You’re listening to Episode number 71 of the Transform your life from the inside out podcast. In this episode I talk about how to up level the BE DO HAVE model using identity transformation. What that means in plain English is how to actually get more of what you want in life very easily. Okay, stay tuned.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah rah motivation and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, for feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind. To feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, and this podcast is for you, because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Level-Up BE DO HAVE By Asking “Who Do I Have to Be?”
Holy cow. So episode number 71. Wow, I was just thinking, as I was saying that, how quickly time flies, and you know, I tell people that we the phrase that I use is that we go to bed at 25 and we wake up at 50. I mean, time just flies. Anyway, this week’s topic, obviously was how to up level the BE DO HAVE model using identity transformation. All right, let’s do this first. I want to go back into here very quickly the BE DO HAVE model I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about it before. Well, I’m pretty sure. The be to have model is how I do everything, all of my programs where I work from every starts with BE DO HAVE. Now what that is, is most people work backwards. And I’m going to tell you, I was one of those people, most people work from what I call HAVE TO BE, and to HAVE TO BE model is if I have where I had something, then I could do something. And if I could do something, then I could be successful.
For example, if I have or I had time or money to join the gym or to hire a trainer or to buy, organic food or whatever, if I if I had the money, then I could do these things. And if I could do these things, then I would be fit. Well, that’s a broken model. Anytime you say, I don’t have enough time, energy or money. And you know, I’ve said this before, and I want to say it again, because it’s so profound yet we miss it. And it’s very, very simple. And you might be sitting there thinking well, okay, I don’t fall into that category, but probably you do because most humans do. Doesn’t matter. You got a billion dollars in the bank. So most people thought because you might not fall into this category with your money. But I’ve seen people have a lot of money but obviously not working to BE DO HAVE model in their personal life and different areas of their life.
So the HAVE DO BE model is the one that pretty much most people work by. And as I’ve said before, I used to work by that very same model. I used to think, well, if I had more money than I could do this to build my business, and then when I do this, I will be successful. I’m going to share with you if well, I want you to take a look at your life and really get out of self deception. And just be honest with yourself. If you’re working from I don’t have enough time, I don’t have enough energy or I don’t have enough money that is HAVE DO BE and what I want to share with you is nothing’s going to change. Nothing’s going to change because you’re working from a broken strategy.
Okay, the reverse model that we’re talking about and we want to up level is the BE DO HAVE model. And that model is Who do I have to be? To do the things that I choose to do or need to do or want to do, to have the outcomes that I want. So let’s talk about money for a second. And the reason I talk about money is because, you might have heard me say before reading a wall street journal article is that 78% of Americans work paycheck to paycheck. I know people that make 6, 7, 8 hundred thousand dollars a year, and they’re still struggling on that. Money is such a huge issue for I don’t know, I would say at least 90% of the population. Even in the first world countries, so many people struggle with money.
But here’s where people work backwards. People will say things if I had more time or more money so that I could hire a project manager or do Facebook ads, or hire a web designer or hire somebody to do all these things, then guess what, I could be successful. And I could be somebody who’s wealthy. Broken model. The model we have to work from is BE DO HAVE.
Who do I have to be? Meaning what ways do I need to be, and I want to share with you some universal ways that we can be that is challenging for a lot of people. Universal ways to be is to be courageous. But so many times we actually want to work from HAVE DO BE because we’re not courageous. So a very powerful, powerful way to be is to be courageous. As a matter of fact, pretty much anything that you want in life is on the other side of fear. Now, you might have seen bumper stickers before and there’s a bumper sticker that says NO FEAR. Well, fear is also hardwired into the reptilian part of the brain. And guess what, when people say no fear, it takes courage to get through fear.
Okay, so the title of this episode is How to up-level BE DO HAVE, the first place I want to start is this. You know, now let’s say that you’re already familiar by listening to my episode, you know, the podcast and everything. And let’s say that you’re already familiar with the BE DO HAVE model, thinking about you know, who you have to be to do what you have to do to have what you want. But I want to actually throw a curveball at you here so we can start up leveling the BE DO HAVE model and that curveball is this. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself who is the being? Who is the being working through the BE DO HAVE model.
