Your listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled Seven Questions to Higher Wisdom. As I was thinking about the episode this week, I had no idea what I wanted to do. And often I just wait for inspiration, drives my team crazy, but I wait to see what comes to me throughout my week, or, you know, something that I’m doing or observing or remembering or something. And I came across looking at some old notes today. I came across a conversation that I had with Don Xavier my brother-in-law now I’ve said before, he’s not the Don Xavier on YouTube because that guy. Says he’s a shaman, but in my experience, in my learning real shamans don’t do they do not do social media? So anyway. I want to share a seven questions that Don Xavier asked me one time. And they’re pretty insightful questions. When you look at them, you know, from a different perspective. I don’t want to share them with you. So hopefully you can actually use this to gain higher wisdom. In particular areas of your life, keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life and this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay, so Seven Questions to
Seven Questions To Higher Wisdom
So a question that he asked me, And I’ll ask you the same question and then we’ll tweak the question a little bit, but the question was. When are your biggest fears valid? Ponder that when are your biggest fears valid? And I changed that for you guys to when are your two biggest fears valid? So ponder that for a second. Just think on that. And I’m going to be quiet for about 15 seconds. Just ponder the question. When are your biggest fears valid or when are your two biggest fears valid? Start now.
So, what did you come up with? And the question is whatever you came up with. When are the fears valid and that’s the operative word. And as I was looking at these questions, Candidly, I’m sure it probably didn’t hit me 20 years ago. And as I’m looking at these questions today, tonight, as I was putting this episode together and thinking about what I wanted to say, the operative word is valid. Meaning, when are your fears valid? Now I’ve said before, I’ve talked a lot about fear in this podcast. I’ve said before. There’s a difference between fear and danger. Danger is when you know, someone’s holding a gun at you and or something, that’s going to create bodily harm. Or endanger you physically in some way. But fear generally is a whole different ball of wax. Fear is the two biggest fears. Fear of judgment and the fear of inadequacy. Meaning I’m afraid people are going to judge me, or I’m afraid that I am not good enough. And candidly, many years of my past, I used to get into both of those fears.
Because I used to be a perfectionist. But I used to believe well, if I can’t do things really, really, really, really to the nth degree, do it really well. Then my content is not good enough. And this day and age, candidly, most of you’re listening to the audio. It’s been a long day to day and a long week. I don’t even shave are the shave. Barely. I just took the razor and took a you know, swipe it, my face, barely comb my hair and I’m like, you know, I just need to get it done tonight. I will do it and put it out. And that’s the end of it. But back to you. When are your fears of judgment? And your fear of not being good enough. The question is when are they valid fears. Ponder that, and again, the operative word is valid. But you see the definition of valid. Is having a sound basis and logic or fact. Reasonable or cogent. Again, the definition definition of valid is having a sound basis and logic or fact. Reasonable or cogent.
So the question next is when is it reasonable to be in fear about what other people are going to think about you or whether or not you’re good enough. Now for most of you listening, you’ll find reasons. Oh, well, if, if I needed to be in fear because my boss is going to judge me or this person’s going to judge me, or that person’s going to judge me, or I’m not going to be good enough here or there, but mainly what you’re really getting into is another fear. And people spend 99% of the time doing one of two things. Either trying to look good or not look bad. That’s generally why you get into your fear of other people trying to look good or not look bad. Therefore that puts you in fear and many times that stops you from opening up and shining and letting you be who you are and doing what you want to do with your life. So essentially you’re living your life for other people as well.
So a question we’re talking about logical. Is it reasonable and logical that you stopped yourself? From all that you want in life or most things that you want in life. Because of your, because of your illogical fears. So the question again, is it reasonable or logical? That you stop yourself from all that you want in life because of your illogical fears. I mean, how logical is that if you really want to get into logic or are your illogical fears invalid, if you want greater things in life and that’s something you’ve got to consider. Are my logical fears, even valid that word valid. If I want to create greater things in life and the obvious answer is no.
