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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 179: “Fear and Comfort Zones: A Live Coaching Session”

August 11, 2021

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This episode is actually a coaching session that I recently did with a group that I have in group coaching. 

And after I got off the coaching call, I thought I really want to share that on the podcast. So you'll hear some behind-the-scenes live group coaching. And being candid, I'm very, very direct in this episode with people that I'm coaching. 

We cover a lot of different topics and after I was done, I thought I should probably share that because the questions that came up were relatable and similar to what I think you the listener would have as well.

I often tell my students “what's personal is most general” meaning most of us have the same questions and face similar things in life. I think you'll find there is something for everyone in this episode. 

The questions covered include focusing to make things happen, the fear of the unknown with a partner facing retirement, how to take your business from surviving to thriving, shifting out of poverty mindset, and how you will not grow if you do not leave your comfort zone. 

Transformational Takeaway

You will not get out of your fear until you get out of your fear. Until then, it will be a glass prison that will keep you trapped.

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Full Episode Transcript


You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is actually a coaching session that I recently did with a group that I have in group coaching. And after I got off the coaching call, I’m like, you know, I really want to share that on the podcast. And being candid, I’ve not shared it, and maybe a month or so mainly because I’m very, very direct in this episode with people that I’m coaching. And we cover a lot of different topics. And even though I did all that, in the episode, after I was done, I was like, you know, I should probably share that. So I already had another episode for you guys this week. And I decided to go ahead and share the coaching session. So listen, and enjoy. And then it’s my intention next week to come back with either Q and A’s, because I’ve got an entire list of questions you guys have written in, or I already have the next couple of episodes prepared. So either way, I’ll have something really good for you next week. I do want to say thank you so much for listening, I’m very, very grateful. We’re at 2 million downloads. And that’s happened in two years, or a little over. And that’s because of you. So I want to say thank you so much. And obviously if you find value here, then please share. Okay, enjoy the episode. Bye, bye.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.

