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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 65: “The Biology Of Success”

October 30, 2019

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Most people think success in life is mental, and it’s not just that …it's biological or rather, neurological.
Honestly, I’ve already created an episode on habits (neurological), however, I wanted to put a spin on it in this episode.
Being 100% upfront, I’m passing through a nasty cold and hosting a house full of people for family vacation – 8 adults, 2 toddlers and 4 dogs, so my attention span is shot.
However, I do talk a bit about habits in this episode and I make a recommendation about how to reprogram your habits.     
You don’t get what you want in life, you get your habits and it’s VITAL that you learn to reprogram your subconscious mind and your habits.
I direct you in this episode on how you can do that.

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Full Episode Transcript


You’re listening to episode number 65 of the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled the Biology of Success. And in this episode I want to talk about actually not the biology of success even though it’s titled that way. But I want to talk to you about the neurology of success, which obviously pertains to biology. Stay tuned.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind to feel powerful and alive. bringing more abundance and prosperity into your life. This podcast is for you, because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.

Everything You Have is a Result of Habit

Okay, so in this episode, I do want to talk about, what I said the Biology of Success, but also the Neurology of Success is perhaps a better way to say it. And what I mean by that is that an entire marketing team and somebody titled a video called the biology of success, and without conferring with me at first, and really, obviously, your brain is biology, but it’s neurology, and we want to talk about the neurology of success. And I want to talk about habits, which I’ve talked about in other episodes before, but yet I want to put a different spin on it in this particular episode.
Now, that being said, I mentioned in the last episode that I was, came down with a cold and I’m still shaking it. As well, I am on family vacation. I’m in my home in Sedona, and I’ve got literally like 10 people here and kids and dogs and the whole shebang, and more noise in this house. If any of you have been on a large family vacation, you know what I’m talking about. So you may hear some dogs barking or kids screaming or something in the background. Yet I have to get this done today for you guys. Alright, so when I say the neurology of success, I did say, that I’ve also and if I didn’t say I’m saying it now is that I’ve also created episodes, and one of the first five episodes I believe on habits, and I’ve said before is that you don’t get what you want in life, you get your habits.
And where I want to take this episode a little differently, and I’m not a fan of podcasts that just repeat the same thing, same topic, and they repeated over and over it, come on, at least give me a different spin on a particular topic, which I want to do here at the end of this episode. So we know and you know that we don’t get what we want. We get our habits and habits come from the oldest part of the brain and let me explain very quickly, it’s three parts of the brain. The oldest part of the brain is the reptilian part of the brain, it is the fight or flight part of the brain. It’s the part of the brain responsible for survival. And it’s also the part of the brain where habits are housed. We have the middle part of the brain, which is the limbic system, the mammalian brain, it is the emotional brain. And then we have the prefrontal cortex, which is the largest part of the brain, the thinking part of the brain.
The prefrontal cortex is a part of you thinking right now okay, this makes sense. Yes, I get it, etc, etc. I want to make 200,000 a year I want to be a millionaire, I want a new boat, a new car, a new home, a new job, whatever, I’m going to set my goals. And if you’ve listened to the other episode on habits is, the habits come from the oldest part of the brain, which is the reptilian part of the brain. And many times we get into what I call habit battle, which is the thinking part of the brain will fight the habit part of the brain and I won’t go too far here with this because there’s there’s a whole nother episode on habits so I won’t go too far into habits because you can listen to the other episode which I believe is number,3,4,5,6 3,4,5,6 6 somewhere in that order I don’t know where. But as I just said, we don’t get what we want in life. And again if I’m hopping around here, little guys this episode’s a little discombobulated it’s a combination to me not feeling well in a house full of guest and dogs and kids and everything else. So stay with me though, because I promised to give you a big takeaway at the end of this particular episode. So continue to listen.
So as I’ve said a couple of times is that we don’t get, you don’t get, I don’t get, we don’t get what we want. We get our habits. And the habits come from the reptilian part of the brain. And the reason we create habits or the brain reptilian part of the brain creates habits is because imagine that you want to ride a bike and each time that you ride a bike or drive a car or make a sandwich or read that anytime that you do anything it’s research demonstrates 95% habit. So imagine each time that you wanted to do something, you had to really learn how to do it. I mean, think about how inefficient that would be as beings is that you had to learn how to ride a bike every time you wanted to ride a bike. So that’s why we have habits.