So we can talk about the logic and the illogicalness of fear till the cows come home. And I don’t know where you are in the world. You might be in Tokyo and there’s no cows coming home, but that’s a Texas phrase and a lot of people have heard it, which basically means forever. So and I hope there’s no cows coming home in downtown Tokyo. I used to live in Japan many years ago as a kid, and I did not see any cows in Tokyo. Anyway we can talk about fears all day long till we’re blue in the face. And the cows come home and blue cows come home, but it doesn’t matter because you’re not going to get through your fears. Until you face them, which I did an episode recently about how your fears actually are your greatest opportunity for spiritual growth, because what happens is when you’re actually. You know, confronting something with fear and you’re coming up against it. That means there’s something else that you’re wanting in your life. Some other growth. And that’s coming from most likely your spirit and that inner voice. And when you’re afraid to go get it. You were literally shutting down the spirit inside of you.
Okay enough said metaphor metaphors tonight. We beat that dead horse. Okay. But that’s an interesting question. The question is when. When Are your biggest fears Valid
Next question. Do you manage yourself with your body? And the interesting thing is is I was thinking about at the gym today. I live in a small town. Uh, Sedona, Arizona. There’s only, you know, probably 7,000 people who live here. Full-time thereabouts. Lots and lots of tourists and I am a member at a health club that really caters. It’s a resort but local people can join. And we don’t see a lot of people here. Most people here are in their fifties or thereabouts. But there was a guy in there working out today, which is rare. Uh, generally it’s about three people in the whole gym. I know a lot of you were like, wow, I really want that.But the guy was really working out hard. And it reminded me back when I was probably his age, the guy was probably 30 and I was thinking about how come I worked out when I was 30. What drove me to work out when I was 30 and I could lie all day long and say, Ooh, I wanted to be in the best possible health. I wanted to be like, you know, take care of my health and, and biomechanics and take no.
I worked out when I was all, you know, late twenties all through my thirties and into my forties. And I’m doing it again now in my fifties, I’m starting again, but I did it for one reason and I’m just being transparent. I did it. So I look good naked in front of the mirror, even to myself. I’m like, okay, I can deal with that. You know, you’re doing pretty good for your age. But back then. I literally was kind of a zealot about working out. I mean, eating tuna out of the can working out five days a week, doing my. You know, my cardio and all those kind of things. But, you know what? I never really noticed and recognized back then. Is that I was managing myself. And my life. Based upon my body. Now, what I mean by that? Is, I was managing a lot of my behavior, buying protein powders. You know, going to the gym, planning my workout, scheduling time around the gym. Doing pretty much. A lot of things because of the effect of what those things would have on my body. Which means that I was managing myself by my body, but let’s go somewhere else with you guys. Now, when I talk about how you, you know, do you manage yourself with your body? You have to think about this. Not only managing your feelings, how you feel physically, whether your ankle hurts your back hurts. You need to stretch more, That’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is do you manage yourself with your body and particular, do you manage your self esteem, your self worth your value and approval of other people based upon your body? Or the reverse direction. Do you manage yourself based upon your body, but guess what? Your body might be, what we consider to be overweight. Or it might not be the social standard of beauty or this or that.
And then look at how you manage your own thoughts about your own value and about yourself. So a question could be is what is the relationship between your body? And how you feel about yourself again, not how you feel physically, but what is the relationship between your body and how you feel about yourself? Now that’s a bit of gray area because you could say, well, you know what? I have a good body. I take care of my body. Therefore, I feel good about myself for taking care of my body. That’s completely. Let’s cut back to that V word completely valid. I understand that. What I’m talking about though. Is in particular for this episode. Are you getting into vanity because of your body or are you getting into self hatred and self-loathing because of your body? I, you know, as I mentioned, and I’ve mentioned before, but you know, I’m gay. And I talked about that. You know, a couple of episodes ago. And the only reason I didn’t bring it on is because there’s no really reason to this podcast is about you.
But being gay, I’ve never been in the gay culture. In terms of, I have no gay bumper stickers on my car and I think I’ve been the one gay pride in my life. And that’s because friends were going and it was a big party in New York city. And everybody goes to gay pride in New York city, gay, straight, young, old, rich, poor doesn’t matter. About New York, city’s known for the parades and party time. And that’s it. That’s it. Otherwise I don’t, I’m not involved in the rest of the culture per se, but the gay culture has the joke is, is that gay church is the gym. So many gay guys go to the gym because there’s such prevalence in that culture. And you have to be in really good shape. And then what a lot of that culture does is shame’s people who aren’t in really good shape. But notice people who might not be in really good shape. And that culture is six pack abs and all that kind of nonsense, which honestly, I got into a 25 years ago, not because of the culture. I think it was just because that’s what I did.
