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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 305: “Transforming Your Illusion Of Security”

January 31, 2024

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Do you find yourself clinging to the idea of security in life? This episode delves into the deep-seated beliefs we hold about security and its impact on our lives. Reflecting on personal experiences and the nature of security as an evolutionary vestige, we uncover how our pursuit of security is often based on outdated concepts.

We also examine the four illusions of security, challenging the notion that it's something tangible and attainable. Instead, what we often chase as security is, in fact, an illusion deeply rooted in fear. Additionally, we discuss how the brain's desire for predictability often leads us to avoid taking risks, and how this limits our actions and life choices, stifling our potential and robbing us of the richness of new experiences.

This episode invites you to reconsider what true security means. It emphasizes that the only real security we have is in knowing ourselves at a deeper level, beyond the superficial. By confronting our illusions of security and recognizing them for what they are, we can begin to live more authentically and free ourselves from the constraints of unfounded fears.

Listen, apply, enjoy.

Transformational Takeaway

Transform your understanding of security and stray away from limiting beliefs.

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Full Episode Transcript


You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled Transforming Your Illusion of Security. I don’t know about you, but I look back over my, you know, my past and I think about the concept of security. And I think about how many things I didn’t do with my life. Because I wasn’t sure of the outcome. And I wanted security in life. This day and age, unlike most people who chase security. I don’t chase security because I know there is no such thing as security. But where does security come from? What drives it? Well, I want to talk about a little bit about the brain-based aspect of it. I’m not going to go into the science and all that in this particular episode. And I’ll touch on a little bit. But security is an outdated concept. It’s a vestige of our evolution. Where we needed security many thousands of years ago. Meaning if we leave the cave and we hunt for food, are we going to be secure? And that we’re not going to be eaten by a saber tooth tiger. Anyway, in this episode, I want to help you start letting go of the illusion of security and I want to address. The four illusions of security. How to get past them. And getting past them so that you can actually live the life that you deserve and you want to live. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay. Transforming your illusion of Security. What prompted this episode? You know, as I’m thinking about, about episodes, I want to create for you guys. I’m thinking about things in my daily life, things in my spiritual apprenticeship with the shaman Don Xavier. I’m thinking about things that I encounter in my daily life and, you know, observing and watching people. And what prompted this episode. And again, I’ve thought about my own security over the years and what it means and ways that I might air quote, get into trying to create security. And like I said, in the introduction, security is an illusion. It doesn’t exist at something that we’ve met up in our mind. But what prompted this episode is, you know, I think about the Transformational Coaching Program. I’m only, I’m not promoting it right now. I’m just telling you this, because this is what prompted the episode. Is that we offer a full money back guarantee. Meaning go through the entire 14 weeks. And at the end of 14 weeks, if you can’t say that I’ve helped you in the coaches have helped you make a dramatic difference in your life in a positive way than simply request a refund. And over the years we’ve only had literally we’ve had. 9 8, 9 refund requests over six years. And the multiple thousands of people that have been through the program. And I used to think years back.
I used to think, Jim, I just don’t get it. I mean, I offer people a program that works. They listen to the podcast, they come to other programs that I have. Because they want to create more in life, but yet I offer them the ultimate opportunity that will change their life. And they don’t take action. Now from a marketing perspective. That could be the offer, meaning the way that I make the offer. However, that’s not really it because I’ve done, you know, sales and marketing for 20 years, and I know how to make an offer. But what I look at is what goes on in people’s individual minds. What prevents people from taking action, even when they don’t like the life that they’re living and they complain about the quality or lack of quality in their life they still do not take action. Why. Well, then I look at okay, they don’t take action, even though I offer a full and no one does it in my industry for the most part. Maybe in a recorded program, but not a live one.
