You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled What Makes Me Matter. Now you’ve probably heard me talk about that before other places in the podcast, another episode. But that’s a hard one for a lot of people. But you see what we learn? What we hear most often from the motivational speakers is everyone says, what is your, why? And why basically is a rational reason and we’re not actually motivated by rationality. We’re motivated by feelings and emotions and deep level feelings and seated at emotions. So, when we talk about finding out, why. Many times, that’s not strong enough. But what is strong enough to move us? Is that when we can viscerally feel in our heart and soul, what makes us matter? Because when we discover that. Life becomes literally lit up. On fire, whatever you want to call it. But life changes. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life. And this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay. What makes me matter. You know, I’ve mentioned before that I heard Oprah. She said a couple of things and I’m not going to get them right. But basically. People, you know, she goes to my 25 years of doing this. People want to know. You know, do you hear me? You know, do you acknowledge something like what I say. And mainly the last thing was, is do I matter? And I think every one of us, we want to matter in some way. Whether it be, you know, we’re a mom or a parent. Or a sales trainer or an artist or whatever it is we do, we do what we do from the heart, because there’s matter in it somewhere. And mainly it makes us matter. We feel like we’re doing something. And then I see people who really don’t know what makes them matter. They don’t know their air quote or why. And I see them wander through life. And I do mean this kindly. But wasting their lives. Why? Because they’re trading their life and their time. And your time is all that you have for a paycheck. So, this week I was thinking about, well, what do I, you know, what do I want to do for an episode?
And I wanted to do a spiritual episode this week. Because I’ve asked lay between spirituality and brain science and, you know, different things. If you’ve been around for any amount of time. And I started listening to my brother-in-law Don Xavier, the Shaman. And I literally, probably, I don’t even know on my phone. I think I have 300 recordings on my phone and that’s just the last couple of years because when he talks to me, I record. And then often I go back, and I listen later. And he has often said, and I’ve got to agree in my field. I see it all the time. He’s often said. That most of us won’t do the work, but we want the end result. Now, when he says the same, he’s talking to me about, you know, people in general in life. Basically, people call him for healing and his waiting list. He’s very inexpensive, a couple of hundred bucks. And the only charges one time and his waiting list, I believe is like two years long. And so many people will call either wanting spiritual growth or wanting healing.
And, you know, he’s he, and I’ve talked about it a lot and he’s like so many people. They want me to tell them what to do to heal and I’ll do my part. And by the way, what I’m telling you applies to me also, because he’s told me the very same thing. You know, which I’ll get to in just a minute. He’s always said I will do my part. You must do your part. It takes two to tango. And if one person or the other is doing their part and the other, one’s not, it’s not going to work. And he said, you know, so many people, they want healing, and they want growth. And I’ll bring my part, but they won’t do the work and they want their part. And then after that they’ll want the end result. And, you know, begin transformational coach. I see so much of that. So many people want deep level change in life. They want core level subconscious transformation. But they won’t do the work. And want to say, do the work. I mean, whatever, corresponds to them, even enrolling in my programs, they won’t do or change what they’re doing differently to even do that kind of work, to do the work with me, to completely transform their lives.
What I’m telling you here is no secret. It has applied to me. It’s applied to you at applies to probably you can look in your life right now and look at your kids or, or people in your life. And you can say, you know what? Someone’s so always says they want to do X, Y, Z, but they’re not doing ABC to get the X, Y, Z. And that’s because plain and simple is we want the outcome, but we won’t do the work. So initially in this episode, I was going to go to maybe a, you know, application more towards business or something like that. Because I know everyone here must do something for a living. For the most part, you’ve got some kind of air quote, job or company or something.
