You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled, Make Overthinking and Worry a Thing of Your Past Overthinking. I mean, you probably know what that is and more than anything, you probably know what it feels like. Not everyone overthinks, but a large part of the population does. And if you do, you know that it brings a lot of grief and a lot of frustration. And I used to be an overthinker, so I know how challenging and how troublesome that it is. The good news is it’s not you are doing the overthinking. It’s your brain better said it’s a part of your brain. And the better news is this. You can break the habit, which yes, it is a habit. You can break the habit when you take a cognitive approach to it, which we’re going to talk about in this episode, keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life and this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay. So, we’re talking about overthinking in this episode. And if you’re an over-thinker, you probably already know it. But before we go on. You know, the question is, are you, or are you not an overthinker? So, guess what quiz time? I want to ask you some questions and let’s see what your answers are to these questions. Question number one, do you stay awake, wondering what you’re going to do about blank, meaning a certain circumstance in your life. Question number two, do you often worry about what’s going to happen financially in your life? Question number three., Do you often worry or think about what you’re going to say in a social situation? Question number four, do you second, guess what you said in a social situation? And do you guess whether or not you said it right or wrong or could have said it better or differently? Question number five, do you often obsess, and you think about what others are thinking about you.
Question number six, do you obsess about what you said or what you did. And how you could have said it differently or in particular, how people perceived, what you said. Question number seven, do you go over in your mind, things that you said and go over it and over it and over it and over it, I know this sounds like the others, but there are, there are smallest distinctions. Question number eight, do you stay up worrying and tossing and turning in bed. And at 3 and 4:00 AM, you’re still tossing and turning in bed, and you have a hard time falling asleep. And then number nine, do you often weight and overweight and weight the pros and cons of a decision. Well, my friend, if you answered yes, to at least half of these. Then guess what? You’re an overthinker. And as I said earlier, I used to be that person. So, I know. I know how exhausting it can be to be an overthinker. You know, for me, I’ve had to help my brother-in-law, you know, the Shaman and many decades ago, he said to me, a couple of things, and I have shared these things here in the podcast. But he said two things. Once I came to know these things, they literally helped me stop being an over-thinker.
These two things are number one. When the warrior stops thinking then anything becomes possible. And then another one, which I said, and I’ve, you know, I say often in the podcast, everything always has been now and will always be fine. These two thoughts I keep at the forefront of my thinking, and I’ve practiced thinking these thoughts for years. And these two thoughts actually do a good job of keeping me out of worrying and over thinking. I also know that you probably don’t work with a Shaman. And so, what I want to do in this episode is I want to share some neuroscience with you. And I want to share some short cognitive processes. To help you overcome your overthinking.
In this episode, I dive into what causes overthinking. How the brain parts of the brain. The brain is what really keeps your mind trapped in the habit of overthinking. And finally, I share a short process to help you break out of the habit of overthinking. And mainly to start a new operative word habit of thinking. Plain and simple you’re overthinking has become a habit. And I’ll explain that as we go through this episode. For you to change, this will be easy and it’s also going to require awareness. And more specifically, it’s going to require practice, but it’s going to be easy for you to do. And the thing about practicing. The more you practice something. The more that you create neural pathways in the brain and actually when you practice not overthinking you get in the habit of not overthinking. Pretty crazy right? But that’s the way the brain works.
You have to realize this your brain. And I know you know this, but your brain is always going to air, quote, think that’s what your brain does. But the question is what drives the overthinking. What drives the overthinking is that your brain is always trying to work out life’s circumstances. Through two lenses through the lens of looking for a solution or the lens of worrying. And worrying is what many of us do? And many people do it for a lifetime is an errand, an incorrect attempt. At actually looking for a solution, which is what we think we’re looking for. But instead of looking for the solution, what we do is we get trapped in the habit of worrying.
We know that worrying. I know, you know, that worrying is not good. It’s not healthy. It keeps you up. It makes you feel bad, but you do it anyway because you’ve never been taught that there’s a different way to use your brain with cognitive processes and awareness. There are different ways to use your brain to break the habit of overthinking and worry. Essentially, as I was saying, what we’ve done. As many of us have. I’ve worried for many, many years. And we have literally habitualized the thought process of worrying, because as I said, the brain is going to think, and you can think about worrying and the things that cause you to worry. Or you can think about something else you can think about anything you want to think about. But yet when we worry, and we worry incessantly and overthink plain and simple that is a habit and habits are brain-based.
