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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 298: “What Beliefs Are You Subconsciously Tied To?”

November 29, 2023

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Are you feeling like you're stuck in your old patterns, trying to change them, but not seeing progress?

In this episode, I discuss how your subconscious beliefs shape your life; often without you even realizing it. I explain how these hidden beliefs hold you back from achieving what you want. This episode focuses on making you aware of your beliefs, understanding how they control you, and learning to challenge them.

Your beliefs literally drive how you live your lives, yet most of us don’t recognize this because beliefs operate at a subconscious level. Any limitation we have in life can be tied back to some subconscious belief. If you want to remove those limitations, you need to challenge the underlying beliefs.

Beliefs control your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In the episode, I provide examples of statements to illustrate how your reactions reveal your beliefs on a topic. 

Naturally, you will defend and cling to beliefs that you feel strongly about, which takes energy. The more beliefs you have, the more you have to defend. 

As humans, we tend to believe others should share our beliefs, and when the external world violates our beliefs then we react negatively. Any area where you feel stuck or not getting what you want stems from subconscious beliefs about that specific situation.

So what do you have to do to counter these beliefs? 

Questioning each belief as it comes into your head is vital. By questioning I mean; do these beliefs serve who you truly are? Will they serve you in times you need success OR will they hold you back?

Explore the assumed cause, identity, and meaning tied to your bothersome beliefs. This creates psychological space between the belief and your reaction.

When irritated, stuck, frustrated, or confused; ask yourself these questions to reveal the hidden belief and experience it differently. This starts to dismantle limitations.

Transformational Takeaway

Anytime you feel stuck, angry, or not getting what you want in life, shift your attention inward. Ask yourself, “What meaning am I giving this situation?” “What belief might I be clinging to?” “Is this certain belief serving me well?” Questioning your beliefs creates space for new possibilities to emerge.