Now one of my coaches used to say and I love this phrase, one of my coaches used to say is that you’re doing meaning whatever you do, you’re doing is only as effective as the being doing the doing. So I asked you if you’re air quote doing and you’re working through the BE DO HAVE model, who is the being doing the doing in the BE DO HAVE model? This is a blind spot for a lot of people. Most people and I say most been there myself in the past, most people actually devour when they hear the BE DO model BE DO HAVE model that are like Well, yeah, this makes perfect sense to me. But they’re working the BE DO HAVE model from a stuck identity, which means to BE DO HAVE meaning even wanting to be someone different. So you can do different things and have different things is only as effective as the current identity that you currently have.
So let me give you an example of that. Right now, I want you to think about some like amazing things that are currently out of your your reach. But I want you to think about some amazing things. Let’s say for example, let me give you some examples. Let’s say that you live in a $300,000. home, I want you to think about for a moment having a $3 million dollar home. Let’s say that you drive a Chevy Citation. I mean, I don’t even know if they make those anymore. But I want you to consider for a moment that you were buying a brand new $500,000 Rolls Royce.
Now, what happens here is a part of us like Yeah, it really would be nice to have that. And then another part of you is like are you kidding me? There’s no way you can have that. You know what nice dreaming, you know? You know, whatever, you’re not going to have that. Well, what I want to point out is even though you might want to say things like, well, who would I have to be to have that house? Notice what happens automatically is the reptilian brain kicks in. And actually, what happens here is you’re working from the old identity trying to create a new identity. And when we work from an old identity, we’re working from our past. And when we work from our past, we repeat our past.
Something that I tell people in my coaching programs, and again, when I say this, I’m going to just say it is that it’s very challenging for a lot of us to get our minds around it a lot of things. But something one of my coaches taught me years ago is that you cannot create from your past. Consider that. You cannot create from your past, you can only create from now. But what a lot of us do is we create from our past and our past is our old identity. Now, let me give you an example of that. Let’s say let me give you a real life example that I see lot people will say things like, oh, okay, I make and by the way we’re about I don’t know when you’re going to listen to this could be two years from now, I don’t know. But we’re about to roll into 2020. And people could say, Okay, I made $100,000 in 2019. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have a good idea here, I’m gonna, I’m gonna make 120,000 in 2020. Well, the thing is, so when people do that, and probably most of you listening to this, you have done that. And when you do that you’re working from your past, you’re working from your old identity. And when you work from your old identity, you pretty much just recreate your old identity over and over and over again.
Now I want to go into this a little deeper before I do I also want to mention habits here. And I’ve got multiple episodes here on habits and in particular, the reptilian part of the brain and how it maintains our habits. Well, many people fail even even though it analytically makes sense to BE DO HAVE model many people fail and the reason why is because their habits, they’ve got an old identity that they stay in the habit of which is brain based. And they’re quite literally working from their entire identity. And this is not analytical left brain, this is actually the reptilian part of the brain. That’s why I say that our habits are so vital. And you’ve heard me say before that you don’t get, we don’t get what we want or what we think we want, we get our habits.
This is why for example, we could say I want that $400,000 house, and I want to hit my goals, or you know, whatever it is for you. And we don’t do it. And the reason that we don’t do it is because our old habits are coming from the old identity, and everything is identity, everything is identity. You don’t get in life, what you want, you get your habits and your habits come from your identity. So hopefully that sinks in for you guys, as I continue with this particular episode. You know, hopefully you’re starting to really get and I say this with a lot of compassion because I’ve been there myself in my own life.
Many times we have to hear things many times or in many different ways. Or in a different way for us to go click, aha, yes I got it. So we’re talking about identity in this episode. And we also want to talk about up leveling your identity, which I’ll give you some food for thought for that in just a minute. Okay, so I want to talk about the brain here just a little bit and I want to talk about identity a little more. Now, if you’ve been in coaching with me or any of my programs, or you’re a member of my membership site, or any of that, you may be familiar with what I’m going to share. But the majority of people have never heard what I’m going to share with you right now.