When I, when I started working out, I got involved in working out and I just took it seriously and really got into it. My point, whether you feel good about yourself or you feel bad about yourself is self-management. And are you managing it based upon your body? Are you managing how you feel about yourself based upon your body? And do you think other people will perceive you as more of something or less of something because of your body. And the question is how much sense does it make? Now talking about spirituality, a lot what I could go into is I’ve mentioned many times before the analogy or the metaphor here at metaphor. There, there you go. Of. Imagine the little tip of your pinky finger, controlling your body.
That doesn’t make any sense. It’s a little bitty tip of my pinky finger. How could that control my entire body? Well, the totality of your being spiritually and energetically speaking and cosmically speaking. When you manage yourself by your body, that’s like letting the tip of your pinky manage your entire being. And candidly no stones I’ve been there. That is quite ridiculous to allow ourselves. To do that. So the question is this, do you manage how you feel in life and about yourself. Based upon your body image and how other people perceive you. Because if you do that, you’re managing yourself by your body, which is the little bitty tip of the pinky finger, which is managing yourself and your entire totality of being, because your body’s on this planet, the entire totality of those being comes through you on this planet to exist and understand you’re not understand, but to be part of the experience, guiding you while you’re on the planet. And if you’re managing yourself, by the tip of your pinky finger. You’re definitely managing yourself by your body. And when you manage yourself by your body, either positive or negative. You’re managing yourself by the thoughts, feelings, and expectations of other people and what you think they’re going to think of you or not.
Okay. Number three. Do you bathe yourself in your past? Now what pop. That’s what I decided to call this. This one here is, do you bathe yourself in your past, but where I want to go with that? Is something that Don Xavier said to me, and here’s a particular note, one line. When you get into control you entangle yourself in your past. Ponder that when you get into your control, you entangle yourself in your past. Now, the next question would be is how does control equate to the past? Right. I mean, I could say, well, I’m a control freak, but how does that relate to my past? Doesn’t even make any sense at first glance. But when you think about it, and you look at it. You can only control if you’re trying to control your life from your past. Because every decision you make right now comes, brain-based not sense which we’ll talk about in the moment. But 95%, not every but 95%. of the decisions you make right now. Come from your brain and then your brain is actually programmed from your past.
Now, let me give you an example. First I want to say is rarely do we ever decide or make decisions or choices from right now? I’ll say it again. Rarely do we ever decide or make choices or decisions from the right now? Now example would be. Let’s say someone came up and they put, I’ve mentioned this before in the podcast, as an example, they came up, they come up to you and they plop a plate of liver and onions down in front of you. And you’re immediately going to go and it’s literally immediately for most of us. Oh, liver and onions. That’s amazing. And there’s a small percentage of you that will do that. And most of us will say. Hell. No, I’m not eating liver and onions. There’s no way I’m going to eat liver and onions. Hell no. But here’s the thing. That choice in the moment that decision in the moment is not from the present. It is from the past because I didn’t sit here and go, Hhm Liver and onions. Would I like liver and onions, have I had liver and onions? Are they good for you? I wonder what no, we just simply say, boom. Yes or no. I will have them or I will not have them. And that decision comes from a past decision you’ve already made.
So. What we have to recognize here and the question is, are you a control freak? Because if you’re a control freak you’re controlling, or you think you’re controlling the illusion of control, you think you’re controlling your life right now. And tomorrow when in truth, your life is being controlled from yesterday and from your past. Think about that. If you’re a control freak, you’re trying to control everything around you, everyone, and everything around you. And notice if you’re a control freak. Now you’re most likely going to be a control freak tomorrow. Which means again, you’re controlling your now. And tomorrow from your yesterday, which means you’re living in your past.
I’ve said before on the podcast, that control is an illusion. And anytime we get into control, you get into control because control doesn’t exist. Anytime that we think we’re getting into control, we are literally controlled by the illusion of. Control. Ponder that for a moment, if you get into control, you were controlled by the illusion of control. So a question would be, or a statement if you want control. You need to have a better illusion of what control is ponder that for a moment. If you think you want control, which doesn’t exist, but you have to have it because you have to control it. Then a better illusion of what control might be, would be a good choice for you. So a good choice would be actually, I’m just sharing with you. A good choice would be, is to choose not to get in the control, which paradoxically gives you more control in life later because it gives you more freedom. And when you have more freedom, then you have more choice. And when you have more choice, you have more opportunity in front of you. So. You know, I could say, do you control the birds and the news and the elections and the economy and the wind.