But it applies to everything, whether it be spirituality because working with a Shaman for decades, I can tell you. I must do the work, or I don’t get the end result. And when I say, do the work. There are a lot of practices that I’ve been taught over the years, and I’ve been given. You know, many different kinds of practices to evolve my consciousness to master dream time and to work deeper in dream time and to work with the ancient ones and to call on different energies to connect with. Our second detention and all kinds of things in life and the energies in life. And what I’ve learned. No secret this episode. If I don’t do the work. And I don’t apply what I’ve learned. I don’t get the end result, no matter how badly I wanted or how cool it is or how much I think that I want it.
If I don’t do the work that I’m not going to get the end result. Okay. After I had heart failure and a stroke in 2020. By far the best things that ever happened to me, because I learned more through those experiences about deep level healing. And life. Then I would ever have learned, had I not had those experiences?
And when I had the stroke, I was already healing from the heart failure. And when I had the stroke. I came to the mindset. That you know what. I’m building a business and I have the podcast to my Transformational Coaching Programs and, and several different kinds of coaching programs that I’m doing. All of that. I have a team, all of that must go on the back burner and let my team manage it. I must make my number one priority. My number one. I’m going to use this word carefully. My number one, job in life to be in perfect health. And for me to do that, I made healing a job. And not a fearful job. I made it a process, a process of continuity. And so many people, they dismiss the concept of consistency. Which we’ll talk about in just a minute.
So many people want big results in life, and I’ll take big action and they don’t get the big results and they quit. And we all know the story of the turtle and the Hare that really the long-term results in life come from people going to distance. And, you know, you think about that. Water’s one of the most powerful resources that there is in the planet. And you look at water. I live in Sedona, Arizona, two hours from the Grand Canyon. And you want to look at the power. Of time and consistency. Seriously. Go to the Grand Canyon and look at that because if that’s not evidence right in front of your eyeballs, about the power of water and time and consistency then nothing ever will be. So, I knew for healing. I had to be consistent. That was my main thing. Now, when I say I made it a job, it wasn’t the work to heal. I want to be very clear about that. I didn’t worry about it. I simply went into what I call application, but the same thing applies to you for whatever you want to create in life.
We must go into application. Now when I, I. I, after I had the stroke, my brother-in-law said, okay, this is what we must do. And again, being a Shaman, he works with energies, and he works with natural elements and herbs and, and many tools of nature. And he said, okay, we’re going to heal you in the ancient ways. And the way we’re going to do that. Is, you must make two teas herbal teas. And you must drink one in the morning, three cups and one in the afternoon PM three cups. Okay. Let me back up here. So, let’s look at this first that’s six cups of tea per day, aside from everything else that I do. And the first tea, it took me forever to find the herbs. He’s a medium he’s like here. Okay, let me go check. Let me find out what the herbs are. Here’s the herbs. So, I got the herbs, and I had the, you know, basically break them all up with my fingers and do it. You know, a little bitty piece of leaf. And they were like leaves and I had to break them all up, put them in teabags. That was the easy part. The other tea I had to take some bark of a particular tree. And then I had to take some, gardening sheers, because the bark was tough and I mean, tough.
I had to take some gardening sheers, and then I had this shave that bark into little bitty bits. Of bark so that I could mix it with another herb to make a tea out of that. I did those six times a day for quite some time. In addition to that, he also hadn’t been drinking celery water. I would take water, put in the celery. Boil it for three minutes and then I would drink that as well. The reason for that is that that was the cleanse, my blood of the toxins and the pharmaceuticals on top of that. He had me doing another tea. Which was onion and garlic tea to regulate my blood pressure, which is what caused the stroke. And doctors have no idea why because I’m perfectly healthy. Otherwise, for the most part, they had no idea why, why it happened. So, I’m doing these teas, I’m doing this celery water. I’m doing the onion, garlic mixture and making a tea out of that. Plus, I’m taking all of these natural, you know, herbs and things that he has me taking things like ashwagandha and different things and probably, you know, 12 to 15 of those per day. Plus, I had the walk I had to exercise. I wasn’t strong enough to go to the gym right off the bat.
