand upon that. So until you align your which we call the inner alignment and our work together the very first week until you align who you are at an identity level with the external goal that you want to create. ain’t gonna happen. No matter what you do now and your experience and you’ve had some time down, you know, months to process our time together and you’re using it. You want to expand upon that in any way. So people listening can say, boom, I get it. Okay, now I can relate to the guy. That’s been my, that’s been my hurdle the whole time.
Yeah. Would you like to? Could you repeat the question for me? Just a little more concisely?
Jim Fortin
Let’s see this. Just keep talking about values and how you use it.
I think it’s really important. And, again, correct me if I’m wrong, but what I’ve picked up is that I was just not operating through the values that I needed to accomplish the goals that I wanted to accomplish. For example, when
Jim Fortin
I’m interrupting preschool, totally yet, some examples.
I thought, let me I’m trying to think back to the exercise, I want to say, freedom was definitely a top value. Gosh, I wish I could pull him out right now. It just there was a few things in mostly regarding freedom nature, I believe was one of them, which is a huge thing for me. But there was a real lack of, of business value and values, they’re
Jim Fortin
And I’m guys listening, I apologize. I’m interrupting because he It’s big. And if I don’t hop on an offer, get, okay. We’re going to talk about business values. And we’re also going to talk about you work in the outdoors for a living. And notice what Nic just said, he goes, one of my values is nature. Did you say nature outdoors? You said, Well, okay, nature, I
think I said nature, but being outside nature. Yeah. And
Jim Fortin
so it automatically dovetails that what you do for a living dovetails with your identity and your home. Because we only work from our values, everyone listening, we only, we literally are driven by our highest values. This is why only as an example, people that have certain values, vote democratic people have other values, vote Republican, that’s it. It’s not political, it’s just we we vote, we vote our values, we live our values. So I would assume for a lifetime, one of your highest values is probably been nature. And as a result of that, if I put Nic in an office, and a coat and tie, not that he’s laughing already, he would shoot himself, he would hang himself. He said, I can’t do this. Why? Because it’s not aligned with his highest values, then what we go to is if his highest if he’s wanting to build the business, but values aren’t even a high value, I mean, he’s wanting to build a business, but money is not a high value, that how can he build a business? Back to you Nic, and dig in and go wherever you want?
That’s great, because I couldn’t that’s my answer. I couldn’t I didn’t value money. I couldn’t build a business. I was building a hobby. Something to fill my time. Something that I could create a little income and then put that that income right back out. Again, it was just a cycle, right? money in money out money in money out .
Jim Fortin
Yeah, yeah.
And it was it was a vicious cycle. And a lot of us are stuck in that cycle. But and this is the part where I was like, correct me if I’m wrong, but I do I it seems like I can realign my values. And that’s what you’ve helped show me. Because I didn’t know it was a subconscious thing that I didn’t value money and I didn’t value the business, I didn’t value the systems in the business. And I didn’t value myself. I didn’t value receiving. And I can’t really give if I’m not good at receiving as well. But I feel like I’ve learned that if I know what I truly want, I can really work subconsciously and realign my values. So I don’t feel like we’re stuck in those values. And I’ve done a lot of work to to realign the values that I think I want that are aligned for me. And they’re lining up with my business a lot more and I feeling and experiencing a lot more freedom than I had previously. Six months ago.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So everyone listening, let me recapitulate. So what he did and our time together we all have to do this is if we’re not getting what we want. Many of us are not living our life by what we value. We’re living our life by what we think other people value. Meaning for example, if I said you know what, Nick, I’m going to make you famous. And I’m going to you’re going to be able to buy jewelry and but you can’t live in you can’t go to the mountains anymore. You can’t go fly fish, but you’re going to make a lot of money, but you can’t go anymore nature. Would you take would you take it?
