You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled What and Where is Your Mind. Now we hear a lot of talk and we have our entire lives about mind. And that word mind. Mind your business. And speaking of business, we hear that all the time. Yeah. It’s all about your mindset, your mindset. And by the way, it’s not about your mindset. It’s about your brain set. I’m not going to talk about that in this episode, maybe another one, but I have mentioned it before. We hear about people talking. You know, when seeing things like mind power. Be mindful. You know, you’re being mindless. And the question I wanna pose right now, before we dig into this episode. Is what is your mind? Because many times when people are saying, be mindful, All these kinds of things. Mind your business. These are all doing behaviors. They require, some kind of application of action. What I’m talking about in this episode. Is what is your mind? And where is your mind? And that’s what we’re going to dig into in this episode. So, keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay so in the introduction what is mind and where is mind. Many people think that because they’re thinking. That that is their mind thinking. And I can understand why they might, you know, why they may think that, but generally that’s not your mind thinking that is your brain thinking. And that being said, do you think that mind is the same? You know, as your brain. But let me ask you another question here. Do you think your mind needs your brain? Do you think maybe your mind exist without your brain? And can’t exist without your brain. And then that goes to the question is, well, okay. Where. Where does your mind exist? And that’s what we’re exploring here is what his mind and where his mind. So, what prompted this episode? And I’ve thought about this before, but what prompted this episode is when I had the stroke.
After I had the stroke. I have these fuzzy recollections. Now I was unconscious for two days. Okay. The night I had the stroke, which was in November of I don’t even know when four years ago, I guess. Whatever year that was 2020. And I was unconscious for two days. But yet what’s interesting is, I was still registering things in my environment. It was, I can’t explain it. It was almost a Ziff because I wasn’t air quote, dad. But yet I was completely unconscious and it was almost a Ziff. And again, I don’t know, a better way to explain it or share it. As if I was in a holding tank somewhere. And that holding tank was very calm, very serene, very peaceful. It’s almost as if you walk into a room. And it’s just a quiet room. No one’s talking. You don’t hear any TV in the background? No background noises. It’s just a quiet and peaceful room. And I remember when I was in the ICU and I awakened and this was on Saturday because I had the stroke on a Thursday. And Saturday afternoon, I was conscious in the, in the ICU. And the not the cardiologist that was a time before in the hospital. The neurologist came in. And he said, by the way, you’ve had a stroke. And I said, I know. Now the question is because I did know. But how, how, how, how did I know? What had happened? Well, that came from mind, which again, we’re talking about in this episode. Because mind is not what many of you think it is? So, Don Xavier, my brother-in-law being a Shaman. He’s a medium. And I had been with him working with him for 27 years. And I have seen things that would blow your mind. No pun intended. I’ve seen things that you’re like, whoa, there’s no way I saw that.
And I don’t mean like Crixivan Illusionist or anything like that. Just things that I’ve seen that are non-ordinary reality. And I know that he communicates with beings of different than higher level consciousness in human beings. And I asked him and I’ve always wanted to know how he communicated with them. And after the stroke, all these curiosities came about mind. And he sat me down one night and this was actually two and a half years ago. He sat down and we talked for two hours. And what I asked him. And I’m just being transparent with you because it’s a whole lot easier for me to be transparent with you listening and maybe alienating some people than trying to sugarcoat things. Or remember when I said this or who? I said that what, you know what to, or I can say this on a podcast, or I can’t say that. No, my gosh, if I say that. That I’m going to lose listeners and. I don’t care. I’m just going to share with you. What happened?
So, I said to him, how, how do you communicate with beings that are not on the planet? And I’ll talk about that in the moment. But I remember back to many years ago when I first met him, Don Xavier. And I won’t go into this story now because I have a lot, I want to share here. But he told me to get a copy of the Kybalion and K Y B A L I O N. And I got the Kybalion in and it’s, it’s the seven cosmic laws. And the first cosmic law is that everything is mind. All his mind. And the way that I was understanding that decades ago is okay. I have this mind. I have a mind and the whole universe must be that. And he said to me, And I didn’t it’s unsolicited and I didn’t ask him. He said after reading the Kybalion. You think that mind is the mind that you have that you think you have that you think you think through. That is not divine mind. Now that is mind, but it’s individual mind. And the mind that I’m talking to you about listening now would be akin to what Carl Jung. The psychologist in the United States back in the 1930s. Called the collective unconscious.