I am an ardent student of personal transformation and I have read everything from the most boring textbooks in the world. I mean, just I consume like voluminous amounts of behavioral research, anything having to do with transformation, the brain, the mind, everything from you know, behavioral psychology and all this kind of stuff to even the more advanced stuff about energy and brain and, and all this kind of stuff. I have a I have a book and I don’t know where it is anymore. But it was some very obscure research from the 1970s at the University of Texas. And there was a couple of things in this book and this book was about identity. There was a couple of things in there that I want to share with you that when you hear these and you look at your life, these may be some major aha’s for you relative to shifting your identity.
So even though the BE DO HAVE models, sounds good to people, and it makes sense to people. Many times they have a hard time executing and following through. So let me give you two reasons that are brain based research that demonstrates this number one is the concept of predictability. This is brain based, our brains, the reptilian part of the brain, not the analytical prefrontal cortex. But the reptilian part of the brain literally operates and it’s a survival mechanism on predictability. Now, the reason that it does this is because many thousands of years ago when we were hunters and gatherers, if we were going to leave the cave and hunt for food, we wanted to be able to predict what is my likelihood of making it back to the cave? Again, it’s a survival mechanism. So I want you to know that many times people don’t want to shift their identity even though they like BE DO HAVE. And they think about who do I have to be? They don’t want to shift that. Because they can’t predict if they let go part of their identity now, who are they going to be tomorrow? Or what’s going to happen tomorrow?
Secondly, this is a big one. I mean, this is massive. You ever notice before that many times when you’re wanting to create change in your life, and you start getting some momentum, very quickly, like maybe two or three weeks and boom, it’s like a rubber band snaps back, and it pulls you backwards. And you’re like, what the heck, you know what happened? I was making all this progress and all this momentum, and now I get pulled backwards. What’s happening? That also comes from the reptilian part of the brain.
So before before I tell you what it is, let me ask you how many times if you wanted to create change in your life, and you start getting anxious about the change, you’re like, I don’t know I’m really uncomfortable about this and I’m starting to feel really weird about this. And why am I anxious about this? Well, that’s called disintegration anxiety. And what that means is when part of the identity starts to disintegrate, what happens is we get an anxiety about that. Why? Because we can’t predict what’s going to happen. So what happens for a lot of people, this is why change is really hard. What happens for a lot of people as they start to get change in their life, and they get anxious about it. And anxiety is pain for people. So because we want to avoid anxiety, and we want to lessen it, what we do is we retreat back to our old ways and we stopped changing. Why? Because what happens is when we do that the reptilian brain kind of does this… and just relaxes and removes the anxiety.
So therefore you have no further anxiety. Why? Because you stopped trying to change and now the brain are telling them part of the brain air quote, feel safe, because see that part of the brain doesn’t want you to change because that part of the brain is responsible for your survival. There’s much more to it that I could go into. But I’d rather refer you back to one of the earlier episodes. I think it’s number episode five or so when I talk about habits. So as you can see here and what’s obvious, even though you like in the BE DO HAVE model makes a lot of sense to you. For a lot of people, I don’t know anyone I don’t, I’ve never talked to anyone in there like, wow, that doesn’t make any sense.
But you can see here and as I said, it’s obvious that you want to execute on that you do have model, but you wonder why you’re not doing it and you fall back into your old behaviors and you never solidify the new identity. Well, here’s a couple of reasons why. Also, BE DO HAVE and I any one of my programs always say know that I even capitalized the word BE when I’m talking about BE-ing is a major, a major strategy pulpa, it doesn’t work. And when I use the word strategy, a strategy is what I call a mental sequence of steps to get to an outcome. Most people try to change into someone else, obviously we want many of us want to grow and progress and we want a new identity so we can do new things to have more things. But here’s the kicker, here’s like the universal, just the cosmic joke. We’re blinded, because we’re trying to change who we are, from who we are.
Hopefully that makes sense. Let me give you an example here. Einstein said that a problem can never be solved at the level that was created. Meaning if you’re the one who created all these air quote, problems in your life, how do you expect to create something different, if you had different resources you would create something different, but you don’t have those resources. Therefore, you keep creating the same thing over and over and over again.
So as I said, many people try to create from their past and they try to create a new identity from who they are. That’s why they keep recreating their identity over and over and over again. Let me give you another example here. Let’s say you’re in a box, and you are metaphorically we all are virtually your self image is like a box. It’s a context. It’s a framework. But let’s say that you’re in a box. And you’re like, well, Jim, how do I get out of this box, and I say, easy. If you want to get out of that box, the instructions to get out of that box are on the outside of the box.