Oh, man, would you Why don’t think I could I just couldn’t do it because it’s not aligned with what I truly value. I feel like even driving around in the Ferrari I would feel dead inside. I would feel dead inside. It’s just not aligned with who I I feel like I am
Jim Fortin
That’s why That’s where we wanted to go for everyone listening. That’s why most of you were stuck. And we have the whole gamut of people listening. Some are highly motivated, some are not. Some are learning seven phases of life. And this is why those of you that are doing well, but you’re stuck. I can’t say this is why, but this is probably why it’s because your unconscious values. And Nic, you didn’t get up every morning prior to meeting me and say, Well, what am I unconscious values today? Let me think, nope, he didn’t do he’s nodding his head, no, and everyone listening. So what’s happening most likely, is your subconscious values are running counter to what you think you want. And it’s literally literally like being on a roller skate and roller skates, and one going one direction and one going the other direction. And you’re going to break your rear end because you’re not you know, you’re going to do it Nick dad, who’s the concept of Doer that he always tried to do and then wonder why he’s wearing himself out.
Jim Fortin
Okay, let me segue from the podcast for just one minute. The fact that you’re here listening to my podcast, means that you’re serious about Transforming your Life from the inside out. Now, that being said, you’re going to want to mark your calendar, because I’m doing a live no charge training, startinE DO HAVE series. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to dig deeper into the ways of identity that you need to be, so that you can actually change the things you need to change so that you can have the health and the wealth and the success and the money and all the things that you want. So whatever you do, Mark your calendar for March the fourth 3pm, Central Standard Time, and visit And again, whatever you do, right now, get registered for this no charge training. Okay, back to the episode.
Jim Fortin
Now, let’s go there. You said that your wife has noticed changes in you? What is she noticed
A lightness about about how I show up for my day, the the way my mind would work and go into overwhelm, I would just gather so much information and rearrange it my mind and rearrange my mind. And I spent so much time dwelling in past and future that it was hard to be present with my family at some a lot of times. And so now. She’s the one that actually started noticing the changes as I was going through the program. And in typical Nic fashion, I’m going through the program, trying to absorb everything that I can and feeling a little bit of change, but not allowing as much as I probably should have. Sure but I’m really great at reflecting. So here we are right now reflecting and implementing. But even back then when I wasn’t even noticing these the changes, she noticed she says, hey, you’re lighter, you’re smiling, you’re showing up more, you are showing up more in your business, you’re doing X, Y and Z. above and beyond what you you have been doing in the last few years, as I started to weigh myself down and bury myself in the doing. So that’s that’s probably the biggest thing that she noticed is just an overall improvement in our relationship together as well. It’s just everything was so much lighter, easier and more joyful.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, I was gonna say yes. And that a lot of people can relate to that what you used to do, is used to be what I call a furniture mover, and that you were moving furniture on the Titanic, thinking it’s going to make a difference. You know, let me the Titanic the ship’s going down, but let me move all the furniture in the living room, you know, it ain’t gonna matter. It’s gonna go down anyway. So you touched on a few things, because we deal with a lot of things that our time together. You said the word self value? What does that mean? And where do we go with that?
This is this is something that’s come up for me a lot lately. And when there were a couple of times going through the program, and now, when even now post when I’m starting to reflect that a lot of past stories and triggers will start to kind of come up to the surface. And we’ll have to deal with them. And it’s a good thing. It’s not always easy. It’s not always hard. It just happens. And one of the biggest stories that has come up for me lately and go through your program and post program is that I didn’t value myself very highly. I had great conversations in the program with the people in the program with coaches and knew about this subject. I just didn’t know I was unaware, because I went through life. My parents were divorced at a young age, and it’s the best thing that they could have done. I’m not upset about that at all. But of course then I make choices on how I need to act and how I need to show up. And I was the oldest child and I felt like I had to shut myself down. Because other people were going through much more, they had more turmoil, they had more, they had bigger problems, who might have complained about this, who might have complained about this. They’re starving people all over the world who might to complain about not having my father here. I just learned to numb and to quiet myself and go internal. And so that just sort of perpetuated a cycle of I’m not I’m okay. I’m, I’m from being I’m okay. I don’t need anything to I’m not worthy. I’m not good at this. I’m not good at that. It was a completely internal dialogue that I had with myself. Subconsciously, I guess it’s not really a dialogue, I would say it’s just a colored lens that I saw my world in. And that’s just how I acted and showed up. And if you would have asked me to pre program, if I had a low, low self worth low self esteem, I would have said no, I feel I feel fairly confident. I was great at putting on the facade.
