Gaining more seniority, gaining more knowing. That’s pretty much our dharma,
our purpose. Part of the purpose that a lot of us miss is the exchange.
The simple math is we get what we give. We often think that transformation is in
the action, but the transformation is generally in this service of others, because it
helps us come to know ourself better, it’s about the knowing, knowing at a soulful
level who you are. Life is not a gift. Life is a loan and you must pay that loan
back with interest.
You’re listening to the Transform Your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This is
another episode in the conversations with a sorcerer series and this episode is
titled The End Goal of Life and Your Purpose. You know, I’ve done this for a lot
of years and worked in this field and so many people are often asking, “What’s my
purpose? What’s my purpose?” And many people just get in the rut looking for their
purpose. Many people confuse their purpose on the planet with their occupation or
their career. This episode is one of my favorites. When I started listening to this
conversation of Don Javier, I was struck by the simplicity and the profoundness of
this particular episode and what I wanted to share with you. And in this episode,
basically what I want to share is what’s the real meaning of life. So, if you’d
like to explore this from the perspective of a sorcerer, keep listening. Okay,
so in this episode, we’re talking about the meaning of life. We’re talking about the
end game. We’re talking about the end goal of life and your purpose. This was a
conversation that someone was having of Don Javier. We were over at his house and
it was May the 1st, 2021. And there was a woman visiting one of my former students
in a transformational coaching program and he really doesn’t do it anymore but from
time to time people in that program would get on his list and work with him and
have a consultation and over the years a handful of people who had dinner with him
and I was always invited because they were coming from me and they were my students
but this woman who by the way I’ve known her for years now well at least at least
five or six years, messaged me and she was in Chitsune to last week, very spiritual
person. In this conversation, she said, quote, dawn,
meaning dawn of year. You said we are in human form to increase our seniority.
What is our end goal? Like what is our end goal for being on the planet?
And then she looked over at me and we were kind of joking and she goes, “Jim,
don’t kill me for asking a 3D question, meaning a question from the ego.” And she
said, “I’m trying to understand why we are here. What is the end goal?” And then
Don Javier commented, and again, like every other episode, I do like this. I’ll
share the dialogue. And he said, “Let’s go back to what I’ve explained before. When
we come here, you came here as this amazing woman and you came here with two
things but you forgot everything and that is a big loss. But then it’s not.
Many times growing up, we forget things. So basically he’s saying that she lost a
lot. She came here with a lot. She lost a lot. She forgot a lot of what she
brought with her, but that’s normal for us. He goes on to say, quote, gaining more
seniority, gaining more knowing. That’s pretty much our dharma and our purpose.
That is our journey. So I’ll repeat that gaining more seniority,
gaining more knowing. That’s pretty much our dharma, our purpose. You know,
so many people speaking for myself here and sharing, So many people are looking for
their purpose, which I’ll talk about more in this episode, but they erroneously think
that their purpose is their occupation, their career, what they’re doing on the
planet. That’s not their purpose. That could tie into their purpose,
but more than anything, that’s just their vocation. Basically, that’s them also living
off their dharma on the planet. So Don Javier said, and he was looking over at
somebody. His name is John, and John works in the IT field. Well, he did. He works
with my company now. But Don Javier said in a very jovial, very loving way,
because he jokes a lot. And he pointed to John, and he said, “This is what I
explained to him, because he’s a computer geek.” Now, what that means is he
explained it to John in basically technical lingo, but even though it’s very simple.
Don Huffinger said, “When you come here, you come with this hard drive.” And this
hard drive has a humongous amount of terabytes of information. And there is a lot
of information on this hard drive. It’s all data. And the data you come with is
the data you have been collecting throughout your existence. What he’s saying is that
when we’re born, we think we’re just born into this 3D lifetime, we come with all
the data from the totality of our existence. He went on to say, “So every time you
manifest and matter,” and then he says, “Why do we have to manifest and matter over
and over again?” When we manifest and matter over and over, That’s part of the
evolution for everything and for ourselves,” he went on to say. So when you manifest
and matter, you come with this hard drive and with all this hard drive or data or
information that you’ve been collecting in your entire existence and that is knowing.
