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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 170: “Money, Money, Money with James Wedmore”

June 9, 2021

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As you know, I’ve only had one guest on my podcast and that person is James Wedmore. James is an industry leader in online business building and online entrepreneurship.

He’s back with me in this episode and we talked about so much I had no idea what to title this episode. We talked about many aspects of money so I kept it simple and titled it – Money, money, money.

As a quick recap I can tell you here are some main themes in this episode.

We talked about…

  • [5:19] How the masses allow money to become their master.
  • [16:36] AYNI – The ancient principle of giving and receiving
  • [18:22] Why “expansion” for others is the way to wealth
  • [20:25] Why so many people fear asking for money
  • [38:20]Why money is actually a game
  • [44:57]The importance of valuing the value we create in life
  • [1:02:01] How not to give all your power to money

And, so, so much more.

We talked for an hour about many aspects of money and even if you don’t own an online business listen to this episode because the tax truth is that you should own some kind of business, no matter what it is.

If you’re wanting to make more money in whatever you do in life or to capitalize on an online business then give this episode a listen, you’ll love it!

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Full Episode Transcript


Jim Fortin
You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. Now, as you may know, I normally do not have guests on my podcast, I’ve only had one formal guest, so to speak over the years. And his name is James Wedmore. And the other times that he’s been here, we’ve talked about A Y N I, which is the ancient reciprocity of life. And this episode, we talk about I’ve been obviously, I have him back, because that’s why I’m talking about him. We talk about a lot of stuff. But the truth is us. A lot of my listeners are in the business world in some way. Or they’re either entrepreneurs. And we talk about many, many, many aspects of money, more than anything, because there’s so many people that struggle with money. Now, I say this humbly, I’m very wealthy, and I run an upper seven figure per year business. James is very wealthy, and he runs an eight figure per year business. He’s an amazing individual is very humble, very down to earth. And we talk about many aspects of business and generating income and generating wealth and generating revenue, and how we do it. And we want to share a lot of our perspective on the way that we approach it with you. Also, one more thing we just kind of dug into the podcast. So you’re going to hear is joking around and Kidding, kidding around a lot and just playing. So you’ll probably hear some kind of, you know, facsimile of an intro a little bit later on once we started the episode, because I don’t even remember what we went into once we started that anyway, I know it’s a good episode, I enjoyed doing it. And I know that you’re going to enjoy listening. Alright, keep listening.
Jim Fortin
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the inside out with his podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.