Understand these humans are hardwired to move from pain to pleasure. And when things happen to us to bring this pain, we either look for a solution or we worry. And the reason we worry is that is an attempt. Out avoidance. Of avoiding the thing that causes the pain for us. We think that worry is going to help us reduce the circumstance or eliminate it. But all it does actually is perpetuate it. So, I think you’re understanding that when your brain is trying to solve the perceived pain of the circumstance, what it does most often is that actually goes in the worry as an attempt to resolve the perceived pain of the circumstance. Basically, what we do is we distract ourselves from negative and fearful emotions by or through the illusion of control. We distract our self with overthinking. Realize this overthinking is not overthinking is not productive thinking. It’s simply on the hamster wheel, the mind and the brain. And that goes around that, around and around till 4:00 AM. Till you pass out, you get up, you’re tired and you start the whole cycle over again. Overthinking is kind of like a soothing salve and we think it makes us feel better because we think that we’re air quote, working on a solution. But in truth when we’re overthinking and when we’re in the worry. Really, it’s only a distraction from the fear and the worry that has caused the initial problem or the circumstance or comes from the initial problem or circumstance.
It’s also important for you to know that overthinking is not so much analytically rooted. As it is emotionally rooted in your fear. And, you know, you know, those of you who’ve listen for any amount of time? That fear is a survival mechanism. We overthink because we want to avoid a negative outcome. Which is perceived as a threat in some way to our survival. And this threat can be `big it can be tiny. It’s all made up in our mind. But when we go into overthinking. We do it to avoid the negative outcome that we’re thinking about, which is what we think that negative outcome is in some way, a threat to something about ourselves and the survival of our ego, ourselves, our money, our health, our reputation, our social standing, whatever it might be.
An evolution has made this process automatic. Why plain and simple survival is automatic. It’s built into the brain and overthinking and the best metaphor that I could use is like a scared dog. Tossed off on a lake and the dog just paddles and paddles and paddles because it’s afraid. And the dog is dog paddling to keep itself from drowning. And that’s exhausting, but again, I think many of us have experienced that when it comes to worry and to overthinking and then overthinking about our worry. Here’s a huge distinction. I want to share with you. This was big for me. Is that we don’t overthink positive and good things tin our life. You, we, we only overthink things that we think are bad or things that we think could happen that are bad let that soak in. All of your overthinking is because of the possibility of something bad happening. It’s not, it’s not because of the possibility is something good happening, because again, we don’t ever think that we just like, oh, okay. That’s great. That’s awesome. But the overthinking comes from the possibility without facts, which we’ll cover in just a moment, comes from the possibility of, oh no. Something bad could happen to me with my money, my health, my wellness, my family, my relationships, my job, whatever it is. Also overthinking is a control issue. What I mean by that is you’re trying to figure things out. When you’re overthinking. And that’s not productive. Meaning the overthinking is not productive when you’re trying to figure things out. And here’s the kicker. If you notice this many times, you’re trying to air quote, figure things out.
When you don’t have enough information. And when you don’t have enough information. That’s when you get worried and anxiety, you know, anxiety kicks in. But the thing is this. Is, you don’t have enough information that makes you feel better. Therefore, you try to solve the problem, whatever it is at hand and the circumstance by worrying. And again, we think the worrying is going to help us feel better, but again, it’s simply just worrying and overthinking. So, a question for you. Now, knowing that you’re overthinking. And your worry, their fear-based survival behaviors and thinking. The question for you is how has your former overthinking led to a solution? Or, and how often has it just led you too more overthinking? Which has been perpetuated by the fear and the worry, which is caused by what you’re worrying about in the first place.
Also, on the flip side to what I’m talking about. If you find a solution, you’re thinking about things, you find the solution, that’s not over thinking, but what most of us do is we overthink and we worry and obsess. And then what we do of course, is we rethink and reanalyze and reworry and rethink. And what about, and what if, and what if, and what if. And that’s not solution oriented that’s circumstance oriented that’s situational. And we stay in that situation. When we take that approach. Now, I don’t know about you. Because I’m not in your brain, I’m not in your head. I can only speak for me. But I realized long ago that overthinking. When you think about lying in bed? And you’re overthinking and you’re worrying. That only brings a deeper hole for you mentally. It only brings more worry and more fear and more anxiety about what can happen.