Jim Fortin
And that came to light. And I’ve been able to work in that more. And I’m much more comfortable now. I’m getting there. I’m I wouldn’t say it’s completely gone. It’s an old, very deep groove that I’m trying to pull out of right. Yeah, but I’m recognizing it now. Much more often, I recognize it earlier. I can I can understand it earlier, I allow myself to feel that feeling. And then know that I can choose a different way. And it’s, it’s over time, it’s changing the lens that I’m seeing the world and the way that I’m showing up in it. And it’s a beautiful thing. It’s a really beautiful thing.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, everything’s every time I mean, I’ve been on this path for 25 years. And, you know, I mean, transformation. I don’t mean rah rah motivation for people listening, but transformation, it’s a process, it’s never going to stop and tell you they did they leave the body. And then you’re really going to transform once you’re out of the body. But it’s a lifetime thing. Let’s go back here. You’re, I’ve watched your videos you did a couple of lives. When I say videos, everyone listening. We are a very, very active community. A very tight community, very like minded community, people that I work with. And many people by choice, shoot Facebook Lives. And here’s what I’m dealing with. And here’s what I went through. And here’s what I learned the my days, frickin upside down today. And, you know, I got it, you know, I’m using tools to pull out of it, etc. I’ve watched your lives. You have kids, right?
Jim Fortin
Okay. Now you don’t know where I’m going to go. I haven’t told you this earlier. And I don’t know. And maybe none at all is Do you find that finding more self value and worth in yourself has affected the way that you parent?
Yes, I would definitely say it’s affected the way I parent. And I would say on even a couple of levels. The most noticeable is like how I’m showing up in life, we’ve kind of touched on this just a moment ago. But if I show up better in life, and I’m treating people better, they’re gonna see that they copy what what we do as parents were their models for them. And so if I’m showing up in joy and lightness and in freedom and building a business and loving on my wife and loving on my children, it’s it’s going to create a it’s a generational expansion for them and their kids and their kids. It’s doing this work will just instill such great things into your kids and their kids and their kids. I don’t even know what else to say about it. Because it’s that literally is a beautiful thing, it almost brings tears to my eyes. So I would say that that’s the biggest way that it’s impacted. My children is how I show up and and just modeling for them what they can do and how they should treat others and and it’s brought us all tighter as a family honestly.
Jim Fortin
So what I want to take out of that thank you is being a better father, which I think working with men and women, women are always worried about, am I good enough mother? and dads don’t express it as much. But am I good enough Dad? You know, am I doing everything right? Am I am I am I the good dad and the good husband. And really, I think what you’re demonstrating that being a good dad is obviously about providing, but that’s where most men place their value is I’m the provider. And as long as I’m doing that, then I’m doing a good job and then I bring value. But I think the deeper work the deeper value is being the best human being that you can be as an example to your kids, and teaching them how to embody these things like you’ve started doing like self love, self acceptance, self appreciation, because that makes all the difference in the world about how we show up in the world. And you’re teaching you’re you’re literally because your kids are young, I believe in you know 3,4,5 and that you know You’re teaching them at this age, how to be for the rest of their lives. You’re doing the most important thing you can do for them is showing them like you’re a steward of them. You’re showing them like the most amazing path that they can walk on in this lifetime. Okay? What? give me give me some examples of what it would feel like to not value yourself highly. I’m sure there’s some self talk that went with that you touched on a little earlier. What things would you say to yourself now that you look back and you’re like, you know, I didn’t value myself?