I mean, you can’t go to any, let’s say Tony Robbins events and the whole event that I know of. Maybe you can, I don’t know. I don’t follow him. Nothing personal. But attend a, let’s say a month long every day event and then ask for your money back. But I do that because none of the power of what I offer, but I ask myself how come people. More people don’t take action. And the reason is because of fear. Now as I’ve said, you know, fear security is not a big thing of mine at this point in my life because I fully accept. And the best thing that happened to me is when I had the stroke and the heart failure in 2020. When, even though I knew it analytically and any given second. You can be called off the planet. You can leave the planet. And we have this illusion of, I want financial security and I want job security, and I want this security and I want that security. All this all the while cognitive dissonance. This missing the fact that let’s say job security. You can lose your job in a heartbeat.
You can be downsized in a heartbeat and we don’t think about that, but yet we’d rather give up the long-term security of creating a future for our self by working for working for the short-term security of having a job. So again, I want to talk about the four illusions of security. And they’re all for the most part fear based. Okay so the question is taking action in life to create what you want, whether it’s moving across the country. Or taking a new job or enrolling in a program or getting married or getting divorced many times we think we know what we want to create. I see it all the time. You know, Jim, I want to move across the country. I want a better life. Okay a year later, they’re still saying the same thing. But they will give me an excuse as to why they haven’t done it. Why. Well, the reason we do not take action on things to a large degree is that part of the brain works from a concept called predictability. We want to predict what’s going to happen. And this is survival based, survival driven.
I get back to the example I mentioned earlier about leaving the cave and the saber tooth tiger. So, there’s a part of the brain. That operates from predictability. Again, survival mechanism. So, when we think something is predictable, we feel secure and safe, but the reality is, as I’ve said twice now, there is no security in life. But we think if we can analytically look at something, engage it. Then okay, we are a secure. So the reason that people don’t do a lot of things in life is because in their mind, It’s a good idea, but it’s also, there is a lack of security tied to it, or a lack of security comes with it, like moving across the country or getting a divorce or getting married or whatever it might be. The question I have for you right now is let’s call them your security issues. And I don’t mean cybersecurity. But your security issues, the things that you cling to. Have you ever really sat down and thought? These things that I cling to. What are they actually costing me in the long run?
Question for you? What is security? Security is the state of being free from danger or threat. Repeat security is the state of being free from danger or threat. Truth is if you look at it. Even getting in a car is not secure. Hopping on an airplane is not secure. Eating at a restaurant. If you’ve ever gotten food poisoning, which I have from eating at a restaurant, not secure, you ever get married, you can get divorced, not secure. You can cross the street and get smacked by a car. And we think it’s secured across the street. You don’t know what about these people? You know, we can think, okay, I can drive and I can be safe. And all these kinds of things. What about, I just saw somewhere on the news a couple of years ago. Where there’s person was driving in Los Angeles and someone dropped a rock off an interstate, went through their windshield and killed them. But yet three seconds later, they had no idea a rock was going to come hurling through their windshield. Security is an illusion.
But what I said earlier is a danger and a threat. Danger and threats are not the same thing as I’ve said before and I won’t go into it here. We many times we perceive things that create fear for us as dangerous when they’re not dangerous. Danger is simply when you are an eminent threat of bodily harm. Meaning something is going to happen to you. And at the Bret many times, he says nothing more than a threat. And if you look at your own life, many times when somebody made a threat. Or you’ve had a threat mitigant you or whatever, generally it doesn’t happen. Now there are times it can happen, but generally it doesn’t happen. So, the question is again, what is it costing you? To hang on to the illusion of security. What is it costing you, which we’ll talk about this in terms of money, in terms of relationship and in terms of your health? And then you take those. What is the illusion of security costing you in terms of happiness?