James Wedmore: Attracting Money To Your Life

Jim Fortin
Okay, guys, we’re back and Jameson are cracking up. So we’re gonna have a good time today. But he I’m interviewing him because I know that he and I together can help you guys with money. And a lot of you guys have challenges with money. And we talked about some potential headlines today. And Nikki who’s my director, Director of Operations, and both of us as text about an hour ago. And I want to I want to read the text because let’s take this text apart. She goes the idea is that so many people struggle with money even if you air quote, no, all the universal laws about money. The intention, meaning of this podcast is a refreshing helpful spiritual conversation about money from two super spiritual and successful guys. Are we that super spiritual and successful?
James Wedmore
I’m so spiritual,
Jim Fortin
Okay, why didn’t No kidding. And that’s where I really want to go. She goes, I believe both of you have gone through various money things in your life, and can share your stories, most of all touch on the 3d versus the five D, and talk about the money stuff that no one talks about, because they simply don’t have access to the knowledge you have Don Xavier. One caveat there. All of you listening is that James also now to the same degree works with Don Xavier that I do, you know, as my brother in law, I’ve done it for a lot of years. And James is literally for lack of better terms on the inner circle now, with Don Xavier. And so what I want to talk about it what I just said, there, James, I want this to be organic, that anything hits you or any place you want to dig in based upon what I just said that our whole intention today is to help people that have read all the books Why have I read the Seven Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra on this book and that book and this book and that book, and they’re still struggling with money? So do you want to where do you want to? That’s my suggestion to start there. But
James Wedmore
Yeah, I there’s, there’s a lot of places I am dying to start. But you have to start at one place. Right?
Jim Fortin
And let’s go here first, just so everyone knows, I’m sorry. It’s my fault, because we’re very casual today is that you run an extraordinarily successful I think eight figure business per year now.
James Wedmore
Jim Fortin
I know. We never talk like this when we’re together but you’re a multimillionaire. I’m a multimillionaire run multiple, seven figure businesses. Well, we’ve been very successful in the business world, very successful making money. And I just want everyone to know that not be you know, I want to be humble about it. But we’ve been in the trenches, we’re entrepreneurs, we know what it takes to attract money into your life. Okay, back to you, where do you want to go with,
James Wedmore
I think a place to start, it is an unlikely place to start, which is like, this is a conversation and episode that your listeners are probably going to notice that they’re really gravitated towards. And it’s all there’s almost like a catch 22 inherent in all of this, because one of the first things that that on says is when you make money, your master, you lose yourself. And we’re really raised and indoctrinated into a culture that that does that. And so, on one hand that may be what’s drawing you to this episode is like, yes, more money. And you got to be careful about that. Right? Like, what do we believe money will give us and when we start to decide that once I have a certain amount of money, then I’ll be happy, then that’ll be successful, we enough will be worthy, I’ll get the lover I’ll get the all the things, then then that’s where we’ve already given our power away to money to create us to have power over us. And so it becomes a very interesting conversation because on one hand, that’s, that’s what like, can draw people into these type of conversations. But it actually becomes that energy and that way of being that can be the biggest thing that pushes money away. And one of the big things he taught us is when we no longer do that, when we no longer give our power to money when we no longer make it our master that’s that’s when it comes flooding in. And and then you start to see that really the sky is is the limit. So I think it’s it’s a unique place to start. But I think that’s an important place to start, which is what is driving somebody or what is the driver or the desire the motivation behind listening to an episode like this, isn’t it as it already thinking like, well, because once I have money, like all my problems go away, and hate to break it to you. But that’s just, you know, not
Jim Fortin
James Wedmore
You’ll finally be happy Don’t go away. You know, that’s the thing, too, is like Walt Disney died, that lied to us, right? The whole happily ever after. Once I have a certain business, it’s like, problems don’t go away. They just different different problems at every level, and you just become more resilient and powerfully effective and how you handle those problems. But
Jim Fortin
You and I were talking to Brandon’s event, our friend, Brandon Lucero, about a year and a half ago. And you said something? Rarely do you say anything wise, but you said
James Wedmore
But those rare moments? What am I that’s why they call me a wise das. You know,
Jim Fortin
is that what I thought there’s other reasons as well, but that I know of, but you said something really simple and wise and I find that to be true, is that money doesn’t I don’t I forget to how you said it. But basically, you were saying really all money does is make life easier for you. Meaning that you missed your Air Flight, your fare. So just book another flight, run a car or run a hotel, whatever you want to do, as an example,
James Wedmore
It can turn problems into minor inconveniences. But that’s only if you’re using money in the correct way. Like if you if you because a lot of people get money and then they they have a hard time letting it go. And they hold on to it with like that death grip. And they don’t they value and this is you and I both talk about so much as they value their, their their money so much more than their, their mental, you know, sanity much more than their time and their energy. And I’ve watched people go through hoops and days and be in the whole ego of like, but it’s the principle of it. It’s like Yeah, and it’s also your time and your life and your life is so short and precious. Like just go buy the next ticket or go you know, just handle this and move on.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, you do have entrepreneurs like I do, but you deal with a lot of entrepreneurs because your program is called BBD Business by Design. Therefore it’s all business focused and people have this these thoughts that if it’s all business, it’s all I’m doing it because of money. Now want to come back here You said something that Don Xavier said this to us and I talked about this on the last podcast a little bit about making money your master but you said that people give well Don Xavier told us we’re talking about it is that people make money their master and they give all their power to money. So if I’m sitting home right now we’re in the car wherever I am listening, how do I not give my power away to money?
James Wedmore
That is that that is the question.
Jim Fortin
I am asking you.
James Wedmore
So I think the first place is we have to start looking at what does that what unpacking that? What does that mean? How am I already giving it away specifically for me where that starts is is a huge piece around values. Okay, so what do you believe money will give you that you can only have when you have more money. And that will start to elicit certain values that you that you’ve now conditioned on money. The other thing too, is that when you value that more than other values in your life, in other words, if you’re constantly sacrificing family for money, then you’re you know, you’re starting to say this is the, this becomes the aim in my life, this becomes the trajectory and nothing else matters. And we had this, you know, talking to a family member, and they were realizing they were missing their, their kids, you know, karate lessons and ballet recitals, because they’re working too much. And they realize that now and they’re like, wow, I have been in this gotta work hard to make money thing, and I’m missing out on my kids in their life, I’m missing out on being a father to them. And to recognize that and start to go what is really important, and, but I think people are still operating from this either, or it’s like, well, then if I don’t work hard and do the 14 hour days, and I can’t make money. And I think that’s the beautiful thing that always excites me is the opportunities that are here now and available to us with with the internet, the scalability of the type of businesses that we run is that you really can have the money and the time and the and the family and the things that are important to you. And it’s just about being intentional with how you design that. But when we start to tell these stories that I have to sacrifice everything, my health, my time, my family, my sanity, to make money, and that that will make everything better, and Okay, and everything will work out after that. I think that’s a dangerous route that we go down. And I first got a dose of that back in 2011, I had my first like successful product launch, I did $400,000 in sales in 30 days, everything I wanted the opposite point, I was making money, my master, everything I wanted was on the other side of that, and I got the money, the money came in, and I was empty. I didn’t get it, I was like, I’m the same loser that hates himself with low self esteem. And, you know, just told myself, I’m not good enough, not worthy. And when none of that changed, after I saw the all the money in my bank account, I went into a pretty deep dark depression. And I couldn’t get off my couch for weeks. And that was realizing how important I had made money, how much power I’d given to it, it’s a it’s going to, it’s going to change me once I have it. And when it didn’t, that was that was really scary. So