Fear and Comfort Zones: A Live Coaching Session

This is what I want to say is if you want to make something happen, if you want to make something happen, and you don’t make it happen, you are in that moment working from circumstance. I never ever anymore, I used to. I don’t work from circumstance, when I want to make something happen. And now money’s not an issue. So I don’t have to even look at that. When I want to make something happen, I make it happen. I figure out a way, whether it’s money or whatever. Again, that’s not an issue anymore. But I’m make it happen. And I would not be here today, head on. If I didn’t take a program many years ago that I had the money. I mean, I was financially in a secure relationship. I had money and everything. But I didn’t want to spend the money on it. I didn’t want to invest the money in it. And I can tell you right now that one program that cost me $10,000, over 10 years ago, a two day program, I would in that program has made me as a result of who I became and what I’m doing now. multiple, multiple millions of dollars, I would not be here now, if not for that single program. But the thing is, is when I was looking at registering as like, that’s a lot of money. I just that’s really out of my comfort zone. I just don’t know if I want to do that. And I’m glad I did. Because I wouldn’t be here today doing what I’m doing today. Had I not done that. And the same thing applies that every one of you. Okay, Jen, let’s open up for questions.
All right, we got one person. So Chris. Are you there Chris.
I am.
Hey, Chris, what’s up
Can you hear me? Great. Um, you know, my question originally was going to be around fear and I’ve been doing the the WOM and it’s working great. And and I guess when I’m setting my intention, my question is, is it too general to I would like to start using something around fear and just minimizing eliminating fear or is that is that not specific enough for that, and I can tell you a little more about where it’s coming from.Yep,
No, is yes, you can use that. Okay. If I were going to use WOM for that. I’d be specific. Like for example, I just don’t like snakes. They want to be around them at all. Still not want to be around them. But if I had to do it, I would go on the WOM. And I would imagine myself holding a docile, gentle, non venomous snake. And I would imagine it over and over and over that I’m holding a snake. And that would rewrite the old program over time by doing that, but I’m going to tell you how to get over your fear. And the problem is, is that your fear is, let me write this down. But he’s just going to be a podcast title. One second here. I just thought about this. Okay, I’m not sure yes, let me hang on. Your fear is keeping you in fear is that you won’t get out of your fear. Because the fear is keeping you from getting out of the fear. And the way out of the fear is to go through the fear. And the way to go through Okay, let’s back up. How many times in your life, this is normal for us humans? Have you been afraid to do something? And you did it? And you’re like, Oh, that’s I can do that. That’s easy. That’s not a problem.
Oh, all the time?
Yeah, somewhere, somewhere? Yeah, we’re similar, right? That’s how we that is the experience of learning how to get out of fear. So for example, I don’t want to do it. But if somebody said, You know what, because if I wanted to do it, I would do this is somebody said, Okay, I’m a snake handler, and I’m going to bring snakes over. And we’ll just start with the baby snake, you know, something like, you know, this long and not a problem, and you can hold a snake and, you know, it’s no problem. That’s called the desensitizing and psychology, and then you hold a bigger snake and a bigger snake and eventually work up to a Python on your neck. Okay? So but if you said, we’re going to start put a Python on your neck, Hell, no, you’re not putting a type of Python on my neck, that ain’t gonna happen. So I would tell you, whatever the family that the fear is, in whatever it’s related to pick something that’s kind of small, not a big deal. That let’s say, for example, I’ll give you a metaphor. And this, you can use this
Look, good. I’ll give you the specific too
Will go there. Will go there.
Let’s say I’m talking to everybody else.
Let’s say that your fears of social gatherings, what I would not tell you to do, is go into a room a room of 100 people Introduce yourself, what I would say is walk into a group of three people, and introduce yourself, why it’s safe, it’s out of your comfort zone, but it’s not outrageously outside of your comfort zone. And then once you do three, go to a group of five, and then once you to five, go to a group of, you know, 10, etc. And we teach ourselves to get out of our comfort zones. Okay? So the easiest way to get out of fear is what I call adaptively. And adaptively means well, okay, adaptively means that you do it behaviorally through adapting behaviorally, then you do just trying to WOM your way to it. Okay,
That’s true.
So what would be where do you want to go here with this?
Well, I’m just specifically what’s bringing this up, my partner is getting ready to retire. Okay. And, you know, I make a good living, but she makes great, much more than me. So it’s really been around money, but it’s also about this big change, okay, in our sort of lives and lifestyle are bringing up a lot of stuff that, you know, I was, so I have been really supportive. And then every once in a while spike and sort of freak out a little bit and then
About what,
again, you know, I don’t know, it’s six months away still. So it’s
Not even go there
just the fear of the unknown of, you know, change all this discomfort that’s coming up around the unknown. I guess I feel
Let me ask you this. Are you afraid of what’s going to happen to you in one hour?
But you don’t know what’s going to happen in an hour.
Probably more so than I do in six months, I guess.