Do You control others. When you hop on an airplane, do you control whether or not your, plane’s going to land somewhere safely. No, you have control of nothing. And to think otherwise, Quite simply. To think otherwise that you have control and you may be, a control freak,is to live in. And from your past.
Okay. So let me segue from the episode for just one moment. I have two events coming up. That you’re going to want to attend because they’re both going to help you further your transformation. Not only that, I only do this twice a year. First is my BE DO HAVE live training series. And that’s coming up starting March the third. No charge for that. I’ll share. I’ll share more details later, but you’re going to want to make sure you’re on this. Quite literally life expanding eye opening training. literally over 50,000 people have gone through this free training. And they report incredible results from this training.
Secondly, I’ll be doing some, no BS coaching over on Instagram live for the next month. The first one is on February the fourth. And that’s at 1:00 PM. PST. And this is for people who have not been in coaching with me before. It’s one-to-one with me working with you and you working through your stuff, that’s been holding you back. That’s why it’s called no BS coaching. Because I’m not here to be your friend. I’m not here to cuddle you. I’m here to help you grow so that you can transform your life and we can all make a bigger difference on the planet. So again, mark your calendars for March the third for the BE-DO-HAVE training. I promise that’s going to be an eye opening training for you guaranteed. And then thirdly , the Instagram starting on February the fourth so you can attend the no BS coaching on Instagram. I’ll see you there. Okay. Back to the episode.
Number four. Do you use your left brain or your right brain more to figure out life? Think about that, trying to figure that out. Do you use your left brain more or your right brain more? And many of you’re probably going well. I don’t know, do I use my left? Do I use my right? And then some of you were like, no, I’m extremely analytical. I’m using my left brain to figure out what you just said. Other people are like, well, sometimes I’m left brain dominant sometimes I’m right brain. Dominant. But where do I want to go here? The main point was I’ll get to in a moment. But or, and want to share a truth with you. You will figure out nothing in life. And try to figure out what that means. You will figure out nothing in life. And what I mean by that is memories explain my meaning of it is I used to be the figure out kind of guy. I got to figure it out. I got to understand why, how come, how come, why, how come, how come I have to understand kind of like an engineer’s brain. And I wanted to know why things worked and why this worked. And why that didn’t work. And I remember. Thinking about this an episode, my favorite cartoons as a kid was Looney tunes, bugs bunny. And my favorite character characters were actually Daffy duck and Yosemite Sam. And bugs bunny. You know, he was Yosemite Sam’s nemesis. And this was, I think called the Sam Beret View of this little vignette of Looney tunes, the cartoon. And what Bugs Bunny did is he nailed all these doors together. And all these doors, probably like 50 doors and Yosemite Sam chasing Bugs Bunny, and he’d opened every door and open a door and open a door and open a door and he’d open one door and there’d be another door he’d open that door and there’ll be another door he opened that door and you see Bugs Bunny walking away. And Bugs Bunny again was a trickster and he, he wired the last door to dynamite. And so bugs, Bunny’s walking away. And you see him eating his carrot walking away and you see Yosemite Sam in the background, opening a door, opening a door, opening a door. And Bugs Bunny says, I wonder if he’s going to open all the doors.
Now who’s opening all the doors because he was looking for something. And then what happened is he got to the final door and boom, the door exploded on him or whatever. And they cut to, you know, they cut at the end of the, of the cartoon there. But the bigger point is, is that you’re not going to become exploded upon if you keep opening doors, But. But. The doors never end. There’s one door after another door because I could sit right, right here right now telling you, working with a Shaman. And I’m not qualified to go into it, to explain it. But I can tell you, even we think about things like Dream time. There are doors. And there are gates and dream time. Some of this stuff, I can talk about some of it, I need to better wrap my mind around how do we explain it?
But we as humans think, oh, we just go to bed and you dream and you wake up. No. We energetically goes through. I’m going to use gate. I’m going to use. I learned the word gateways, but doorways and different levels of doorways and the doorways never, ever, ever end. So what I’m telling you. Mainly for those of you that have to figure out everything. If you’re trying to always figure something out, you’re going to figure out nothing, because you can also only figure out if you’re using your analytical mind based upon your 3d version of reality, which is all logical, which, which is based upon your past history on this planet, which means what you’ve learned. What prompted this particular little part of the episode. Was one line that I had written down. And it said, which I’ve said many times in different ways. And I say many times kind of the same thing in different ways, because sooner or later it’s going to hit with more people. When I explain it in a different way. Also, you can hear it in one way and you can let it marinate and percolate with it. And you, you think you get it. And then a month later you hear me say it in a different way. And you’re like, boom, I didn’t.