Jim Fortin
Hang on, hang on, that’s really good point to bring up is that every I used to everyone thinks that having money will change your life. And if I can’t lay out, like you’re talking about if I’m hearing you correctly from your story, if I have the money, my life’s gonna be hunky dory, great, everything’s gonna be wonderful. But the reality is, you’re still the same person who just happens to have those resources. But those resources don’t make your life any better. So then people are still making money, their master not recognizing that what they’re making their master is not creating any further enjoyment in their life, or any air quote better of a life. Right?
James Wedmore
Yeah, and you take your stuff with you wherever you go. So I saw this phase in my life where I started making more money. But then as much as fast as I was making it, I was spending it. So even though the more was coming in just as much was going out. So I took what was left over was the same even when I was making a little money versus a lot of money. And it’s just like, it’s just like if you had a bucket with a hole in it, and you go can put water in it, and the buckets not filling up. So you go Oh, I’ll just put more water in it. But until you fix the hole, and that hole could be a literal hole. Like in business, it could be a profit problem and an expense issue. And it can also be an issue of the thinking of beliefs. You know, if you don’t believe you’re deserving of the money you’re making, you will find a way to let it slip through your fingers. And so I even when I’m talking to business owners about money and expenses and profit margins, I tell them when you when you have a low or bad or non existent profit margin in your business, rarely is the solution to make more money. Because they will take that profit problem with them wherever they go. I remember a client coming up to me. And she started crying, I could see the water right up to the top of her eyes. And she said, When am I finally going to see an experienced keeping some of the money I’m making? And I said, Well, where’s your business at right now? And she goes, we just did 950,000 last year. Think about that for a moment. She had almost a million dollar business. There’s people listening that would kill for a million dollar business right now. And she still wasn’t seen any of it. And I went through that phase I went through that phase where you’re making more money but if you still believe you’re not deserving of it or money is bad or root of all evil, whatever. You’ll find out Way to let it slip through your fingers. And she was she was doing that.
Jim Fortin
Let me ask you a question here is you’ve been in my home, I’ve been in your homes, I don’t what do you have 14 homes now? I mean, you got a lot
James Wedmore
27 .
Jim Fortin
27 homes, okay?
James Wedmore
Catch up,
Jim Fortin
I know where you live, we’ve been in each other’s homes, we talk a lot about personal stuff. A lot of money flows into your life, a lot of money flows into my life. Let’s simplify for people listening. What do you think creates that, that it’s so easy for us to create money? On a lot of it? That’s a big question. Let’s see, we’re gonna unpack that in some way. Because that’s what people even though we’ve even said, Guys don’t focus on the money. That’s what people are going to focus on. So let’s see if we can unpack this a little more.
James Wedmore
Yeah. And so before I answer that, I want to go to the opposite side of this whole conversation of Don’t let money be your master. At the same token, we want everyone listening to be absolutely wildly abundant in every way possible. So there’s a way and it’s a balance to find in your own way, where you are abundant. And we’re in that receptive mode of money and all the things that you want, without making money or master and finding that balance yourself is not necessarily easy. But we have we have to learn to manage that. So I think it’s two things. Two big things. There is no resistance existant at all within me around the receiving and asking for money.
Jim Fortin
James Wedmore
Okay. And number two, I do believe in the law of divine compensation, or people call it the law of value. Where there is a, when we’ve talked about this with AYNI it’s the same type of thing where there is value that I’m putting out there. And that value is compensated. So if I wasn’t putting out value, if I wasn’t helping, I think there would be some drying up of that. Some big drying up. So it’s the ability to receive and to ask and allow in without any resistance, I don’t have any qualms stories, beliefs, resistance whatsoever about asking for money, for asking for my services for my products. There’s just nothing there around that for me. And then at the same token, there’s always an energy which we could bracket this under the conversation of AYNI of putting out that that goodwill, that value that that result, transformation change for my students and clients? And I think those are two big pieces right there.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, let’s go a couple of places here with this is that I tell people, which you’ve touched on in your own language in a different way, is we it’s all the motivational stuff, you get paid for the value that you create in life. And I tell people, that’s not all the way accurate is you get paid, you get paid for the value, you place on your value. Because if you deliver value, but you have low self esteem and you don’t value the value, you create the universe, reciprocate the value that you don’t place on your value,
James Wedmore
Which is that was that first one, which is there’s nothing in the way of me owning what I’m worth owning my value asking charging my prices, there’s just there’s just nothing there. And and I’ll tell you what’s at the heart of it. I think a big one is when we have to expand to this money conversation. Everyone has like a relationship with money, they have their stories about my beliefs about money, we can talk about where those come from and originate. I mean, when my nephew was two years old, I saw him playing with sugar packets at a breakfast place. And he was using it like money you get some you get some and like I’ll trade you this for this, like he’s already creating his relationship with money, too. Right? So we’re, we’re it’s getting passed on from our parents, from our caregivers from a very young age. But crap night last night last thought it’ll, it’ll come back. Oh, so what we do is we have this relationship in the story with money. But then where we have to be very careful is that when we step into a role, being a business owner, a salesperson, etc. we superimpose our money stories and beliefs on our prospects, we begin to assume that they have the same relationship with money as we do. And I don’t know about you, Jim, but if you ever if you’ve been an experience where you’re on a someone who’s selling to you, and you can tell that they’re bringing their money stuff into the conversation, like maybe they’re a little hesitant to ask for the sale or, or they’re like, it’s kind of expensive. Yeah, yeah. And and we’re doing that and it’s like, I just want to be like don’t Don’t you dare do that to me. Don’t you assume that I have the same silly Willy little beliefs about limiting beliefs about money that you would like, how dare you do that? How dare you assume that someone, like that’s just so disrespectful to super impose and assume someone thinks a limited way about money. And I don’t do that, you know, if I, if I see something I want, and I see that I can get value from it, and it’s worth it, I’m here, there’s just boom, right? So I believe we, we superimpose our button getting really careful about that. The other thing too, is when it comes to asking for the, for the sale, when it comes to putting your premium prices out there charging what you’re worth, so many of us have wrapped their identity up into it. And we are so afraid of the No, we’re so afraid of rejection, or rather more accurately, we’re afraid of what we believe the know and what rejection will mean about us. And so we’ll do whatever we can to avoid the note to avoid the rejection. And that usually means undercharge, undervalued or don’t sell at all. And then of course, there’s no way you’re going to be making more money when you’re undervaluing yourself, because let’s be honest, no one wants to work with a coach that doesn’t value themselves, right? What are you going to teach me what you lack of confidence, like, I’m not going to learn very much from that person. Right. And you’re not going to be making a lot of money when you’re not making any sales. So it’s funny how it all like, is interwoven and connects together, you know?
Jim Fortin
Yeah, let me let me build on that a little bit. So I heard a marketing company to build out a lot of stuff for us, somebody that I’ve done for a lot of years. And actually I was his first client 10 years ago. Now he’s got this entire Digital Marketing Agency, all kinds of all kinds of levels of marketing. And I talked to his team a couple of weeks ago, I set up a meeting with him and his team. And they brought me a proposal for everything they wanted to do with me, my marketing everything. And they had three levels. The first level was, I mean, like just redoing everything in the marketing and building it even stronger. And that was $256,000. There’s a middle level, which is like 120, and then a low level, which is like 30 grand. And when they were actually presenting this to me, they kept going back to you could really go to the top level if you wanted. But everybody always goes like if you want to take everything apart and go for like, like the $12,000 or whatever. And I’m like, Guys, because you know, I taught persuasion and influence. I said, you guys are horrible salespeople. I mean, you guys should be doing what’s in my best interest. Which if you can do what you say you can do, that’s your top rated package. Why are you not selling me your top rated package? If you think that’s what’s gonna help me the most? You put it together, you know, all this research, and now you’re trying to talk me out of it?