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Full Episode Transcript


You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled What Beliefs Are You Subconsciously Tied To. Now when I say tied to, we don’t recognize that every limitation we have in life is tied to a subconscious belief. You know, what we don’t recognize is that any area in life where we are held back. We’re not getting what we want. It is because we are tied to some subconscious beliefs somewhere about that thing and about having it or not having it or creating it .And until we start challenging our beliefs We’re always going to be tied to the things that hold us back in life If you’re wanting to start creating more in life. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Beliefs the concept of beliefs this has been obviously what I talked about for many, many years and not so much here on the podcast. As a matter of fact, I did an episode, maybe, I don’t know, two, three years ago, and I talked about how beliefs are archaic, I’ll talk about that in a little bit. But I want to talk to you about the beliefs that you do hold and how they affect you either positively and for the purpose of this, you know podcast. Mainly negatively and how they keep you from getting what you want in life My brother in law the shaman Don Xavier many years ago. He said to me and I’ve always remembered this It’s just so profound for me. But he said the more that you believe the more that you have to defend. Ponder that the more that you believe the more that you have to defend and I’ll actually dig into that in just a moment.
But a belief when it comes to belief, what is the definition of belief? The definition of belief is an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. So in every area in your life where you hold yourself back, you have a subconscious belief actually creating that and you’re accepting something about yourself as true, even though it’s not true. Now alluding to what I said a couple of minutes ago about beliefs being archaic, I think back to 25 years ago when Don Juan Matus, who was the shaman and benefactor and mentor to my brother in law, the shaman Don Xavier, he said to me, and again this is very profound, he said to me that beliefs are archaic. Now, what he meant by that is that beliefs are all ego based. They’re all something that the human being holds, but they’re not what the divine self or the spiritual self, you know, part of ourselves hold. And that’s why he was saying the beliefs are archaic. And you know, a way that I look at that is what you believe. Think about this. Consider this. What you believe controls you.
And let me demonstrate that. I’m going to say some things here, and when I say them, what I want you to notice is how you feel when I say these things. Again, notice how you feel when I say these things. Pay attention to your thoughts, and pay attention to your feelings with each statement that I make. Here we go. Joe Biden is a great president. Joe Biden is a bad president. Donald Trump is a loving person. Vladimir Putin is amazing. Vladimir Putin is a tyrant. Climate change is real. Climate change is not real. Abortion is a woman’s right. abortion is against God. Immigration in the U. S. is not an issue. Immigration is the most pressing issue in the United States. Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Jesus is not my Lord and Savior. How about this? I get angry when people disrespect me. I don’t like it when someone’s rude to me. It pisses me off when someone cuts me off in traffic. I have a right to take what I want from other people, no matter the cost.
Okay, what I want you to notice is each statement that I made, how did you feel and what did you think about the statement? Did you feel irritated? Were you frustrated? Did you go to an immediate agree or disagree? Maybe some of the statements you were a hell yeah, that’s the way it is. Maybe some of the statements you were a hell no, that’s not the way that it is. All that I want you to notice, I simply made statements and you actually, what you thought or what you felt is what you believe about the statement. And notice, In the beliefs that I gave you and all, well, actually all, I’m sorry, not beliefs through all the statements I gave you notice how these drive and affect your behavior.
Let’s say the abortion one, for example, you could say, you know what women have a right to an abortion. And then that would affect your behavior. Maybe your voting behavior or things you did in the world, or you could say, you could believe, you could think that abortion is killing a life, even though it’s unborn, and then that’s going to affect what you do. What you say, what you think, and you know, how you act, or maybe you’re somewhere in the middle. Okay, I believe in abortion, but it has to be in the first four weeks or eight weeks or whatever it is. All that I simply want you to notice is every single thing that goes on in your external world has an impact and has a reflection in your beliefs.
And then you have to look at what you’re getting in the world and what you’re getting in life and what you’re not. And it’s simply a reflection of what you believe. And you know, based on your evolution, meaning your own spiritual evolution, what I said, all the examples that I gave you, will appeal, will apply to different people. People in different ways based upon their own self evolution, you know, for an example, a spiritualist might think, you know what, Jim, no politics is corrupt. I don’t get into it. I don’t get into any of that stuff. I’m not bothered by it. I don’t watch the news. I don’t pay attention to any of it.