Oh, it’s honestly, Genesis completely embarrassing. And I could start like, there’s one example that would come up often. And I remember this so vividly. And I don’t do it anymore. But I would, I would feel so clumsy, I would grab something. And it’s probably because I just wasn’t paying attention. I had a couple of things on my mind. I grabbed my water and I drop it. And then I tried to pick it up as I was looking the other way. And I drop it again. And in my mind, I’m you stupid, clumsy. Beep, beep beep beep beep is your is your problem, just really beating myself down? And it was, it wasn’t. It just, it was so automatic. It was so automatic. It’s startling. That it’s that it took something like the program to show me how awful I was being to myself. And that’s maybe the most Stark and honest answer I can give you two that is that I would just literally call myself these unbelievable names and thinking about this. And like, would you ever call your friend this your fitness and your family? Your wife? No, absolutely not this awful. But we’re okay treating ourselves like absolute dog crap. It’s, it’s, it was startling. How,
Jim Fortin
let’s go here. It’s same question, but a different direction, different way to ask. So you’re saying these things. But how did you feel about yourself saying those things?
I feel like it was almost a self perpetuating cycle. Because I would feel stupid for the thing that I did. They would beat myself down verbally for doing whatever happened. And then I’d feel bad about feeling bad, or about calling myself the crappy name. And so it’s like, I could create such a spiral with it. It was it was just it’s self perpetuating. And it just was a vicious cycle. And it went around and around and around.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, yeah. And the thing is just because it’s unconscious, we know what’s happening. But we’re not fully cognizant of the depth of it, and what we’re doing and the implications of what we’re doing. And now you see that you said something, and everyone says this, I say it all the time on the podcast, and everywhere that I speak and things that I do. And it’s so simple, but it’s so nebulous for a lot of people, when you said, How I show up for words, how I show up, what do those words mean, how you show up?
To me, I would say that how I show up, is the way I choose to, oh, man, how I show up.
Jim Fortin
Take your time, because I get a part even if you’re in front of a room, lecturing people and doing the presentation. What does that mean? How I show up?
That’s a big idea. Because it’s understanding that how we see our world and how we move forward. It’s all a choice, right? Our experience here, what we think is true, what we think is not true. It’s all a choice. And so for me, seeing that I used to live in such a reactionary state, meaning the world is happening to me. And understanding now that so much of it is a personal choice story. Feeling emotion that I’ve chosen to associate with how my life is going, I can see that I can shift that I can choose a new interpretation. I can choose how I view my life and how it’s going. And so why not choose the better. So if I choose to show up every day in light, love, expansion, possibility and joy. What is possible for me from this day forward? For anybody from this day forward, instead of showing up in our old habits of fear of self deprecation of playing small of reliving our childhood wounds. I mean, it’s it’s not Not even. You’ve asked me the question before, where would I be? Six months from now a year from now, if I change nothing, and I feel like a lot of people would say, I’d be stuck in the same place. And when I hear that question, I think No, I would be so much further behind. Because look, everything’s moving forward our time on life. We’re all moving forward. So from the point where you asked that question, if I’m making choices to show up in joy, love, expansion, all those things that we talked about, I am I am gaining I am spending I’m moving forward. If I choose not to I, I’m literally shrinking, I feel like stagnation in life is is literal. Literally moving backward in life. And that’s just how I view it. Because to me, it’s you’re never just staying still. We’re moving forward. You’re either growing or you’re shrinking.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, there’s, there’s a theme. Thank you for that. That’s an amazing answer. There’s a theme and your answer. And that theme is how do you choose to be how you choose to be? And that answer is a conscious chooser. Meaning life’s not just happening to me. Life’s happening for me, how do I choose to respond to life? And that’s because one of the podcasts taught one of the weeks we do a whole week on choice. podcast title, one of the titles I have is it’s not life is a choice. Life is choice, all of your life. I mean, you had a choice whether to get on this podcast today, you have a choice of what you’re going to say today. everyone listening has a choice to I want to click off. Now when I keep listening, give me more. I’m going to listen again. I want more, I want less everyone has a word choice that’s we are BEing to choose. And I think what you said the way that you’re BEing, you’re being a responsible person with your choices. Is that fair?