So, I had to walk every day. Then the reason I tell you this part is I live in Sedona. It gets hot in the summer. I went and bought a treadmill. Why? Because I’m not going to walk in. 105-degree heat because we had a heat wave last summer. So, then I had to start working on a treadmill. So, I’m doing all of these things. In addition to that, I did a, what’s called a D E A N E S. It’s a Russian technology. You can find it on Amazon actually, it’s for healing to regulate blood pressure, plus a little public service announcement here. There should device that is FDA approved. It’s called resperate R E S P E R A T E. And it’s been medically, scientifically proven to reduce blood pressure. Just by teaching you how to breathe. So, I had to do all these things. And even more, all the while in pain. But what a lot of people do. And trust me when I tell you I did it religiously. Why? Because I knew what I started this episode with. Listen, very carefully. I knew that I had expert guidance. And I also knew if I didn’t do the work.
There’s no way I would’ve gotten the outcome. And that’s what I mean by doing the work, whatever it is, whether it’s going to the gym or doing a healing regimen. Or writing your book or whatever it is or painting. It doesn’t matter. This applies to everything in life. We must do the work. And on top of this. Not only was I doing the work. I’ll tell you right now. Just candidly. I was in a hell of a lot of pain after the stroke. But what I didn’t get into is my excuses about, Ooh, let me place my attention on how badly I feel. I just did what I had to do because I had to do the work, the, create the outcome that I wanted. So back to the beginning here. What do you want in life? Seriously, what do you want well, beyond what you have now. And let’s recognize you’re not going to have it. If you don’t do the work. And you know that I know you know that, but let’s go even deeper than that. So why are you not doing the work? Ponder that for a moment, how come I’m not doing the work? I know what I should be doing, but I’m not doing it.
The reason you’re not doing it three reasons. Number one is resistance. Number two is analytical thought. And number three is your environment. These are three reasons. You’re not doing what you need to be doing to create the outcomes that you want. What does that mean? Okay, let’s talk about resistance. You’re not doing what you need to be doing because of resistance, which is fear based and fear driven. And, you know, if you listen to a hundred different podcast, they’re probably going to give you a hundred different ways to get through fear. And I’ve already covered that on other episodes. I’m not going to go into it here, but I’m going to tell you. What pulled me through all my resistance. On the days that I didn’t want to walk. That I didn’t want to take the teas. On the days that I didn’t want to take what he told me to take. And some of it tastes. Candidly. Really, horrible. I didn’t want to do it. I’d put up resistance. But I had to do it because I had to do the work to get the outcome. And I’ll tell you a little bit later on what I did to get through the fear, which was creating the resistance. And the fear was for example, things that tasted bad, the fear could have been in that instance. Well, if I drink that it’s going to taste really like, hell I don’t want to drink it.
So anyway. Let me keep on going here and then I’m going to tie all this together for you and just a bit. So, number one is fear, which gives you resistance. And when you have resistance, you do not do what you need to do, what you must do to create the outcomes that you want. Next. Rational. Next rationalization we rationalize. And this is brain-based also, I’ll get there in a moment. We rationalize why we can or why we can’t, why we should, why we should not do something. So, then we get into our own analytical, rational thought, and we talk ourselves out of things. You know, for example, the days that I didn’t want to walk. There were some days after the stroke. I was dizzy. I’m in a very, very busy and I just air quote, just, I didn’t feel like walking seriously. I’m like, I just don’t feel like it. And those are the days that I could have rationalized. Well, you know, maybe I should just take it a little easier. It’s hot out today, or I don’t want to do the treadmill because of this, that, or the other, every bit of that is brain-based habitual rationalization. So, number one. Resistance number two. Rationalization and the number three. Is your environment. Now, when I say your environment, I can mean your actual environment or people around you.