Oh, my gosh. That’s I, I, that, I hear that before. Yes I did, but I didn’t hear it in that way. But what I had written down as one line. And it is you don’t truly comprehend with your reason. You do so with your senses. You don’t truly comprehend with your reason you do so with your senses. And I don’t mean your five physical senses. I mean, you’re sixth sense, and this is why we go back to one of the earlier episodes I believe its episode number six. When I talk about the power of silence. When you work with a Shaman the first thing they start doing. At least as I understand, but the Shaman I work with and he told me that’s where he learned from the Shama that he worked with. His benefactor, is the power of silence because when you can get silent in your mind, now it’s like your sense. S E N S E your higher sense starts coming through. But what we do is we block out our higher sense. Because of all of our left brain, analytical reasoning and reasoning and reasoning and reasoning. And then what many of us do is we will say things like, I hear this all the time. I talk about this in my Transformational Coaching Programs. Dharma. And I talk about that. Dharma is living what you’re here to do.
And I will hear people say Jim. I can’t figure it out my Dharma. I can’t figure it out. I can’t figure it out. I can’t. Why because you’re trapped in your analytical 3d mind, which literally shuts down your higher sense, your higher function of mind. And let me tell you what sense feels like. Sense and I know I’ve got to do some episodes on this a little later down the road. I’ve got to think about how I want to do them and want to say, think I have. There was some thought involved because the thoughts come to me. But I’ve got to organize them in a way that will make sense to meaning analytical sense to people listening to the podcast. So I know that I need to do more episodes on the power of sense, which we have when we get really, really silent. But your true power in life. Is using the power of your sense. And that only comes through when you shut down your mind.
Another short one here. I really liked this one a lot. I know a guy. That we just, not somebody that I really wanted to be around on the speaking platform. We did talk about doing some programs together, but it didn’t feel right. Wasn’t the right person for me to work with maybe 20 years ago. And he used to always say he teaches people how to become wealthy. Or at least he says that he does.
And he used to. Excuse me. He used to always say, you can make excuses or you can make money, but you can’t make both. You can make excuses or you can make money, but you can’t make both. So the question here, number five. Is how often do you use excuses as your reasons. Ponder that one. That’s the question that I was asked is how often do you use your excuses as your reasons? Now working with Don Xavier. It was put to me in a different context in a different way. Because I would say things like I don’t have time to sit down and get quiet. Blah-blah-blah I don’t have time to do this. I’m supposed to be doing, I don’t have time and then I’d give excuses. And then I would give reasons for my excuses. Now, what I learned is is that the only reason we give number one, we give excuses to make ourselves feel better, and then to make ourselves feel even better about that. We give ourselves a reason to give ourselves excuses, to make ourself feel better. And we do that to not do something.
So a question I have for this episode. Is when you don’t want to take the steps to transform your life your entangling yourself and your own reasons and past. And that’s your analytical mind? Because, like I said earlier about the past. Believe it or not. Your reasons come from your past. Your reasons you can’t be and do and have, which by the way that series, this is February of 2022. That series is coming up soon. It’s a no charge series. You’ll hear more about that. But when you get into your reasons, which come from your past, your reasons come from everything that you thought, or you learned you couldn’t do in your past, and then you give yourself excuses as to why you can’t go do something. And none of that’s present right now it all exists in your past. So a question for you before we go to number six. Is think about this. Ponder sit with it. What excuses do you give yourself to make yourself feel better.
Next one is Don Xavier has often said everything falls by its own weight. And I had the, I had that written down for many years, but he said it for many years. And when you really think about that, which we will hear we’ll look at it. Is we fall by our own weight. You’ve heard the old phrase before the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Right? That’s a pretty much cultural phrase all over the world or a common phrase all over the world. So you because this episode pertains to you, you fall by your own weight. And the heavier that you are the harder you’re going to fall. We could even say, for example, just taking a person’s weight. A person that weighs 400 pounds. There are heavier than somebody that weighs a hundred pounds. When they fall, they’re going to have more impact and harder impact on their entire body because of. Physics, the weight coming down on their body. So the heavier you are the harder you’re going to fall. But the question for this episode is this.