Many of us think, hear you here, we think that knowing is knowing something
analytically. That’s not knowing. That’s understanding. That’s awareness.
But the purpose of this podcast is to talk about, to some degree, knowing yourself
at a much deeper level. Don Javier wanted to say, speaking of knowing,
it has nothing to do with knowledge and nothing to do with what you have learned
in school. No. You come here with that and that is huge,
meaning the knowing. And then he goes on, “And then you come with your energy. That
is your seniority. That energy is your personal power. And so the main purpose is
for you to walk out of here, leaving the physical you. You’re not going to die.
You’re just going to leave this vessel. And the important thing is that when you
leave the vessel, you’re supposed to be leaving with more than what you came with.
Basically, what he’s saying is that you come here to grow and evolve,
but it’s not about getting things for the 3D, meaning the ego identity, meaning Bob
or Sue or Jim or Jenny or Oscar or whoever, it’s basically the evolution of the
soul and we come here to evolve and grow and that’s what we must do when we come
here. That’s the purpose of our time on the planet. Don’t have your one on the
same. That is your purpose. Your career is not your purpose.
And then he went on to say the more knowing and more energy, the more seniority.
So, when you achieve this and then you leave this physicality and you integrate this
into the whole of you, that brings you to a higher stage and higher level of
consciousness to your whole being. So, basically, what he’s saying is when we come
here and then we come here and we incarnate and then we come to know literally
more about the talent of us, who we really are, that elevates our state of
consciousness. And that actually helps the entire being. He went on to say,
“So a lot of people ask me to tell them and explain to them better. And the roots
of this, it’s very simple.” And then he looks at her and he goes, “That is your
arms, your eyes, your ears. They are yours, but they are not you.” And he said
when we truly grab that and understand it, we start applying a very powerful thing
on ourselves and that thing is knowing. And when you have access to that knowing,
you have access to the fountain of you. Think about that. He He’s talking about
knowing the essence and totality of you and when you have that knowing,
then you have access to the fountain of you, which is knowledge about humanity and
consciousness and the universe and everything. So Don Javier went on and he asked a
rhetorical question And he said, “So, how can I heal?” And the only way that I
could heal is I first have to heal myself, because I cannot give you what I do
not have. We cannot give what we do not have. So what he’s saying is you cannot
heal if you do not have healing in you. Think about that.
I’m going to repeat that. There are many people listening that are dealing with all
kinds of health issues, and many times people are trying to heal, but they’re
looking externally. They’re looking to doctors. They’re looking to medicine, but
they’re looking to external resources to heal. And what Don Javier is saying is if
you don’t have healing in you, you don’t have that knowing at a deep level,
a soulful level, that you know how to heal, then no matter what you do externally,
you’re not going to heal. You know, to add there is that most people try to heal
from fear, meaning they might get, let’s say, a diagnosis, for example,
and what they go into is fear, and then they go to the externals,
the doctors, the medicine, whatever it might be. They go to the externals to heal,
to heal themselves, and they’re in fear, and they’re in fear of, oh my gosh, can I
heal? But all the healing comes from the knowing of your consciousness,
which actually does the healing. Don’t have your one on the same. There are no
concepts. There are no techniques. It’s just the basics of it is what it is.
