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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 191: “Albert Einstein And Your Attention”

November 3, 2021

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Ok, so Albert Einstein has not been on the planet for over 50 years but he can help you today and truth be told every day. 

A few times in my podcast I’ve mentioned one of Einstein’s quotes, “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” 

Having done what I do for many years and observing myself, what most of us do when we hear a great or powerful quote is, well, nothing to near nothing. Often we hear it and think, “That’s nice” and 30 seconds later we’re back to the tasks at hand. 

So, when hearing the Einstein quote, what are your thoughts? Have you really placed some deep and focused attention on how you use your imagination and what you imagine daily? 

If you have been listening to me for any amount of time you know I often say, “You are where your attention is,” and the more powerful awareness is what you’re thinking about is actually using your imagination because you have to use your imagination to “think about it.” 

When you’re worrying about work, family, kids, health, relationships, love and money…that’s ALL imagination and research shows that 90% of people spent a lot of their day imagining negative outcomes. 

Hence, if you’re thinking about things and circumstances you don’t want you’re then imagining it and when you’re doing that you’re imprinting your subconscious mind and actually creating the negative imagination in your life circumstances. 

Also notice, when you’re thinking about negative things and outcomes do you not want in your life and the more you do that the more you create what you do not want. 

So…..think about and imagine only what you want. 

Transformational Takeaway

See things as you want them to be and not as they are.

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Full Episode Transcript

Episode 191


You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled, Albert Einstein, and your Attention. Now, why did I title this podcast, Albert Einstein and your Attention. I’ve often spoke about a particular Einstein quote. And that quote is, Your Imagination is your Preview of Life’s coming Attractions. And in this episode, I want to dig deeper. And I want to take that apart. And I want to talk to you about using or starting to consciously create the life you want, by using your imagination. And some of you listening can say, yeah, yeah, Jim, blah, blah, you know, I’ve heard that quote, well, you’ve probably heard me say that it’s a whole different thing, to understand something, and know something. And I’m going to share with you right now, if you’re not creating the life, that you really, really desire, you might have heard the quote before, and you might understand it, but you don’t know it. So let’s start knowing it. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in SubconsciousTransformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more Abundance and Prosperity into your Life. And this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to Master your Mind and Evolve your Consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.