When I say your actual environment, for example. Yeah, I could say you have to work out and you could say, well, I don’t have any weights at home, or I don’t have this at home. I don’t even want to hear that because you know what, you can do isometrics. You can buy apps now for $7 and they’re all over Instagram in different places. And work out from home and you don’t need any weights. So, for the most part, it’s not because of your physical environment. You could say things like, well, I don’t have space. I’m going to tell you something I’ve said before, when I say space, I mean, in your apartment or wherever you live. The old phrase where there’s a will, there’s a way. That’s powerful. Think about that. We’ve heard it since we were a little bitty kid, mom, always saying, well, if there is a will. You know, there’s a will, there’s a way. And we’re like, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, mumbling under our breath or our mothers and our dads.
You know, talking about how stupid they are, and they’ll know what they’re talking about when we’re 8, 9, 10, 11, well, maybe 10, 11 and 12 years old. 13. But the reality is your environment. Is never an obstacle unless you choose for your environment to be an obstacle. But the big obstacle in your environment is people. Your friends. Family people that are around you because these are the people that will say things. Don’t worry about it. Don’t do it. You’re going to be fine. You don’t have to do this. Like they said, you don’t have to exercise. You don’t have to take all those stupid teas. That’s ridiculous. You don’t have to do that. You. Hey, tell you what. Let’s go hang out, let’s go do something so that you don’t have to, you know, do what you’re doing, which is a lot of hard work. And I know you don’t want to do it anyway, so let’s go do something else. So those are the things that sabotage us from doing what we need to do and doing the work to create the kind of life that we want.
The fear, the rationalization and the actual environment and the people around us. I want to talk about a classical experiment. I believe it was done back in the seventies. It’s called the cookie. Uh, I believe it’s called the cookie experiment, like a cookie that you eat and basically what they did. I’m not going to get this a hundred percent perfect, but you can even look it up online and find it. And it’s about discipline. Are kids were asked, kids were asked when I believe they were in first or second grade, if they wanted one cookie now, or if they could wait for 15 minutes and get two cookies. And most kids wanted the single cookie now, as opposed to waiting for 15 minutes for two cookies as a reward for waiting for 15 minutes. So, what they found after studying these kids for the course of their education is the kids that wanted the cookie right away. The immediate gratification, as opposed to the kids who waited for 15 minutes to get the cookies. The kids who waited for 15 minutes. Over the course of their education had better outcomes, better grades, better everything. Why? Because they learned, and it was already in them. They had learned it in somehow in some way, the concept of discipline.
Now where I’m going here. Is the reason most of us won’t do the work. And trust me when I tell you I am not tossing stones. The reason that most of us won’t do the work. Is because there’s no immediate gratification in doing the work. We want our little cookie now. And if we don’t get our cookie, we’re going to say the hell with this. I don’t want to do this. I can get a cookie quicker if I get up and go get it myself or whatever. I want to point out here. I want to slow down. I still teach it. But many years ago, I was a hypnotist back then they were called hypnotherapist and I did deep level change work with people, you know, using what’s called NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming. And hypnosis. And when it came to self-hypnosis and using it all myself being a hundred percent honest and transparent. I wouldn’t do the work on myself early on. I would just go see another hypnotist and the reason why is it? I had this aha one day, this epiphany. Is I thought to myself, you know, if I do it myself, it’s going to take a lot longer to get the result that I want? I could take literally 30, 45 days. I want my result now. So, I’m going to go see a hypnotist to work on me now so I can get my result now.
So, I noticed many years ago. I got out of the habit of using the tool of self-hypnosis, which will literally rewire your brain and change your life. Why because it wasn’t immediate response. I wasn’t getting immediate feedback, or you didn’t have an immediate feedback loop. And because I didn’t have the immediate feedback, I wouldn’t do the work of self-hypnosis because I didn’t have the, the immediate feedback. So be aware of that. So, let me cover this a little more. I want to go somewhere else for a second and mention also the, the brain, because I did talk about neuroplasticity, or I use the word rewiring your brain. Is. In the earlier episode, you probably heard me say research proven. I mean, world renowned research, proven that 95% of what you do is brain-based habit.