Now, I know why he said that. It might not fit in the context of everything else
here, but he said it in this conversation and also in this sequence, is that many
times we’re looking for all kinds of techniques. And I used to be that very same
person. We’re looking for strategies and techniques and ways and teach me and show
me, but it’s not about that. It’s about the knowing, knowing at a soulful level who
you are. Because notice when people are sick, or they’re even trying to manifest
things or create things, many people are doing it from the awareness of the 3D,
of the human ego, and there’s in the power per se in that the power is in the
life force and the energy and the consciousness in us that keeps us alive. And he
went on to say here because he’s talking about in this next part of the
conversation, he went on to talk and he used a metaphor about exchanging energy,
which part of our experience in life, part of the ways that we come to know
ourselves is through service to other people. And he said, for example,
a famous singer, and he used a male, he goes a famous singer, he makes money, he
has airplanes, he has an amazing 3D life. He goes here and he goes there and he
makes a lot of money, but all he is really doing is having an exchange
of things. Ponder that as you’re listening. I haven’t been in the very many concerts
in the last several years, but I remember going to Elton John back about two years
ago and, you know, I mentioned before, he’s really cool. We had front row seats and
I remember turning around and after he played one of his, I don’t know,
one of his classic songs, Crocodile Rock or whatever. And so I could see the entire
like 50 ,000 people in the audience and he was singing and when he stopped singing
he got up and walked to the edge of the stage but I turned around meeting my back
to him and I looked at the audience and they were feeding on his performance but
Don Javier goes on to explain here about the exchange of energy so he said but the
successful thing that he meaning the container, but the successful thing that he has
is that he loves what he is doing. And he loves when he comes into the public and
he begins to perform. And he begins to give this gift to people. All these
thousands and thousands of people there, they are receiving what he is giving.
But He is receiving way more. He is receiving from all this exchange.
So it’s not that he’s there playing for them and they are there clapping at him.
It’s that they are an energy exchange. And that’s a key takeaway because it’s part
of our knowing is that we’re energy. We actually try to do things in life, which
I’m sharing. That’s my commentary. But it’s all an exchange to share a thought here
that I did not actually have bulleted out to share with you guys or want to
mention is if you’re struggling with money, money is a medium of exchange.
And if you’re struggling with money, plain and simple, it’s because you’re not
exchanging the energy for the abundance that you want. I have,
and I’m very fortunate and very blessed, I have an extreme amount of abundance in
my life. But I exchange for it. You know, even this podcast, for example, you may
listen to it and it may be 20, 30, 40 minutes long and you take away what you
take away. But my exchange, some of these episodes, especially conversations with a
sorcerer may take me and they have two, three, four, five hours to put together.
But I’m exchanging energy. I’m giving you something and hopefully you value the
exchange, you take it, you use it in your life, you improve your life and then you
bring the energy back to me at some point by enrolling on a coaching program or
working with me or something to exchange the energy. And And then, Don Javier went
on to say, “And that is referred to as ‘I need,’ meaning the entertainer he’s
giving, and he is receiving.” Now, back to my point about abundance, I know it
sounds rather harsh, and it took me a long time to learn that when I was
struggling with money, that if I’m struggling with money, it’s because I’m not
exchanging energy to the degree that I want to bring abundance back into my life.
So if you want more abundance, you’ve got to exchange more for that abundance.
Everything in life has a cost. And, you know, he said it to me, and I’ve said it
on this podcast a bazillion times. If I had a dollar for every time I said it,
I would have a bazillion dollars. We hear it, We think we understand it,
and we do understand it, but we don’t know it, because to know it would be to
live it, but you get what you give. I want to slow down there again,
even though I’m being repetitive. Listen to what I’m saying. You get what you give.
And what I find is many times people listen and they understand what I’m saying,
But they haven’t internalized it to really look at their own life, no matter who it
is, and saying, “Okay, I want to bring more abundance in. What do I need to give?”
Meaning what value, what expansion do I need to create in the world to bring that
abundance into my life? Because the simple fact, the simple math, is we get what we
give. And if you’re struggling with money or you’re broke, it’s a bit brutal to
say, but you’re taking more than you’re giving. Now, that may frustrate you.
It may make you angry that I’m saying that. But at least in terms of the value
that you’re creating in the world that people will pay you for, if you’re struggling
with money, you are taking more than what you are giving.
are giving and you’re wanting more, obviously, because the less we have, the more we
want, but then people that don’t have a lot want to take more because they don’t
have more, but they’re taking more and not giving back, not recognizing, they’re
creating a vacuum and the universe doesn’t work in a vacuum. Okay, back to the
entertainer. Don’t have your one and two talking about Is he going to be meaning
the entertainer? Is he going to be successful if he goes to the Sahara Desert and
he performs and sings when no one is there? And he says, “So,
no. He has no reciprocity. He’s going to be wasting his energy because there’s no
recipients. There’s no one to exchange the energy with. When there are recipients,
there is an exchange. And That’s why successful people, they have this euphoria,
they have this feeling that cannot be explained when they have that exchange of
energy. And he talks about entertainers. And now he’s being metaphorical,
but talking like an entertainer. Here I am, meaning not him, but the entertainer.