Albert Einstein And Your Attention

So the Power of your Imagination. Think about your life, right now. Seriously, take your time. And think about your Money, your Health, and your Primary Relationships. Now, what I want you to do, and I’m going a little slower, because I’m thinking about what I’m going to say or how I’m going to say it. But I want you to ponder for just a moment. Seriously, just bring your attention here, focus on the conversation and start digging into what do you think your predominant thoughts are about money? Now, don’t think don’t think quick? Like, quick? What are your predominant thoughts about money? Okay, I don’t know what they are. But what I want to point out, I’m not going to go into in this episode, because I’ve gone into it many other places. Whatever you think your predominant thoughts are or are not. If you’re not sure, or you’re fooling yourself. And I didn’t also ask what you want your predominant thoughts to be I asked what they are. And if you want to know what your predominant thoughts are, then pretty simply, it’s easy. Go look at your bank account. And that’s a representation of your predominant thoughts. Why your thoughts have created your environment?
Let me say but let me go somewhere else here segue for a second. If you’re new to the podcast, first, Welcome to the podcast. Secondly, if you would, once you’re done with this episode, you’ll understand why later, go all the way to you know back to the beginning and start there. It will make sense to you as you go through the episodes. Okay, let’s go back to your Imagination and your Thoughts. What are your predominant thoughts about your health? If you’re in perfect health, that’s probably your predominant thoughts. If you’re not in good health, then your predominant thoughts are probably not really about great health. They’re either about bad health and how bad your health is, like most people, or they’re about bad health and you want to get better, which we’re still not holding our imagination and our thought in the right place, you know, there’s probably some combination there.
But what I’m pointing out here, whether it be your Money, or your Health, or your Relationships, where you are in your external life, and I know you know this, if you’ve listened for any amount of time, where you are is a reflection of your internal representations, which is your thinking. What I want to point out in this episode, a distinction in this episode, and I’m probably going to say, you know, I’m probably not going to say anything you haven’t heard before, or heard me say before, but I want to say it in a way to tie it together for you, to give you kind of a bit of a roadmap about, you know, what you can create in your life. And then using your imagination to create that only way you’re going to do it is to use your imagination.
And, you know, as I’ve said before, it’s so many people listen, and they think yes, you know, Jim, I like what you’re saying, and I want to change my life. And even when you hear quotes, like, you know, Einstein that I just mentioned a little bit earlier, is that your Imagination is your preview of life’s coming Attractions. What a lot of people do, and I know because I used to do that is when we started imagining our life, we imagine our life from where we are, which is point A, and we want to go to point B, but 90% or more of our thoughts are at point A. And research also demonstrates I read this many years ago and a psychology book, that wealthy people what they daydream about, which is imagination. They daydream about staying wealthy, and having all the things that wealth creates. On the flip side, what do you think poor people daydream about, and we don’t call it daydreaming? We call it thinking. But they’re actually when you’re thinking, you’re using your imagination. What do you think they think about Research shows people that are poor, actually think about most imagined most, you guessed it, staying poor. Or what a lot of people imagine is what they don’t want to create in life. And then they can, you know, commiserate about it. And then imagine getting more of what they don’t already want. Which means they create over and over and over again, what they don’t want, day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year, people literally, you know, live Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day is I just talked about, I think in the last episode.
And it’s pretty simple. It’s pretty simple. And I know that I attract a lot of spiritual people. That’s, you know, what I consider myself for the podcast. And it’s interesting, the amount of people that are spiritual people that think they understand that we live in an abundant universe, but yet they’re broke. I can ask a lot of people, you know, what kind of universe that we live in, and people will say, a Divine One, an Abundant One and the Powerful One, Infinite One. And a lot of times people will people will say Infinite. But if we live in an Infinite Universe, that means infinite possibility. But why is your bank account the reverse of that. And I do want to point out also, that, in my own life, what I focused the least on when I had no money, that’s what I focused the most on. And now that I have a really good abundance of money, and I’ll actually a lot of it. It’s the last thing that enters my mind other than being grateful for it.
Where I want to go here is everything you’ve created in your life, wherever you are right now spiritual, not spiritual, agnostic, that doesn’t matter. The fact that you are a being living on the planet, and you are a at least for the you know, the purpose of this conversation. You know, part of you as a human being, you know, predominantly you’ve heard me say we’re cosmic beings, but you’re a human being. And you’ve created your own life, everything in your life you’ve created, through what, through your imagination. Think about that. Let me share with you the definition of imagination, is Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the Five senses, it is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects, or events that do not exist, are not present, or have happened in the past. Notice thinking that’s what it is. I mean, that’s what imagination, that’s where it comes from.