And if we don’t even do the work because many people won’t do the work to rewire. Using a concept or through a concept called neuroplasticity to rewire the brain. Therefore, we never actually let go of our old habits. Because we don’t have the discipline and the motivation and the commitment to do the work, to rewire the brain, to create what we want. Whew mouthful. And let me break that down for you. All right. So many times. It’s not that we’re just resistant. We are resistant, which is what I started with, but we’re resistant because we’re in the habit of not getting immediate gratification. So, because we’re in the habit of wanting immediate gratification and that’s our habit, and that’s the way that our brain works. We don’t have the discipline to follow through on things.
That’s why I talked about water and the flow of water earlier. That’s why commitment and consistency. They’re vital. They’re vital because a couple of mistakes that people make is people will say, you know, I want to work out. I want to go to the gym. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a good idea. I’m going to do it. And they go one day. Oh. I’m feeling great. A little sore today telling you the next day, you know, and they go again, and they go again by the next day, the rationalization has already kicked in and they’re not going to the gym. Why? Because everybody in the office is going out for happy hour. And I want to go to. Therefore, I’m not going to go to the gym. Why? Because they’re not in the habit of going to the gym. And then they will also say, you know, I’m just not motivated for some reason. Now that’s a big mistake that a lot of people make is people. They’re not motivated enough to create the discipline, to keep them in the gym.
I’ll say it again. And then I’m going to give you a way around this. Most people are not motivated enough to create the discipline, to stay in the gym as an example, to get the results that they want in life, whether it be. Building a company or healing or working out or whatever it might be in your own life. So, because they’re not motivated enough to create discipline. The next step goes to. Commitment. And many people will say, you know, I just can’t stay committed to the gym. Well, here’s the way most people have the cart before the horse. Is what I want to share with you. As most people want the motivation to go to the gym. But they don’t have the motivation to go to the gym. Therefore, they go to the gym, and they quit, or they go to the gym, and it wears off after a couple of days. Here’s the big aha. We want the motivation first; you think about your life. We’re all the same. The reason you don’t do a lot of things is because you don’t have the motivation.
And we all, you hear it all the time. I wish I had the motivation to do X, Y, Z, and we don’t do it. The reason that we’re failing here, I call it a failure point. Is the equation. The sequence. Commitment. Listen, very carefully commitment must come before motivation. Now let’s talk about the gym for a minute. As an example. So, for any of you that have worked out or done anything akin to this, or you can relate to. You ever noticed when you go to the gym, you look in the mirror and you’re going to the gym for, for the most part, most people, because people can see it’s health and wellness. It’s not that. They want to look good on the beach with their shirt off men. Well, for men and women to, I guess, wherever you are in the world.
But women want to look good in that bikini for the summer. And guys want to look good at the pool party, whipping their shirt off. So, the reason they go to the gym is because they want the outcome now. Here’s what happens. Most people because they’re not in the habit of going to the gym, we’ll fall off track. They won’t do the work. Of going to the gym because of the habit. Here’s what happens though? We have to stay disciplined. To the work of going to the gym. Because when we stay disciplined, To the work of going to the gym. Every one of you, or most of you can relate to this. It might take three weeks or so. But on week, number three, you pull off your shirt. And you’re like, whoa. Um, I’m changing my body’s changing or you’re putting on your blue jeans and you’re like, wow, they fit a lot better. Something’s happening. That right there is the motivation kicking in that you created the motivation through the commitment. So, so many times again, we want the motivation first, but it ain’t going to happen that way.