Okay. That’s a belief you might have, but then you may be struggling, which I see many spiritualists do. When I find that almost paradoxical or interesting or, or whatever, because spiritualists are people that want to actually move into the universe and connect with the divine mind and universe, which is where all abundance comes from, but yet they are in a severe state of lack when it comes to their own manifestation and creation of prosperity in life. Okay, so you are attached to your beliefs and your beliefs drive you, as I’ve already alluded to. So when I say attached, you know, you’ve heard me say before, I probably said it a dozen times on this podcast, is that the Buddha said is that attachment is your greatest source of suffering think back to politics right now in 2023 we’re looking ahead at 2024 and you can even think like me is that politics is a freaking game and it doesn’t even matter because we don’t live in a democracy we live in an oligarchy in the United States and it’s controlled by money not by the political system which is absolutely corrupt. Anyway and that’s what I hold as an observation and a belief but look at the world And what are you attaching to in the world?
Are you getting anxious? Are you getting frustrated? Are you getting mad? Are you getting happy? How does what’s happening in the world affect you? But more than anything, as I’ve already kind of indicated, it all happens. automatically. So let’s apply this to you. What are you attached to? Are you attached to your home? Are you attached to not having a home? Are you attached to, you know, building and buying and acquiring a bigger home? Are you attached to downsizing? Are you attached to loving your home? Are you attached to hating your home? Are you attached to maybe loving some, hating other parts, and maybe being indifferent in some ways?
How about this? Your car. What are you attached to? Transportation. How about this? This is the week after Thanksgiving in 2023. How, you know, did you spend time with your family? Yes. No. Why not? And then what are your beliefs about that? And later on in this podcast, we’ll talk about how to take the belief apart to a, to a little degree, to a small degree. And basically to keep it simple, when I say a little degree, I’m going to give you some questions to start asking yourself to start challenging your beliefs. But how about this? Your reputation and what people think about you how attached to you are that? Many of you are attached to that because you’re deeply concerned about what other people think about you. That’s attachment. How about this? How about how other people treat you what I hear a lot of as people say, you know what? I get pissed off when people show disrespect for me. Well, that means they have a belief that most likely they must show respect for other people and as a consequence or as an effect or, you know, just as it is, the world must show respect for them.
And then when the world doesn’t show respect for them, they get angry and they get bent out of shape all based upon that belief, which means the belief controls them because they are attached to the belief. How about this, locations. I hate New Orleans. I hate LA. I love Atlanta. I love New York. Just as an example. How about when someone doesn’t act or think as you think they should act or think the best example in the world and mainly in the United States right now, but it’s happening all around the world is polarization, polarization of values and thinking. So how about, let’s say that you are a, and I would guess that a lot of people who list my podcast are not devout, devoted Trump followers. And they may be to some degree for different reasons, but I think a lot of people may think, and I observe, let me say, I observe a lot of people are not real thrilled with the way that he treats other people, et cetera, et cetera. However, look at how all of that affects you and ask yourself, what Am I tied to, and how am I judging their behavior and what does it say about me?
Another way to look at this is what are your rules for life? Because when you’re thinking the world should be this way or that way, that’s a reflection of your beliefs and your beliefs are the rules with which you live your life. Now, I’m sorry, I was going to hop back here about respect when I was talking about the world and external world and all this kind of stuff. As many times in my, in my Transformational Coaching Program, TCP, which is a group program for people that I coach that want to transform their life. When we get to the week on interpretations, many people will say, you know what? I get angry when people don’t show respect for me. Now the whole point is I’ve kind of alluded to is that a person holds a belief that other people must respect me, and if they don’t respect me, I’m not going to like them, and I’m going to be angry. Meaning, let’s say, for example, that you have a belief that time is really important, and you believe that you should be on time, and as a result of that, what many people believe that They believe what they believe other people should believe as well.