But going back to the beginning of the episode, and I’ve already said this, but look at your life. Look at your life right now sitting on a park bench look around you, sitting in your car. What are you driving? Is that what you want to drive? Are you sitting in an old beat up car, which I’ve had before? Are you sitting in a safe car in a car that you want? Are you sitting in a Ferrari? I don’t know, you know, what are you sitting in? But you’re the one who created that somehow? Look at your home? I mean, is it? Is it the home that you want? Is it the ideal home? Is it cramped? Is it huge? Is it small? Is it dirty? Is it you know, spotless doesn’t matter? The point is, you created it by using your imagination, which we’ll talk more about that obviously in this episode. But whatever you have in your life, you’ve created through your imagination, by keeping your attention on it. And again, your attention has mental images, mental scenes, objects, or events. So you’ve kept your attention. And you’ve heard me say before, many, many times, and I’ll probably say it again in this episode. And people hear it, they like to phrase but they don’t really get it at a deep level. And that is you are where your attention is. And to be a little repetitive that people will listen to that and go, Well, that makes sense. That’s really good jump. And then now like 24 hours from now, or two hours from now, they’ll complain about their car. Well, you know, I’m tired of my old beat up piece of crap car, I wish I had a new car. Well, where’s your attention right there in that moment.
I also want to go a little different direction here is that every thing that you imagine? You imprint your brain? Literally, it’s a phrase and I want to do an episode on this. And I’m sure I will, I’ve kind of actually several times made some notes and thoughts on I haven’t done it yet. On Neuro Plasticity. And even though it’s a new field, it’s not a new idea. It’s not a new concept. And that this has been said for many 1000’s of years. Basically, the concept of NeuroPlasticity, which is science based is that whatever you think about over and over and over and over again, creates neural pathways in the brain. Now, here’s the great thing, or the not so great thing is that whatever you imagine, over and over and over, and FMRI machines have actually, you know, had people in them, looking at brain images and scanning and blood flow in the brain, and etc. And it’s been discovered that, for example, that taxi drivers in London, that really know the roads, and this is where the experiment was done. That’s why I’m picking London.
What the FMRI machine showed is that taxi drivers had stronger neural, or neuro visual pathways in the brain, which means they thought about it more the, you know, the map at the city, they imagined it more. And what they did is they created literally, for a lack of it’s kind of literal, but they created these neural maps and pathways in the brain. And so whatever you think about all day long, which we’ll get to in just a minute, are the pathways that you create in the brain. And these, these are things that just happen to you unconsciously, why? Because you do them in terms of your habit and behavior, not even knowing it, knowing that you’ve imagined that over and over and over and over again, hence creating big, metaphorically speaking, deep pathways in your brain, for whatever it is you imagine, over and over and over again. And what research also shows is that many of us imagined negative things and what I’m going to call bad things and bad circumstances and fears, over and over and over again. And what’s obvious here is the more that you imagine that bad conversation or being turned down for a job, or whatever it is, The stronger the neural pathways in the brain get. And the stronger that feeling and imagination, you know, that imaginary thought becomes.
So for right now, let’s keep this really simple. What do you want to be different? Or better, or improved or changed in your life? Now for right now, I just want you to pick one thing. One thing, that’s it. And I want you to think about that one thing as much as you can. The one thing that you want, what I want to observe here for a second, and I’d prefer that it be for Well, I guess it doesn’t matter. But just pick that one thing that you really want that you do not have. Okay, I’ll give you you know, a couple of seconds, do that one thing you really want that you do not have. Okay, let’s keep on going. That one thing, or a circumstance that you really want that you don’t have? Let’s rewind here a little bit. What were your thoughts about that one thing this morning? What were your thoughts about it one hour ago? What were your thoughts about it yesterday, and the day before? Now, I might have some people say, Well, I had a really positive thought about it, you know, an hour ago.
Yeah. But if you don’t have it, then guess what that one positive thought has been canceled. By all the negative or air quote, bad thoughts that have preceded that, what I want to share with you is the one thing that you don’t have, that you want, I mean, we’re just using one as an example. Now, the one thing or circumstance that you want, or you don’t have, I want you to look at your predominant thoughts, which are your imagination about it. And then look at how prevalent you have imagined, actually, not having it, seeing yourself as not having it and then wanting it. And that’s a whole different episode, I talked about it a while back, I believe, on the Power of Intention. And using your intention. I’m not going to go into it right now. Because I’ve talked about it, I don’t know,4 or 5,6,7,8 episodes ago, I do not remember. But when you say you want something, then what you’re doing is telling the universe you don’t have it. And the universe is going to say because you don’t have it, you’re and you’re imagining you don’t have it, we’re going to actually make sure you don’t have it. What you want to do is you want your intention, and your imagination on what it is that you are creating and seeing it as already yours.