What makes you weighty? What makes you heavy think about that for a moment. What makes you heavy? I’m going to tell you, and there’s many things, but I’m going to tell you what makes you the heaviest. See what applies to you? When you get into anger and shame and fear and hate and judgment. These are all lower frequency, slower, heavier emotions and vibrations. And when you get into these things, the anger, the shame, the fear, the hate, the judgment. You’re making yourself heavy and guess what? The heavier you are, the harder you’re going to fall by your own weight. Now, how do we actually. Put that in tangible terms. Let me give you some great examples here. Let’s say that you’re heavy with anger. Well, the question is when you’re heavy with anger, how often do you talk down to someone negates someone, denigrate someone? How often do you put your foot in your mouth? How often do you, you know, you misspeak, how often, often do you explode on other people out of anger. How often do you reject I’m sorry, we act by your own weight of anger or whatever it might be. How about this? How many bridges do you burn? Because of anger? Have you lost a job because of anger, because you told someone off, you pissed off a customer, somebody fired you. Your company fired you. Why? Because of anger, maybe how many people have you alienated in your life because of anger. So we’re going to keep this one simple right here, but we’re going to go back to.
Do you fall by your own weight? The answer is yes, you do. It’s rather a question of how hard you’re going to fall. And the weight your weight is, and you’re a human you’re on the planet well you’re partially human you’re on the planet. When I say that we’re all partially human, we’re actually predominantly spiritual essence and energy. And even though your physical, your also energy. But your predominantly, you know, a cosmic, spiritual being partially human being partially human you’ve been conditioned, or you’ve learned to get into your anger, shame, fear, hate and judgment. Your greed, your counterproductive and negative emotions. So the question then follows, how heavy does that make you? Because you will fall by your own weight. You know, I just thinking here of an example. Before I go to the next one and the final one.
I watch a lot of when I’m watching when I’m creating programs or doing PDFs or this or that I will I’ll watch documentaries. And I was watching one on studio, 54 in New York City back in the seventies and those guys had it. I mean, they had like the number one night spot in the world. And they got busted. Because Steve Rubell, one of the two owners was not very smart. In terms of running his mouth. He was on national TV. And he said something like, because what they were doing is they were skimming 50% of their revenue, which was cash. They were skimming cash every night to the tune of hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars per night.
Now. No one probably would have known this or discovered it. But Steve Rubell had a huge inferiority complex. And now he didn’t say that I’m just watching and I can tell by watching him and what he says and what he does. And he was bragging on national TV saying what the IRS doesn’t know, won’t hurt them. Well, don’t you think that’s going to raise red flags? And something I’ve learned from Don Xavier or a phrase it’s a brilliant little phrase is. A fish dies by its own mouth. Steve Rubell went to prison because of his own mouth. But what I look at what was the heaviness in his personality that created him into fall. And it was his need to be recognized or people to, to look up to him or whatever it might be. And that weight landed him in prison and basically jus the club’s closed and they opened up a couple of years later, not to the original success. But by his own weight, he destroyed. His business and the business of his business partner.
Number seven. This is the exact question that I was asked many years ago. Would you rather have a pleasurable or perturbed life? That’s huge. Would you rather have a pleasurable or perturbed life. I think about that for a moment. And I think for most of you, the answer’s obvious I want a pleasurable life. But how many of you live a perturbed life? And what was said to me next, I wrote it down verbatim and here it is. I’m going to share it with you. Once you understand that the pleasures of life. Are many. There’s nothing, anything, or there’s, there’s no longer anything that can perturb you. Once you understand that the pleasures of life are many, there was no longer any thing that can perturb you. Think about that. I used to be a very perturbed person. I mean, all kinds of things would piss me off and traffic and this and that and bad customer service and people, big lines and this blah, blah, blah and on and on none of that bothers me anymore for the most part. I’m still learning my lessons. I’m still growing. But here’s the thing is most of us spend a majority of our life perturbed like I did because of the expectations we have of others. And then when they don’t meet our expectations, we get mad. We get angry, we throw which I’m not a tantrum person. Never have been, never been a yeller.