Let’s look at this a little bit. So, let’s talk about making more money, attracting more money into our life. What many of us won’t do is we won’t actually risk what security we think we have to invest in something else that can help us get the outcome that we want. We have the solution. That you know what? I can do it myself. I don’t need any help. I’ll figure it out. I’ll watch YouTube videos, but yet a year or 2, 3, 5 years later, we find our self in the same place, but we don’t invest with someone. Any program anywhere that we know can help us, or we think can help us why, because we want to be secure with what we think is money, which is an illusion in itself in our bank account, but the same thing with relationships again, I’ll talk about that and with your health. You know, I look at money. One thing I don’t like about my industry and meaning more online than then personal development. But even in personal development, there were a lot of predators. There are a lot of people that in my opinion, and I’m not meaning to be judgmental, but in my opinion, they’re in the industry for the wrong reason. They’re in the personal development industry and they want to become big and successful and all these kinds of things. Because they want the adulation. If that means anything to them or they want the pats on the back or the ego identification. Or for many, and I mean, many is they want the money.
To me, those were all illusionary things. I mean, there’s are things we can experience, but they’re all temporary and by the way, those are not things that I chase. But a lot of people want the money. And, and, you know, in the industry of even personal development and online offering, I mean, this is an online offering so to speak, at least I’m offering you information. There’s a lot of people out there that are less than savory characters. There are people that steal. I’ve had it done to me. I’ve had people steal my program and my content and different things and selling it in different places in the world. And I mean, that’s just what some people do. And I could say, you know what? I don’t want to put my content out because I want to keep it nice and secure. To make sure no one steals it. Well, someone’s going to steal it somewhere somehow some way, despite any illegal remedy or ramification any, let me put it this way. Any legal safeguards, you might have trademarks, copyrights, all that. I’ve had people steal things, pull my copyright all from it. Literally take my content verbatim and slap their copyright on it. And it’s my content. I created it. But they’re stealing.
Or many times we want to create more in life, but guess what? We want the security of having XYZ dollars in the bank and we won’t do something different to create more and our life. Why, why, why? The illusion of security. Relationships. You know, I see it a lot with people, maybe having commitment issues. They want to be in a relationship. But they’re scared they have fears about it. And I understand that. And I respect that because we want to make sure and especially a significant relationship. We want to make sure that we are with what we perceive to be the right people. Yet many people won’t even be not even in a relationship because they’re afraid to even ask people for a date. And there are afraid of rejection. And, you know, I’ve said it before and you know this, but you have to wrap your mind around this is that people never, ever, ever reject you? What people reject is their interpretations or their ideas of who and what you are.
But if a person doesn’t know you. And they don’t have any experience of you. They can’t reject you. They’re rejecting their interpretations of what. Of what, they think you are. You know, health. Many times, I look at, I see it all the time and we all have free will. We can choose whatever we want. And I look at the amount of people that for example, have bad health. And they will only use conventional Western medicine. Even though there are non-traditional unconventional natural things they can do to heal. Or the flip side, they will only use the natural, but they might need the conventional and each person’s different. I mean, I never tell people, get medical care or don’t get medical care. What I tell people is that you can heal yourself no matter what.
And, you know, I look at the holistic issue versus a conventional issue and medicine that I just brought up. Many people are attached to their model of medicine because of the perceived security that it gives them. But when I talk about health and wellness, you know, I think about many years ago, 25 years ago. When I lived in New York city and I worked at the Hypnosis Institute in New York city. And the superintendent in my building had mobility issues. He had some, a lot of back pain, as I understand. His name was Bobby. And one day I said, Bobby, you know, and I knew him casually. I said, Bobby, you know, I work at the Hypnosis Institute. It’s medically proven that we can reduce or eliminate or complete, you know, alleviate your pain. Using the power of your mind. What he said to me and we were walking outside and he had a cane and he was wincing. Like ow, ow, ow, every step he took.
And he said, Jim, I don’t know about that. He goes, I don’t know. Is it, is it endorsed by? I like my union and I’m like, Bobby, I don’t know if it’s endorsed by your union or not. He goes, well, I can’t use it yet until I check with my union. He comes back a couple of days later and goes, Jim, I appreciate you wanting to help me. But my union says I can’t do that. I was flabbergasted. What security was he wanting? He was wanting the illusionary security of being a part of his union, the spite, all the pain that he was in. I remember a guy in New York city that I knew. And he was telling me one day that he had cancer. And he said to me, his exact words were jumped. His exact words were Jim. I am tired of peeing green. Meaning his urine was green.