But anyway, let’s go back to what we’re doing here. What do you want? Or what do you as I just, you know, spoke of what do you intend? Let’s replace the word want. And I use that because it’s such a universal word that so many people use when I say what do you want? At least people know what the word want means. But what do you intend? Just take a second here, what do you intend? Meaning what do you want, but what do you intend to create in the area of life that we just talked about where you don’t have what it is that you intend? Let’s say it’s a brand new car, you’re driving an old beat up car, and you intend you want a new one. So what I want you to do for just a moment, is let’s just play with this a little bit is what you’re going to want to start doing which I’ll cover in just a minute, is you’re going to want to start imagining, and this is where I said this is nothing new, is you want to start imagining that brand new car and the smell of you know that brand new car smell, and you getting in it and you hear your key fob or your car keys and you know you push the brake and you turn the car on. And unless that’s an electric car, you can hear the engine come on, you can feel the steering wheel, and your in the experience.
And when you’re in that experience, and you’re in the experience, guess what? You’re using your imagination, because you’re using your five senses, or three or four senses, but predominantly, you’re using your senses, which are brain based. Now what you’re also doing is you’re creating these neural pathways in the brain, training your brain. That’s what I want. That’s what I’m creating. That’s what I intend. Now when I started this right now that’s part of it is what do you really want to you know, create in your life. What do you intend Some people will say, I don’t know. And everyone knows what they intend or what they want to create in life, everyone knows. But many times people can’t even get there to the crystallization of Well, here it is right here, here’s the things that I want to, here’s the things that I intend, or I want to create. Why? Because of Fear. And to show you how prevalent imagination is, think about all the fear you’ve gotten into, and then imagined, all the bad things around the fear, that keep you from things that you want in life.
You don’t give you a short example here about fear, how fear literally affects the body as well. Imagine that you’re home by yourself and you’re sitting, let’s say, in a back room in the house. Now, again, if you live in New York City, I used to live there, then, you know, just go with me, where did you grow up? Or where did you live at one point in your life. And imagine, you’re home at lunch, you know, home alone, and you’re watching a movie. And as you’re watching a movie, everything’s quiet, and you’re enjoying the movie. And the dog, if you have a dog, just imagine with me, lifts her head up, and starts barking. And you kind of like, you know, you tell your dog to settle down. And then you hear something on the back porch. And when you hear something on the back porch, that you’re not supposed to hear something breaking, something falling, something moving, maybe, maybe even you think you hear footsteps, what happens. And that moment, your fight or flight kicks in, and your brain starts to run away with Oh, my gosh, and you start becoming filled with fear.
Now, let’s fast forward. It’s nothing. It was something bumping up the wind, knock something off something happened to cat next door, hit something and broke it or whatever. And none of that happened. But notice what happened there is that your imagination became engaged. And look what happened to you. Imagination is extraordinary. And we can use imagination to create any life that you can imagine. Or we can use it to stay ill and to stay broke, or to stay always working paycheck to paycheck, or staying in a job, or staying lonely, or whatever it is that we think we might not desire in life that we keep, you know, recreating over and over and over again. You have the power. It’s the power of your imagination.
Okay, I want to segue from the episode for just one minute, maybe two? Because I have a free training for you. The question is this. What if you could eliminate the fear and negativity in your life in a matter of minutes, and you can really do it. It’s not hyperbole, it’s not some big promise that’s going to be broken. But what if I could show you a way to stop you’re worrying, and you’re overthinking and your fear and your dread. And a lot of these things that you get into that may paralyze you, you know, emotionally and stop you in your tracks. Or they make you know, create anger in you, and a lot of negativity and a lot of negative emotions. What if I could show you how to eliminate that quite literally in a matter of one minute. Okay? You already know that all of that comes from your mind and your brain. But I’m going to show you a way to shift the thinking in your mind and brain that creates that in our free training that I have for you. So what you want to do is go to, and download the video training that I have for you. And I guarantee you no matter who you are, where you are, I guarantee you after you actually watched this training, I guess it’s probably 90 minutes long. You will have a completely different perspective on life, and how to shift your negative and your worrisome and your frustrating thinking literally in seconds. Okay, back to the episode.