So, what that does. Is the overthinking in and of itself creates more over thinking, which now you look at the clock and it’s 2:00 AM and you’re overthinking and worrying. And then it’s 3:00 AM and you’re overthinking and worrying. And now it’s 4:00 AM. And not only are you overthinking and worrying about what you were overthinking and worrying about. You’re overthinking and worrying about how damn bad you’re going to feel tomorrow because. Now you don’t have any sleep. And then you worry about how you’re going to perform at work or wherever, because you’re tired because you stayed up all night. Over thinking. Crazy right. I mean, this brain we have is a crazy mechanism. Also, a really amazing one. But also, can be a crazy mechanism.
You know, I often ask people, I will say people will tell me things like I can. Yeah, I hear this a lot. Well, I can’t control what other people do, but I can control what I do and what I think. And when I hear that, I’ll ask the person. Okay. So, you can control what you do and what you think. So, let me ask you this. Have you ever had a thought you don’t want? And they’ll say, well, of course I have. Well that right there proves that you can’t control anything because that comes from your brain. You can’t even control your own thinking because it’s brain-based and subconsciously based, which the brain based, and subconscious are interwoven.
So, what we can do, you might’ve heard me say before is that we can choose our thinking, because if you’re trying to control your negative and you’re overthinking your negative thinking in your ever thinking, you’re trying to control those. You’re into an illusion and you might’ve heard me say before, is that when we get into the illusion of control, we are controlled by the illusion of control. And as I think you’re gathering here overthinking as a result of trying to control what you have perceived to be negative or bad. And the truth is you cannot control that. And by trying to control it, it leads to more worry and anxiety about what you think is negative or bad. Holy mackerel is that exhausting now, again, as you’re listening to this.
To what degree has overthinking. And worrying in a negative way. To what degree has that impacted your life? How much sleep have you lost? How much peace of mind have you lost? Just ponder that it’s a very destructive habit. So, when it comes to overthinking, let’s look at that for a moment and let’s look at a couple of types of overthinking. And as I’m going through these, see which one applies to you? Okay. So, one way of overthinking is worry. And worry generally comes in the form of. What if. What if X, Y, Z bad thing happened to me? Now. I don’t know about you, but I spent a lot of my years in that particular paradigm. What if the shit falls apart, what if the wheels come off? What if they don’t buy? What if they don’t do? What if, what if, what if, what if. You know, to think about this is generally when we get into that that’s fear-based, but yet more times than not, it has no analysis, no conscious thought.
No real probability and no reality behind it. The brain, your brain is just simply trying to work out a solution to a perceived problem. And the solution is according to your brain is let me overthink looking for a solution, but in the course of looking for a solution, I’m going to worry about, I’m going to think about what I’m going to think about all of the, what ifs. So oftentimes we often think that worry is problem solving and oh my gosh, if I think and think and think, and think not. Recognizing it’s in the form of worry and overthinking. If I think in think, think, think I’m going to come up with a solution. But more times than not we disguised the worry it’s as problem solving. But in the end, we never solved the problem.
So, let me share a little bitty hack with you and you probably have heard this before. You’ve probably even used it before. But when I find myself, which is very rare these days, but if I find myself in that, oh my gosh, what if. The first place that I well, I’ve trained myself to go is what if the opposite? What if X, Y, Z good happened? Because remember many times when we’re in the worry we are into what if the bad happened? So, what we do is we, you know, when we find ourselves in that state and we know it because of our emotions, because we’re not feeling good, we find ourselves in that state. What we do is automatically flip it. And ask herself. Okay. I’m worrying about X, Y, Z, bad happening. What if. That never happened. And what if X, Y, Z. Good actually happened.
so, a type of overthinking is worrying another one. And trust me, I used to have a PhD in this one, and I think a lot of you guys can relate to this. The second one is rumination. And rumination is basically just. Going over and over and ruminating on a thought. I mean, rumination over and over and over in your mind. But what I want you to recognize is rumination is usually mood produced. Meaning the rumination is usually about a mood and that mood is generally one of two things. It’s usually depressive or it’s usually angry.