At least that’s what he told me. And I didn’t ask the, see it. And I said, you know, I think there’s a way I might be able to help you with this. And again, I mentioned medical hypnosis because for many years I helped a lot of people with medical hypnosis. And he was kind of him hauling about it. Ambivalent about it. Something, I don’t do it this day and age is I don’t follow up with people. You want help? A law firm I’m done. And the past. I was like, okay, you want help? I’ll check. I’ll check in with you. See where you are, see what you need. And I checked in a couple of days later and he’s like, no, I think I just rather just take my chances with what I’m doing medically. I was again, flabbergasted.
What do you mean take your chances? It’s simply using the power of the mind. It doesn’t cost you anything. I will help you. And he wouldn’t do it. And I look at what security, which was fear-based was he holding on to. The security, which was fear-based is at least he knew he was alive. At least teen knew he did exist. I’ll talk about that in the moment. When he followed conventional medical protocol, but if you were to try, just try something different, he wasn’t sure. So, he didn’t have that. That certainty. He was living in the illusion, the false illusion of security. Of the medical establishment and he didn’t have, you know, in his mind, any security with a nonmedical establishment, even though he had never explored it.
Okay. I want to segue from the episode for just one moment. And I want to ask you, where were you most stuck in 2023? What things held you back the most? When I ask people, you know, why they’re not getting what they want in life, people often say, well, I was stuck with X, Y, Z, or, and this may resonate with you, I feel stuck. If you’re feeling stuck, one question I want you to ask yourself is, what is it costing me? What is it costing me to not resolve this and to battle being stuck? And when you add that up, whether it’s money and especially in business, but in your health and your relationships, when you add that up, it’s extremely costly to be stuck in life.
Now, all that’s being said, I created a new challenge I created that last year, many thousands of people have gone through it and it’s called the Get Unstuck Challenge. Interesting, the name’s all about getting unstuck. Now in this challenge, it’s a nine day challenge and I walk you through at a very profound, At a very spiritual, level, and even at a cosmic level, I walk you through who and how you’re being as a being, meaning your presence on the planet. And when you understand that, when you understand the nature of you at a very deep level, now you might’ve heard me say, BE DO HAVE before, and that’s more about 3d reality. Who do you have to be so you can do so you can have, but I’m talking, you know, what does it mean to be? And then what is that power associated with that? When you understand that you automatically get unstuck in life. This program never offered it before to you guys. We’re offering it now. I don’t think we’ve offered it to the podcast and an ad. Maybe we have, maybe we have, I don’t remember anyway. It doesn’t matter because we haven’t offered it a lot if we have, but we’re offering to get unstuck challenge again. It’s only $97. Thousands of people have been through it and they rave about the results they’re getting. And I know that you will do the same thing.
So again, ponder the question. What does it cost me? What am I giving up? What peace of mind? What happiness? What money? What relationships am I giving up in life because I am stuck in my own crap. Now, as you’re thinking about that, click the link, go to tcp.jimfortin com/unstuck again, and we’ll drop the link in the show notes, tcp.jimfortincom/unstuck. Download the program. You get started right away and your life will start changing dramatically. When you apply what you’re learning in that program, your life will start changing in very dramatic ways, very, very quickly. And as a matter of fact, in the next nine days. Okay, back to the episode.
Okay. So, I want to talk about something here. And this is going to roll in to the theme in this podcast. You may have heard me say before. That the ancient name for consciousness. Many people about 70% of people in the planet. Call it God. But the ancient name for God is. I Am. And whatever you are, you’re your consciousness. You exist. You are. And that’s, that’s how I think. I understand. I’d like to think that I understand. The concept of God. Am I am.? Because we’re all a representation of the divine consciousness of universal consciousness, which is God, if you choose to call it that. I am that you are that. And you know, the cards said, I think therefore, and I am, but whatever you say you are, you are that thing. At least you’re holding that in your consciousness and in your attention in the moment.