Let me share a couple of other examples about how your imagination can sabotage you over and over and over again. And our probably has and how we use our own imagination against ourselves. Most of us don’t use our imagination to build ourselves, we use our imagination to detract from ourselves. So a couple of examples here, one would be Imagine that you are on a diet, and you say, no sweets, no cookies, no cake. And let’s say that cake is your thing or pie, as an example here, and you say, no cake. And you’ve been on a diet for two weeks, and you’ve been doing pretty well. And by the way, diets are not the most effective way to release weight. hold different topic. So anyway, you’re on a diet, which is what we all call it, you’re on a diet. And for two weeks, you’ve been doing amazing. And then you know what, Saturday night rolls around, and you go to a wedding, and you see a cake, and they cut into the cake. And you’re like, wow, that looks really moist. That looks really good.
And then you start thinking, wow, that looks really good. And then what happens is what I call a habit battle, which comes from the reptilian part of the brain, the oldest part of the brain, and we get into have the cake, don’t have the cake, have the cake, don’t have the cake, have the cake, don’t have the cake. And what we start doing is imagining how good that cake is, when we hear somebody next to us going, oh my gosh, yum, this is really good. You should have some, and you’re like, No, no, I can’t, I’m on a diet. And then you hear that and you start imagining. And it’s even worse, sensory experience, if you get a whiff of that cake, and it smells really good. Most times we collapse right there. Why? Because we imagine how good that cake is. And we miss out on it. Your imagination. I’m going to slow down here, your imagination will always trump and win over your analytical mind, it will always overpower your analysis.
Let me give you another example to prove that. Pick something in your past that you really knew you needed to do. It could be cleaning out the garage, cleaning out the hallway closet, organizing your closet, cleaning up your office, I don’t know pick something that you know what the weather person says that on Saturday, it’s going to be raining, I can’t do fun things. I can’t go to the park or whatever it is we can’t take the kids out. So you know what, we’re going to be trapped at home. And because I’m trapped at home, I might as well make good use of the time. And I’ll clean out that closet in the hallway that’s driving me crazy. So you go to bed and this kind of stormy on Friday night. And you know what? You wake up on Saturday morning. And you’re like, Wow, it’s beautiful outside. You know, you open your curtains and you open your blinds or whatever. And you’re like, Whoa, this is an amazing day to day. And then what pops in the mind? Not for everyone but for most people, because I’ll have somebody listening metaphorically with their arms closed. Well, that’s not me. It doesn’t apply to me.
Well, I’m just talking about the general population and most of us, okay, so you know analytically, that you have to clean out that hallway, closet. And you have reasons why you have to clean it out. And notice they’re all analytical which is left brain. But then what happens is someone calls you and goes, Hey, Susan. It’s really nice today. We’re going waterskiing today. Do you want to go waterskiing now providing these your friends and you love waterskiing and etc, and you’ve done it before, and you’re like that, what you start doing is you start imagining, oh my gosh, everyone’s going to the lake, and you start imagining the fun and the good time they’re going to have and the last time you went the good time that you had. And the question is, what happened? What happens to that project that you had all these reasons you want it to do on Saturday? Yeah, on Saturday. What happens? They all go out the window. It doesn’t get done. Why? It doesn’t get done. Because you imagined something that you want more that derails you. So your imagination is going to build for you or it’s going to sabotage you based upon how you use your imagination.
And a lot of us and I have been there before I promise. A lot of issues are imagination to chicken out, you know, I want to shoot a Facebook Live. And then you imagine oh my gosh, people watching me, oh no people are gonna watch me people are gonna judge me, that’s all imagined. And then you chicken out that’s all imagination, asking someone for a date or accepting a date or whatever it might be, you start imagining because what you do, which is completely human, is when you’re imagining things, you play scenarios over in your mind over and over and over and over. And generally what you’re imagining the scenarios are not the outcome that you want. And then what happens is you reinforce the neural pathways in the brain, you make it stronger to not do it. Why? Because you’re imagining it over and over and over and over again.
I think by this point, you’re getting it. And if you’re not the reason I created this episode is because I know how we humans work. And I how do I know that because I’ve done this for a lot of years, but mainly just looking in the mirror and watching myself. And so many people can listen to this and go oh, this is good. Yep, yep. Okay, that’s me. Yep. Check the box to make sense. Okay, next episode. And everything, just everything just goes right out the window. But I think what’s obvious by now, is that your imagination? Are you ready? Your imagination controls you? Yeah, your imagination controls you. And if you dig into that, 9 times out of 10, you will find that to be true. That all the things that you’ve wanted to do in life, whether traveling Europe, or what are you know, asking someone for a date or whatever, all the things that you’ve wanted to do, you don’t do, because you chicken out, and you chicken out because you start imagining something. And imagination comes from self talk.