And then what we do is we get into some depressive thought or angry thought, and we ruminate and ruminate and ruminate. Also depressive is negative self-focused. Most often. And we get into that through internal self-criticism. And we get into the internal self-criticism that creates negative feelings about ourselves. So, then what we do is we’re depressed, and we talk to ourselves and ruminate about how bad we are, how bad we are, how bad we suck, how, how we can’t do whatever it is. And then we talk about, we ruminate over and over and over about how bad we are. And the net creates the mood, which is, is the depressive mood. The other I’ve been here as well. The first one here, the depressive, the press have never has been so much in my field of thought. But one that I used to have a challenge with just being fully transparent is anger.
And many times, we actually get in the rumination and it’s very angry. And that comes through us in the form of blaming other people for what they did or did not do. Many times, we also go into, well I’m right. I know the answer I did X, Y, Z, and you, or they are wrong. And we ruminate about how much we are, right. And how much they are wrong. And have you noticed as well, the more you ruminate about the anger, the angrier you get, and then oftentimes what happens? And I have been there and its toxicity. and I know you guys can relate to this. Often when we get into the angry rumination, which again is overthinking. When we get into the angry rumination. That are often lead when we stay there, it leads to resentment. And then what it does. It often leads to distorted perceptions of other people. Basically, we can’t see all the good they did and all the good in them all we can see, because we’re angry is the bad in them and what they did to me and this, that, and the other. And what I want you to notice that these two, whether it be depressive or angry, rumination, neither one. Our problem solving, they just make you angrier or more depressed and plainer and simple. That’s overthinking.
So, a question for you. Can you relate to this? Can you identify with any of this, and can you see yourself and what I’m sharing with you? Now you might not have ever called it over thinking before, but when you’re ruminating about the anger or you’re ruminating about the press-up thoughts about yourself, which is internal criticism of yourself over and over and over again. Plain and simple. That’s overthinking. The third one is cognitive distortion. Basically, what that means is we just distort our thinking. And what we do is when we distort our thinking. We, we literally can’t assess things rationally. We are actually the store, what other people are thinking. What we think they’re thinking. And we distort most often because we don’t have enough evidence because we’re overthinking something. So let me back up here. I could be overthinking something about you and overthinking it, overthinking it, overthinking and overthinking. You are XYZ. You’re XYZ. You’re XYZ. Many times, I don’t have any evidence for that.
But guess what? Because I’m now in the neural pathway of over thinking, what we do is we can’t think rationally. We can’t think analytically. Therefore, we stay in the cognitive distortion. So, question does that apply to you? Or which of these three apply to you? Or do all of them in various forms, the worry. The rumination or the cognitive distortion. Okay. So, I’ve given you a healthy dose of what your brain does to you. And I think we’ve pretty much dug deep enough, but I want to look at something else. And I want to talk about your brain a little more. I want to talk about your amygdala, and I want to talk about your prefrontal cortex. But first. Why. If it’s such a pain in the ass, why do we ever think? So, the reason we ever think is plain and simple. It’s fear-based is, it is a survival mechanism. So, I want to go two directions here. As I’ve already mentioned, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex. So, the amygdala is the part of the brain. That basically is to detect or to create fear. Or, you know, to protect you from danger is what it does. And because the amygdala is brain-based. It basically reacts and it reacts to preserve and to keep you alive it reacts for survival reasons. Let me explain that a little simpler. There’s a what’s that big, in Yosemite I’ve been there before at many years. I think they call it El Capitan. I think it’s the biggest climb in Yosemite National Park.
And there was a guy I watched this a couple of years ago, Netflix, this guy that was climbing all and he scaled the entire El Capitan. I don’t know if it is El Capitaine or El Capitan or whatever it is, but he scaled the whole thing. Now here’s the amazing thing. He didn’t have any safety harness, any nets? One false move and he would have fallen off the rock. Thousands of feet. And he would have died instantly. And when I saw this, I’m watching this. I said, I bet that guy doesn’t have it. I don’t know how I said it, but I said, I bet he doesn’t have a fully formed or a well-formed AMYGDALA which is the part of the brain that alerts us to danger, which keeps us from doing things that are going to actually kill us. And later in the episode, he even said that he had a brain scan or something like that. And what was found is that his amygdala was not the correct size or the right size for a male of his age. So therefore, his amygdala wasn’t protecting him. And he wasn’t getting into the worry and fear about climbing thousands of the feet of feet up in the air with no safety harness whatsoever. So back to where we’re going.
