You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled Understanding One of Your Superpowers. A lot of people have been asking me for this particular episode and the content with this episode. And what I’m going to share with you in this episode is perhaps one of the most powerful things that you can learn. And one of the most powerful things that you can explore. Which is the power of your subconscious mind. And when you learn to use the power of your subconscious mind, which by the way, most of us never learn. We’re not taught it in school. Our parents don’t know, we never learn it. And even when we’re in the personal development, it’s not out there a lot. Most of what’s out there is all left-brain analytical learning. But yet everything you have in life. Every circumstance you have in your life right now literally. Right now, look at the circumstances of your life. That’s a reflection of your subconscious reprogramming. And that’s why this episode is so powerful. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life. And this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
I want to go several places in this episode, I want to talk about what hypnosis is, what self-hypnosis is. They’re basically the same thing, because all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. But I want to talk about, you know, an overview of hypnosis very quickly. What it can be used for and how you can use it in your own life. And then maybe, you know, a little bit of my background being in this field since 1992. So, first hypnosis. This is a word that scares a lot of people because people have all these illusions of what they think that it is based upon things they’ve seen in culture. You know, being a hypnotist and I don’t do it anymore professionally. I mean, I’ve spent years being a professional hypnotist. I don’t do it anymore.
In terms of private sessions and all of that. I can’t tell you the amount of people that have said things to me when they set, you know, the typical ancillary conversation, you know, hey, what do you do for a living, blah, blah, blah. And I, when I would say, you know, I’m a hypnotist. Many times, I heard. Oh, I’m serious. I would hear, oh, I don’t believe in that really. What do you know about it? Well, not a lot, but I don’t believe I’ve heard that Lot of people think that it’s like a comedy stage show. That you can be made to cluck like a chicken or this or that. And we’ve seen, you know, many of us have seen comedy shows. Now, those are real people are not acting. But that’s not what I’m talking about in this episode. And by the way, I never learned. Well, for the most part, I learned a little bit of it. But all of my education and my, my, you know, my work in the field has all been therapeutic. It’s been for health and wellness and healing and behavioral change. Not for entertainment or for comedy hypnosis shows. So, the word hypnosis, what is it? The word hypnosis is derived from Ancient Greek from the word Hypnos, which means sleep. Now when you’re in hypnosis, you don’t go under meaning people say, well, I’m going to go under, no, you don’t go under, you go in hypnosis, which is a state of brainwave function.
And the whole concept of hypnosis was made popular by a gentleman named Franz Mesmer. He was a German physician, and he became known as the father of modern-day hypnotism. Many years ago, hypnosis used to be called mesmerism because of the person that was the modern day, you know? The father of hypnosis Frank Mesmer. So, for many years it was called mesmerism. And even today we hear the phrase, oh, that person was mesmerized. Well, that’s where it comes from. You know, if you look back at the history of hypnosis, there are many evolutions of it over decades. And today after many, many years and many years of research and scientific study, it has gained legitimacy in medicine and psychology. And the applications of using hypnosis, which by the way, is nothing more than the power of your mind runs all the way from health and wellness to sports performance, to sexual performance. That test taking anxiety to turn entire gamut of things, basically anything that applies to you, being a human, you can apply hypnosis too. And I’ll cover a list in just a moment.
And over the evolution of hypnosis for many years, I think that’s something I’ve noticed. Is that it’s really hard to come to a definition of what hypnosis really is. I mean, there’s so many different Scholastic definitions and analytical definitions and psychological definitions. But the definition that I’ve worked from, and this is known by hypnotist. And it’s one that I’ve used for many years. Is the technical definition being this bypassing hypnosis is by the way, bypassing the critical analytical factor of the mind and establishing selective thinking. Now what that means in simple terms is getting past that thinking part of your brain. And mind, which is actually thinking about everything that I’m saying now. Getting past that it’s so to speak like a gatekeeper. And literally talking to the subconscious mind and planning suggestions for what a person tells me when I was doing hypnosis for what they tell me they want to create in life or what they’re working on.