But you don’t know what’s gonna happen in an hour. So but that’s the unknown. Okay, so we know you know how not to be afraid of the unknown. It’s not It’s not the the issues or control issue is that if she’s not working, then you won’t be able to control what happens in your life. Meaning your money a lot manager, all these illusions of safety and security and all That, because now you think you can predict it. And because you think you can predict it because you have patterns, you think you have control of your life. But when that goes away, you no longer have control of your life. And that’s putting you in fear. But name one thing you can control.
Really very little really
No name one thing
Myself, I
NO you can’t you remember the thought before you don’t want like a thought about fear?
Every minute.
Just thought you said you could control yourself?
Well, with your tools. I’m learning it better how to set them aside. But yes, things can come. So no, I can’t.
No one controls themself. We choose. Because the fear comes from the brain. And your brains been conditioned to that through habit. Just notice what you said every day, through everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday, you have conditioned and trained yourself to be in the fear. Are you with me so far? But you can’t control it. You have no control. It’s your brain. All that you can do your words, not mine is use the tools. And then you can choose where you want to hold your attention. Right? Okay, and you’re already working from a broken premise. And that broken premise is when my partner when she retires, then our income goes from this to this. And that puts you in fear. What about if you went to when my partner retires? That’s great. Because now we can do X, Y, Z, to make more money, or, she can stay at home and do things and I can build the business that I’ve wanted or we can do these things. So you’re completely in that moment working from circumstance, when you’re working from here’s where you’re working from A and B, A, here’s the fear B, let me be afraid. That’s all you see is the A and B. But in the A and B, there are 1,000 options. So the question is, is what are you going to let’s go back to the week, what are you going to choose for new options for you?
So the choice of focusing on possibility, which I also see is a much more powerful place.
How do you feel about focusing on the possibility as opposed to opposed to focusing on the fear?
Well, excited and definitely more in action than shut down and, you know, making her life miserable.
So when we get into fear, we go into shutdown, the brain shuts down literally what’s happening, it’s the fight or flight response. And what happens is the analytical part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex shuts down when we go into fear, why it’s a survival mechanism, fight or flight. So for example, it’s like when a person sees a snake and they’re afraid of it, the analytical part of the brain doesn’t go away, stop, that’s, that’s just a snake. It’s non venomous chill. The older part of the brain goes into run, fight or flight. Okay, so the fear is fight or flight is what I want you to look at. And then what are you looking at is what are you flooding from? You’re flying from what you don’t want. Okay. Okay. So here’s where I want you to focus is, number one, is what could you do about this situation? What could you you do about it, that does one step towards alleviating a fear that you might have otherwise experienced when she retires? Because if you had everything in place when she retires, or we’re working towards it, you wouldn’t have the fear in the first place.
Yeah, that’s true. I’d be all excited.
Yeah, pick one thing that’s going to move you in the right one, keep it small, keep it small, simple. Pick one thing that’s going to move you to possibility. And that possibility creates the finances for you that you want, as opposed to the fear, because it’s not fair to her to say, you know what, I’m afraid it’s my stuff. And I don’t want you to retire or I want you to feel guilty about it. Or I want you to feel bad about it, even though I’m not speaking those words. Because you’re living your life. And I’m fearful because I’m going to lose what happens when you stop doing that. That’s not fair to her.
No, I agree.
You’re young. I don’t think you think you are but you’re young, go do something different in life to attract more revenue. Okay,
Excellent. Thank you, Jim
Thank you very much.
We’ve got all females here. Today, I’m going to pick up on a bit less balanced energy Carson, your up before we get to the next questions. Carson, unmute you are up.
Wow. Hello, Jim.
How are you?
I’m good.
I wasn’t expecting this.
I know. That’s why I did it, and I’m balancing energy in the room. But that’s exactly why that tell me one place you want assistance.
I mean, I guess for me, the main place that I’m really trying to make change right now as revenue genuine generation. I’m part of the I’ve got a partner in business, we’ve been running for a very long time, the last couple years, we’ve struggled. And I partly entered this to address that. And I have ended up you know, I’ve listened to all your podcasts, it’s made a huge impact on me, I’ve got a massively improved self discipline on really everything else in my life. And I’m doing more and more hours a day on right activities to generate revenue, and it will take some time to get back to where we have been in the past. But I haven’t really had any specific questions. I feel like I’m making good progress, I feel better about myself than I haven’t a long time I’m in the last health of my life. Relationships good. I’m growing. So I’m not really sure what to ask,
Okay, why is your business not generating revenue that you want it to generate?
We’ve where we’ve always been pretty project based. And they’re, they tend to be huge projects. And once we get one, it, you know, we’re kind of all in on it. And then the last one we did for probably four years and then generated the best revenue we’ve ever had,
Which was how much?
Is probably like 300,000 a year for for nearly four years.
Okay, good.