So, four words that I want to look at. And these four words, keep us trapped in the illusion of security. These four words. Are hungry, afraid, angry and lonely. Hungry, afraid, angry and lonely. Now notice how you use those words. Because many of us use those words hungry, afraid, angry and lonely. After the words. I am. I am hungry. I am afraid. I am angry. I am lonely. What I want to point out is no, you’re not. You were none of those things, as you may have heard me say before you are a BEing that exists. You are, therefore you can say, I am. I am a being who exists. But I am a being who is currently experiencing the hunger, the fear, the anger, and the loneliness. But when you look at these four things, hungry, afraid, angry, and lonely. These four things, all like taking a stick and poking a bear. They prod your F your fear of not having security. Okay. So just keep that in mind for right now, because we’re going to talk about these some more.
All right. So, the emotions you have to purge the transform the illusion of security. Are the emotions of, and this is the only one that’s biological per se is hunger? But many times, what drives the illusionary. And the illusion is going to say the illusionary sense of security. Are many times if we’re hungry, we may associate that with not enough? And we feel if we don’t have enough, then we’re not secure, but then you look at the other ones. Fear is social. Angry for the most part. Most of you when you’re angry, you are angry at someone. When you’re lonely, it’s not because you’re lonely by yourself. Actually, most people don’t want to spend time with themself. People are actually lonely because they’re wanting someone or something else in their life. Now these four things they’re archaic. There are things, as I’d mentioned earlier, that are vestiges of our evolution. And when we search for these things meaning, we’re trying to resolve our anger or our loneliness or a hunger or our fear. What we’re doing is we’re chasing the illusion of actually even having security in our life.
We often think, oh, okay. If I have food, I’m secure. If I’m not afraid, I am secure. If I’m not angry, I am secure. If I’m not alone then I am secure, but all these things are transient, temporary. They are not who you are, which I’ll tie the podcast to that. At the end of the episode, they are not who you are. They’re simply circumstances, temporary circumstances of the experience that you’re having as a body, a physical body on the planet. You know, when I talk about all this, let me give you a tangible one that’s going to resonate with about 70% of you. Money. M O N E Y money, money, money. You know, I am not tossing stones I’ve been there. And I look at money at this point in my life. And I wanted to just share some things with you, some personal things. But I remember all the years, I didn’t have money. And when I was broke, I often thought, okay, if I have money, If I have money. If I had a thousand dollars then guess what? I’d be secure. Or what I’ve noticed in life. We say if I had a thousand or let’s make it up 10,000, if I had $10,000, Then I’m secure. Then what happens is we create a 10,000. They’re more like, oh, okay. You know what damn, it’s not 10,000 anymore.
If I had a hundred thousand woo okay. Yeah. Now I’m secure. If I have a hundred thousand. Then we get into, and I know because I’ve been there. And I’m not any different than anyone else. Is okay I have a hundred thousand, but now I want to make more. If I had 500,000 then I’d be secure. Nope. Nope. Now it’s a million. And notice the Daisy chain. It’s always the same thing, whether it’s $1 or 5 million. It’s always placing security on something out sight of you. Something external and external concept. Then, and I kind of talked about this a little bit. I think in the last episode, what a lot of us do. Are we take these external illusions and these concepts? And then for many of us and honestly, they did for me at one point in my life they control us. I remember talking to someone, I was coaching a while back. And he was making about 3 million a year. And he was so fearful on our coaching call.
And this was like a couple of years ago when I did one to one, which I don’t do anymore. All I do anymore is the transformational group program. The reason why as we get even generally better results in there because of the social learning. But he said, you know, I made 3 million last year and he said, I’m so afraid of losing this money. I mean, all I got, all these things, I’ve built all my blood, sweat, and tears. I’m afraid of losing this. Well, that’s exactly what I’m talking about because all of this money that he made. He’s actually under the illusion that it is security for him. And that security gives him comfort and makes him feel safe. But yet there’s no security what so ever. He’s living in an illusion, but the illusion now is 3 million, not 10,000. And that’s what many of us do. So, what we want to look at the four things that we’re holding on to the fears about being hungry, angry, being just fearful in life or being lonely. We want to look at these things, which ones call out to you, like example for me. Hunger doesn’t call out to me. I’ve got a refrigerator full of food.