I know I’ve said on the podcast before a quote that I learned from my brother in law, Don Xavier. And he often uses the word warrior, W A R R I O R Warrior, not worrier. And which I’ve said before as well. And he said to me many years ago, like 20 years ago, and I’ve always remembered this, always, and it’s been literally life changing when I really got my teeth into it and my mind into it. And he said, When the warrior stops thinking, even the craziest of task become possible. When the warrior stops thinking, even the craziest of tasks become possible. And I think about people like Elon Musk, or Thomas Edison, or Henry Ford. Now, I wasn’t there when Henry Ford, you know, conceptualized and had, what was it the Model T the first car when he had that car built. But as I’ve read, and I’m assuming that it’s true, as I read, he wanted a what was it a four cylinder engine engine? Well, not not for the Model T but later on, I guess he wanted an eight cylinder engine engine. And I don’t know if it’s a model, I don’t think so. But I mean, that car had like a lawnmower engine for the like, it went like 25 miles an hour or something like that for the first model team. I mean, I could run faster than that thing. And of course, I’m just kidding.
But I remember reading, that engineers would come to him and say, it can’t be done. And he’d go go back and do it. And then come and say it can’t be done. And he would say go back and do it. And guess what it was done? You probably or maybe heard that before. But then I look at what was he imagining? See? What was he thinking? And then from what was he thinking? What was he imagining? And I would bet my bottom dollar that he was imagining, which is why He created it in the first place. He was imagining a V8 engine, or whichever size engineer was. And Walt Disney the same thing. You know, Walt Disney once said something like if you can imagine that you can create it because you wouldn’t be able to create it. You wouldn’t be imagining and if you couldn’t create it in the first place. Takes me to another story really quickly. I read this again, I don’t know if it’s true, but I read a few accounts of this.
Back in the 50’s I believe or the 40’s. I know Disneyland was opened I think in 1957. have, you know something like that? I mean, Ronald Reagan was the announcer on the opening day at Disneyland. And he was raising money and a radio personality back then, and maybe early TV was a guy named Art Linkletter. A lot of us in our 40’s and 50’s know who he was. We watched him as a kid. And he told Art Linkletter about his idea for Disneyland. And Art Linkletter letter back when it was his name, Art Linkletter, said that he turned Walt Disney down for the investment in whatever was that I say that right? Art Linkletter turn Walt Disney down because I’m so caught in the story. I’m like, Okay, what are they already say?
So anyway, Art Linkletter turned down Walt Disney. And many years later, as I read, Art Linkletter said, he said for every step that we took in that orchard, and he told me his idea, I didn’t buy into it. And every step we took, because I didn’t buy into it cost me $100 million in lost wealth, and he went on to say is, I couldn’t see his vision for what he wanted to create, meaning he couldn’t imagine it. And the same thing applies to you. And myself, and everyone is, we have to imagine, we have to use our imagination. Because that’s what we create with. That’s what your life has been created with is your imagination. Okay, let’s get out of the talk. And let’s put this to work. You’ve heard me say things like this before, we’re going to keep it really simple. Okay, what we’re going to do, what I suggest you do, it’s going to, it’s going to take about nine minutes per day. That’s it. But you know what, if you don’t do this, you’re not going to know if it works or not. And when you do, do what I share with you, you might be shocked at what happens in the morning. First thing, before you get out of bed, spend three minutes imagining something in your life, that you’re wanting to create better Health, a Relationship, whatever it might be Money, whatever it might be, imagine. But don’t just imagine.
Use your physical senses. Hear it? See it, feel it, smell it, and taste it. If you can taste that. I mean, if you’re wanting a new car, obviously, you don’t want to taste app, but you know what I mean. But the whole point is, notice what’s happening here. This, it’s been around forever by the motivational speakers. But it’s neuroscience. It’s brain science. It’s NeuroPlasticity, you’re training the brain, you’re training your brain. And there’s a whole lot more you know more to it than that, that I’m not going to go into in this episode. But in the morning before you get out of bed, and there’s a reason that I request you to at first thing, candidly, and I’m gonna say this directly leave your leave your damn phone by the side of the bed, do not answer it and leave it there. Simply before the world takes hold of you and grabs you with, you know the digital world. Leave it alone. Leave it alone and just set it aside. Don’t even touch your phone. Unless you’re turning off your alarm.