You know, and that was just for the few of us working on it. And we just haven’t had another project like that. And we’ve been trying to transition into selling our own products. And that’s what we did is we invested, you know, we sat on money and invested in developing our own products. And now we’re starting the process of marketing our own products, we knew there would be this difficult transition period. And that’s kind of what we’ve been going through.
The money is in the sales, not in the execution.
It doesn’t help when you’re a programmer who’s
Correct. Correct. So what I would look at is, number one is I tell people to stay in their wheel of genius. And if you don’t like sales, then don’t do it. Hire somebody that does like sales to do it for you. That’s the smartest thing to do, is I see so many people that are what I call practitioners, meaning they’re good at code. They’re good at chiropractic, go to hypnosis, but they’re not good sales and business people. So you hire somebody for that role, who wants to do that role I can sell. That’s one of the things I taught for many years is how to sell. And I’m good at it, I’m really good at it. Some people are terrified at sales, which is ridiculous, but I understand why they are. So you hire, if you’re taking this much time to get up and running, you’ve got a monkey wrench in your works somewhere, a business should be I mean, a regular mainstream entrepreneur solopreneur, three, four people should be profitable in two years, and many times less than that, especially online, I see many people hitting $ 200,000 300,000, 400,000, their very first year online, but you’ve got to do the right thing and the right formulas. So apparently, you don’t also because I’m going to tell you right now, your partner is also not a salesperson, most likely. Why? Because you’re a project manager ENcoder like you. Which means they probably don’t have the sales skills. Is that correct?
I would say yeah, neither of us are are the best, or focused sales people. But we’ve also been the ones who sold all of the deals more money than all the deals that we’ve done. We’ve been operating for 25 years.
So we’ve survived, but we’ve never thrived the way
Put it there. Notice what you said, Everyone pay attention and learn from this, you survived, but you didn’t thrive. Okay? I don’t want to be in a business that just survives, I thrive, my employees thrive. Because I thrive, what you’re doing is you’re very much caught in your partner very much caught in the process of doing what you do. But the processes and where the money is, the money is in selling more processes and scaling and adding people code because you can hire that all day long selling the projects and hiring people to do the work.
Yeah, I I agree. I also know that there is I mean, to hire sales people, we don’t have the money to do that right now.
Doesn’t matter, higher commission, higher on straight commission put a good commission structure together. I’ve got Carson I’ve taught high level business to for many years, especially especially sales and motivating sales teams, okay. It’s simple. If you don’t have the money yet, hire them on commission, pay them a very fair commission structure for everything they sell. But if you hire them on straight commission, you’re going to have people that are that are going to want a little higher commission than somebody that’s going to want a commission plus a base salary, more risk, more reward, hire somebody that can sell for you that wants to sell for you. And mainly two things. Number one, they’re qualified to sell for you. And secondly, you set them up for success, giving them the tools they need to sell for you. And let them there’s a phrase in sales, eat what you kill. And that commission straight commission sells or there’s nothing unusual about that. But make it a good deal for them to be able to sell it.
Sure. I agree thank you.
I’ve been down these roads before all of them, I’ve seen no coach from every one of them, I coach people through them is if I were in your place, I’d be like, I got a great product, but I have to put it together. So I don’t have a lot of time to sell it. But I’ll sell it when I can. And then I’ll get a project and then I’ll focus on my project for three years wanting to be in my comfort zone of not having to sell anymore. And I will do okay, I’m not going to thrive, but I’ll survive, will bring in 300,000 a year we’ll split it we’ll pay our bills pay an employer to, and I’m making 75 80 grand a year. But I’m not going anywhere doing this. You got to scale. And scaling means you find somebody to do the sales for you. You find someone to do and build and code for you. And you actually start orchestrating and manage it and lead it all and pay the people to do it. But you start with generating revenue first.
All right,
Does it makes sense.
It absolutely makes sense.
Yeah, there’s a way Carson there’s a way I mean, I’ve done it, I’ve done it. I’ve been there. I’ve coached people through this the way to do it is exactly how I told you generally speaking for the most part is to be you’re in the worst possible place in business. These are things that Heaton our business program is there are three levels of money earners in business. The lowest level is the practitioner. The medium level is the marketer. The highest level is the personality. In chiropractic, for example, 90% of chiropractors don’t make over $100,000 per year. Next are people that are chiropractors that market their business. On top of that the highest earners are people that are well known prime chiropractors or have online, you know, presence somewhere. So what it says name a couple a couple of years ago, the dentist, the dentist, doctors, someone so he’s a personality, whoever he is. Who makes more money. The person that’s known as a dentist, or the person pulling cabinet or filling, filling cavities. you’re filling cavities, my friend.
All right. I hear you. Thank you, Jim.