Now years prior to that Freud. I believe it was Freud. Might’ve been someone earlier, but my earliest recollection and knowing and learning was Freud. Sigmund Freud. Coined the phrases. Ed ego and super ego. And there might’ve been more. I mean, I’ve, one of my degrees is in psychology. I don’t recall what it was, et cetera. I’m. Yeah, it’s not important to me. But we tend to think in terms of, okay. My mind is what’s thinking. And then I have a subconscious mind and I’ll talk about that. But most people don’t think about what really is mind. And what is Divine mind. So, mind. Divine mind. Cosmic mind. Is your entire reality. Both physical and non-physical. But let’s talk about mind and brain for a moment. Because many people think their brain is mind. And then many spiritualists will also say, you know, in meditation you have to lose your mind. No. We’ll talk about that in the moment. Meaning, what they’re trying to tell you is you need to lose the thinking. All of the activity going on in your brain. Because your brain is organic. Mind is consciousness and it’s, non-physical non organic.
Let me give you an, a metaphor here. Is that your mind, let’s talk about an art canvas? Your mind is the canvas of your entire existence. And it’s your brain that paints on that canvas. Now does the canvas exist without the painting on the canvas. Yes, it does. Because the canvas has always will always end, does exist now no matter what is painted on it, whether it’s a masterpiece or whether it’s finger paints, which by the way, are the strokes of your life. Meaning, those are the, the applications and the living of your life. And what we have to understand. And I’ll talk about this. Is that your mind precedes and supersedes your brain? Your brain again is not the mind. So, what you, you know, you have the canvas, which is your mind. And your brain, so to speak paints on the canvas. But again, nothing even has to be painted on the canvas for there still to be a canvas. So, another way to say this. Is that your mind is consciousness but your brain, the organic brain? Which for most of you, if not, pretty much all of you. Is the brain. Processing both thinking and thought. But thought can exist outside of the brain. Because I’ll talk about this in a moment. Fourth time, I’m talking about different things here and I’m jumping around and I want to make sure I cover everything. Is that your mind exists independently though in conjunction with your brain?
Now, let me talk about that for a moment. What do I mean? Okay, so your mind can exist without the brain or independent of the brain. And let me give you some examples that I’m sure you’re familiar with. What about a person that’s had a near death experience, and this is just documented over and over and over again? And it has been for many years. People that were declared brain dead, legally, dead on an operating table. And then somehow some way they come back into body. It’s been reported and credibly they can actually tell people what happened while they were dead by watching things in the operating room. And that a moment and I’m going really slow here because I’m trying to think through this, this can be. A very complex topic. And I want to make sure in our time together that I explain it well and thoroughly and so that it makes sense to you so that you can also use it.
So, let me go back here. Is the person who has the NDE. You’ve heard many recounts of them floating above the body and even surgeon saying, okay, let’s call it. They’re dead. But yet, somehow, they revitalize back into the body. And what comes to mind is, and while the, by the way, they revitalized back in the body and they can tell you what happened in the operating room. And the example that comes to mind, which. I don’t think we talked about this. We might, I have a recording of it somewhere when he was talking to me about it. But the story of Anita Moorjani. And she wrote a book. It was a, it was a really good book in my opinion. A book called dying to be me and Anita air quote died. But yet what brought her back to life was not the body. Which now this is not in the book, Don Xavier. Uh, told me about this and we were talking about it. What brought her back to life. Was not her body. But her mind that I don’t know a better word to use in the reincarnated. Back in the body. And brought mind, we can call it life force to brought mind back into the body.
About your mind a couple of minutes ago, I said, it’s always existed. And it always will. So, your mind sees many people think, and I am. I promise you, I am not criticizing or judging that just the lack of. Deeper deeper, deeper awareness of self, knowing ourselves as mind and soul. But many people, they attribute there. And most people, you know, humans, people in the planet. They attribute their entire existence to the body and they think that’s the totality of it and it’s not. Your mind existed. Before your body. Because you had to have some energy to incarnate in the body. And your mind will exist after your body. Because your mind is universal it’s infinite it’s divine and you cannot destroy it. So many times, also, and I think a lot of people will resonate. Many people will say things like, okay, and a past life. And I mentioned this in the other episodes before. There is no such thing as a past life. Because in physics, there is no such thing as time. So, if there is no such thing as time, how can there be such a thing as a past life? That’s not possible. However, there are different lives. Meaning incarnation to where you are now, you were incarnated prior to now, and you will incarnate again after I’m using the word now. But you will incarnate after the, or yes, after the non-existence of the physical body and the biological brain, that’s listening to this podcast now.