James Wedmore
And you know, yeah, they were talking you out of the 250. And that was really stupid. Because if they knew you, you know, they knew that you you you spend tons of money on all kinds of things without don’t even go there on this podcast.
Jim Fortin
everyone listening what he and my friend Brandon call me no budget for it. And because of my house.
James Wedmore
Well, okay, I’m just gonna expand on that. He had his interior designer, one of the best interior designers, but they clicked the best instinct, right. And I’ve worked with interior designers before and anyone listening has worked with one. They asked a very important question right at the beginning. They say, what’s your budget? And Jim said, sky’s the limit?
Jim Fortin
I did. I did. I did. I did. What are you done?
James Wedmore
No, I just say it’s music to the to an interior designers ears when you say something? Okay. He said no budget.
Jim Fortin
Let me go there because I see you living this whale. So is that something I read many years ago? Is that when we put money out? I used to be this way. When we put money out people were afraid to put money out? Yes. Because it’s not oh my gosh, if I have $10 and I put out seven, I’ve only got three metaphorically speaking. And I have no problems putting money out. Because I always see it that when I put money out, that is an investment in the in myself to the universe that will always come back to me. Now, what do you hear there? I mean, what do you what do you think?
James Wedmore
I hear a couple of things. First of all, where I want to go with that is what’s causing us to have a hard time letting go of money. And my first theory, there is a possibility for people that are like, yes, it’s so hard to let go of money is because you have to look at Well, how did you get the money? And for a lot of people money was hard gained. Okay, so if you had to work really hard to make that money, because you’re in that belief of you have to work hard to make the money and you don’t value yourself so you’re under charging and overworking to make a small amount of money. No wonder you’d have a hard time letting it go look how hard it was to get it you know, and so it’s it’s, it’s rewiring our relationship with how we do the intake of money. And the outtake, and when money is easier to flow in, in your life, it will be easier to let it flow but people will say I’ll let it go easier once it’s easier to come in and to that we say it’s backwards backwards we have to be able to have to be willing to let it out let it go. Because that action is is to me is a act of faith that more can come Yeah, when you have a hard time releasing money what you’re saying is at a subconscious level at an energetic level you’re saying it’s not easy for more to come back in but when you let it flow easily you’re saying more will come and then therefore it is so it is done more will come and that’s not this is simple. This is not easy. This is this can be very scary
Jim Fortin
And hard because of the world. Let me go a couple of places here about with this with people. Let’s let’s bring this back on down to the ground is so we live in Sedona we live what a couple miles apart. And we’re doing this virtually Oh, that’s the world we live in. Well, guys, we’re gonna do one of these live probably next week, James, I’ll get the same room. We’ll do one of these live for you guys. And so all some smart ass Okay, so we live in Sedona and I did do headshots yesterday all new rebranding, headshots and everything. And you and I, I’ve never seen you in anything other than a T shirt and flip flops. That’s all you were even in December. That’s what you’re wearing. And not materialistic, which I’ll go into in just a minute. But as you know, here in Sedona we don’t have any stores. And so I’m like, I don’t only got I don’t have an iron. And so I’m like my shining the worst, some decent shirts for these headshots. And so I went to CBS and they don’t sell guys. And they’re like, we don’t sell starts never sold the Kaneva nobody in this town, starches anything. Why would we sell starch? So I run around town looking for starch. And then I’m like, okay, I don’t have an iron. I moved there rid of it. Guess what, I went to the Goodwill store. And they had an iron for $2. So I got my iron from the Goodwill store for $2 yesterday. And where I want to go there is to help people in their thinking is you and I can buy pretty much anything that we would want financially watches or homes or whatever. But you live so simply. And all we ever were both of us t shirts and flip flops. Okay. And you live so simply. What’s, what do you think? Let’s see if we unpack this, where people are attached to the money and they make it defined. And the more money I make, oh, I’m going to go buy because you could buy any car you wanted or want. I can too. But people attached to that stuff. What’s your take on why that’s not healthy for people to attach their identity to the money?
James Wedmore
Well, I think the first thing is a lot of people who are doing that as it’s like, are you doing it to signal to others? Something about you? And and and and then are you just living for the opinions and judgments of others. Like I need people to know I make money I need people to know that I’m successful. And I actually have like, always really loved and enjoyed the other. The complete opposite sign which is like, I want to be the most unassuming, like, person that you just you just wouldn’t know. So yeah, I do have I mean, I have a hole in my sock, right now?
Jim Fortin
I know. I’m surprised you got pants on right now on it.
James Wedmore
You don’t know that. And I only see from the waist up. You don’t need to know, by the way.
Jim Fortin
Just so you guys know when I went to Goodwill yesterday. I’m like, this looks like James Wedmore his closet in here. I mean, oh my
James Wedmore
gosh, what a jerk. He did not say that he’s line, whatever. But
Jim Fortin
but it was a super casual.
James Wedmore
Here’s, here’s something that will be I think beautiful to share is like you like you mentioned the last year I’ve I’ve been very fortunate to be able to spend a lot of time with Don Xavier. And I was reflecting recently on all the growth I’ve had in the past 12 13 months. Yeah, more more growth, more blessings, more miracles, more experiences in the past year, then probably my entire life combined. That’s a pretty big thing to say. And I’ve learned more about who I am. than I ever have. I’ve learned I feel like I’m a glove and I’m fitting into this glove like Ooh, this is this is me. I’m fitting more into me. I’m more I’m more integrated with me and who I am today than who I was a year ago, five years ago, etc. which means I’m learning more about me than I ever have. And to sit and have 36 years of your life and then another year on top of it and learn so much about you and then sit there looking into the future going I wonder how much more I can learn about who I am To then start to assume that a stranger would know who you are, or concern yourself with what a stranger should know you who a stranger should know you to be or think about you becomes such a petty, irrelevant thing is like, I barely know me at all. And I am loving what I’m learning and loving who I am discovering myself to be like, how does what is someone else’s opinion of me how to do it all with me? And it just, it just you just have this experience is so relevant. So yeah, I wear t shirts and board shorts and, and walk around in sandals, you know, and I went and looked at a home recently that we’re looking at getting his multimillion dollar home and I showed up in that same attire, and I don’t really care what they think or saying. But, you know, that’s, that’s my choice. And then when it comes to buying things, yeah, I have a very entrepreneurial thinking about it as if I’m going to get signed, I look, is there is there an ROI here? Is this going to pay dividends for me, for example, I did buy what some people would see on the surface level is a crazy thing. I bought a $75,000 van. And then I’ve put another 75,000 into it turning into a camper van,
Jim Fortin
and he’s got a name with a Mystery Machine.
James Wedmore
I’m not going to name it. That’s what you want to name it. His name is Van Helsing. So people would say like, what are you doing spending $150,000 on a van? Well, first off any vehicle that’s over, I think 6000 pounds, it’s a write off, right. So you get to write a big chunk of it off. And number two, we have created another company out here. That is a is a travel tourism business in Sedona we rent airbnbs and we are looking to get into renting. camper vans is a huge trend right now. And I’m doing the math and doing the numbers. And it’s it’s amazing. You can get 250 to 350 a night renting out a camper van, you start doing the math on that. And you know that that, that adds up. So I’m sitting there going, this is all going to be a write off, boom. And it could actually be something that’s profitable. And that’s how the Airbnb business started to as I said, I wanted to get into real estate, but how could I start to not just have it pay for itself, but to actually produce positive cash flow? Now it was $700,000. Yeah, go ahead,
Jim Fortin
everybody. Everyone just I want to I am interrupting notice that he’s thinking, How can I take something, meaning not just do business, but how can I expand upon what I’m doing in my business? And he’s doing something he’s looking at it as when we’ll go too far there. Because it’s not everyone’s entrepreneurs here. But if I’m going to be an entrepreneur, how can I maximize that in the genre that I’m already working in? And what other ways can I create income generating streams of revenue?