To do the work in life. We have to have a commitment and we have to be committed. And I’m going to talk about that in the moment. And if we don’t have the commitment, we are always going to be beat by resistance. And if we’re beat by resistance, then you know what, we’re definitely just not going to do what it takes to make our lives matter in a way that we really want to make the matter. So let me ask you this. What is your motivation to commit? Because many times we find that hard to commit, which I just talked about. We want the motivation first, but let’s talk about what is, and how can you identify the motivation to commit. I’ve been in this field for a lot of years. I’ve been to a lot of events with a lot of speakers, and I’ve spoken at a lot of events with all different kinds of, of speakers in the peak performance field and this field and that field and everything else.
Everyone gets up there. And they always say, you have to want it bad. What is your, why? And I’m just going to tell you, I heard that, and it never really sat well with me. It just didn’t make it made sense, but it didn’t make sense. I couldn’t feel it. And when I thought about that, I’m just being transparent. I probably went through five years of my life in my thirties, literally every day, like a little robot, metaphorically pacing, the carpet. What is my, why? What is my, why? What is my, why? Why can’t I find my, why? What is my, why? Why, why can’t I find my, why? And I could never find my why. And I know that many of you are probably there. That’s why you haven’t done anything differently in life is because you can’t find your why. Well, I’m going to share with you. If you’re trying to find your why, you’re probably never going to find your why. And the reason why it’s not your, why that moves you because your why is analytical. And we don’t, we’re not moved through our analysis. We’re moved through our emotions. And that’s why I said earlier, what makes you matter? That’s a big question. What makes you matter. Now after I had both the stroke and the heart failure. That knocked the wind out of my sails. I mean, quite candidly that kick me in the ass, especially the compounding, the stroke with the heart failure.
Heart failure was Boom not, not a walk in the park. But then the stroke on top of that was like, holy shit. I got you. I got kicked in the teeth by an old meal, like let’s say in Texas. I mean that knocked the wind out of my sails. But I’m going to tell you something. My why. What makes me matter. Seriously, what makes me matter is the opportunity to do what I do. Which is to help to assist to lead people to lead more powerful lives. Healthier lives. And why? Because my whole mission. My mission, what makes me matter? Is, you know, can I make the world just a little better place while I’m here? That’s what I live by is I know that I probably can’t change the world and blah ma maybe, I don’t know. It’s not that I can’t do it. It’s just that. My objective right now is to let me just do what I’m doing. I love what I’m doing. And I know in my Transformational Coaching Programs. I make a huge difference in a lot of people’s lives. And that’s my why and my, why is that? I matter in the lives of these people, and they matter in the lives of people in their lives, and you know what, in my little corner of the world, I’m making a difference in the world and I’m making the planet a better place. And that is my why. That’s why, and it’s not the only reason, but that’s why I matter professionally because I couldn’t do professionally anything other than what I do. And because I know what makes me matter. Guess what.
Now I have the motivation. I mean, after the stroke and heart failure, trust me. What I tell you, there are days I’m like F the podcast, the hell with it. I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to do this live. I don’t want to do this. Mind you our mind, you know, Let’s be mindful here. I didn’t manage my energy. Well, and I manage my I’d say my capacity. Well, I knew what I could do, what I couldn’t do yet. And I knew when I was stretching myself too much, but guess what? I had my ass up out of bed doing what I needed to do. Why? Because that why is what makes me matter. And you’ve heard me say before that applies to all of us, you too are dharma. Dharma. What is your mission? What is your mission? This lifetime on the planet. And I’m going to tell you right now. Please listen if you’re not doing what you love to do. And something that gives your life meaning. And helps you and makes you matter. You’re wasting your life. Now, how do we do that? So many people running around saying, what’s my Dharma, what’s my Dharma. I’m going to simplify this for at least for this episode. What lights you up? I remember in 1992, a friend of mine walked up and said, hey, Jim, I think you’ll like this audio cassette. It was Wayne Dyer.