Here I am, I’m a singer, and I’m performing, and I love this. But more than
anything else, I love what I’m receiving back, meaning I’m giving the performance and
I’m receiving back the adulation. And he said, in comment to himself, and he and I
have talked about this many times, even in my own life, he says, you know, many
people say I want to retire. I don’t want to sing anymore. And what Don Javier has
said is that’s never an option for me. I’m a healer. I do what I do.
This is my Dharma. This is my purpose on this planet. So retiring is not in the
cards for me. And personally, I feel the same way in my own life. I love what I
do the last year or so because things have changed dramatically in the world. I
thought about delivering this differently or doing different things in this field.
Maybe I’ve even thought about not doing the podcast anymore to be 100 % parent. It’s
a lot of work. And, you know, you guys might not know this, but even producing the
podcast cost over $30 ,000 per year just to put it out. And I thought,
well, maybe I’ll just not do the podcast and I won’t do any of this anymore. But
the reality is, at least for now, I cannot do that because this is what I do.
And I know that it brings healing to a lot of people. it brings some trolls out,
it brings some haters out. I totally get that, that’s what some people do because
that’s what’s in them, but this is what I do. So then it, don’t have your guys
back too. And he goes, but why do you see people like Tony Bennett? Which by the
way, when he said this, I think Tony Bennett was like what? 95 years old, a couple
of years ago. Why do you see people like Tony Bennett? Or people like that, and
they are at a certain level of age, and they can quit, and they have the money,
and some do. But many people keep doing it because they love what they’re doing.
And then he says, “Why?” Because they keep continuing the level of nourishment and
level of exchange, even without having the full awareness of what spirituality really
means or what spirituality is. Let me take that apart for a moment. What he’s
saying there in an inadvertent way is that spirituality at its essence is an
exchange. Then to go deeper, when we exchange, we come to know ourself at a deeper
level, which is what I often tell people that transformation is in the service.
We often think that transformation is in the action. And a lot of times if the
action is self -serving, the transformation is not there. But the transformation is
generally in this service of others, because it helps us come to know ourself better
when we serve other people. It helps us come to know ourself as a more soulful
individual. My comment here is this all goes back to above when he said, “It’s not
about steps and it’s not about process.” He continued, “Spirituality has nothing to
do with beliefs or religions at all, because it is what we are.” He goes on to
say, “So when one comes to live this way,
they do it on autopilot And it can be Luciano Pavarotti or Andrea Bocelli.
It doesn’t matter. And they’re doing it. And what they are getting and receiving is
way beyond what they are giving. And then he kind of joked. On top of that,
they’re making a lot of money doing what they love to do. Now, he went somewhere
else in this episode and he said, He goes, “And you know,
money is energy, and we can use the energy and we can enjoy it. And we all
deserve that, but we have to have the power, we have to have enough power to
manage the power.” And I’m going to talk about more about that in the secret
podcast, but I’m going to talk about the concept of you have to have power to
manage power. And remember, money at an energetic level,
not a 3D level, and it can be 3D, but the power is at the energy level.
That is the power of money. And we have to have the power and enough power in
ourself to manage the power of money. This is why many people make a lot of money
or they win the lottery and they’re broke because they don’t have the power to
manage the power. Don’t have your window to say. And I always say, people, if you
don’t have the power to manage a particular power, then don’t play with that power.
And if you want to play with power, then you have to have more power than the
power you’re playing with. Because if you don’t, that will control you, period.
You know, I think a really simple metaphor would be, for example, and I and I
don’t know to what degree they exist anymore. It exists. But the mafia and the
mafia in a 3D way can be very powerful. But what I tell people is if you’re not
messing with the mafia, for the most part, you don’t have to be concerned about the
mafia because you’re not messing with it. But if you’re messing with the mafia, you
better damn sure be well. You have the power to mess with the mafia.