And what I want to say and I say, this is my habit program. And it’s so simple that most people miss it. I mean, it’s so blatantly simple that we miss it. And it’s also true and it’s also proven by science. But I want to say it this way, is that everything you have, when I say everything, every bit of health that you have, for the most part, meaning your physiology, providing you don’t have disease, which also that can be habit created by environment and things that you eat and things of that nature. But for the most part, pretty much everything that you have is a result of habits. You have a lot of money that is a habit providing that you created the habits to create that kind of wealth and income. If you continuously have no money, that is a habit. If you have great health, for the most part that is a habit if you have, poor health, for the most part that is a habit as well.
And it’s so simple, it is so simple that when we, we really get that everything in life is a habit. And what we have to focus on is our habits, not what we think we want, because that gets into self deception a lot of times and that’s prefrontal cortex, but we have to focus on our habits. So what I’m going to tell you right now, and again, I promise you, I’ll change this up and I’ll give you a different ending here. And this is going to be a shorter episode, but I’m going to point you in a different direction this episode to create new habits, which I’ve not talked about with what I’m going to give you here in any other episode.
So what I want to share with you is this is that if you want to create more in life, if you want more plain and simple, you have to change your habits. Consider that. You have to change your habits and habits are something that happened automatically in the brain. I mean, it’s just,it’s it’s hardwired in the brain when we create habits. So what I want to say here very quickly also is that you cannot use willpower to change your habits.
For example, let’s say when we learn to read learning to read is a habit we do it through wrote in repetition. You can’t will yourself and scream at yourself when you’re, back when we learned when you were five years old, learn that, learn that verb, learn that word, etc. You can’t do that. So what I want to talk about here is I want to combine two concepts that I talked about a lot. And by the way, guys, if any, I’m sure every one of you have had the cold and the flu and stuff like that, and your brain is muddled. So if I’m making no sense because my brain is muddled, if I’m making no sense in this episode, email support or something and say, Jim made no sense I’ll record it again or a different perspective or something later. So thank you for your patience with me.
But what I want to talk about here is a want to talk about using the power of self-hypnosis hypnosis to retrain your brain to retrain your habits. So that’s why we said and the headline and again, as I looted to earlier, somebody on my team wrote a headline, the biology of success when it’s really the neurology of success. But what we can do is we can train, you can train your brain, which is biology, you can train yourself to create new habits to be successful. So what I want to point out also, which I did a little earlier, is that you’re thinking pretty much is a habit and make meaning there’s a difference between thought and thinking. And I’m not going to go into that in this episode.
But for example, when you you see somebody and you have some thought about them, let’s say that Bob is a user and he takes, he’s always taking advantage of people and let’s say that Sally’s a doormat. Or vice versa, it doesn’t matter. But every time you see Bob, you might think oh, there, he’s a user. He’s a user, he uses people he uses people or there, Sally, she’s a doormat. She’s a doormat, she’s a doormat, or whatever. And I’m just using those as arbitrary examples, obviously.
But what I want to point out is that you have habits and habitual thoughts about everything in your life. And even your, what I call your counterproductive thinking, is nothing more than learned behavior that’s habitual, your positive thinking, is nothing more than then learned behavior. And it’s habitual. So what we want to do is we want to habituate new thinking.
Now, the next question would be is, Well, Jim, exactly. How do we do that? So I want to go back again to self-hypnosis. hypnosis. And what I want to do is I want to refer a link here and you’ll find the link in the show notes. And the link is… I don’t, people will always ask me, Jim, can you refer a certain hypnosis products, self hypnosis for fear, anxiety, nail biting, test taking, hair pulling and just the whole gamut of human behavior.
And I don’t refer a lot of sites because every site is different out there. And you can google self hypnosis audios and you’ll find a bazillion different sites and different authors and, and kinds of downloads and everything else. But let me let me share something with you that I share with my students. The most powerful lifetime tool that you can ever master is the power of Self-Hypnosis. Hypnosis. And that literally means just learning how to reprogram your subconscious mind. And technically, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis hypnosis because no one has power over anyone else. But there’s one audio and people have said, Well, Jim, why don’t you create a similar audio and I’m like, why would I do that when this company’s already done a great job, what’s the point of reinventing the wheel? I like the product. It’s a really, really good process.
So let me let me just share share this with you and we’ll be in the show notes. There is a website called com. So what you want to do is you want to go to com. Again, the link will be in the show notes. And they have a particular audio that’s called learn instant self hypnosis. Again learn instant self hypnosis and they use what I call neuro linguistics they use what they call the three two one technique. Basically the audio will condition you to drop right down into a state of self hypnosis in a matter of seconds. The only thing the audio does is it will teach you, it will condition you how to go down in the self-hypnosis, hypnosis, it does not program you for anything other than that. Let me be very clear. It does not program you for success. It does not program you for anything other than how to use the tool of self hypnosis. Then what you’ll do is you will actually if you choose, you will purchase that audio, learn instant self-hypnosis hypnosis and going to start reprogramming your subconscious mind.