Another definition that I’ve often heard is, and this is very true too. It’s a state of internal and intentional focus. And truth be told it’s a very natural state. As a matter of fact, many people have said another misperception or conception about hypnosis. Many people will say and again, I’ve heard this a bazillion times. Well Jim I don’t think I can go when the hypnosis. Are you kidding You spend a large part of your day in hypnosis. As a matter of fact, many people have said, you know, Jim is it hard to get somebody into hypnosis? And I’ve often said, no, it’s easy to get someone in the hypnosis. It’s hard to get them out of hypnosis, why because you like, most people have lived your entire life in a hypnotic state, not even recognizing it. It’s a belief state. It’s a brainwave state. And when I talk about a state of intentional. You know, intentional focus or internal focus. Let me give you an example here.
Have you ever been driving? And you’ve got to go to this, you know, this big meeting and you’re on the freeway, you’re in your car and you’re driving there. And for the most part, if you actually put in the analytical thought on it, you don’t even know how you drove somewhere. You just happened on autopilot. It happened brain-based and subconsciously. You drive somewhere, not even paying analytical thought to you driving there, but how about this? How many times have you been, so in your head, you know, you’ve got a terminal exit 27 8 to get off the interstate and then whoa, exit 27 8 comes up on a, it comes up on you. And you’ve got to swerve and cut a cross traffic to get in the lane to exit the freeway. Why or you’ve even missed your exit. Why because you are an internal state. Let me rephrase that you are in an internal state, meaning you’re inside. You’re in your mind. Not outside in the external world. And by the way, when you’re inside metaphorically speaking in your mind. Your brain and your subconscious mind are also tending to when scanning your environment and your external world to make sure you’re safe.
This is how you have driven somewhere. And again, a 30-minute drive across town. And you were in your head the entire time, thinking about your presentation, meeting, or confrontation or talk or whatever it is you’re going to do. And you don’t even remember how you drove there. Well, that’s how it happens. I also want you to know. It’s pretty much regarded as a hundred percent safe. And I’ll talk maybe about a few caveats here, but. I’ve done my research over the years. And there are a few documented cases that can be argued or maybe not where someone has been hurt, By hypnosis or with hypnosis, but for the most part, it’s completely harmless. And the reason why is it because it’s a natural state of mental function. So, I do want to state and I’m going to use this phrase. For the most part and pretty much everyone listening here. You have zero worries. You cannot be hypnotized. To let’s say, for example, Rob a bank. Now what I was taught men, if you would rob, if you wouldn’t naturally rob a bank or normally rob a bank. What I was told many years ago by my hypnosis teacher, who was a very well-known, uh, New York city teacher.
Is that you won’t. You won’t violate your deep core value system. And as I said, just a couple of minutes ago, there are about a dozen cases over the past 100 years. About people violating their core value belief systems. There are they’re claims of people that have been hypnotized? And they’ve had, they’ve been hypnotized to give away their money or have sex with somebody or to do things against their will. In theory, which is possible. However, the risk is so low that I really don’t even mention it as a consideration. Because again, candidly, I’ve been in this field for 20 years. And I can’t even speak of a single client or even a colleague saying they’ve ever been involved in a situation. Where they had someone in hypnosis or a client in hypnosis.
Saying it is something that was just so uncharacteristic of them, like getting naked in front of a room of people or something like that. You know, there is also some debate. For example, about Sirhan Sirhan. Now, if you don’t know who Sirhan Sirhan is he was the man allegedly maybe, maybe not. Who shot Robert F. Kennedy in California in the late 1960s. And Sirhan Sirhan claims to have zero knowledge of what happened that night. Yet I do know that the CIA has done a lot of research, especially in the fifties and sixties into mind control. And I don’t know if it’s French theory or, you I don’t know what the reality is of it. But some people have speculated that maybe the CIA shot him up with sodium pentothal, which is the truth serum it also makes people forget things. So, it’s speculated that he was shot up with sodium pentothal, and then instructed to shoot RFK. Truth, not truth. I don’t know. Again, you are listening right now in middle America or middle Australia or Egypt or Japan or wherever you are. You don’t have any worries and especially, especially with self-hypnosis meaning. You know what I’m going to share with you. I’m not going to teach it to you here. But I’m going to share the applications and when you’re at home and you’re listening to, with hypnosis audio. No one is going to give you any hypnotic instructions to pull down your pants and walk in public or rob a bank or whatever. I was also going to mention earlier. That you know, people sometimes you’re afraid. I’ve had people say, well, what if I get stuck in hypnosis?