It’s kind of the same thing here. He went on to say here and he was referencing
playing with power. A lot of people do this and they lose the understanding of
their purpose. Now, I’m guessing, I’m trying to think back to the conversation and
what he meant, was I think what he’s saying is a lot of people get into messing
with the power of money and they Let that power make them lose their purpose,
meaning the reason they’re on the planet, living their Dharma. And then he went on
to say, “My spiritual exchange, this is my Dharma.
This is why I come. This is what I have to do. After I do that,
then I end my part of the bargain and then I’m done. And this is what I’m
supposed to come to do, meaning being a healer. I know that he helps people all
around the world. I know I’ve been around him for years, as I said, decades. I
know that he’s working with the electromagnetic grid on the planet. I know that he’s
actually helping the planet heal as well. And the planet’s a living being, Gaia.
And people don’t many times think about it that way. I remember Don Juan, as I
mentioned before, he was Don Javier’s mentor said to me, and this is one of the
most profound things I’ve ever heard. And I’ll tell you why I’m saying it. He said
the most important thing that I did was that I decided what I had to do before I
crossed over, meaning why am I on the planet? And that’s what you want to ask
yourself. Why am I on the planet? It’s not the power of money.
It’s not the notoriety, it’s not the ego, it’s the purposefulness of the soul.
Now I’m conveying this to you listening to the podcast, many times when it’s in
person it’s a lot different and I said this can be a lot of work because many
times I have to go through maybe a two hour podcast to organize it in the way
that I can share with you guys.
And he looked at this person and he said, “Did I answer your question?” And she
said, “Yes, I got it.” So in sharing this with you,
he went a couple of directions about the end game. What are we here for?
And, you know, she meant purpose, but really what he’s talking about is part of the
purpose that a lot of us miss is the exchange. Let me share from my point of view
really quickly about the exchange. I’ve said this in different episodes before. The
reason many of us are afraid to exchange is because we’re working from lack. We’re
working from there’s only so much in the world. Now, what many of us think is
there’s only so much in my individual world, But my individual world, literally,
is a microcosm of the macrocosm. And where I work from is there is no lack in the
macrocosm. And what’s in the macrocosm is part of me. So why would I work from
lack? But yet many people don’t exchange, which contributes to us living our purpose.
We don’t exchange because we’re living in the concept and the illusion of lack.
I want to explain more about this and what I’m going to do, I mentioned before,
we’re doing a secret podcast. You can actually go listen to the secret podcast by
going to jimforton .com /insiders, jimforton .com /insiders,
and I’m going to dive even deeper into this particular episode. What I do want to
share, your transformational takeaways, is that energy is seniority.
That energy is your personal power. And so the main purpose is for you to walk out
of here, leaving the physical you, meaning leaving the planet, and you’re not going
to die. You’re just going to leave this vessel. And the important thing is that
when you leave this vessel, You’re supposed to be leaving with more than what you
came with. I remember many years ago, we were sitting in a living room, and Don
Javier said, “Many people say that life is a gift,” and this probably will synopsize
the entire episode. He said, “Many people think life is a gift. Life is not a
gift. Life is a loan, and you must pay that loan back with interest.
And my commentary, hopefully it makes sense, is when Don Javier says we have to
leave with more, which as I was saying, comes through the knowing of ourself and
comes through exchange. As I said, the transformation is in the service. So leaving
with more is not more things. It’s not more homes and cars and money like Elon
Musk. It’s none of that. I mean Elon Musk is the richest person in the world with
what? Like a half a trillion dollars? It doesn’t mean he’s a rich man. It means
that he has assets but there’s nothing rich like Benjamin Franklin said is that a
rich man dies poor. And so the transformation and the coming to know yourself is in
this service. And part of your evolution is recognizing the power of exchange and
coming to know yourself through exchanging with other human being.
Because to know yourself is not to know yourself as Bob or Susan or or Jenny or
Max or Hazel or whoever, that’s not coming to know yourself, that’s coming to know
your identity. Thanks for listening and I’ll catch you over on another episode,
bye -bye.