When I listened to it, it electrified me. And I had not met my brother-in-law the shaman yet. Who literally, I mean, Wayne Dyer even asked me one time, will you take me to meet your brother-in-law? I asked my brother-in-law. He said, no. Uh, that’s no indication of weigh in or any of that he gives, it’s just not, I’m not supposed to meet him. No, I don’t wanna meet him. And doing this, it lights me up. It makes me matter. But where I want to go is you have to work from what I call source. That source energy in you. Meaning that deeper force that comes through you, that deeper resolve that deeper, knowing that deeper motivation of why you’re on the planet. Why you matter on this planet and how you can make everyone’s life around you and the world around you better.
I want to simplify. If you’re a mom, one of them I was adopted. I knew both my biological and adopted mothers. My adoptive mother. What made her matter is she always wanted to be a mom. That was her thing. I want to be a mother. That’s good enough. That’s great. Not all of us must set the world on fire. Or do amazing things or create a particular phone or car. We don’t have to. But I’m asking you. What makes you matter? Because if you don’t do what makes you matter, then you’re wasting your life. cause literally, and that’s a brutal, I know, but you’re getting into your personal 3d, mental, social dogmatic conditioning of how you’re supposed to be in the world and what life is supposed to be. And you get into the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. In your head.
Relax. Set goes sit by the lake. Go take your shoes off and sit outside and put your feet in the grass. Go for a quiet walk, go on a vision quest. Learn to meditate, become mindful. And I’m going to give you another way in just a minute. But let the answer come to you. Cause for me. I’m fricking matter. And I know that I matter. Even if only one person listened to my podcast and that’s not the case because we’re approaching 3 million downloads. But I know that I matter. And that is why I’m on the planet. Cause you know, I know this about life. And I’ve known it for a lot of years and the stroke confirmed it. You’re going to leave the planet one day. And I’ve always known that I’ve always been okay with that. It’s just intuitive for me. It’s like, I know I got to, you know, hey, I just, I’m going to stop over right now. It’s like, I’m going on a long journey. And I’m just at a stop over right now on this planet at this place called planet earth. But you know what I’m going to play full on and I’m going to play hard because I’m going to leave the fricking planet in any way. So why not play the game well and why not play hard while I’m here? And when I say play hard, I don’t mean work hard. I mean, give it everything that I got. All right let’s go to the next step.
Is where do you start? To live an extraordinary life. Where do you start? And I don’t really care if you’re working three jobs. Well, I don’t, I don’t want that for you. I want more, but I mean is I don’t want to hear the excuse. Well, I’m working three jobs. I understand how that depletes the brain and the energy, but just stay with me for a moment. Okay. Everything starts with an idea. The light bulb. The computer. The pet rocks. Tacos. I love tacos. It doesn’t matter. You know what I mean? Everything starts with an idea. And what most of us do. And I’ve been there metaphorically we’re twiddling our thumbs walking in circles, going. I have no idea. I have no idea. I have no idea. And because we keep our thought there, we keep our brain there. We keep our energy there. We will never have the idea. So how about this? How about you? If this applies to you, you start with the idea that you will discover. The idea. Of what makes you matter? So, start with the idea that you’ll discover the idea of what makes you matter and what you want to do with that. And there’s two parts to that. Are you ready? You may want to write these down. These are really complicated. So here we go. Part number one. Ask yourself the question, what makes me mattered? Part number two. What is my first step? I was joking about writing them down. They’re not complicated. That’s it? Is what makes me matter. And if you don’t know yet, trust me, you know, it’s that you’re so much in your damn head and you’re analytical about it. And you can’t get out of your head because you’re ever thinking everything.