I mean, that’s. And I’m laughing because it’s funny. You’re not going to get stuck in hypnosis. I mean this day and age, we are everything. You know, with, with all the social media and everything else, have you ever heard of anyone saying, you know, what? I got stuck in hypnosis. And I had to go to the emergency room to get out of hypnosis. No, you don’t get stuck and hypnosis and have to go to the emergency room to get out of it. So, you know, with all the cultural, the misinformation out there in the misunderstanding. A lot of people are afraid of the word hypnosis. Even in recent years, I’ve told people, hey, you can heal this, that, or the other research shows, you can fix this. You can fix that. You can change this. You can change that. And people still won’t explore it because of the cultural, the cultural myths out there surrounding it by some people. I remember many years ago in New York city, when most buildings have what’s called a superintendent. And as I’ll talk about in the moment you can use hypnosis research demonstrated. University demonstrated to actually get out of pain or eliminate pain.
And I told my superintendent about it, who was in a lot of physical pain. And he needed, you know, he had some back pain and different things. And I told him about it. And he wouldn’t try it. Because he was afraid and he would back then, he would rather have been an excruciating pain every single day, because he didn’t want to take pain meds, but yet he wouldn’t learn to use the power of his mind. And that’s what I’m talking about with you. Is learning to use the power of your mind. So, want to talk about the efficacy of it. Who endorses hypnosis. You ever thought about that? Okay. You know, you might think is hypnosis real or not. And then you might think who endorses it or what organizations. Many years ago in 1958, the American Medical Association endorsed it. I tried to do a little bit of recent research on this. And I didn’t did not find the whole lot and candidly, I didn’t spend a whole lot of time because I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. I know what works and what doesn’t work, whether the AMA endorses or not. But I know many years ago the AMA. Suggested as part of medical school curriculum that all medical students have 50 hours of training and hypnosis prior to graduation from medical school. Yet today, something like 99. 9% of doctors have no training.
They work entirely on the body and not on the mind, not recognizing these very smart people that are doctors. That the body response to the mind. Anyway, I had heard many years ago that the AMA rescinded the endorsement. Not because of any lack of efficacy of hypnosis, but just because they changed their endorsement regulations or whatever it was. But even today, The American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Dental Association, the British Medical Association. The British Dental Association. Many, you know, world renowned organizations. The National Institute of Health, the Mayo Clinic. Research done at Harvard University research done at the Stanford Institute of Mind, Brain Research, Columbia University. And more. All of these organizations all in one way or another, or through research have endorsed the efficacy and the power of hypnosis, or again. The power of your mind.
Okay. So, as you’re listening to this, I know there’s wheels are starting to turn in your mind. And you’re starting to think about things in your life that you really want to change or work on. And I want to share right now. I am not. I’m going to say again. Not, not, not dispensing medical or psychological advice. If you need medical or psychological care, then please see a healthcare professional or a mental health care professional. I cannot stress that. Enough. What I do want to say is use your common sense because you know what. I remember one time talking to this therapist as a lot of years ago. This guy had a PhD, and he was a therapist. And I was talking about the power of hypnosis, and this is what he said to me. He said, are you kidding that nonsense? No one believes in that it doesn’t work. I about fell out on my chair. I mean, this guy was a mental health care professional. And he was literally negating one of the most powerful approaches to mental health. And he knew nothing about it. That’s how little education that many, you know, highly educated people have, and healthcare professionals are helping fields or whatever. They don’t know anything about it.