So if you believe it’s important to be on time and other people are not on time, then you get all bent out of shape when other people are not on time. It’s all again, beliefs, beliefs, beliefs, which we’re tied to and attached to, you know, to just share with you guys here, something I’m still working through is one of my beliefs is that I believe that we should not hurt other people. Now, as a result of being on the planet, we’re going to do it. We’re going to hurt people’s feelings. We’re going to do different things that hurt people in different ways based upon how they think and what they believe. But I mean, gratuitously, I mean, unconsciously, I mean, they hurt people in ways without regard. And let’s say, for example, they’re not suffering from a mental illness that’s creating that, but they just hurt people. They don’t care. Meaning they’re irresponsible or they’re really selfish. Now, there’s part of me, and I’m letting it go, but there’s part of me that has a belief that, you know what? That person’s a jerk.
And a belief that does actually affect me is when I see people actually endangering children because they’re doing something without responsible thinking. Let me put that another way when they’re doing something stupid to affect the welfare of kids or other people, I look at that and I’m like, what are these people thinking? I mean, I guess they’re not thinking anything and I’m going to give you a real example and a better example in my life that came up a couple of weeks ago. You know, as I mentioned a few times, I’m building a new home. It was supposed to take one year. We are going on 27 months right now, and it’s still not done. And in the small town that I live in, I met some people that are also building a house with this contractor. And they do well financially, but they don’t have the financial, you know, financial wherewithal that I have. And we had lunch a couple of weeks ago, and they said, you know what, building a home with this guy, we are going on three years, our contract also said a year, and we’re going on three years, and it has been a complete, complete nightmare. It’s hurt our marriage, it’s hurt our finances, and We’re having water leaks in the house and things that are happening that the contractor should have known about he hasn’t checked on the job in three months and there’s been a, you know, a complete nightmare to build this house and candidly, they’ve been hurt and I, I at least observed the contractor, he shows no concern. No remorse and what he’s done with me and I’m sure he’s done with them and they’ve even told me that he does it He says well, it’s not my fault. That’s not on my control It’s a B C D E F and G.
But then yet when people complain that he’s building a house for he says well in the contract It doesn’t say that or it does say this. Let me give you an example to what I mean by that and the contract is that he’s not Responsible if his building time runs over he’s not responsible for anyone having to Pay excessive mortgage fees or live in a rental or whatever, which I had to do for a month and a half. But these people had to spend 70, 000. Yes, 70, 000 living in a rental because he didn’t finish the home. And he was already two years over time frame at that point and when I heard that I’m like what the hell seriously I mean, but the contractor came over to my house after that and brought the final bill and Which I’ve not paid yet, and we’re gonna negotiate. I’ll tell you that right now, but you know what? He literally showed no remorse for the contract saying one year we’re on three years and there’s a lot of shoddy work. There’s a lot of just substandard work in the house and things that aren’t even finished yet.
My point is, and that’s a great lesson for me being in that experience, is to just, which we’ll talk about in just a minute in the podcast, just let go. Because if you’re angry about things and you stay angry and you stay frustrated and resentful and everything else, guess what, that’s what you’re attached to. And think back to what I said earlier, what you’re attached to is what you defend. Let me go back there for a moment. Think about things that you defend. Maybe it’s politics That’s a great example right now. Maybe it’s politics in the world or different things. Maybe it’s home I don’t know money homes different things for different people. But think about what you vehemently defend. No, I don’t mean your kids and taking care of them and your partner and your marriage and everything else. But let’s say that you are a, you know, a strong advocate of abortion. That’s something you defend. And then think about how much energy does it take to do that? And then me investing that energy, does it build me and support me or does it deplete me? Does it sustain me in a very positive way? Or does it take from me?
And that’s what we want to look at. Now again, it doesn’t include your friends and your family and different things like that. But the whole point is, what controls you? So think about your days and think about where your attention is pulled. Where your attention is pulled is a reflection of your beliefs. And then, you know, look at where you keep a lot of your attention. Then look at how much of that attention is angry. negative, frustrated, resentful, jealous, and a negative emotion that controls you. So as I said a couple of minutes ago, I’ve learned over the years, and I think moving into this house the last couple of years from the heart, honestly, I have let go of so many things. To put it. In simple terms, this house was a very, very significant investment in terms of time, money, and energy. I’m 50, what am I? 58, I think. Yeah, 58. And I wanted this to be the last home that I ever lived in. And I wanted it to be, which is why I made the financial investment. I wanted it to be a home. That this would be my forever home. As long as I’m on the planet, I didn’t get a lot of things in this home that I wanted that were built into the plan that the contractor messed up.