Yeah. Yeah, one more comment here. There’s a guy in Dallas, very sharp guy. And I went into this car some because other people are gonna learn from you. There was a guy, oh, gosh, what was his name some good looking young guy. good personality in terms of like presence on video and all that. And I don’t even know if it’s around anymore. He owns a company called Floss F L O S S. So he went to dental school and he’s a dentist and DDS. What most people do when they go to dental school is they become a dentist. He’s like, No, I’m a dentist. But I’m going to own the dental practice. So then what he did is he got on just 15 years ago, got on social media became well known all kinds of digital ads and everything else. Now he’s known as the guy who owns the dental centers that people go to, and he pays all the dentist that work for him at the dental centers that he created through his social presence. So for example, me is I couldn’t reach and do what I do if I had if I had no social presence.
And I’ve got a pretty good digital footprint, and I’m building a bigger one. That gives me some more social authority by doing that, so I’m not a practitioner, even in the TCP Immersion Program. I coach in there and I’m in there every day. Why? Because it’s mine and I care. But guess what, the coaches are in there. And they’re coaching on everything. And I’m even supervising the coaches and coaching the coaches who are very good at what they do. I’m not in the nitty gritty details anymore. Why? Because I’m building the business. I’m the personality, not the person stuck as a practitioner in the business. And I learned this from Dan Kennedy. Dan Kennedy, you can look him up as a marketing legend. Okay, next question.
Alright, Karthika you’re up next.
Yes, Hanna. Thank you. Hang on. Yes. Hanna That is correct. Is that people? Not a market? Okay, Hannah, you’re up for it on hand. I’m sorry. Who’s next? I’m Karthika particular, what’s up?
Hey, Jim, I have a question about the TCPB, if there is this okay to ask in this one here
Quickly here, because we just did a call on that. But I will help you here if I can real quickly.
I was trying to connect it with the TCP inner circle. along the line like is, it’s about fear, right? Like investing this up on yourself. I’m trying to decide which one and is the business the TCPB has a minimum income for it because I just started my business.
It’s that a person has at least started your business and knows a little bit about business and TCPB. We just did a call on that. Did you watch that call?
I did a little bit towards the end.
We answer everything in there. I only want to be I mean, I respect you and we’re going to we’re going to help you okay, but I want to actually help everybody else here that’s not here for that because that’s why they’re here today. Yes, watch the video and then answer our Yeah, watch the training and then ask us any questions. We will 100% answer all of your questions for you. Okay,
Okay, good. Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, so the the connection with the inner circle. You said it’s like apples and oranges. Here the it’s all more it’s kind of the same weekly thing like how we did like you have a PDF and like a workbook is the same thing. Okay.
Inner Circle was that plus we have an eye coach in Inner Circle. Inner Circle is basically our downtime between the next PCP, but we stay active in there we have to cut we have two coaching calls per month with Coach Lisa, who is a senior might my senior Coach, okay, she leads to calls. And it’s basically just like TCP, just like the full immersion TCP in the Inner Circle. And then once we start up again in the fall, in what September I believe, then it’s immersion full immersion back into TCP again, then we take three months off, and we do inner circle again, which is two calls a week with Lisa, or a month with Lisa, one call a month with me. Plus, you have everyone in the group, there are multiple, multiple time for the most part, TCP graduates.
I see. Okay, um, may I ask this one last question. My question is around poverty. And like the fear is, I feel like there was a connection between Yeah, it’s a huge connection before, um, cuz I thought I worked on my new identity and everything. But this always comes up during when I want to invest something for myself, or their like suggestion to, I know, I really did like shift my thinking, but for some reason, it’s just like, loud in my ear.
Let me go to Chris, again,I mentioned, Chris, you were here at the beginning of the call, when I talked to Chris. I did. I was, okay. I grew up poor. We, I mean, we were working class, my dad was at best working class, if you took his income with adjusted for inflation, meaning today, if you look at his income, he would probably make $50,000 per year, feeding a family of five. That’s I mean, that’s not a lot you can do. It’s it’s you don’t do without a lot of stuff. That’s how I grew up. And I spent a lot of this applies to everyone here, almost everyone here. I spent a lot of my life, trying to save my way to financial success. Trying to play safe because of psychology is when we’re in that place. The Psychology is I have XYZ. I don’t want to do more. Because if I do more than I’m going to lose what I have right in front of me. And I don’t want to lose what I have right in front of me right now. Because I’m safe and secure with this. You understand so far?