Amygdala is one reason you get into the overthinking. The second is the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain listening to me right now. It’s the executive part of your brain. It’s the part of your brain that thinks that rationalizes and analyzes. When we get into worry and overthinking, that’s the prefrontal cortex to some degree also thinking that we have a perceived threat in front of us, and then what the brain tries to do the prefrontal cortex, because that part of the brain is analytical. That part of the brain tries to, which is what it does that overthinks, but it tries to think, think, think, think, think, look for a solution so the bad thing doesn’t happen, which is what scares the hell out of the amygdala.
And the interesting thing also is that the prefrontal cortex. It needs accurate information. To make a rational, logical decision, but often the prefrontal cortex does not have accurate rational information. And when it doesn’t have accurate rational information, because the brain is always wanting to piece things together, the brain is always wanting to see the whole puzzle. And when you don’t have the whole puzzle in front of you, that creates worry. The whole puzzle would be, oh, I know what this date’s going to look like. I know what this economy’s going to look like. I know what this business meeting’s going to look like. When we, if we had that in front of us, we wouldn’t worry about it, but because we don’t have that data in front of us, what the brain does, the brain tries to automatically the prefrontal cortex tries to work out, oh my gosh, how are we going to make this work out well, how are we going to make you look good?
How are we going to keep you safe? Which in effect. Leads to more worry and more over thinking. Anytime a situation in your life. If that situation is ambiguous. What it does, is it often causes us to think in a negative way. And then when we think in a negative way, because its ambiguous, fear pops up. And then next anxiety arises, and the anxiety arises out of the fear. Woo-hoo. I don’t know if you’re in my brain or your brain or wherever, you know, you’re listening here, but this is what your brain is doing to you. To keep you in the process of overthinking now, fear and anxiety. Fear is adaptive fear is a response to a perceived or known fear. Anxiety is the opposite. Anxiety is maladaptive and it’s a response to unknown fear. And when you’re in anxiety, what’s happening generally. When you’re ever thinking is when you’re an anxiety. Your anxiety actually, hyphens and rises even more. And your mind goes overthinking. Again, trying to solve something that’s unknown without the facts.
There’s the operative word there. Facts. Without the facts, your prefrontal cortex is trying to solve the problem with no facts, which then causes the prefrontal cortex to solve and solve and solve and solve and solve, which creates the anxiety because you’re not yet at a logical answer. So overthinking is your prefrontal cortex, trying to analyze often without enough information, trying to analyze the unknown and trying to analyze the unpredictable. And you really can’t accurately analyze the unpredictable. I mean, we can experience it when it gets to us, but no one has a crystal ball to know what’s going to happen and the brain being a problem. So, part of the brain being a problem-solving mechanism, it’s always trying to solve the unsolvable.
And it’s not productive, not productive behavior because it’s not based on facts and verifiable evidence. Many times, also, we will use our overthinking to distract us from our anxiety. And the reality is it’s not based on anything, but an overactive mind. And then what happens is that overthinking returns because we have the overactive mind. Because we’re using our brain, to try to react to our anxiety. Often, we think as well, that are overthinking makes us feel better. It’s soothing when in reality, when we’re overthinking. And we think that it’s serving us because we’re not coming up with a solution, but at least we think we feel better. What we’re really doing? Bummer is we’re reinforcing the habit of overthinking.
And this is why it’s so damn hard. To get out of the habit of overthinking because overthinking reinforces itself with everything, I’ve just talked about the last 30 minutes. I’ll say it again. Overthinking reinforces itself by the very act of overthinking. And when it reinforces itself, we habituated, therefore you’re overthinking has become a habit, which is brain-based, which is what I started this whole episode with it’s not you. It’s your brain. It’s your brain over thinking, and we have to learn to manage that. So, what we want to do and what I’m going to leave you with in this episode and I’m probably going to create another episode on this and give you some additional tools. I don’t know, but if I do, it’ll be the next episode. But what I want to do right now is I want to create a cognitive intervention.