And that’s not an opinion. That’s an observation. A lot of things before we started is like, yeah, I can do A, B, C, D and E. Once we start building, he’s like, no, I can’t build that. And you might be wondering, let me give you an example, because I give examples out the wazoo. The island in the kitchen was supposed to be literally hanging from the ceiling and then bolted into the foundation of the house and the ceiling, and then, you know, still girders would come out of the ceiling and then support the entire island, something different, unique, and a contractor said he could do it. And then when it came time to build it, he’s like, no, I can’t do that. So when I say I gave up a lot, I really was wanting to create the lifetime home that I wanted to finally, this is the last time I’m in. I didn’t get it. Oh, well, that I want it. Yeah. Am I mad? Nah, not at all. And especially not frustrated or any of that. It is what it is. And if you don’t start looking at life and recognizing it is what it is, and we’ll talk about this in just a minute, and what happens is what happens, and you don’t start letting it go, life and your beliefs are going to continue controlling you. Now, I think back to something I heard from a Buddhist monk many years ago, and someone said, said to the monk, what is your key to happiness? And he said, Oh, that’s easy. He said, I say yes to everything. Think about that. I say yes to everything.
Now, obviously common sense. You don’t say yes to everything, but what he meant was, I mean, you don’t say yes to drinking cyanide, but what he’s are jumping off a cliff or giving all your money away, but what he meant was what happens in the world. You allow. Meaning you don’t fight it in that exact moment. It doesn’t mean you can’t work to change it later. But in that moment, we have to understand what is, is, in life. You know, honestly, on my own home, and I use it again as an example, if I fought the contractor on every bit of this house, I, I can’t even tell you where I’d be emotionally right now, and it has, it has taken a lot out of me to live in a home that’s still under construction, and we had to move in living in Sedona because there’s nowhere to live, and our other whole, our other house sold, but what I’m telling you is it is what it is, and even some of the things, people coming into the house all the time, and we have probably subcontractors coming in three days a week, and we have every single week now, and they make a mess when they’re here, For the last six months, I’m a clean person this day and age.
I’m kind of like, eh, okay. It is What it is and when I’m done and when they’re out and all this we’ll clean it all up then. And of course we clean as we go and all this But you know what I’m telling you is I’m not obsessing about it. I’m not letting it piss me off I’m, not letting it irritate me I’m, not letting it steal my energy and drag me down. Why because I wouldn’t have any life force energy left If I did. So let’s bring this into your everyday life. What holds you back or send you sideways? What gets you bent out of shape? Now we’re just going to talk about a few things here. But what about traffic? Somebody cuts you off in traffic. Does that piss you off? Do you get bent out of shape? Do you get angry about it? Well, if you do, it’s because you have a belief about how that person or that traffic is supposed to be. And then when it isn’t being the way that you expect it to be, that violates your beliefs and you get pissed off. How about this? What about beliefs and fears?
Let’s look at this. Maybe you don’t want to live where you live anymore. Maybe you live in L. A. and you want to move to the mountains in Colorado. And you say, you know what, that would be nice and, you know, I think I can get a job there or I can work virtually and I, you know, I have the money but I’m afraid, I’m afraid to leave because of A, B, C, and D and I’m comfortable here. Well, that’s all beliefs. How about this? I hate my job and I want to change my job. And by the way, hating your job and wanting to leave the job is not the proper way to leave a job. Love your job before you leave it because it’s gotten you to where you are. And if you hate your job, you have no gratitude. And if you have no gratitude, where are you working from? And you’re creating more of that in your life. But what if you say, I hate my job. Well, Could I quit? Oh, no, I can’t do that. Why? Because it’s secure. Well, then look right there.
What’s your beliefs about security? What’s your beliefs about money? What’s your beliefs about job? What’s your belief about finding a new job? What’s your belief finding, you know, about finding a new job you’re going to love? Here’s a big one. A big one. And I see this with more women than I do men. Many women are in a relationship. They’ve been in for 20 years. They have kids. Kids are getting ready to go off to college. The woman finds the husband, she and the partner, whatever, have grown apart. And they find They’ve grown apart. They’re not compatible. They’re wanting to go different directions. And if they’re following me, I know this in my Transformational Coaching Programs, they’re growing many times. The partner isn’t. And I know that many of you listening right now, you understand this. You’re growing and you’re listening to podcasts and you’re gathering information and you’re wanting to grow and evolve and have a better life. And your partner sitting at home and the lazy boy watching TV, drinking beer, metaphorically speaking.