And I don’t know that any of these would at this point in my life, because as I’ve said before, I pretty much kicked the bucket and left the planet in 2020 very briefly. When you have those kinds of experiences, basically you’ll learn that nothing, nothing fricking matters. Nothing matters except trying and doing your best to be in the moment and enjoying life. But when you look at fear, Ask yourself. Whatever that fear might be. What is my secondary gain? Meaning, what reward, what benefit do I get for hanging on to this fear? Now for everything we do and I’ve said it before we have a secondary gain. Let me give you an example. I mentioned this before also probably 20 episodes ago. My grandmother was, I don’t know if she was or wasn’t, but my, my mom said she was, and I had evidence of it. My grandmother demonstrated like hypochondriac behaviors. Meaning, is that a word? Hypochondriac height? Hypochondriacal I don’t know. Anyway. She was called a high, a hypochondriac. Okay. And she was always sick and she was in the hospital more times than what I can even count as a kid. And as I looked back as an adult, what I do for a living now, everyone gave attention to grandma when she was sick. Meaning grandma, poor Graham. All let’s take dinner to grandma. Grandma can’t do anything.
We have to clean the house for grandma. Grandma can’t go anywhere. We have to shop for grandma. We have to do all of her laundry. Everyone in the family was doing everything for grandma. Yet grandma was always sick. And the irony is, is the adults in the family were saying she doesn’t really look sick. She’s not that sick. Now whether she was, or she wasn’t. I do not know. But what I’m looking at with what I’m sharing with you here. My grandmother providing this as the case. The secondary gain was, Hey. If I’m sick or people think I’m sick, guess what? Here’s the game. People pay attention to me. So, look at these things that are underlying factors. And you think they create security for you? Your fears, your hunger, your anger, and your loneliness. And ask yourself, what reward do I get for holding this feeling? What reward? What payoff, what benefit do I get an, a big one for a lot of you guys been there, done that.
A big one for a lot of people is what reward do I get for being angry at Bob or Susan or whoever, and to show you how this plays out. I know I’ve mentioned that before, but you look at OJ Simpson. Did he kill his wife? I don’t know if he did or he didn’t. I am of the belief the observation that he probably did kill his wife. And we can say that’s a very bad behavior, but what’s his secondary gain. What’s his benefit for killing his wife in the event that he did it? Well, the behavior, when you observe the behavior is extraordinarily negative, but the gain is to satiate his anger and his rage. So now he would feel I’m going to just choose this word. I don’t know if it’s right. But vindicated or happy because he says she hated his rage. So, what you want to look at is your fear, your hunger, your anger, and your loneliness. What rewards, because these are all precursors to your, your security that you’re thinking you’re wanting, which is an illusion. What secondary gain do I get from this?
You know, often. Maybe you’ve never thought about it this way, but many times we don’t know who we are. If we’re not experiencing the four emotions. Think about that for a moment. If we’re not experiencing fear and anger and hunger and loneliness. We don’t know who we are. Now what I mean is we learned most of us learned who we are based upon the behaviors and treatment of other people of our self. And it takes other people for the most part, unless it’s a rattlesnake out front, which I found one of my front yards. But, you know, if we’re afraid of people or social interaction or whatever, or we’re tired of being lonely or we’re angry at someone. Notice it requires another person. So, we can’t be these things. We can’t be angry and, and fearful and lonely. If we don’t have some context or some person to base that on and against. So many times, what we’re doing is we’re actually creating our own identity. Based upon the interaction we are having from, and with other people, but who and what we’re thinking we are the, I am that we are, I am angry. I am lonely. I am this, I am, that is based upon someone else. And we are none of that. We are the person experiencing that because we’re basing our reality on our security, on our interactions in the world.