James Wedmore
Well, and you say, not everyone here is an entrepreneur, but I would, I would really encourage that no matter what you do for for money, you have a job career, or you’re you know, you just a parent, not just that you just you don’t have a job, you know, your full time mom full time dad with
Jim Fortin
a job, go ahead.
James Wedmore
That’s just like five jobs. I know, I get it. I would still invite and encourage that you adopt an entrepreneurial way of being and thinking in your life because even a lot of like, tax advice, exactly. People will say like, Listen, start a business just so you can start to write some things off in here. And I’m not a CPA, so I can’t give any advice here. But I think it’s even, I would never want to say oh, I’m not on for this card doesn’t apply to me, it’s like, you know, when you had a second if you had a casita, like half the houses I have have like casitas, and so I get a casitas, and you can start renting that out and start, you know, paying the mortgage down. Like, there’s just all these ways in which we can think a little bit more outside the box. And I think that’s what entrepreneurs do. I think that was very much in my natures, I was always thinking a little differently than everyone else. And I could always see an opportunity when everyone else saw problem. And I always want to assist people in thinking that same way that we think, you know,
Jim Fortin
Let me add there I used to work with a guy used to do, I used to speak with him. And we did programs together. And he works in the multi level marketing industry. And he said something that I thought was really smart at the time. He goes, everyone should have some kind of business on their own. And if nothing else, have a multi level marketing business that you have set up as a business. Why? Because you’re gonna take advantage of all the tax laws in the United States. And it’s gonna make your life so much easier to do that. And so many people that are struggling with money right now and you help a lot of people with this. Even people that think are entrepreneurs aren’t operating as entrepreneurs there. You can dig into that because then people would be interested is how are they How are they thinking they’re entrepreneurs, but they’re really not.
James Wedmore
That’s about it. To answer that, but before I do that I wanted to something came to mind when you’re talking earlier about the like art James dresses kind of like a bomb. First of all, a lot of say bomb I said goodwill. No, I i’m i’m interested. I know you didn’t say that. Um, I also want to it’s worth noting too is like I used to drive $120,000 Tesla. Yeah. And I’ll be honest, like, I drove that. Yes. Like, I was like really excited about the car. But there was a part of me is like, yeah, I want to show people Oh, look at me look at the car and drive. Right? I trained that in and I got a jeep. That’s a third of the price. And I’m happier in the jeep. And one of the ways of thinking behind that was, I’m gonna save 1,000 Can you believe that $1,000 a month. By having the Jeep, I’m happier with the Jeep, because I get to take it off road, make it dirty, and all that fun stuff and have a blast in it. I love how it feels. I love driving. That’s all that matters, right? And I’m saving $1,000 one tonight, and I started go, what can I do with that extra $1,000 a month to get that to work for me. And you know, we’re getting these airbnbs and these investment properties. I’m like, that’s, that’s a mortgage. That’s half a mortgage on one of our places that produces three to 4x and cash flow from the expenses there and like once a whole nother level of thinking like, you know, and so, yeah, for me, I’ve just I’ve, and I’m not you know, we hit we had one of our when we had our biggest launch today, two years ago, I went out to Vegas with some friends mutual friends that you know, yep. And I bought a hue blow watch. Do you know what a hue blow is? I had never heard of him.
Jim Fortin
No idea.
James Wedmore
They, they sell quarter of a million dollar watches. Now I didn’t spend a quarter of a million dollars on watch I spent like, I think was like eight or $9,000. That’s That’s a lot of money.
Jim Fortin
I’ve never seen you wear it.
James Wedmore
And I never wear it wasn’t that crazy? Um, it doesn’t go with the board shorts. It really doesn’t. It comes with its own beautiful case. It’s almost more like an ornament in my house. Like it just sits there on a shelf. And I look at it, and it’s a symbol of you know, having hit some level and everything, but I don’t really like wearing it.
Jim Fortin
Okay, I’ll stop here because people listening, what caused you to buy it?
James Wedmore
Um, I, you know, I don’t know. And I’ve dug into that, like, there’s the there is definitely the part of like, it’s a status symbol. Okay, and, you know, and then there’s also that, like, well, there’s something exciting and cool that you can buy something like that without it being something heavy. You know what I mean? It’s not like a stress, it’s not a burden. It was it was just like, yeah, it’s just, it’s, if you went out and bought $100 if someone was like, if someone went and bought $100 watch, it felt the same way. It was just like, Oh, yeah, I’m gonna, I’ll get this one, you know, and there was, there was something very like accomplishing and rewarding. And I do like, it’s very important, I believe, to celebrate your wins and whatnot. And so it was a celebration, it was a huge accomplishment and milestones like, I deserve this. But um, if I were to do it, again, the most exciting part which is buying, yeah, there’s really been no desire to be like, I want to wear this and let people know that I can afford that.
Jim Fortin
I’ve never seen you and I see you a lot. But
James Wedmore
I think in two years, I think I’ve worn it three or four times.
Jim Fortin
Well, let me add something here. I want to point out an observation here for people that are watching, or listening you can’t see as but there’s some there’s a theme in here that maybe you haven’t even you know, the theme once I tell you is it seems like business for you. And money generation and wealth generation and creation is a game and a good way.
James Wedmore
It’s a fun game.
Jim Fortin
That’s where I wanted to go. What does that mean?
James Wedmore
It means I don’t do it because I have to. I don’t do it for survival. I don’t do it because I need to got to I do it because I love it. I do it because I’m having fun. And because I’m having fun. That’s the energy I bring into all of it. And there’s not too much seriousness to it. it it’s it’s a blast, like I have such a blast. And it’s it’s actually like one of my life core values. If I’m not having fun doing something, I don’t want to do it. And we all have to do things that we don’t want to do. We often do things like pay taxes, and maybe we’ve got to fire someone. But those are means to an end. Sometimes you got to do things you don’t want to do to do the things that you get to do. And I never lose sight of that. And that’s always important. And that is important for all of us is that whatever you’re choosing to do with your life. You better do the thing that you love. You better do the thing that’s fun for you and I’m always chasing fun. I’m always and if it’s not fun, why are you Why are you doing
Jim Fortin
some more because you’re talking to a lot of people. Is was there ever a time in your life for the listeners here? Where you did things for survival and for the money and because you’ve got to pay your bills, and you have to, you need the money?
James Wedmore
Well, not not really I did. Because the story went like this is in college. I was doing entrepreneurial things. And I was having a lot of fun. I was selling stuff on eBay, I got it. I was like, literally, like 21 years old. I was doing this since I was 15. I get up. And I go to Yeah, and I go to garage sales. And I would buy stuff. They’re really cheap wheeling deal. And then I was flipping it on eBay. And I was doing this in college. And then a friend came to me and I didn’t do because I need my my parents always like, we’ll take care of you just getting good grades in college, just be responsible in college and we’ll take care of so I didn’t need to I wanted to because I wanted the extra money. And then junior senior year, I had a someone I thought was a really close friend just said something to me. And he goes, why don’t you just get a real effin job already. And I was so impressionable. Back then I was so like lost and confused. In my own life. I was doing what I wanted to do. But at the same time if someone told me Oh, so I literally said, Oh, I guess I it’s time to grow up and get a real job. And I went out became a bartender, and I got a job as a bartender, and I hated it. I was the first time I was doing it. I was not having fun. I was like, I’m doing this because I think it’s the responsible thing that I’m supposed to do. Yeah. And so I just kind of bit my lip and put on a smile and did it. But it no matter what, like I was being pulled away from it. You know, I mean, like, life couldn’t hold me back. I just kept looking for other things. Before you know it. I was I’d set up a website and a business and I was mobile bartending, you know, and I’m getting clients on the side. But yeah, I mean, I was going down a career path of being a bartender and working for others, and I wasn’t happy. And
Jim Fortin
let me ask you this as a bartender, did you ever have to open wine bottles that had screw on caps?
James Wedmore
Ha ha ha ha. He’s making fun of me. Probably. Funny. No, I try. I tried using a bottle opener to open a bottle of wine. It was a twist off cap. And though that matters is that I did it.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, he’s in the kitchen. Open. Last Monday. I heard him fumbling in the kitchen. I’m like, he would open a bottle of wine. I’m like, What’s he doing there is fumbling around in the kitchen. And then it comes back in the dining room. And this was that his house. And he used the wine open the corkscrew to open a bottle of wine that had a screw off cap on it.