But I would be the slow-seething anger type. Like I can’t believe they, why didn’t, you know, grumble, grumble grumble. That would be me many years ago. So, let me ask you this. You spend your life perturbed. What are you missing out on ponder that? What are you missing out on? So let’s say for example, you’ll leave the house and you’re perturbed because your wife did this. Your husband did that. Your kids did this. You got an email that said this. You’re walking out the door, your mom calls and says this and that. And the other, your dad calls the dog, you know, poop on the front door. I don’t know something at the front door who knows. But anyway, you’re perturbed. You get a new car. You’re going somewhere, you hit traffic, then you’re perturbed because of all these other, I had a friend who called all drivers except himself idiot drivers, all these idiot, many of the drivers, idiots on the road. And you’re perturbed in perturbed and perturbed.
But here’s the thing. Are you grateful? Are you enjoying the pleasure of let’s say your good health. And if you’re driving, you’re in decent enough health to drive, some people can’t even do that. Are you enjoying the pleasure of even being able to afford a car? Are you enjoying the pleasure of the freedom of going where you want to go in your car? Are you enjoying the pleasure of being able to even afford car insurance? Think about that. Are you enjoying the pleasure? Of listening to my podcast and your car, or are you yelling at people?
See,We often don’t look at the luxuries te have in life and the pleasures that we have, the simple pleasures. I’m no different than a lot of people. I don’t eat a lot of it, but I love chocolate. I mean, chocolate is a pleasure to me. What about, I don’t know, different than a scone. What about a beer? What about a glass of wine? What about, I don’t know you know, there’s so many pleasures that are simple pleasures. Then we can be angry and throwing a tantrum at the same time, having that pleasure of that ice cream, but not even recognizing how pleasurable that ice cream is because we’re pissed off or we’re perturbed by something else or someone else.
So the question is, would you rather have a pleasurable or perturbed life because you can not have both. And the way to have the pleasurable life. Is to realize the pleasures of your life are many. And when you realize that fully get that, when you realize that the pleasures of your life. are bountiful and many, you will then find there’s nothing, any longer to be perturbed about. Okay. Quick recap as your Transformational Takeaways.
What are your two biggest valid fears? The operative word is the word valid, which of your fears are valid. Do you manage yourself? Number two, do you manage yourself with your body? Are you placing yourself worth based upon your external body? Which means your managing yourself with your body? Number three. Do you bathe yourself in your past? Which when you get into control, you’re bathing yourself in your past. Number four. Do you use your left brain more or do you use your right brain more? Because you’re crawling to figure out, figure it out, figure it out, figure out. Figure out life. So, which are you trying to do? Are you trying to figure out something that can’t be figured out, which is exactly what you’re doing? Number five. How often do you use excuses as your reasons? Remember, we give excuses to make ourselves feel better, and then we reached into the way. Number six. Do you fall by your own weight? That answer is obvious. And then number seven, would you rather have a pleasurable or perturbed life? Thank you.
Thank you for listening to this episode and for all of you that share. I’ve asked you to share before, please share this with your friends family, people that you know will get value. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be able to serve. And thank you so much for investing your time to be here, to listen to this episode. And I appreciate you. I’m very grateful and I’ll catch you over on another episode. Take care and make it a great day to day. Bye-bye.
Because I want you to observe your life. With your eyes wide open. To see what’s really happening because when you open your eyes, And you observe, that’s going to bring clarity. And when you have clarity, guess what? Because this is the most important thing that you can do. Stay out of fear. That’s generated. Stay out of the fear, because guess what? it weakens the immune system it weakens your ethereal body stay out of the fear because that’s probably one of the most powerful ways of not one of the number one ways to actually hurt yourself with things that are going on. With a state of humanity and the general masses. So the transformational takeaway is this. Pretty simple. We either learn to live together as a species and support one another or we die as a species and we die collectively. Thanks for listening and I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye-bye.
Wait, wait one second. Before you go. So the fact that you’re here listening to the podcast, it means that some part of you is interested in transforming your life. But if you’re like most people, you try different things, you do different things. You hope you wish you want, and you pray and things don’t change. That being said, if you’re serious and I mean serious about creating long-term permanent change subconsciously and transforming your life. Then whatever you do get on the wait list for my Transformational Coaching Program. It’s a 14 week program. I only do it twice a year live and the doors will be opening pretty soon. So get on the wait list and you can do that at www.jimfortin.com/waitlist.