What I want to say is you were none of those four illusions. Now you might be hungry, that’s biological, but overall, if you’re listening to this podcast and you’ve been around for any amount of time, you’re not a person who lives in hunger. And if you are a person who lives in hunger, it’s because of a lack of money, then you haven’t been listening for very long. You haven’t been applying it or I don’t know what to say because I give you massive amounts of tools in these episodes to help you live a better life. But no one pops out of the womb. And pops out of the womb and waves to their mom and goes, hi. I’m anger. Hi, I’m hunger. Hi, I’m afraid. Hi, I’m lonely. Now. These are things. Babies may be experiencing an R obviously at a central nervous system level, but we’re not those things. So, we pop out and we are the being that we are popping out of the womb. We are the being the divine being that we are. But what we start doing is we start assuming labels on, let me show you how easily and how quickly that works. So, if I were to meet you somewhere, And I said, my name is Jim. And I put my hand out to shake your hand. What would you say to me? What would you say?
Nine times out of 10, you would say, I am Susan. I am Bob. I am John. I am, whatever your name is. So, we learn the very first I am that we learn, listen very carefully. The very first. I am that we learn is our name. And the identity of that name. I am John Jr. I had somebody in TCP, the Transformational Coaching Program about three years ago. And she constantly would say. And I’ve adjusted her name just because I don’t even need to mention her name here. But she, she would constantly say she always felt like she was falling short in life. And she said you don’t understand. I’m a, I’m a hem locker. Now, I didn’t know what a hem locker was, I was like, seriously in my mind when she first said that, I kind of thought isn’t that a cutlery company that makes knives. I mean, I didn’t and come to find out what she meant was I am the identity of a person who has that last name. That last name does XYZ things. I’m not doing those X, Y, Z things. I am not the kind of person to do those things. Therefore, I feel bad about myself and A, B, C, D E F G ways. Notice her first I am is I am a hem locker.
No, she’s not. She’s the divine being and that container, a skin that actually has assumed the identity of that. Tying it back to the podcast is your sense or your false sense or your illusionary sense of security comes from these false identities of, I am. When you learned and you accepted these things at birth and you are none of these things, you know, we learned to who we are by the associations were given to us also. You know, I look at that and I think back to native American culture, I’m not sure if you ever read this or heard this before, but in many native American cultures, Kids are allowed to re-choose, or pick their name when they are adolescent age. There were allowed to pick their own name. The reason why is they want to be given the elders, want to give them the opportunity. To not be saddled with the energy of the, I am identity with people who came before them.
So, the purposes are that they’re not jaded by their family. And then you look in Western medicine and I’ve experienced this my entire life, even though I’ve been holistic. And for the most part, other than the stroke and the heart failure in 2020. I’m completely holistic, but when you, you know, you listen to doctors anywhere. You listen to doctors and they talk about family history. Well, your family has a history of X, Y, Z. You know, I was talking to someone today and he said, you know, my family as a kid, he was 19. He goes, my family has a history of heart disease. My grandfather died at 59. My dad died at 51. This is what the kids said. He goes, I’m probably going to die around the same age. Well, he will, if he holds that belief, but notice, and there’s a concept called I’ve talked about it before. I won’t talk about it here. Epigenetics your genetics are influenced most by how you choose to think and where you hold your attention. Not on your biological genetics. So, people also say things like, and I’ve heard this and I heard this as a kid. And people will often say things like you’re just like your mother. And you’re just like your father. And then whatever attributes you have in your mind about your mother and your father. Many times, we tend to reject and fight those attributes or we tend to accept those attributes. And then we live in the frame of those attributes. So, where I’m going here with this part of the podcast. Are many times we base who we are based upon the interaction and validation from other people. And if we don’t know who we are, meaning our identification and validation from other people, we then perceive that as the ultimate lack of security. Because if I am not Joe Smith. And I am not this and I am not that. Then the question comes in the mind. Who are we?