Okay. So, what I’m going to share with you here. These are all areas that I have worked in. And I’ve also had, it was many years ago and I still teach this, but I’ve had many, many years of, of in-depth education with hypnosis and training. For three years, I worked at the Hypnosis Institute in New York city. I had expert training from two of the best hypnotists in New York city that together had 50 years of experience. And I had the opportunity to do hypnosis at many levels and in all kinds of ways. So, let me share with you what hypnosis can be used for. It can be used for eliminating or alleviating addiction. And I know that because I’ve done it before with people. Whether it be pornography or alcohol. I’ve had people come to me before. Fear of flying, fear of spiders, fear of public speaking. It can be used to eliminate all of those very easily. Nail biting habit control. It can be used for that as well, or pretty much any kind of habit control. Pain management is a big one. And I’ve hypnotized people before. They’ve gone into surgery. And I remember this woman that I worked on, and I knew her two kids, actually, she was a client as were her kids. They were coaching clients.
And she had to have some significant surgery. And the kids said mom was so calm. Prior to going into surgery. That session? I think I did too. She goes, they said that session you did with mom helped her go into surgery completely, completely at peace. One of my friends many years ago, he was in his late fifties, and he had to have prostate surgery and you can use hypnosis for healing, which we’ll talk about. And he said, Jim, He goes. What did you do? He goes, I remember every word you said while you had me in hypnosis, but you know what. I breezed through surgery. And as a matter of fact, now, I don’t remember talking to you here now. I don’t remember the exact timeframe. But he said, because I was supposed to be in the hospital for like, you know, five days and I was out in two and a half basically. And he even said to me, he goes, I shocked my doctor at how quickly I was up on around after surgery.
I read somewhere in several places You know, for many reputable publications that people that have hypnosis prior to surgery. Need 90%. Less anesthesia. Not only that prior to surgery, any processes that need to be done or after. People have significantly less discomfort when they use the power of their mind. Why, because when you use hypnosis, you know how to engage those healing properties in your body. Because your body, every single person listening to me right now. Your body creates its own anesthesia. Let me prove that to you. How many of you, when you were a little kid? You went out, you were on the beach and you, and maybe even spring break and drunk on the beach, you were still acting like a little kid. I mean, I think a lot of us were back then, but anyway, so how many of you have been burned to a crisp. And it hurts to even sit down, and you sit down and you’re like, oh, my back hurts. My legs hurt. Oh, aww you know, and you’re in a lot of pain. But yet. You can fall asleep later at night. The reason why is, is that your body kicks in and starts producing its own anesthesia so that you can go to sleep, and you can rest.
As a matter of fact, some research that I read recently. It was talking about hypnotized volunteers. They are up to 50% more capable of handling painful stimuli than people that are not hypnotized. And what scientists have discovered is, you know, doing brain scans and looking at the, you know, the brain’s interior and the brain’s cortex and everything else. Is that what you can do at hypnosis? Is you basically just turn off the pain switch in the brain. You turn off the pain signals in the brain and the pain stops. Okay. What else have I used this for? I’m going to keep on going with my list because sooner or later you are listening right now, it’s going to go, oh, that doesn’t apply to apply. That doesn’t apply Oh, okay. That one applies and that one applies. And that one applies to me. Sports performance. I have been asked to work with Olympic athletes and world-class athletes. Golfers often, many times they just, they want to play better golf game. Golf is 90% mental as our most, not all, but most sports. And you have to be able to play a mental game and play it very well. So, sports performance, and even there’s been a lot of research done. On sports performance with people being hypnotized or people only doing mental practice. With their sports performance, performance, and still outperforming people who practice physically.
Like all day long metaphorically speaking. Now I kind of embellished that, but for real, I mean, there was some research done many years ago where people that only practiced in their mind shooting free throws. And then there were people that practice for like an hour, a day for 30 days. And the people that practice only in their minds when it came time to actually test all this out. They did better than people that actually did the activity of the sports performance each and every day for 30 days.