And the only way you can read the instructions to get out of the box is to get out of the box, even though it might scare the hell out of you, is to get out of the box to read the instructions. And again, that creates anxiety and fear in people. So most people will say Nope, I’m going to stay inside the box because it is safe in here. So the point is, is that your current identity, quite literally and this is also brain based and psychological because identity can be brain based in habit and your thoughts about who you are. But the current identity prevents the new identity. So again, you can try to use the BE DO HAVE model all day long. But if you’re not being the kind of person who can actually use the BE DO HAVE model, which means stepping out of your own identity, then there’s no way you can up level the BE DO HAVE model.
Okay, so I have some questions for you and things that I just want you to ponder. So the first question would be this, what is the current identity of the person wanting to create transformation? And that pertains to you. So ask yourself, who is this person wanting to create transformation in their life? That’s the first question I want you to ponder. And I want you to take some time and just sit with that and ponder that question.
You know, I don’t know if I said it on this podcast or I said it on another or I don’t know. But everything you want is on the other side of resistance. And resistance is the number one obstacle that keeps you from everything that you want and resistance is things like fear and doubt. So another question that I have for you is, and I want you to take some time with us and be honest with yourself, as you think about identity transformation, what resistance comes up for you, when you think about identity transformation? Big question to ponder.
Now something that’s just popped in my mind, just now I want to share something with you. And it might be completely off topic. I don’t know, I can maybe weed it back in, we’ll see. But I want to make it a lot easier for you guys to change. And, I’m sure you know, by this point that I talked about subconscious transformation, which I’ll talk about here in just a moment. I talk about subconscious transformation. And the way that we do an identity transformation, and the way that we do that is we we reprogram our subconscious minds.
Now, I’m not going to teach that here on the podcast. I have an entire program on one of my websites, my membership site, but I think it’s episode number five here where I talk about a book that I recommend the power of your subconscious mind and I talk, I tell people just go read that book because, geez, I could create an entire program and write a whole new book and all that. But why, I mean, it’s just, it’s it doesn’t make any sense to try to reinvent the wheel again. It’s a really good book. But what I want to share with you and what I want you to look at is, how much resistance, how much resistance comes up for you. And now let me take the thought where I was going to take it is doing hypnosis for a lot of years and creating a lot of change and transformation in my life. Let me share something with you.
There are times that I’ve wanted to create new things. And what I would encounter is this an air quote, invisible subconscious resistance, meaning when I would do my subconscious reprogramming, this little like, devil Tasmanian devil would show up and like sabotage everything that I’m doing, and then what would happen is I would actually become more forceful, and I would say things like, No I am reprogramming my subconscious mind. I am wealthy. Now. I wouldn’t think like that, but I was doing it in hypnosis and self hypnosis.
And it dawned on me one day, it dawned on me, this is what I want to share. It doesn’t happen a whole lot anymore. But what I’ve discovered works really well. And everyone that I’ve shared it with has told me that it works really well for them. When you may be trying to reprogram a new identity, and you get resistance, and you’re like, what, what, why where’s this resistance coming from go away. And I think a lot of you can relate to that. So there were least the resistance is probably counter to what it is that you want to create. And then the more you focus on what it is that you want to create, the louder the resistance gets.
So what I discovered many years ago is when I stopped fighting the resistance, and I started allowing what I want, all the resistance goes away. So for example, let me give an example of money. Let’s say that I’d be subconsciously reprogramming myself for money. And I’d have this Tasmanian devil command into my self hypnosis and just sabotage, maybe saying like an inner critic voice, you can have that, who do you think you are? You grew up poor. Well, then what what happened is that start fighting back and self hypnosis. And what I learned is when I, when I simply just shifted, and I said, I allow myself to be wealthy. I allow myself to attract money into my life, or whatever it might be for you, I think you’re already following along here and you get what I mean.