You’re not listening to the voice inside of you. So, what makes me matter? Is what you want to ask. And the next question is what is my first step? Let me tell you, which I’ve mentioned before about my cousin, Ida. We grew up together. And her son came back from Iraq. Many years ago, back in the, what was it? 2003, 2004 thereabouts, and became back years later. And when he went, he said, hey mom, she was a beautiful mom, sent him a care package. And he said, hey mom, you know, no one else in my platoon got a care package. Next month, please send 10 care packages. And my cousin, Ida is a giver. So next month she literally sent 10 care packages. From that idea that, you know what, I can help other people in my son’s platoon. From that idea grew an organization or became an organization called adopt a platoon. It’s adoptaplatoon.org. Her organization now. Since care packages monthly. I believe the number. I haven’t asked her in a while, but the number is 10% of American troops. Literally. Can you imagine the millions of care packages? And she lives in a little bitty, old town. That’s so small. It’s not even a town. She lives in the house she grew up in and she’s, you know, a little older than I am right now. She didn’t have all these reasons why she couldn’t do it. Everything started this organization that sends care packages. The 10% of us troops. She started and her little bitty hometown in her living room with an idea.
All right. Next step. Ask. Ask. I’m going to tell you my way to ask. Okay. Take it. Leave it. Whatever you want. Is, I know that we’re consciousness. I know that I know it, as sure as I know anything. And I ask divine mind. That’s literally what I do, but at night I will say divine mind. And I will say divine mind. I’m needing the answer for XYZ. Please show me. In an epiphany in awareness. And a person. And dream time, show me. So, if you don’t know right now, because you’re in your analytical mind. If you don’t know. What makes you matter, then I suggest. At night before you go to bed. Before you put your head on the pillow, simply just sit there for a moment. Get quiet. And ask. Divine mind. What is my Dharma. And what makes my life matter. And remember, I talked about consistency. Most people, many people, a lot of people will do it two nights and I’m like, well, hell the answer didn’t come. So, I’m going to quit. I didn’t get my answer in two nights. You know, like Amazon prime, it wasn’t delivered really quickly.
There’ve been times that I’ve asked for answers. For weeks on end. And I just gently, respectfully, and calmly. Ask what the gentle, knowing that I know it’s going to come. It might not come in my time. But it’s going to come in an epiphany or an awareness or a person, or someone’s going to say something or an inspiration. Aha. Bada Bing, Bada bang. There is my answer right there. So, start asking. Divine mind. So, your takeaway this week, we’re talking about obviously what makes you matter. And then we’re talking about doing the work. But to take away is go beyond your why. And start asking yourself. What makes me matter. Yeah. I told you what made me matter. A bit ago. What makes you matter? Because see, when you find what makes you matter.
You’ll stop existing, meaning just the robotic. Actions of just doing what you’re doing to creating revenue or to create, you know, income in your life. When you discover what makes you matter? Like my cousin, Ida. And many people on the planet. That’s when you start living. And that’s when you will come alive. One more caveat here is if you’re sitting here saying nothing makes me matter. That’s an issue of self-worth. And I’ve got some other episodes here on that. And some other downloads in different places got on my website, jimfortin.com, but that’s a matter of self-worth. Okay. So, what makes me matter? That’s when you come alive and that’s when you actually start making a difference on the planet. Alrighty, thanks for listening. And if you would, please, I’ve asked you before. If you find value in the episodes, please share with your friends and family. I’m very grateful because all of us together, we live on a planet that needs some healing right now. I can’t do it all alone. I request, I need your help. Together. We can make a splash and we can make a difference and we can make a better world for our kids and our grandkids and the next seven generations. So, if you would please you find value, please share the podcast. And if you would please as well, go to iTunes and leave respectfully. I request a five-star review about the podcast. Thank you again for listening and I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye-bye.
If you’re serious about Transforming your Life from the Inside Out, I have a free training that you’re going to want to listen to. And it’s helped 10’s of 1000’s of people all around the globe. The thing is, all my students start here because when you learn to change your thinking, you’ll change your life. Because as you already know, life happens from the inside out. The training is called Discover How to Eliminate Fear and Negativity in an Instant. So, go to jimfortin.com/eliminatefear and start learning how to Transform your Life at a deeper level from the inside out.