I think now I am. Yes. If you’d asked me that same question. Pretty slick. Yeah, I probably would have. I would have thought Yes. But definitely the answer would have been no. So I can now Yes, definitely. Yes. And yeah. 100% and, and it’s just it’s such a better way to live life. It’s such a, such a freeing thing that you brought into into my life in so many people’s lives is to understand that.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, there’s no victim mentality. There’s no he she did this. They did that the government did this to government. It’s none of that. It’s you know, what, it’s a simple phrase that I say to people are, like, it’s so banal and so simple, but it’s true. If it is to be it’s up to me, because I can kind of do it for you. You know, I’ll come fly fishing with you somewhere up in Montana or something, but I you know, I’m it’s your work. It’s your push ups, you know?
Absolutely. 100%.I’m gonna take you up on that. Come fishing rally.
Jim Fortin
I will. I love Montana is such a beautiful that part of the country is absolutely gorgeous. We have a family that owns a home in the Tetons. So I mean, I spent some time in the Tetons, everyone listening if you’ve never been to the Grand Tetons, they are spectacular.
Jim Fortin
They’re stunning. Yeah. So I spent time up there in Montana. And at one point, I’ll not be long. I thought about moving to Montana. But Holy cow, was it cold up there as well?
It gets pretty chilly. Yes. It’s I’m from Billings, Montana. That’s probably one of the most extreme places I’ve been. It’s it’s 108 110 in the summer, sometimes Yeah. And it’ll get down well below zero even before the wind show. We’re talking 15-20 below, and then add the Windchill on top of that. So
Jim Fortin
It’s pretty extreme.
Jim Fortin
When I went there once I’m like, there were some few choice words coming out of my mouth. I’m like, I’m going back home again. I do it. That’s what idiots do this. Yeah. Oh,
yeah. The first time I brought my wife over for Christmas, to meet my family. My wife’s mom was asking if she was going to die. Because it was like, there had been two feet of snow and it was negative 24 at the height. She’s like, do people actually survive this?
Jim Fortin
So? everyone listening here? Yeah, everyone listening, if you ever get the chance to go to Montana, or that area go to Montana. It’s an absolutely beautiful place. Now, Nic, let’s let’s kind of wrap up here. And we’ll see how long this goes doesn’t matter. If you look back at TCP and our time together, and I said, pick one thought, one concept, one thought, one weak one something and you you you can’t keep the rest. But you can only have that one thing that’s made the biggest difference in your life. What is that thing? How has it made a difference in your life? Take your time.
Holy mackerel. program is such a wealth of information. I mean, the email said to pick something that was your biggest takeaway, and I’ve got an entire page notes of what my takeaways were, I would say, let’s see, how do I can make my answer a little bit more concise. I would say that, that you will, it’s gotta be the values thing that honestly was one of the biggest punches in the gut. If you’re being a business person, and you don’t value money or your business structures. If you’re, whatever you’re wanting in life, if your values don’t align with your desired outcome, you’re just you. It’s not gonna happen. That’s plain and simple. I don’t know how else to say that. I think maybe it was one of the biggest punches in the gut I could have gotten in the program, and it was a beautiful thing. So finally, yeah, there you go.
Jim Fortin
Okay, well, let’s go here for everyone listening. So well, let’s go to directions here. And Nick, feel free to chime in is that if, and I used to be the same, I mean, I used to say, I love what I do for a living. I don’t care about the money. And I recognized that I wasn’t valuing money. But how can I be an entrepreneur and build a business if I don’t care about money? And then how am I going to attract money and act in accordance to attract money? And that’s why for many years I was doing I was doing okay, but nothing like I’m doing now are impacting the amount of people. So if we’re in business, we have to have values consistent with financial expansion. Right?
Jim Fortin
Okay. Now, let’s look at the amount of people that don’t have any money. What do you think their values are?
Oh, man, I think that I think people who don’t value money, probably value things like, security, safety.