I want to create a way cognitively, which means analytically, you can intervene and the processes of your brain. When it’s happening to stop your brain from going through the processes of overthinking and we’re going to do that through self-talk. This is the cognitive approach. Okay. So, here’s how you are going to start practicing. Talking to yourself to talk yourself out of overthinking and worry. When you’re in overthinking and worry. You know how that feels. So, your homework, part of it is to notice how you’re feeling. And if you’re not feeling good, ask yourself, am I in overthinking? Am I in worry? Am I in anxiety. And if you’re in the fear in the anxiety, yes, you’re overthinking, and you have the associated feeling. So, step number one. When you have that feeling, meaning the fear or anxiety. Realize it’s related to your thinking, what you can say to yourself. Step number one is I am overthinking, and I feel blank. And that moment you’re acknowledging that you’re overthinking, which means you’re beginning to interrupt the pattern of overthinking. Next. Now, you can say this any way you want to, but I advise you keep it as close to what I’m going to share with you as you can. Next, you can talk to yourself and say, it’s not me it is my brain overthinking and worrying.
Or you can say, it’s not me. It’s a part of my brain called the amygdala, which is trying to keep me safe. Now, what you’re doing here is you’re creating some disassociation from the fear and the worry. Next, we have to move your attention because your attention can not be in two places at one time. And I’m not going to go into that right now, but the brain cannot hold two thoughts at one time, that’s called dual task interference. The brain can’t do it one thought at a time. So, what we’re going to do next is step number three. And what I want you to say, I request you say is I move my attention. And calm my mind. Because I’m trying to solve a problem without facts. Something along those lines. I moved my attention and calm my mind because I’m anxious because I’m trying to solve a problem without facts.
So, think about that. Think about how that’s going to fit for you. Basically, what you’re doing is you’re telling yourself, hey dude, you know, hey ma’am Hey, miss. Hey sir. Hey, Madam. Whatever is you’re worried because you’re trying to solve a problem without the facts. And again, you’re talking to yourself rationally, cognitively with a part of the brain to interrupt the part of the brain. That goes into the overthinking. And then finally, what you want to do is you want to move your attention to solution thinking to start looking for. Facts and then recognize also as hard as this might be for you can’t control anything. You might have some facts; you might not have all the facts. You still can’t control that. And then in that moment you have a cognitive choice. Do I go back into the fear and the worry and the anxiety, which will repeat itself and cyclical format for me again. Or do I continue to move my attention and calm my mind.
Now, what do you move your attention to? That’s going to calm your mind. This is your own work for you. Think about this. What things calm your mind. I’ll give you some solutions and some ideas. And I may, on another episode, if I do it about this topic, but think for you. What things calm down your mind? What things slow down your mind? It can be physical things like yoga. It can be mindful, you know, mindfulness practice. It could be meditation. It can be watching Instagram funny videos. I don’t know what it is for you. But think about what you want to do here. And all you’re simply doing is interrupting a brain-based pattern. Where can you move your attention? That will make you feel good and not bad.
Now here’s why it’s vital the practice is because you could say, well, Jim, I did a once or twice and it worked, but after that, it didn’t work anymore. This is vital you please understand this. You have to retrain your brain. You have to retrain your brain and two or three times isn’t going to do it. When you do this over and over and write it down on a three-by-five card, if you need, when you do it over and over and over again, now you’re creating new neural pathways in your brain, and you are retraining your brain. And what will happen, miraculously is your brain will start to change relative to this behavior. Why because you’re creating new habits through new neural pathways. As a result of this cognitive process, name of the game, practice, practice, practice.
Okay. I know that this was a very heavy episode, but I know this is a life debilitating habit. That a lot of people get into, and I really wanted to get into the science of it. More than anything else. And if nothing else, you’ll only listen to this episode one time, at least you’ve listened to the scientific aspect of it. I mean, overthinking is a very real brain-based thing. And the only way out of it is to use your brain in a cognitive way to actually get yourself out of the brain-based non-thinking habit of going into worry. So, I’ve given, you this step right here. Take them out, take them. Write them down. And then your transformational takeaway. This might make more sense now, but I’ve said it and said it and said it, and now you might get it in a different way hopefully if you haven’t gotten it yet, you ready? Yeah. If you’ve listened for any amount of time, you know, this. You are where your attention is. You are where your attention is. And when you’re worrying and you’re in anxiety look where your attention is when you’re feeling good and great. Look where your attention is. That’s why it’s vital to master your attention. Okay, thanks for listening. And I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye-bye.
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