But when I shifted from the resistance and fighting the resistance to allowing, then things shifted. So to bring it back to this episode, if you’re having any challenges, shifting your identity, so that we can up level to BE DO HAVE model, maybe an approach would be this. I allow myself to shift my identity to x, y, z, or I allow myself to shift my identity to be more powerful, or more courageous, or whatever it might be for you. And I think when you do that you’re going to find that all the resistance and all this tasmanian devil stuff and the inner critic voice and all that it goes away when you work from allowance versus trying to force something to happen in your life.
Okay, so another question for you would be this as well. What would be the identity of a person who changes things in their life very, very quickly. Now we can play with this question in a couple of different ways. See, most of you guys think that change is hard. I’m telling you, I’ve seen it for many years, most people think that if you want to change your life, man, it’s going to be you gotta dig in and you got to get a therapy for all these years, etc, etc. When change is quite literally very easy. You know, change is simply nothing more than shifting your thinking and shifting it repetitively. You know, anytime that you go up to a stoplight and you say, you know what, I’m going to turn left at the stoplight. At any given moment, you can change your mind and say no, I’m going to go right at the stoplight or you know what, no, I’m going to park my car at the stoplight or no I’m going to back up and make a U turn, I don’t know back up and then do something else and go right or left or whatever, changes very easy. But the question I have for you, is, what is your identity?
Here we go, I’m concretizing. And now here’s what I want to go. What is your identity about change and transformation when it comes to changing your identity? So if your identity is that it’s hard to transform my identity, then guess what? That’s going to be your outcome. Okay, so this entire topic was about up leveling using identity transformation. So let’s go back to and let me tie this together. So what you want to look at is, what is the identity of the person who wants to create identity transformation? And then again, what is your identity about being able to subconsciously reprogram yourself? If you have no idea what I’m talking about subconscious reprogramming, go to episode again, I believe it’s number five or so and it’s an entire episode on subconscious reprogramming.
Okay, so transformation takeaways. Now, the takeaway is this. Number one, and I’ve said it and I say it quite often. Number one, and this is so simple that we miss it. Seriously. Number one is you are where your attention is. And I know you’ve heard me say that I am where my attention is. If you have a million dollars in the bank, guess where your attention is, if you’re dead broke, guess where your attention is because your external world will always reflect your internal world of attention. We must learn to master our attention. And if you haven’t heard me say before, please write it down. And really, really don’t just understand that but come to know it. I am where my attention is. And so another part of this transformational takeaway could be is and I’ve said this in another episode before I heard this many years ago from a motivational speaker and it is spot on. I think George Bernard Shaw said “Some people see the world as it is and say why I see the world as it can be and I say why not. “And what this motivational speaker said was, is do not see things as they are. See things as you want them to be. Do not see things as they are see things as you want them to be.
Now, when you see things as you want them to be, that’s where your attention is. Now, relative to your subconscious identity. What do you want it to be? When you focus on all the things you can have and all the resistance you’re not working from now you’re working from the past when you work from the past, you recruit you recreate every bit of that. So to up level to BE DO HAVE model plain and simple. You want to look at the person doing the BE DO HAVE model, you want to get outside of the box to read the instructions on the outside of the box, about how to get out of the box.
Okay, real quick here I want to say again, obviously, we have a pre-recorded outro here. And I just want to say thank you so much for all of you that share and, and you download and you comment and you post on Instagram and everything else to help your friends and your family. I just want to say again, a heartfelt thank you so much for listening and allowing me to serve.
Okay, the next episode is a Q & A episode. And the questions pretty simple. And of course, I’ll read what the person wrote to me. But the question is this, how do I have peace and not live in fear? How do I have peace and not live in fear? Okay, so if that resonates with you, and you hear that and you’re like, that speaks to me. I will catch you over on the next episode. Okay, stay well make it a great day to day and I’ll talk to you later. Bye bye.
Thank you for listening to this entire podcast. If you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. You know, if you found value, they will too. So please share via your social media channels. Also, if you have questions, I’m here to assist. You can email me questions to And I may even use your question for a future podcast episode. Also, if you want transformational content like this daily, connect with me on Instagram, my Instagram name is @iamjimfortin. Finally I do have a personal request. I believe that we’re all here to help others and to grow and evolve ourselves. together you and I, let’s help more people. If you would, please leave a review on iTunes and a good one by the way. I’d be grateful and through your assistance together, we can transform more lives. Thanks for listening.