Jim Fortin
Let’s go here, though. No, those are all fine. But for example, I was watching something. And there were some people being very judgmental, or simply It was about a very impoverished area. And I was about Indian reservations. And somebody said, there was this person being interviewed. And they said, Well, you know, you drive by some of their, their places, and their old shacks, and they don’t be careful when there’s curtains flying out the window, and meaning, you know, just the windows are open and the breeze and everything else. And I thought there’s many reasons, there’s multiple reasons. But these people on the reservations, they don’t have any money. I mean, it’s like the lowest income group in the United States, I believe, oh, you’re up in your area. Yeah. Soyou understand this?
familiar? Yes. Very familiar.
Jim Fortin
And I’m like, but how much when it comes to being able to attract wealth, and money and, and finances? How much are they even taught about it? But secondly, if they live that way, it’s because they’ve never learned there’s no judgment here. They’ve never learned to value those things. And if you don’t value those things, there’s no way you can have them in your life, or bring them into your life. Same thing with with Nic and everything he does, and everyone listening. And Nic feel free to chime in is that he’s in health. And he, I mean, he’s in good shape, and everything. These are values to him. Because if he didn’t, if he wouldn’t be doing the things he needs to do to build the body, if he didn’t have the values to do it in the first place. Anything you want to add, Nic?
Absolutely. And I, it’s, it’s by no fault, I think about my parents, and I think about the things I was taught, growing up and going to church and, and culturally, it’s not really I can’t fault myself for not valuing money, I was taught these things. And I, I just took those on as my own views. And now I know that they weren’t my own views. There’s just something that I learned that I thought was a reality, which turns out that we’re just making stories, judgments and interpretations. And our feelings are living through our emotions. And that’s what color’s our world. But just like the the reservations that we were talking about, I can’t fault them, I can’t fault their parents, I can’t fault their generations before, if they weren’t taught that value. It’s just something that’s that was so subconsciously ingrained in me and so many, that money is evil, or money is bad, or TV and want money is a bad thing, when we’re in business to make money.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, so synopsize that if you don’t value it, you’re not gonna have it. Plain and simple. So you look at your life, everyone listening, what you have, what you don’t have, if you don’t have it, it’s because you don’t value it. And if you don’t value it, it’s because the way I started this call is you don’t have this subconscious paradigm meeting in your subconscious paradigms. You don’t have it and in your value system, you don’t value it. Therefore you don’t do the things you need to do that you air quote, no, you need to be doing to create it. You wrote something down there. Okay, that’s your final thought for today you get one final the audience is yours. You reached over there something hits you, what are you going to share as a parting thought?
Oh,I would say that one of one of the biggest things that I remember about this whole process is sitting on the fence before hitting the purchase. And I know we didn’t really want to talk about TCP too much. But I was I was on the fence before I bought the program. And you look at spending money to increase your awareness, your your understanding and expand in life. And sometimes my my old thought process came in that protective thought process that wanted me to keep my money safe. And now looking back, I just can’t thank you enough for the value that you put out in the world. Because the amount of money that was in the transaction versus what I get now and what I get to move forward in for the rest of my life. I feel like I’m stealing from you, which I think is the point of what you do. It’s it’s you you give tremendous value to to us in tremendous knowledge. And that is just something that stuck out with in my mind. And it’s stuck with me. Since day one of this program since day one of talking to you and talking to everybody in the room and their coaches, it’s just been a phenomenal process. And a I will continue to be exponentially rewarded for the rest of my existence here on this planet and beyond.
Jim Fortin
Okay, I’ll give you I’ll send you 10 bucks for saying that. So
I thought I tried harder.
Jim Fortin
All right, I’ll send you twenty that thank you for sharing today. Thank you so much. When we started I’m like, I don’t know where it’s gonna go. But I but but what you touched on, it applies to all of us and all of our lives. And it’s really pretty simple. Once we recognize that we take it apart like we do in our time together. It’s literally us that’s preventing us from having exactly what we want in life no matter what that is. So again, a big hug to you. And thank you so much for visiting today.
I guess you sir, I’m so grateful for this. I had a great time chatting with you. Thank you, Jim.
Jim Fortin
Thank you.
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