Okay. I want to segue from the episode for just one moment. And I want to ask you, where were you most stuck in 2023? What things held you back the most? When I ask people, you know, why they’re not getting what they want in life, people often say, well, I was stuck with X, Y, Z, or, and this may resonate with you, I feel stuck. If you’re feeling stuck, one question I want you to ask yourself is, what is it costing me? What is it costing me to not resolve this and to battle being stuck? And when you add that up, whether it’s money and especially in business, but in your health and your relationships, when you add that up, it’s extremely costly to be stuck in life.
Now, all that’s being said, I created a new. challenge I created that last year, many thousands of people have gone through it and it’s called the Get Unstuck Challenge. Interesting, the name’s all about getting unstuck. Now in this challenge, it’s a nine-day challenge and I walk you through at a very profound at a very spiritual, level, and even at a cosmic level, I walk you through who and how you’re being as a Being, meaning your presence on the planet. And when you understand that, when you understand the nature of you at a very deep level, now you might’ve heard me say, BE Do HAVE before, and that’s more about 3d reality.
Who do you have to be so you can do so you can have, but I’m talking, you know, what does it mean to BE? And then what is that power associated with that? When you understand that you automatically get unstuck in life. This program never offered it before to you guys. We’re offering it now. I don’t think we’ve offered it to the podcast and an ad. Maybe we have, maybe we have, I don’t remember anyway. It doesn’t matter because we haven’t offered it. A lot of we have, but we’re offering to get unstuck challenge again. It’s only $97. Thousands of people have been through it and they rave about the results they’re getting. And I know that you will do the same thing. So again, ponder the question. What does it cost me? What am I giving up? What peace of mind? What happiness? What money? What relationships am I giving up in life because I am stuck in my own crap.
Now, as you’re thinking about that, click the link, go to tcp.jimfortin com/unstuck again, and we’ll drop the link in the show notes, tcp.jimfortincom/unstuck. Download the program. You get started right away and your life will start changing dramatically. When you apply what you’re learning in that program, your life will start changing in very dramatic ways, very, very quickly. And as a matter of fact, in the next nine days. Okay, back to the episode.
So back to Freud a little bit, but you know, you hear a lot of people this day and age, and I’ve talked about it before because people understand it that way, but I want to go deeper with you guys in this particular episode. Are we tend to think that we have distinct mind, we have a mind? And we have a subconscious mind is what many of us think. And we often think that the subconscious mind is some kind of obscure entity. It’s I don’t know. It’s like this little trap door. It’s like this little thing over here. And that’s not the case. Because what you call your subconscious mind is actually not sub anything. It’s your individual. There’s the Delia nation. It’s you’re into your subconscious mind, is your individual mind connected to universal and cosmic divine mind. But your subconscious mind is also divine and universal mind. But it’s kind of like the conduit between you the being, having the experience on the planet. You know, there’s word that I was thinking about when I was writing this, you know, writing what I was going to say, and I don’t read notes verbatim or any of that, but I do bullet some things out sometimes. But, because I know me, I could be talking for five hours on this and I’d be off in Lala land and Zimbabwe so to speak and talking about it and I’m like, oh my God, you guys left at four and a half hours ago. So, I do some times. You know, hit some bullets to make sure that I, you know, I stay on track as best as I possibly can. But what I was thinking is subconscious mind. And now understand the metaphor correctly, but I’m going to use the metaphor firewall. The firewall, the subconscious mind is like a firewall between cosmic divine mind. And the physical body.
And it’s not really a firewall because it doesn’t, you know, stop and prevent anything. But again, it’s a kind of a stop thing. And I just wanted to let, for lack of better words, a stop thing. I mean, that’s, that’s really eloquent. But it’s this. This energetic entity. That is almost like a marker for your energy individually and physically in this space time. But even your energy in this space time is still connected to divine mind. But question? Does your brain. Have a mind. Ponder that. Does your brain have a mind? And the answer is absolutely not. Your brain does not have a mind. And that’s where most people get lost stuck or they stop. Oh, mind brain. Oh, their equal. Yep. I got ta brain, I got a mind there one thing. No, your brain is the processor. Just like, for example, you’re listening to this episode right now. And your brain is the organic matter that’s processing your thinking as you’re listening to this episode. But which are not aware of is, you were also consciousness. And we don’t need our bodies, even though we think we do, because that’s all we know. We don’t need the body, which I’ll talk about at the end of this episode to capture and understand and communicate and process divine mind.