Okay. Where else? Entertainment. I used to live in New York city, and I have act I’ve had TV stars. I’ve had movie stars. I’ve had a lot of Broadway stars. Singers’ dancers, actors, the whole shebang, when it comes to the entertainment industry. And I remember a guy came to me because he was playing at that. Like, I don’t know what they called it, the Harvard Conservatory or something. And he goes, Jim, this is a very important performance at Harvard and I’m playing a lot. I don’t know, you know, in front of a lot of. Big wigs. And he goes, I get nervous. And when I get nervous, then what happens is I tense up and I play way too fast, and I mess up the piece. I need to be relaxed. I need to be calm when I’m playing. So, he came to me for that. Afterwards. I said, how’d you do? He goes, I crushed it. I knocked it out of the park. I was so calm when I played. So, for entertainment, many people would come to me many. I mean, I can’t tell you the amount of people that came to me that were Broadway actors, singers, and dancers. And what would happen is they would go to their auditions and take their body but leave their minds somewhere else.
Because it would walk into an audition. And go, oh, look at him. He’s better looking, look at her she’s prettier. Look at him he’s a better dancer. Look at her. She’s a better choreographer, whatever. But the point was, is they would go in, take their body there to the audition, but they left their confidence at home because they got in their heads. Weight loss is something that many people tell it. Using the power of hypnosis researchers identified that there are many things that you can that good to be everything from, you know, changing your subconscious identity around food to managing your habits around food. I mean, this can be more complex, but it can also be very simple. Based upon what the weight gain is from. If it’s from what we call past life trauma that can be dealt with, with what’s called timeline therapy and hypnosis to get very effective of results. Age regression, very effective results. Or simple behavioral change to affect your weight loss. Now caveat here, as I said, I’m not dispensing medical advice. Okay. But I’ve done it. So, I’m just going to tell you what I done and that’s all that I know is what I’ve done. And I have that experience of it.
I read some research recently where the NIH, the National Institute of Health did some research on people coming back from war that had PTSD. And what they found was that hypnosis significantly helped reduce the PTSD. I’ve done it myself, not on me, but with, with clients that have come to me. And the reason why is because what people are experiencing or the psychological applications or whatever happened, not applications, but ramifications of being in war. And when you can change the perceptions of that at a subconscious level, then the trauma disappears. People have come from all different come for all different kinds of trauma. For general anxiety, for OCD, for social anxiety. And let me just tell you something quickly here. Is what I’ve taught people to do is I don’t diagnose, I don’t cure. What I do is, I have people recognize and I’m slowing down here because this will apply to a lot of people.
When people would come to me for anxiety. I would say, well, let me ask you, are you in, in any anxiety right now? And if they said yes, I just put that to the side and I keep talking to them. I would relax them and get ready to take them into hypnosis. And then I would say. Are you experiencing any anxiety right now? And 99% of the time, literally they’d say no, I don’t have any anxiety right now. And then I’d say, before you came in here, you were talking about, and you had anxiety now you don’t right. What does that prove? That proves, and I’m talking to everyone listening right now, because you can apply this to any, any area of your life. What that approves is. Your brain knows how to have anxiety. And your brain knows how not to have anxiety. And what I would do in hypnosis is teach them how not to have anxiety. I didn’t diagnose the anxiety. I didn’t really address the anxiety. I simply taught their brain because they were recognizing they were not an anxiety, which proves they know how to, and not have anxiety their brain does. And I would just have their brain duplicate that their thought thereby eliminating. For the most part or alleviating anxiety. Because I’m going to tell you right now, and that will piss a lot of people off. If it, if anxiety medications worked all the time or most of the time, then people still wouldn’t have anxiety. And I can’t tell you the amount of people that have come looking at the hypnosis because they’ve been on, on anxiety medication and they still have anxiety.
It starts in the brain, and it starts in the mind and your brain is going to follow your mind. My story. When I was out of college my first year in 1988, summer of 1988. I had a whizzbang. I’m going to call it a case of clinical depression. And, and. Um, and panic attacks and anxiety, all three of them. I mean, it was so bad that I literally felt like I was just plugged in all day long. Until I went to bed that night, I would drink myself to bed so I could go to bed so I could pass out. That’s all I knew I was broke out of college. I lived on the beach. Not on the beach, literally. I mean, I worked on South Pottery Island, and I manage a store there. But the depression was so bad. And I remembered back to college when I started the meditation course, which is akin, not the same thing, but akin to hypnosis in some ways, not always, but some ways. And I started remembering visualization and meditation. And over the course of a couple of months, because I could not afford to go to a therapist. And there were no therapists where I lived. On that beach, South Pottery Island, Texas, which is a very small place.