So, what I want you, what I request you, you ponder here. Are we know that we exist? The fact that you’re on the planet means that you exist. You exist in a container of skin. You exist in consciousness. But generally, the majority 99% of the planet doesn’t think that way. We know that we exist based upon the feedback from other people. And then we mold our existence into that feedback. You know, the things that we will hear. Things like this, I am kind. I’m a jerk. I am smart. I’m a good dancer. I’m clumsy. I’m creative. I’m A, B and C. We hear these things many times from other people in our lives. And we assume the identity of that. And then once we assume the identity of that, we are looking to secure that identity with things that I’m talking about here in the episode. Then, if we don’t have those things, which were just clamoring to and clinging to and hanging on to then again, who are we?
So, this validation from other people. Maybe you’ve never thought about it this way, but think about it. Take some time and ponder this. This validation from other people. Let’s us externally know that we exist because our entire world has given us an identity. It’s all 3d. But it’s all an illusion. And then this illusion is supported with the four things that I’d mentioned and talked about in this episode, hunger, again, being a biological one related to a lack of having something. But anger, fear and loneliness. You think about loneliness? I mean, I’ve had people I’ve heard people say before, you know, people don’t like me. I’m such a loser. Notice I am such a loser. They’re basing this 3d identity based upon their interpretations and feedback. From people in their life, other people in their life have defined them. I remember reading a NASA study maybe 15 years ago. And these people were put in a sound proof, completely dark. I mean, scientifically black room. Soundproof. And their feet were shot up with Novocain where they could not feel their feet.
And these people started going a little bit bonkers. Because they didn’t know that they exist, that are not, they had no external validation to confirm their existence and they started going a little bit cuckoo. Now I’m not saying, and I am not going and I don’t own, I’m not going to put you in a dark black. You know, airtight, soundproof chamber and shoots, you would Novocain. But, you know, when I look at it in life and I look about how I look at how we live these things. Many of these identities about our existence. We are not those things. We are the holder of those things. So, a question for you on a big question that I request you ask yourself, that question is. Who am I.? Who? Am. I.
Don’t go into the 3d container. Don’t go into the John Smith. The Susie Jones do not go there. Just sit with it. Who am I? Ask yourself, who am I with the anger and the fear. And the loneliness. And the hunger. Again, ask yourself, who am I? With the anger and the fear and the loneliness and the hunger. And then flip that. Who am I.? Without the anger and the fear and the loneliness and a hunger. So, when we declare ourselves to be, I am blank. We become that thing. And what I’ve been talking about here is that the whole nutshell is, this. Rarely do we know who we are? Without the validated input, whether it’s positive or negative. From other people and society. You are not that thing. But see, once we think we are that thing based upon the validation of society. Then we go into the four illusions trying to propagate and trying to hold up that security.
So again, you have to start letting go your transformational takeaway is, you’ve got to start letting go of the illusion of security. Because who are you without the validation of other people? What security do you need? You know, we talked about money, but if I took you and put you on a deserted island and there’s here, here’s the point, no one else there on that island, then how secure are you with money? Same thing about health. I mean, of course we all want to feel good. But who are you? Who would you be like my grandmother? If you weren’t sick. If you didn’t get bronchitis every winter, if you were not a smoker, if you didn’t do this, if you didn’t run five miles a day. Who are you without those things? They’re all illusions. So again, Ask yourself. Who am I.?
To know yourself deeper. To know yourself, deeper. Another law transformational takeaway here. To know yourself deeper and to really dig into who you are, you have to confront. The illusions of security. And you have to confront the fear and the anger and the loneliness. And I’m going to replace the word, hungry hunger with scarcity. Do a deep dive and explore this because here’s the final transformational takeaway today. You want security? Again, it’s archaic. It’s brain-based but you think you want security and we talked about why you think you want security. However, the only security. The only security that you have ever. Is to know. Yourself as soul. To know yourself, however you, however you choose to define it. To know yourself as divine mind. To know yourself as consciousness or to know yourself as soul. Because the second you wrap and a human created identity. Now you’ve got to defend that thing so that you may continue the illusion of security. Transformational takeaway final time the only security that you have in your life is the security of knowing yourself as soul. Thanks for listening and I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye-bye.

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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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