Now, there is a one here let me just hop around here a little bit. This is definitely I think the most hodgepodge episode I’ve ever done And if this is your first episode, please do not judge me on this episode. Like I said, I’ve got a house full of people and a cold and a muddled brain at this moment. So I’m doing my best to get this episode to you guys.
Alright, so what you want to do is you want to use that episode to learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind. Now if you want more direction other than what I can give you right now, one of the episodes also is about the power of your subconscious mind double live it’s it’s right next to the one on habits Episode 5,6,7, something like that. And I recommend a book by Joseph Murphy called the power of your subconscious mind. Plain and simple that when you use the audio and you use a technique and you Learn instant self hypnosis, after a while because it will condition you to use self hypnosis, you won’t need the audio anymore. For example, this thing in age, I’ve done this for so long, I don’t even I don’t need audios. I simply take a deep breath, I follow the processes and the audio and I dropped right down into self-hypnosis hypnosis in a matter of seconds. But I’m going to give you the easy version here.
And the thing about us human beings as human beings love to make things hard. But I’m going to give you the easy version is what you want to do is you want to drop down and the self hypnosis, the audio will teach you how to do it very, very quickly. And what you want to do is see things as you want them to be. Now let me give you an example there. Let’s say for example, that you want to be successful because this entire episode is about the biology of success, or as I said, rather the neurology of success.
Let’s say that you want to be a successful public speaker and you have to speak in front of people but every time you get up to get therapists, your hands claiming your knees knock . Well, what you want to do in this giving you a crash course here is you want to drop down to the self hypnosis and you want to imagine, imagine yourself in front of an audience doing well, being comfortable feeling, feeling good, feeling calm, feeling confident, and crushing your presentation. You do that over and over and over again. And that’s how you reprogram your subconscious mind plain and simple. And when I say plain and simple, people love to make it really, really hard. Now, I told you that I’d make this episode a little different than others, because it’s not just content. I’m literally suggesting you click the link, go get that audio and learn instant self hypnosis.
And you can use it for anything. You can use it for calming your nerves, anxiety, you can use it to make yourself as I said, calming your nerves if you have to speak in front of people. I remember one time I had a student who came to me for hypnosis and he goes Jim, this is many years ago. And he says that I got through the police academy using self hypnosis because there was so much stress involved with it, that every day I’d go into self hypnosis and I used it to calm myself down so that I could get through the police academy. So what I want to share with you is this tool is a lifetime tool. And then what you’re doing is obviously, you’re using your mind and your brain. Because what you’re doing is when you go into self hypnosis, and you see things over and you imagine over and over and over and over again, because that’s how the brain learns.
Literally, that is the neurology and the biology of success. And you can use this strategy to create success. Well, you can use it to create success with anything that you want in life. Okay, geez. I made it for this episode. I muddle through, not quite sure. I know it’s a shorter episode the most. And, hopefully you’ll take this out. You’ll get the download and you will start learning how to reprogram your subconscious mind. Okay, I made it through. So next episode is obviously, on a Monday and it’s a Q&A. A. And the person asked a really good question. The question is when you have extremely large goals, should you start by focusing on smaller goals. One of the biggest mistakes that most people make, and I see it all the time, and I used to be there is when we want to create a lot of change in life, we tend to take massive action, which you hear one speaker talk about a lot. Well, the problem with that is that most of us can’t sustain the massive action. When most of us have big problems. We’re looking for big solutions. And that’s not how we create change in life for the most part. How we create change is consistency and little by little by little. So I’m sure many of you that when you’ve had extremely large goals, you’ve tackled the goals and you’ve failed. Why? Because you’re biting off too big of a piece. And where I’d rather you start is focusing on smaller aspects of it. I’ll dig into that on the next episode. Okay, so thank you again for putting up with me through this entire episode. And I’ll catch you on the next one. Take care. Bye bye.


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Mentioned Resources

Instant Self Hypnosis on Hypnosis Downloads

The Power of your Subconscious Mind-Joseph Murphy

Episode 5: Why Your Bad Habits Are So Hard To Break

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase.

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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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