Most of us think we do. But when I talked about their near, near death experience, I mean, if that is not, if that’s not crystal clear, I don’t know what is. I don’t know what it is because the mind exists outside the body. Like I said earlier, you were somewhere meaning your divine consciousness was somewhere before it incarnated and it’s going to be somewhere after you leave the body. Now religions organized religions, break this down to the fundamentals. Meaning ooh okay you’re going to leave the body and you’re going to go to heaven and play harvest and live heavily app, you know? I live peacefully. Happily, ever after and the kingdom of God and all of us human. Nonsense that humans make up. But yet. It’s an almost innocent ancient and archaic attempt. For a human to understand. Higher mind, higher mind and themself. But yet they’re wrapping it in their 3d reality.
Okay. So, your subconscious mind is your divine mind. But it’s I guess another way to explain it here. And I’m giving you a lot of different metaphors. It’s like the plug. The subconscious mind, you know, you, you take a plug and you plug it into the wall. Well, that’s the subconscious mind because the energy’s already in the wall. The electricity, the energy’s already there. But boom, you plug into it. And that’s the role that these subconscious mind plays. But your brain is not your mind. And I say that again and again, please understand that your brain is not your mind. Your brain and I’m going to use the word simply, but it’s not simple. Your brain is simply the processor. Just like your listing, as I said, on the computer or whatever. What’s your listening to is coming through a mechanical machine that has processors. But yet my voice coming to your right now that’s frequency. That is sound. That is vibration coming through the processor.
So, a big point that I’m, I think I’m getting too, if I’m being on track enough. Is your, not the brain. The brain is not, you. And the brain serves a purpose, obviously. But yet. It’s the mind that we want to focus on, but not the subconscious mind. We want to focus on what we call the divine mind. Now here, let me go a little further here. Is that your mind and brain? They are connected in another dimension. Or through dimensions, let me put it that way. See your brain is 3D organic it’s physical it’s matter. Your brain is in this dimension. Meaning the three, the third dimension and your brain is there a physically. But your mind, which your brain actually is the medium for is not in the third dimension. It’s in the fourth and beyond. And I won’t go into that right now. But what I’m pointing out is that your mind and brain don’t exist. Kind of like if they were going to bed. One would go to bed in one room and one would go to bed. You know, two people are going to bed in two different rooms that is. One would go to bed in one room, one would go to bed in the other room. Now they may be family and they may be connected, but they’re not sleeping in the same room. And the same thing with your brain and your mind, and that the brain exists in the third dimension. And your mind is the consciousness that is non local.
When I say non local, what I mean by that is many times people think that, oh, your mind is in your head. You know, people say what’s going on in your head or what’s in your mind. Mind does not local to your head, to your cranium. It’s your cranium. It’s your head? It’s your organics. It’s your biology that processes, the consciousness of mind. No. What precipitated or not precipitated, preceded this entire conversation and podcast episode. As it was talking to Don Xavier about healing. And I said many years ago, 4 years ago, 3, 2, 2 or two and a half when we had this call. But I said, help me better understand. Is it their brain that heals us or is it the mind that heals us? And he said it is divine mind through the medium ship of the brain.
So, let me give you another way to think about that. It’s divine mind through the medium ship of the brain. But with, even out the medium ship, which is where I wanted to go next. If part of your brain is injured. How does it heal? And there’s evidence all over the place of brain’s healing. There was a video I saw on YouTube of a guy that had a really bad stroke. And his body was completely paralyzed. And this, I don’t know what had happened a few years back 3, 4, 5, 8, 10. I don’t know. And today his body’s perfectly functional air quote he’s healed. But how, if even the brain is damaged, how does the brain and can the brain heal? And it’s not the brain that heals itself. It’s divine mind that heals the brain. So, think back to what I said earlier. Everything is mind. And we’re all connected. We are all connected through divine mind. Divine intelligence. And we are all. It does, if we’re tethered to it. We’re all tied to it. So, let me give you a really simple example that I know has happened to you before. If it hasn’t happened, you were in like the one, 1000th of 1% of humanity, majority.