I literally eliminated my anxiety and my panic attacks and my depression myself. I’m going to take; I’m going to take a big leap here and tell That if you’re dealing with severe anxiety or depression. Its brain based. There’s no question. There are some chemical perhaps imbalances or chemicals need to be adjusted in the brain. But I want to share what I’ve noticed a lot of times, even in my own life it’s coming from something unconscious. Metaphorically it’s your soul knocking at the door saying, Hey kid. Pay attention. There’s something in life. You need to see that you’re not seeing. So, I can speak from personal experience. I’ve used it and I had clinical depression and anxiety and panic attacks so bad. That I would have to time when I eat lunch. You know, come noontime or so I would have to literally say to myself, okay, are you, or are you not hungry? How are you feeling right now? And if my stomach felt the least bit tight or anxious, I could not eat why? Because my lunch was going to taste a whole lot better going down than it was coming up about 30 minutes later. So, I had to manage it. I’m telling you can do this when you explore this for yourself. Okay. I’m going to move a little faster here.
Relaxation, sleep, power naps. You don’t get enough sleep. You can take a power nap, go into hypnosis. I read one time. Medically speaking, one hour of hypnosis is equal to eight hours of sleep. I don’t know if that’s true or, But I tell you the nights that I don’t get into sleep, and I might get two or three hours. Boom, power nap, hypnosis audio, 30 minutes. You can find plenty of those on YouTube. Healing. Harvard university research has done at Harvard University discovered that people can heal two thirds quicker using the power of their mind, that hypnosis as opposed to not using at all. And as I’d mentioned earlier people oftentimes will need 90% less anesthesia for birthing and pain and pain management and relaxation. They’ll need 90%, less anesthesia than if they didn’t have the hypnosis or power the mind at all. When I still live in New York. Birthing, by the way, if you’re expecting, you’re going to be expecting. You can use this to have a painless birth, no medication. Do your own research on that.
Test taking. I used to my office used to be a block from wall street in New York city. I had many people coming to me saying Jim. I got to take my series seven, my series twenty-three, whatever they are. They would come to me to be calm and to retain information, but to be calm while they’re taking their test. Bedwetting. I had an adult come to me. He was 18 years old. His mom sent him. He came to me for bedwetting. He stopped immediately. Confidence speaking in front of other people. Let me keep on going here. Releasing guilt, releasing shame, releasing the past rapid healing, irritable bowel syndrome. Do your own research on that. It’s been shown to help irritable bowel syndrome. Smoking cessation. Relaxation. And then as Many really gifted therapists are using it in therapy and especially CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Whew, take a deep breath here. That was a lot. I mean, this has been my expertise and my years, decades in this field. So, what I’m telling you, I would have no interest in making myself liable for any kind of outcome you’re going to get in life. I wouldn’t lie but plain and simple. That’s the power of your mind? For real, that’s the power of your mind?
Now I started my hypnosis training when I started my NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming training in 1992. And then from 1998 to 2001, I worked at the hypnosis Institute in New York city, which it’s no longer there anymore. But the man who ran it. Literally was pretty much one of, if not the most well-known or at least had the most. Back then advertising and stuff like that, but most recognized hypnotist in New York city. He was all the daytime talk shows, which many back then were from New York City. Montel Williams and all that kind of stuff that was on TV back in the late eighties and nineties. Sally Jesse Raphael and all those old shows that no longer exist. He wasn’t all those daytime talk shows. Talking about the power of the mind. So, for me, I’ve used a methodology. For an entire range of things that clients have come from, come for and you listening right now. I don’t care what you’re dealing with. I don’t care. But smoking cessation or weight loss, or test taking your anxiety relief or depression reduction or PTSD whatever it is, I’ve covered it.