And I looked at what took me to multi millionaire status and the business now that I don’t know we’ll do 8 million 10 million this year and 20 next year. How do I how do I go there? What happened? What changed in me? Okay. And I looked at, I’m just being 100% transparent. About 15 years ago, I hired a social media marketing expert. And she’s very famous. Now. We’re still good friends. Her name is Shama Hyder, you can find her on all over the place. I mean, she’s a writer for Forbes, owns a big company, hundreds of employees. And I was her first client 15 years ago. And it was $3,000 per month. That I have the money. Yeah, that I have the home. Yeah. That I have was able to pay for it. Yeah. But I was afraid. I was like, Oh, geez, 3,000 bucks a month. I mean, I’ve never spent 3,000 bucks a month I can you relate so far? Yeah. Okay. And Shama, who is very, very wealthy, and very, very, LinkedIn calls are one of the top top 10 marketing experts in the country. Okay. And she’s been named to many, many, many lists. And Sharma said something and whatever employees that said something, they said something to me. And it hit me like a two by four between the eyes is the I was complaining about something I wasn’t getting this wasn’t getting that. And Sharma said, as I understood, no matter what we do, he’s not going to be happy. And the reason why is that all these false and over expectations about what I wanted from her, she was delivering, but I had like these grandiose expectations. And when we don’t have money, or we’re penny pinching, we have higher expectations of our vendors than we do if we did have money. There’s something that I put in the business group, it’s a little meme. And it’s literally like you’re reading somebody’s text. And one meme is when you the person invested. It’s all a meme. It’s all made up. Okay? But the metaphors here, but this applies the money to all of us. One meme is when you invest 500 bucks. The meme was what what was written from the person that invested was Wow, this is a lot of money. I sure expect a lot from you. I hope You can deliver, I hope you can get to where you want to go, I need this, I’m counting on you. The other part of the meme was a $5,000 program. And the tax from the person who invested $5,000 was money sent. Thanks. We think differently. Okay, we think differently. And now I’m just being 100% transparent with you guys. That was 15 years ago, and I was afraid to invest 3,000. I made an investment two months ago, for $285,000 for marketing. And when they told me the price went, that’s fine. And they’re, they’re like, you’re the highest level client we have coming along, we’ve done this for 10 years, they’re good. And they’ve never had a client and my level. And when they said, 285,000, 3,000 to 285,000, you know what I’m saying? That’s just one investment for a few months.
I can’t play in the big leagues, unless I invest in the big leagues. I can’t play in the small leagues, unless I invest in the small leagues. Because if you or anyone else, including me, if you think you’re gonna figure it out on your own, I have some bad news for you. You’re not, because if you could, you would have already done it. And the fact that you haven’t done it means that you can’t do it. And what I’m sharing with you, and all of you, is my business didn’t grow. Until I said that $3,000 investment. I got to do it. I don’t know how to get there myself, I got to do it. And I did. And that was the beginning of the Firestorm, or the hurricane or tornado that’s created everything else over the years, that $3,000 has led to 10s of millions in revenue.
But had I not invested the 3000? I would probably not be doing what I’m doing today. So your answer is do something when you’re uncomfortable doing it, because you’re not going to grow otherwise, here’s what’s gonna happen, I know I’ve experienced is, when you invest the money, there will be some times that you invest the money. And the person you invested the money in, doesn’t deliver. And they’re done that. And the reality is, be smart. Choose who you’re going to invest with, do your homework, and then invest and just know something’s gonna happen with it. Because you can’t control anything. The only way to get out of the fear. Like I told Chris, here’s the thing, the only way to get out of the fear is to behaviorally get out of the fear. And that means becoming uncomfortable. Because you will not grow outside your comfort zone. Inside your comfort zone. Sorry. Yeah, that answer?
Yeah, does answer a lot. Thank you so much Jim.
Hang on, do a lot of you see what i’m saying that pertains to everything in life, hit the chat box, you will not get out of your fear until you get out of your fear. Otherwise, the fear is the illusion and the glass prison that keeps you trapped, and will always keep you trapped. How do I know that? I look at my own life. And if it wouldn’t always keep you trapped. Then it wouldn’t have always kept you trapped. Makes sense.
Makes total sense.
Yeah, it wouldn’t have kept you trapped. If it didn’t always keep you trapped. The only way to do it is walk off the high diving board. Put your finger over your nose, say a hail mary and jump off the diving board. That’s it. That’s the that’s the formula. That’s it. The most of us will say no, I’m not going to climb up to the high diving board because I’m afraid. We’ll tell you what, I’m okay with that. But you know what, Own it. Don’t want to create more in life. Chris and the rest of you. It’s foolish and self foolery to believe you’re going to create more, but you ain’t got to change to do it. Case in point, how many of you have gotten changed in case this level of TCP. Right? But you did something, you have to do something. How many people are sitting on the sidelines? Still thinking about it? Literally, I’ll do it next time. No, you won’t Don’t bullshit me or yourself, you’re not going to do it next time. Because you know what, next time, you’re still gonna live in this same box you live in this time. It’s not like a preacher. Okay, but you get it right.
I do, thank you so much.
Hey, good. The rest of you guys get that. I’m Tom speaking to you, all of you. This applies to all of us, whether it’s dating, or building a business or anything, you have to leave the comfort zone.


If you’re serious about Transforming Your Life. from the inside out. I have a free training that you’re going to want to listen to. And it’s helped 10’s of 1000’s of people all around the globe. The thing is, all of my students start here. Because when you learn to change your thinking, you’ll change your life. Because as you already know, life happens from the inside out. The training is called discover how to eliminate fear and negativity and an instant. So go to and start learning how to transform your life at a deeper level from the inside out.
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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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