And then we look at, well, what are my options? If they’re in life, you know, we both have to change for the better and we both have to grow. But many times people will say, women will say, well, he made all the money over the years. I took care of the kids. It’s his money. I’m trapped. What’s the belief in yourself? Here’s another one. Or what’s your belief before I go to the next one, what’s your belief in yourself? What’s your belief in your power? What’s your belief about opportunity? What’s your belief about what life is and isn’t what’s your belief about being on your own? What’s your belief about paying your own bills? What’s your belief about being alone? What’s your belief about taking care of yourself? Explore all that. Think about that.
Here’s a big one. I see it all the time. And if you’re listening to this podcast, which you are, it probably, and if you listen for any amount of time, it probably applies to you. I didn’t really start mentioning the Transformational Coaching Program in here, except when we ran ads for the program when we opened the doors. Now we’re running an evergreen model where we’re offering the program all year round, and I’m coaching all year round. And many people will say, Jim, I really, really, really want to change my life. I want a better life. Okay. Let’s, you know, get you enrolled in TCP, the Transformational Coaching Program. And you’re like, Oh no, I can’t afford it. Hello, what are your beliefs? What are your beliefs about change? What are your beliefs about money? And those beliefs are keeping you away from every single thing you want in life for your life to change. Your beliefs have to change or the way that you think about your beliefs and manage your beliefs, which I’ll share with you in just a moment.
You know, I’ve often said, and I do mean this, if somebody gave me the proverbial red pill or blue pill, and I don’t remember which one from the, from the movie was the air quote good one and bad one, you know, the current reality or a new reality, but let’s say the blue pill. Oh, that sounds good to me. The blue sky, blue pill, blue pill actually removes a lot of your beliefs. And somebody says, you get to take the red pill and keep all your beliefs. Or you can take the blue pill and get rid of all your beliefs. Now we have certain beliefs that are survival based. Beliefs about what we should and should not do in terms of safety, crossing a street in traffic, etc., etc., etc. But I mean, generally speaking, and for the purpose of the podcast, meaning a blue pill that would get rid of any hidden beliefs that I had that were holding me back when I take that pill. My belief in this moment is hell fricking yes, I would take that pill. As a matter of fact, I’m going to race to take that pill because getting rid of these beliefs, whatever I have that I don’t even know that I have that’s holding me back. Will give me more clarity in life. More clarity is more power. More power is more expansion. More expansion is the bigger impact that I can make in the world, which is one of my highest values.
Okay, so applying this to your own life, think back earlier to the things that we had mentioned and I said things that get you bent out of shape. You know, politics as an example. Maybe quitting a job. Maybe. Maybe starting a job, maybe getting a divorce, maybe getting married, maybe moving across the country, or maybe even moving across the world. Think about these things for a moment. Just bring something that in your life is causing you a little fear, a little in trepidation, a little resistance, a little… Maybe push back from you. Maybe it’s the politics and you’re, you’re pushing back mentally saying, I love Donald Trump. I hate Donald Trump. I love Joe Biden. I hate Joe Biden. Or I think all of them are useless. Doesn’t matter, but notice something that’s causing, pulling your, not causing, but pulling your attention in a way that is a bit distracting or a little fearful or keeping you in a place that you’re like, eh, I don’t like that.
Now I’m not sure that’ll apply to all scenarios that you may have in your life, but I want to walk you through or give you an example here. Okay, so your beliefs, something we just talked about. We have three types of beliefs. We, and I’ll walk you through these. We have beliefs about cause. Beliefs about identity and beliefs about meaning. Now what that means is, for every belief, we apply one of these things or a myriad of these things. You know what? That bridge collapsed. What caused that? Does it mean anything to me, to my identity? Well, no. The example of a bridge, no, unless somebody that I knew was on the bridge and I love those people. And then what meaning do I place about the bridge collapsing? Just as a banal example. But beliefs, the foundational beliefs There is a cause, an identity, and a meaning. Now, what I mean, I kind of went to, you know, got here to a convoluted way, is for every belief, we think there’s something that causes it, something behind it. There’s a cause. And then many times we attribute it to our identity. That means blank about me.