You can heal yourself. I remember a client coming one time. And he said to me, he goes, Jim, I came to you because you’re a hypnotist. And he goes, I learned a little bit of hypnosis self-hypnosis, which I’m talking to you about now in this episode. And he goes, I never would have gotten through the police academy. Had I not learned self-hypnosis, plain and simple. It’s a way to calm your mind down. This is the power. This is the power that you have at your fingertips and it’s right between your two ears. Okay, where to learn this. Well, where do we all, you know, where do we all go to this day and age. I don’t want to oversimplify, but you can find tons of material online as, as a matter of fact, the industry this day and age. It’s saturated.
It’s saturated. With a lot of in my field, personal development or a lot of quacks. There are a lot of people that are charlatans or a lot of people talking about a whole lot of things they don’t know anything about, but you know what, as long as they, I guess it makes them feel important and they can make a buck on it. They’re going to talk about it. Be discerning. Does your research get online? I encourage you. Search hypnosis. Look it up. Now I do also want to say. If you ask an MD or your doctor or your therapist. I don’t know what they’re going to say. A good MD or a therapist will say if they don’t know anything about it, they’ll say, you know what? I don’t know anything about it. But you know what it couldn’t hurt for you to look into. I mean, if it’s going to help you then definitely look into it. People that tell you things. Even if they’re professionals, therapists, MDs, whatever. No, that doesn’t work. That’s not good. Don’t do that. They either have an agenda or they know nothing about it and they’re hurting you. Whether or not, they know they’re hurting you because basically what they’re doing is telling you not to use the power of your mind. And my Transformational Coaching Program, which you’ve heard me mentioned before probably. As I say, I spend an entire week teaching the concept. And six different methods and approaches that you can use. The reason I give people so many approaches is because our brains process information in different ways. Some people want a more analytical approach. Some people want a more relaxed approach. Some people want a more process-oriented approach. Some people want a more passive approach. So, I teach all of this in my program for one week and then we use it for 10 weeks after that helping people master the modality of self-hypnosis. But aside from all of that, Is, I want to encourage you to explore this literally. I want to, to encourage you to explore this, do your own research online. The reason I’m doing this episode, as many people have asked about it and I wanted to cover it more comprehensively.
Then in one of the first, you know, episodes that I did two years ago my warning for you. Be selective in who you follow. Follow your intuition. If the person. Seems like they know what they’re talking about, but it doesn’t feel right. That’s not the person for you. Even when you go to, hypnotist people will say sometimes, oh, I went to a hypnotist, and it didn’t work. What I often question is what’s the skill level of the hypnotist. And I also question what’s the relationship you had with the hypnotist? Did you like them? Did you trust them? If you didn’t. You’ve got unconscious guards up and it’s not gonna work for you. One more thing here. I know a lot of you are going to start looking online. And the number one thing with this, I cannot stress this enough. The number one thing to make it work and to make it work profoundly is consistency. You must be consistent in your daily use of self-hypnosis. That’s absolutely non-negotiable because that’s the way the subconscious mind works on compounding. The more, you keep your attention on something. The more weight your subconscious mind puts on it. And if you do, let’s say for an example, hypnosis audio. This is what a lot of people do. Oh, Jim, I did self-hypnosis, and it didn’t work. Well, how often did you listen to the audio? I don’t know. I think I listened four times. Wrong. Wrong. Some people can get results that quickly. For most people, it takes repetition. And you’ll probably start noticing results after a couple of weeks to about a month or so. And if you’re not change up, switch up. Do something else. Anyway, the entire point of this episode is that your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious minds. Makes up 95% of your decisions for you and your life right now reflects your decisions. So, this is your subconscious identity, which is why I talk about it so much, which is why I talk about transforming your life from the inside out. If you’re trying to transform your life from the outside in. I’m going to tell you right now that shit ain’t gonna work and you don’t have to take my word for it. Look at your own life. It might work temporarily, but it doesn’t stick long-term. So, your takeaway. Your transformation takes away. Your subconscious mind drives 95% of your entire life. You want a better life? Change your subconscious programming. Okay, thanks for listening. I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye-bye.
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