James Wedmore
And that’s not the most embarrassing part. The most embarrassing part was I came in back in the room. I said, Jim, this, this bottle didn’t have a cork in it. Is there something wrong with it? Yeah, he’ll screw on cap, buddy. Oops. I ripped I ripped a hole in the cap and I got it open.
Jim Fortin
But to his credit, he did make it happen. couple more questions here.
James Wedmore
Wait, wait, wait, I want to answer your question that you you asked him a few minutes ago that said I come back. So here’s here’s the distinction here when someone is operating as an employee in their own business. So let’s use this example. Two people, once that one’s a successful entrepreneur, they think like the entrepreneur, the other one is acting and operating like an employee in their business. And both of them say I want to make more money. The employee, their strategy is work harder, I’ll work longer. I’ll work faster. I’ll work weekends, I’ll get up earlier, I’ll stay later. That’s their strategy for making more money. That’s fine. Except for one problem. That’s a finite resource that you’re working,
Jim Fortin
All hustle only harder.
James Wedmore
Yeah, and then you’re gonna run out at some point. I mean, there’s, there’s only so much time in a day, there’s only so many days in a week, right? And there’s only so much energy you can do if you’re exhausted, and you start to clean right now. And as you get older, that’s less and less sustainable. So the way I like to phrase this, and I’m curious how you look at this Jim, the successful entrepreneur, when they want to make more money, they don’t go I’ll work longer, harder. They actually say I’m going to elevate my role. They focus on a higher level, higher value activities. So instead of expanding and working longer, more, they ascend, they elevate and they work on the most important things. And they begin to let go delete, outsource or delegate everything else. And it’s a very simple thing. This is a this is a big piece that I teach is that the when you if you’re in business, the role that you fill in your business will determine the results that you receive. And you’re going to have a really hard time growing a business if you spend all day in the role of customer support. Yeah, tech being your own assistant, being the person doing invoicing and you know, all that little stuff that may be important and needs to get done, but is never going to move them.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, let’s speak to that. As Warren Buffett said there’s A few exceptions to this, he said, you’re never going to become wealthy working for anyone else. And so many people that listen to my podcast and you have a huge podcast, work for other people. And I’ve never been one that’s ever wanted to work for someone else. It just doesn’t work. For me. It’s something that’s until right about it. And Brian Tracy many years ago, you know who he is right performance, etc. Brian Tracy, many years ago, I was listening to cassette tapes in the Walkman back in the 90’s. And he said, even if you have a job, never see yourself as an employee, always see yourself as the CEO of you. And you actually rent or sell your skills to the highest bidder out in the marketplace. So even when I did work a job for a bit a J O B like, for example, when I waited tables, I said, if I’m going to sling hash, I’m not going to do it at a place where I’m going to make 100 bucks tonight, I’m going to go to the place where I’m going to make 300 a night, it’s still the same thing waiting tables. But if I go work for the 400 a night, 20 years ago, or 25 years ago, I’m working for 100 a night, most people get jobs out of security, which doesn’t exist. And they work for other people at the rate other people want to pay them, as opposed to finding the value in themself. And I think the real gold is the platinum and the diamonds is when you find something that you want to do for yourself, you’re good at it. You can manage it as well, which is the key aspect, manage it as a business because it is a business and you love what you do. And you can you can charge for your value. Whereas most people just settle for, oh, I need security. Let me go take a job. And they do that for 20 years, then they wonder why after 20 years, they’re still working for somebody and they don’t have any money in the bank. Anything you want to add more wrap up there? We’ve been chatting for a long time.
James Wedmore
Oh, it’s it’s it’s great. No, I think that’s great. Well, you said you had other questions.
Jim Fortin
Oh, I wish Yeah. Well, let’s go a little bit different direction. About two years ago, I was helping you with some things, teaching you some some neurolinguistics and I didn’t charge you anything for it. And one day you asked me for my paypal, and I’m like, Well, okay, here you go. And you sent me $10,000. Now, that same day, the morning before I sent somebody else as a gift. $10,000. So I found I love the synchronicity that I put out 10,000 just as a gift to someone, and the very next day that 10,000 shows back up in my account. But expand upon that a little more for a different perspective is that so many people are afraid to put out money. How come you sent me? You know, I’m talking about right? Of course. Yeah. How can you send me $10,000?
James Wedmore
Yeah, that was a few years ago, I had to put myself back in there and what I was going through? You know, I would say the first piece was, you know, the like when people say a phrase like beauties in the eye of the beholder? Yeah. I think it’s the same thing with value. No value is in the eye of the beholder. So what you were teaching and sharing with me? was already in my mind, I could see the implications that vastly outweighed even $10,000. Yeah, and what that would do, because the things that you taught me and the things I learned, went into my messaging for my products, it went into the content that I deliver in my products into my presentations, it actually became part of a curriculum of bringing on coaches that support our members. And then we started helping other coaches in their businesses. I mean, the the ripple effect, from that it was so fast and still happening years later. Yeah, that I 10,000 was like nothing. It was even just like, not even enough, but it was something and you wanted to just offer it. I guess you originally were just like, I just want to teach this to you or you. I
Jim Fortin
did it because you You gave me a big hand up when I was on your first podcast The First Time Episode 114. I would not be doing it the level that I’m doing now, if I wasn’t on your podcast, and the way that I saw it is this guy helped me. Let me help this guy back or he assisted me. Let me get back. And that’s why I did for you at no charge. And then you said Well, let me get back to you because you gave to me. And that’s something and we’ll finish up our call here today. I see so many people that are afraid to give a damn in our use that what I want to ask is, are you seeing the same thing I mean, medicine, etc,
James Wedmore
The only reason are afraid to give is because we believe there, there won’t be enough to receive that, that that’s all that there will be that more isn’t coming. And that’s the thing is so we’re waiting. We’ve conditioned it right. So if if and when more comes then I’ll give you that’s not theirs. That’s that doesn’t inspire a TED talk. Yeah, it’s so backwards, right? It’s the faith you gave first to someone else and then boom, you receive. Right. And here’s here’s a, you know, saying as one of my, when we’re buying all these homes for the Airbnb is my agent was he probably showed us like, 20 homes
Jim Fortin
This agent that I know also,
James Wedmore
yeah. Okay. And Nope, not it. Nope, not it. Nope, not it? Nope, nope, nope, nope. And I saw and my family is in real estate. I know how hard you have to work do you want and you’ve worked with real estate agents, you know, it’s Yeah, it’s it’s a tough racket, you can make a lot of money, but you got to be willing to, like, you know, work a bit, you know, and he just kept showing up, never had a complaint or anything. And I just got, like, you know, when I get quiet, and I have my, you know, moments of tuning and silence, he came, you know, to me, and I said, I need to get him something. And I ended up buying him an 1800 gift. And it was just what called was called to me. And then boom, like, the next house we saw was like the right one. Yeah. And it was that was really interesting. Like, I’m just observing that but like, for me, it comes back to the the AYNI conversation, too, is like, I saw what he was putting out and the faith he was putting in me that, like we never even signed, like a buyer broker agreement or anything like that is just like a word in a handshake. But he’s putting in all of this time, all this time, and I hadn’t done anything. You know,
Jim Fortin
Everybody listening, I am interrupting Yeah, you’re also so that people aren’t being taken advantage because people will take advantage of other people is he also knew that you were a qualified buyer. So he was putting out time and his energy to somebody that would not throw his time in the trash who would not waste his time. So all of you listening, we have to set boundaries with people, we have to you know, you have to be professional. And James, his body language changed, if you’re listening, is if you don’t set boundaries, people will, some people will use you, and they will use you and use you and walk away and turn their back. Be smart. And that does not mean be selfish. Be smart, with the energy you’re putting out and the people that you put it out to just be judicious with that.
James Wedmore
Yeah. 100% and that’s, that’s, I mean, that’s a whole another huge conversation. But it’s just human nature, like people will try and take advantage they will people are takers, and you know, people listening like, here’s a great way to be more abundant. Don’t be a taker.