But for three minutes, live in the imaginary experience that you’re creating. Whatever it is that you want to create, and just experience it, be in it, feel it, smell it, taste it, touch it. You know, use as many physical senses as you can. For three minutes. See it, you know, see the whole thing experienced the whole thing. Imagine the whole thing, three minutes. Guess what you’re done for now. That’s it. And then at lunch, sit down at lunchtime or in the afternoon. Do the same what I call movie of your mind. Again, the same one you you did this morning. Do it again for three minutes. And then guess what? Yep, you got it. When you go to bed and you lie back and you’re ready to settle in and turn the lights out, turn the lights out and get ready to go to sleep. And when you get ready to go to sleep watch that movie again and see it and hear it and feel it and taste it or smell it or taste taste or smell, three minutes there abouts, you don’t need a timer. Maybe use a timer, the first or second time to kind of get an idea of what three minutes feels like. That’s all you need the movie, and the sensory experience in the movie three times a day.
Now, what will happen with a lot of you guys, because the way the brain works, is you might do it for a day or two. Number one, if it’s not a habit, you’ll probably forget. So you need to make it a priority. I’m telling you right now, if you don’t habituate this, you will forget and one or two days, if you don’t make it a priority, you will forget about this in one or two days, if you don’t commit to doing this meeting, no matter what I do this, you’ll fall off track and a couple of days. But here’s the thing. Do this for 30 days. Also, what I want to point out is around you know, week, two and a half to week three, you might start getting a little rebellious about doing it. But it has nothing to do with you. That’s your brain, the reptilian part of your brain, which doesn’t like change, that’s your brain trying to stop you from doing it. Because your brain air quote knows the reptilian part of the brain knows that if you keep doing that your life is going to change and that part of the brain doesn’t want you to change. So you may hit some resistance and week two, two and a half or three, that’s okay.
Just simply sit down for three minutes in the morning, you know, in bed, and see here, you know, smell, taste, feel the movie, you’re done at lunch, pre minutes, you’re done. When you got to bed, three minutes, you’re done. Do that for 30 days. And, by the way, I’ve done a lot of times in my life, you’re probably going to be surprised at what happens when you do it. And if you don’t, then you won’t know. And you know, what you may be doing is using your imagination to continue to work against you. You’ve heard me say before, one request is a little AYNI, which there’s episodes on that, which is reciprocity.The fact that you’re here means that you’re getting value, please bring value back to me so that I can help more people, meaning share the episode on your social media, I’d be very grateful as well. Because if you’re here, you enjoy it. And we’ve had over like 2.3 million downloads or something on the podcast, obviously, some amount of people enjoy it.
So by sharing it, not only do you help me, not only do you help others, you also help yourself by creating that energy, AYNI which is which is the reciprocity of life. Your transformational takeaway is this. Plain and simple. I’m going to give you one line, this is what I call contextual thinking. And the contextual thinking is one of the most powerful things I’ve ever heard. I’ve said it on the podcast before. And it’s extraordinarily powerful, but so darn easy to forget. Here it goes. I’m gonna say it two ways. One way the way that I learned it, and I learned this, I remember where I learned it, who I learned it from it was from a guy named Joe Klock, K L O C K, who was a real estate speaker, I was at an event related to real estate and 1992. When I heard him say this, he said, see things as you want them to be not as they are. See that one line, see things as you want them to be not as they are.
For this podcast episode, imagine things as you want them to be, not as they are. Imagine things as you want them to be not as they are. imagined things as you want them to be. Not as they are, that one sentence could have summed up this entire episode. But if I gave you that one sentence, most of you would just have disregarded it. So I’ve explained it, I’ve laid it out. And there’s a lot of science behind this. But that doesn’t matter. It’s been around for 1000’s of years. And a lot of people have talked about this. But let’s put rubber meet you know, rubber to the road. And let’s make some things happen in your life, using your imagination and the power of your imagination. Thanks for listening, do what you can to make it a great day to day and I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye bye.
If you’re serious about Transforming your Life from the inside out, I have a free training that you’re going to want to listen to. And it’s helped 10’s of 1000’s of people all around the globe. The thing is, all of my students start here. Because when you learn to change your thinking, you’ll change your life. Because as you already know, life happens from the inside out. The training is called discover how to Eliminate Fear and Negativity, and an instant. So, go to and start learning how to Transform your Life at a deeper level from the inside out.
Thank you for listening to this entire podcast. If you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. You know, if you found value, they will too, so please share via your social media channels. Also, if you have questions, I’m here to assist. You can email me questions to And I may even use your question for a future podcast episode. Also, if you want transformational content like this daily, connect with me on Instagram, my instagram name is @iamjimfortin. Finally I do have a personal request. I believe that we’re all here to help others and to grow and evolve ourselves. Together. You and I, let’s help more people. If you would, please leave a review on iTunes and a good one by the way. I’d be grateful and through your assistance together, we can transform more lives. Thanks for listening.

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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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