And then we give it meaning and because it means blank about me That means I am a good person. I am a bad person So let’s say let’s go to a different example. Skip the bridge collapsing. Let’s go here for a moment that person, Let’s say somebody treats you really bad. They’re very rude to you. So we can start thinking about that and then we can start questioning ourself and I’ll give you the exact questions here to ask or, you know, ask yourself or at least a framework, but we can look at, okay, what caused them to be mean to me? That’s the first part. What caused them to be Mean to me. Now, I want to point out you’re making all kinds of interpretations about what the cause might be. Then we can look at okay, what does that mean about me as a person? They were mean to me and what caused it was XYZ and that means blank about me. That means that I’m overly sensitive. That means that maybe I’ve been a jerk to them It means something about my identity
And as I said, though, so those two are kind of tied up the identity and the meaning, okay, because we’re giving it meaning to, we’re giving it an identity and a meaning, but let’s take these apart, something happens. And then, so what we do in our mind is we automatically think something happened, but meaning something caused it. And it happened because of blank. Then something happens and we give it meaning. Something happened and it means blank. To me or about me. Next one. Something happens and then what we immediately do is apply it to our identity. This happened And it says blank about me, a great example again, it’s politics. Let’s say that Trump wins in 2024 and you’re a devout Republican and Trump wins. Generally what people say is woohoo. That means we won. Democrats might say, that means we, because they identify with being a Democrat, we lost or the reverse. Let’s say that a Democrat wins. Then people could say, woohoo, that means we won. And the Republicans can say, that means we lost. We lost.
Notice how we tie everything understandably because we make everything apply to us. Notice how we make everything apply to our, our identity and we give it a meaning and we give it a cause. So how to use this in your own life. Next time you get bent out of shape, next time, well, anytime you’re bent out of shape, anytime something pisses you off, makes you angry, agitates you, frustrates you in some way, what you want to start doing is you want to start questioning and challenging the meanings that you’re giving it and the value that you’re placing on it. And I’m going to give you three simple questions here to start challenging. So next time you’re bent out of shape, pissed off, whatever it might be, simply say to yourself, what’s going on here? What meaning am I giving this? How do I know that it’s true? Could this thing that happened, could I be right about it? Could I be wrong about it? And then the final one, how can I see things differently? So write those down and, you know, carry them around with you and notice this works, I promise you when something irritates you in life, go through that set of questions and start it’s something irritates you because it’s bumping up against the belief.
So when you’re irritated, start asking yourself these questions. What you’re doing is you’re exploring the cause, the meaning. or the identity related to the belief, and then you can start experiencing the belief in a different way. When you start experiencing the belief in a different way, that means you, doesn’t mean you’re not attached to it anymore, but it definitely means that you are actually experiencing that belief in a different way. So anytime your transformational takeaway, anytime that you’re stuck in life. And by the way, I tell people that you’re never stuck in life you’re simply out of creativity. But anytime you’re stuck in life, there’s a subconscious belief keeping you stuck. Because like I said, you’re never stuck in life. You’re simply out of creativity and you’re out of creativity because there’s some subconscious belief keeping you from thinking. or seeing it a new way, which is why I just gave you those questions that I did.
Final question. What’s your belief about your opportunity and ability to live a much, much different, and better life? Next question related to that question. What are your beliefs that prevent the first belief? Meaning you living a much, much, much better life because see, you may believe that all you need to do is gather information. Well, as I’ve said before, and I am not taking away from my podcast, because I know this podcast has helped many people and very significant ways. And I know because I get emails daily, but what I’m telling you is. No matter where you want to go in life at any level, whether you want to go from a100,000 a year to a 1 million a year, 70, 000 a year to 200, 000 or 10 million to a 100 million, if you’re not getting there, you have beliefs stopping you, but you don’t know what they are because they’re hidden in blind spots that are all subconscious and you can’t see them, which means you need to experience yourself in different ways. So I’ve offered you the opportunity to, both. Before to go into coaching with me, I’m not going to go in that right into that right now, but I want to ask you what beliefs are preventing you from going to the next level in your life. Thanks for listening and I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye bye.

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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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