Jim Fortin
Hang on. Let’s talk about this. So many people are takers. I used to be that but not in a bad way. But a taker. Some people are takers, but they don’t even know they’re takers. And oh, yeah, they’re all about I’m in quick. I’ve had people I’ve helped. I mean, just out of the goodness of my heart, like I can help this person, you know, heck, I go out of my way to help them and do something for them. And I kid you know, you’ve had this, you don’t even get a thank you from the person. Not even as simple. You know what, really seriously, thank you so much for investing 30 minutes to help me out or an hour or whatever. And they’re taking, and then they wonder why they’re upside down. Because they’re working in a vacuum. They’re sucking You know, there’s they’re sucking in energy, and not giving any back. Because you’re so desperate because they don’t have money and they take and take and take. And they create a lack of money in their life because they take and take and take and take
James Wedmore
and I think they’re from they’re coming from that tap take energy because they’re in lack.
Jim Fortin
That’s exactly
James Wedmore
You don’t need to take unless you believe you don’t have enough. And so when you’re when you know abundance, and talking about conversations, like abundance is coming from place of like, You’re okay, and you already have enough. And so when you’re when you’re in that space, there’s nothing to take from anybody else anyways. Now there’s a big difference between receiving versus taking. Yeah, I’ll give you I’ll give you example. I hope Brandon doesn’t. doesn’t mind. me sharing this. You’ve already done it. Oh, sorry, Brandon. But this was I thought this is actually very, I was very impressed. But as you’ll be like, oh, Brandon, I’m so proud of you. Um, so he and I started a business together several years ago, and it was very successful.
Jim Fortin
I remember this is a beautiful story to finish up on. Go ahead.
James Wedmore
But I, I was, my heart was never in it. I didn’t. It wasn’t for me. I didn’t want
Jim Fortin
all the a local Video Academy for you guys listening.
James Wedmore
Yeah, it was like, it was fun. And I actually just the My favorite part was just working with Brandon. Yeah, and I didn’t really want to be known as that I didn’t really want to, like, put my name on it. I didn’t want anything to do with it, really. But it was very successful. I mean, it made a couple million dollars in like 18 months. And I the things that were coming with business by design, were coming in, I could feel in there, which is what you
Jim Fortin
knew what design? Yes, what
James Wedmore
I do is what I do now, I knew I needed to create space for that. And I didn’t want to get into all this stuff. So I just went to him. I was like, do you want to keep doing this? And I don’t want to like abandon you or anything. But like, do you want to just take it and run with it? And it’s yours and do your thing? And he was like, okay, and he did. And he came over to my house about a month ago. Last time he was here. Not this time at the time before? And hands me $10,000 Hmm. And he said, I realized I should have given something for what you gave me. Well, yeah. And in no way was I like, I’m completely like 100% here. No way for a moment. Did I ever want need or expect even $1? I didn’t even need a thank you. I didn’t need an acknowledgement I didn’t need right. Yeah. So it was a real lag. And this was years ago. So it was a real like, wait, oh, yeah, I remember that. It was like six, seven years ago is a long time ago. And here he is. This is like literally a month ago. But I also when someone is choosing to give something to me, I’ll receive it. And I know, it’s just as important to be in that receptive mode as when someone is in that abundant giving mode. So I said, Wow, that’s amazing. I just let them know, I don’t need it. I didn’t expect it. This is not weighing on me and one ounce, but you have your money in your hand that you’re handing to me. I’m going to receive it. And that’s that you’re giving it to me, I’m taking it. And I mean, really though, like and I’m in that receptive, I’m not gonna deny that if he goes, this is what makes it right for me, right? This is what I know, I need to do then who am I to say, No, I can’t take it, you know, and that can be you can do it as an act. Oh, no, no, you don’t need to do it. Right. But But like, no, I insist. Okay. Okay. But I think that’s an important piece of the money conversation is our ability to receive.
Jim Fortin
And we’re going to have to expand on that into another call. But I want to buy fine. We’re on the hour here. So I want to wrap up. But I want to add something here is I remember when that happened, because Brandon and I were friends. And he’s like Jay, he called me like James just gave it to me. Like, wait, this business does like 2 million a year. And he actually air quote, just gave it to you. And he’s like, yeah, I’m like, Whoa, because I wasn’t working from where I worked from the day where I want to go two days, we both work with Don Xavier. And you know, and I know. And I know that you tell the truth about this, is that whenever we need anything, it doesn’t matter what it is, if he can help with it, he will help with it all the time. No questions asked. And how many times has he asked you for something in return? Never know, me either. In 25 years, he’s never ever, ever asked for anything. And he’s always said to as you know, now, as he goes, my job is to help you guys. I’m here to serve. And that’s where I work from and I think he worked from is how can I serve. And I want to serve the right people in my demographic that also want to serve me also by exchanging energy back with me. Otherwise, if I serve, all these people take, and I have no energy coming back. But the name of the game truly is as true AYNI as service from an open heart. And the word AYNI to James as mentioned, and I just did I’ve done to the podcast with James and we talk about it in business. And so many of you get a little reflective off after this call today is you if you’re not getting something in your life, plain and simple. If you’re not getting something, it’s because you’re first not giving something. And if you see things disappearing from your life, that’s a reflection of you. You’re taking in the universe taking right back out of your pocket. But please take that away from this episode. If you’re not getting something in your life, it’s because you’re not giving because like James said, and I tell people that With Fire, you have to put fire wood in before you get the heat in the fire. But all of us want the fire first, but you’ve got to put the fire wood in first. This is what we’re gonna do, if you will, if I can talk you into it. Let’s do another call on 10 days or so. Or there abouts. I know. I’ll pay you $10
James Wedmore
a man. Brandon gave me 10,000. So let’s
Jim Fortin
I’m not Brandon. So thank God. We love you, Brandon. Now I’m kidding. Yeah, let’s do another call because I want I want to expand a little more with you. I mean maybe because you created a lot of wealth and a lot of abundance. And you know how as I do, but you do it in your own way and your words, we know how to help other people create more abundance. And I suggest many people follow you everyone what mind your business. What’s the whole name? I know but I don’t know. Mind your business podcast, right?
James Wedmore
This the super amazing, awesome and sexy mind your business podcasts. That’s the full name.
Jim Fortin
That’s gonna get it’s gonna revert back to me. But you’re this mind your business podcast?
James Wedmore
Mind your business? No, this, you should know you’ve been on a three times two.
Jim Fortin
I know. Guys, everyone listening. It’s a really, really good podcast. And being an entrepreneur is not just about the mechanics of being an entrepreneur. There’s so much psychology and spirituality and ways of being behind it.
James Wedmore
Totally is it? We didn’t learn it in school?
Jim Fortin
No, we didn’t. And we’re both of us are here. We’ll do another episode. We’re here to help you guys. Take it. And one more thing is don’t just take what you heard today. And oh, that’s good stuff and forget about it tomorrow that solves nothing doesn’t improve you in any way. Take and digest what two people who have done it. I mean, both of our businesses are in the top 1% of businesses in the US. Take what we’re bringing to you guys and use it in your own life. All right, any parting wisdom?
James Wedmore
Yeah, that I think I just one phrase to sum it up. And I know that Don talks about a lot is going back full circle is how important it is that we don’t let money change us.
Jim Fortin
Yeah, don’t let money be your master. I had a friend of mine, Akio Matsumora, who is a global diplomat, very, very successful. I mean, he brought the Dalai Lama together and different people. And he’s, and he told me 25 years ago, he goes, money changes people. And the truth is, look at James. I mean, literally, if you saw him on the street, I mean, not goodwill, but he’s all t shirts and flip flops. And he’s not let it change who he is, as a person. You can’t let the money turn you into something you’re not because then it becomes your master. And then when you don’t have it, life gets hard.
James Wedmore
Yeah. And I have I have let it change me. But you know, I’ve learned my lessons. So
Jim Fortin
and you’ve let it change. You’re now in the service. I mean, you come you’re all heart. You’re all service. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here today. Yeah, yeah. Well, next time, we’ll do it live. I’ll head over to you. I’ll head over to mine. Are we going to Miley’s for breakfast and have it my way now?
James Wedmore
This is a great plan. I love this. Our brother.
Jim Fortin
I’ll see you a little later. Thank you for being here today. Okay.
James Wedmore
Thanks, everyone.