Let’s say I’ve used this example in different ways on the podcast. But let’s say that you’re mine, you’re minding your own business, but you’re minding your own business listening to somebody on the radio and you’re driving. Along. And you’re like, I wonder what Bob is up to today. And the second you think that your phone rings. And you look down. And guess who it is it’s Bob. Now are you in Bob connect? Physically. No. Are you and Bob connected through brain. No. You and Bob are connected in Divine consciousness and divine mind. And divine mind is an inlet and outlet for everything. It’s kind of like the US postal service. I don’t know if people do it anymore because where I live, my mailbox at my house is a quarter of a mile away. And then generally drive the mail up to the house and drop it off on the front porch.
But I remember as a kid. That when you wanted to send somebody a letter, you would go to the mailbox and drop a letter in the mailbox. And then when you wanted to get your mail, you would go to the mailbox to get your mail. But you know what I’m sharing here. I don’t know what I’m sharing here. I lost my train of thought. So, I’m going to keep on going on. I’ll come back to that somewhere here in a little bit. But I don’t know where I was going to go with that. The time I remember saying that you’re thinking of someone like Bob. And I have no idea where I was going with the post office metaphor and I’m not going to cut it down because we don’t edit. I’ll have to come back to that in a little bit. Oh, here’s where I’m going. See, I knew if I babbled long enough, I get it. We try so hard to use our brains and the physical 3d world to create things. And we think, and we think, and we think, and we think, and we think, and we, we focus and we focus and we focus and we push and we push and we push. And we beg and we hope, and we plead, we plead and we pray. For the outcomes we want.
Well, Well, it’s all brain. cause what mind, what divine mind is air quote, picking up. Is the consciousness and energy of the thoughts. I won’t dig into it here, but earlier I said, thoughts and thinking are different. Now thinking is what do I want for lunch? I think I’ll have a ham sandwich now. I don’t have it. I don’t eat him sandwiches because they’re full of sodium. I’m not a big sodium fan anymore. Or salt fan. But but let’s say, Hmm, should I take a left? Should I take a right? That they say the house was on second street or third street? That’s your brain processing. But guess what? It’s the mind coming through the brain that gives the brain the energy to process. So, where I was going before I fell off track there. Is when you want to create something. You don’t have to sit here and fester about it and think about it and meditate on it. Vision boards about it. And sit here and ohm ohm money, money, money, fall out of the sky ohm, please God send me a million dollar. You don’t have to do any of that. You simply just hold it gently in your attention, which I’ll finish up the episode with that in just a moment. You hold a gently in your attention. And you let divine mind.
Oh, there we go. Like the post office, you let divine mind. When you’re holding it in your attention? Like you want to manifest something. Okay. That’s like taking the letter. Okay. I want to manifest a new partner. I want to manifest a better job. I want to manifest a new place to live. That’s the envelope so to speak that you walk down and you pour out to your front, whatever. And you put in your mail box. Then the mail person comes and picks it up. Well, when you hold that in your attention, then divine mind comes and picks it up. And that is thought once you stop thinking and thinking again, is the rote behavior or that analytical behavior. And mind is the consciousness that comes through and allows that behavior to happen in the first place. Okay, so what do we say? How do I say this? Is when you want to create and when that’s, I’m not ending there bought away. But when you want to create something. You don’t have to fester about it and sit there. And again, the vision boards and all that simply. This is why I’m not endorsing the Bible. But in the Bible, there is a phrase that encapsulates every bit of this. Ask. And you shall find. Seek and you shall receive. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask. Seek. Knock. Now notice, and that’s using mind when you simply ask. You have the intention to seek, you will find because divine mind is air quote, listening all the time. And we’ll bring it to you.
Now notice what that line doesn’t say. That line is not asking a hundred times. You knock. And you beat the hell out of the door. You knock loud on the door. No. It doesn’t say any of that. So. Let me go somewhere else with this on a little different way. What is divine mind? Divine mind. The air quote, post person that I’m talking about that comes and picks up your hopes, your wishes, your wants, your dreams, your communications. Is frequency. Frequency and vibration. Now, let me give you the, well, I think a great example right now. If we were talking right now and you may be watching the video. And if you’re watching the video, if I actually, you couldn’t hear the, you couldn’t hear the volume on the, on the video. What you may try to do is read my lips. But if the video were to go dark or I covered my mouth. And like you listening right now. If you’re listening to only the audio. You cannot physically see me. But yet you’re hearing me. Hearing is sound, sound is frequency and vibration. Mind. Is frequency. and vibration. So, ponder that. Mind is consciousness and frequency and vibration.