Jim Fortin
Bye. Okay, so that wraps up this episode, stay with me for a second, please, it’s really important that you do. I wouldn’t have brought James to be with you guys. If I didn’t know that he could bring great value. I have a tremendous amount of respect for James. He’s like family to me. And we spend a lot of personal time together. And what I know about him, and one of the things that I value most about him professionally speaking, is there is so many charlatans in our industry and so many people that are out for the easy and a quick buck. James has extraordinary and I mean, extraordinary, impeccable integrity, and his integrity is beyond reproach. I mean, I have tremendous respect for him. And that being said, he’s got a three part series coming up. It’s a live training starting on June the 17th. And it’s called the Rise of the digital CEO. And even if you don’t want to be a digital CEO, that’s fine. But if you’re in any way, you know and you don’t think of yourself as a digital CEO, if you really want to do well online, you must start thinking of yourself that way. But anyways, I was saying if you’re in business of any kind and you’re wanting to grow a business, then whatever you do mark the date of June the 17th on your calendar and plan to attend as free training free means no charge three part training on start starting on June the 17th. You can also you can also go to my website to register again, I can’t stress enough I’m being a little repetitive. I trust him implicitly or I would never bring him to me podcasts are even mentioned this, because I know in this free training, he’s going to blow your mind and bring you extraordinary value, and knowledge and wisdom that you can use to start growing your online business. Okay, thanks for listening, and I’ll catch you over on another episode bye-bye.
Jim Fortin
If you’re serious about transforming your life, from the inside out, I have a free training that you’re going to want to listen to. And it’s helped 10’s of 1000’s of people all around the globe. The thing is, all of my students start here, because when you learn to change your thinking, you’ll change your life. Because as you already know, life happens from the inside out. The training is called discover how to eliminate fear and negativity and an instant. So go to and start learning how to transform your life at a deeper level from the inside out.
Jim Fortin
Thank you for listening to this entire podcast. If you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. You know, if you found value, they will too. So please share via your social media channels. Also, if you have questions, I’m here to assist. You can email me questions to And I may even use your question for a future podcast episode. Also, if you want transformational content like this daily, connect with me on Instagram, my Instagram name is @iamjimfortin. Finally I do have a personal request. I believe that we’re all here to help others and to grow and evolve ourselves. together, you and I, let’s help more people. If you would, please leave a review on iTunes and a good one by the way. I’d be grateful and through your assistance together, we can transform more lives. Thanks for listening.

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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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