Now in universal mind, divine mind there is no sound because sound is something that is processed with the physical senses, meaning the brain. I’m going to hop around here a little bit, because I don’t, I’m hoping you guys are still with me. I mean, I know this is pretty complex, but I’ll make it easy for you guys as I always do. But okay. Jim, what do I do with this is what you might be thinking, Jim? Okay. So, I understand my mind and my brain are not the same thing. I understand my brain is my processor for the mind. I understand that the processor is processing frequency and vibration. What the hell do I do with it? And how do I use it? Well, the metaphor, like the post person, like I told you, you know, the way that I treat my mind and my brain and their relationship, so to speak. Is when I’m creating things and I’m manifesting things. Let’s not talk about the US post office because we know how fault they, they can be. But let’s talk about FedEx for a moment. When you send the FedEx you pretty much just drop it off at the FedEx counter. You don’t even think twice about it, you know, what’s going to get there. You’re not air quote, you know, knocking on the door. Like we talked about ask and seek and knock. And all that. You’re not knocking on the door. You’re not yelling. You’re not screaming. You’re not driving home all the way going. Oh my gosh. Or, you know, if you went to location. Oh, my gosh. I hope FedEx gets it there. I hope FedEx gets it there. No, you just simply drop it off. You forget about it and you go on your way, but notice what’s happened. Your mind has become quiet about what you dropped off. Because you have the assurance and then here’s the key, the knowing. Knowing that what you took the FedEx is going to be delivered.
Holy mackerel. I think I finally got you guys where I want, where I wanted to get you. I mean, I’m trying to think through this and I’m like, how do I explain it to these guys? But. That’s how I work is when I am intending to create something, I’m intending to bring something into my life. I simply intended and let it go. I don’t have to think about it. I don’t have to put it up on my vision board. I don’t have to; I don’t even have a vision board by the way. I don’t even have to write it out. I don’t have to do any of these things. I simply intend it. That’s like the intending is dropping off at the FedEx location. I’m intending it and then being quiet. When I say, be quiet. I’m not worrying about the FedEx. I know it’s going to be delivered. I let it go. And I’ll let the universe do its work. And it’s magic. I’m not thinking about it. Any of that. I’m simply letting it go. Now, how do you get here to this place?
Many people ask me if I meditate. And I do sit down and I get quiet I do that a lot. But we have the solution that meditating is sitting down and the mood rose and OHM, et cetera. Well that’s what many of us understand to be meditation? But that’s not meditation. As I’ve mentioned before, that is a practice. Meditation is a state of consciousness and wellbeing. And when we’re in that state of quieting the mind and consciousness. Well, when we’re in this state of quieting the mind. That is consciousness and beingness and in that moment is when the body starts automatically healing and regenerating. Because meditation again is not a practice. You can be in meditation running a marathon. If you know how to do it. Because it’s not a practice. It’s not an activity. It’s not a behavior. It’s a state of being. And when we eliminate the noise from the mall, the mind. Meaning when we’re present and we’re quiet. When we’re present and we’re quiet and we’re not really, hopefully you at least understand this. We’re not thinking about anything. That’s when things come in that moment. Let me, let me tell you when, just so you know what it feels like. When you have an AHA epiphany, you can be riding your bike, not even thinking about it and boom, whammy, it pops something pops into your mind and you’re like, whoa. Okay. epiphany. Wow. That’s not brain. cause the brain would be thinking. The brain’s looking at the terrain around you. That is mind. And when we just sit and get quiet. And that’s, I’m just going to be candid with you. I don’t know about you, but that was a shit ton of work for me to learn how to do it. To, to just get quiet. This day and age I can do it. I’ve even been hooked up to, um, EEG machines. Monitoring brainwaves. And I can slow them. We can all do it. Everyone knows how, I mean, you don’t know how, but everyone knows everyone can do it. Let me put it that way. When we learn to slow the mind. And don’t think about anything. And let our thoughts drift. And then things come that seem to stand out. That’s coming from divine mind. So. Get quiet. Okay I don’t know if I bored you to death, if I got you where you needed to be, if I shared something that wasn’t an aha for you. I did my best on this particular episode, but again, it’s not your run of the mill variety garden variety podcast episode, and I’ve been wanting to do it for a long time. And I’ve been thinking about how in the hell do I convey this to them? Anyway, it’s done. It’s recorded. Hopefully you enjoy. Hopefully you got something from it. I appreciate you listening and I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye-bye.