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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 255: “Do You Value Your Value?”

February 1, 2023

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In this episode I share a story about Sam Wolf and Phillip Phillips. Sam came in 5th place on American Idol, and Phillip came in 1st. They both have an extraordinary voice. One won the show, the other did not. How come?

Of course there are many reasons, but one of the main reasons is how they saw themselves inside…Their self image.

This demonstrates a point that I’ll be talking about on a future episode and that point is this: It’s not a matter of living up to your potential, like our parents drill in our heads. It’s a matter of living up to a higher identity for ourselves.

Our lives match our internal identity, and we can never out perform our subconscious identity. You may already know that, but in this episode I talk about what you create, the value you create and how much you value your value.

Notice the statement, “Valve your value.”

That single concept is hugely overlooked and one that keeps a lot, if not most people, poor.

The greater your value in yourself and for yourself, the greater your prosperity will be in life.

For decades I did what most of us do. I did not have a high degree of value for myself, my work and my gifts. And, as a result I sold myself short and lived as a “just enougher.” What that means is I lived my life with just enough to cover all my bills and a little left over, but I was in no way getting ahead in life.

Years back I realized how I was selling myself short, but it wasn’t my fault. I learned to do that. I learned to have low self esteem, self value and self worth, and as a result, I did not “value my value.”

When we value our value, that can change our life.

Transformational Takeaway

Like me, Sam Wolf or Mother Theresa, we get in life what we create, and what we create comes from the degree to which we value our value.

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Full Episode Transcript


You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled Do You Value Your Value. Now what I mean by that is many of us have learned that, Hey, you know what, we will be paid in life for the value that we create in the world. A lot of people believe that I did for many years that’s not true. There are a lot of people who create a lot of value in the world and they get paid very little. Here’s the truth you will not get paid for the value that you create in the world. What you will get paid for is the degree to which you value the value you create in the world. You want to attract more prosperity and more abundance that comes down literally to your subconscious identity. And the level of self-worth and value that you hold for yourself. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life. And this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay. So before we dig into this week’s episode, I want to recap what we’ve done. We’ve gone through a couple of episodes already. And the first one was titled, Who Are You? And I said, you’re a being, which changes based upon where you hold your attention. You’re a conscious being. Next, we talked about What Makes You Matter. When, you know, what makes you matter? M A T T E R. Not matter when you know what makes you matter, you can serve at your highest level. You know, what sets you on fire and you know, what motivates you to go out in the world and do things. Next one. What Are The Patterns Of Your Life? Plain and simple. Your patterns are a reflection of your subconscious identity playing out. And your behaviors. If you’re not getting what you want in life. Look at your patterns and that will tell you exactly why. If you’re constantly broke and instead of looking at being constantly broke. Looking at the patterns that are creating that.
And then this episode is, Do You Value Your Value. And as I said, you won’t be paid in life for the value that you create in the world. You will be paid to the degree to which you value your value. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today. I’m going to jump around to a lot of different places in this episode. But I’ll tie it all together for you. First and foremost, you’re a creator. Every single person listening and I’m laughing and giggling a bit because some people might not recognize that but you’re a creator. Every single thing you have in your life. I didn’t create. Other people than create. They may have played a role in that. But you created it. And what you’re creating in your life is a reflection of your subconscious identity. The blueprint you have on the inside is creating the, build the building the circumstances of your life on the outside.
When you look at your environment and when I use the word environment, I mean your physical, 3d life, you can look at your bank accounts. You can look at your home, you can look at your relationships, your business, whatever it is. And literally, and directly related to your environment. Is your subconscious identity. Because your environment is your subconscious identity objectified. So right there recognize you are creating your life from the inside out, whether you’re really conscious of it or not, and whether or not you like it or not. What you have in your life like it or not, you created from the inside out.
Every single moment of every single day. You’re creating from the inside out based on your internal subconscious blueprints. Meaning what you learned as a kid. And if you want to create more than it’s obvious and you want more and more money and better relationships and better health and everything else. You’ve got to change your blueprints planted simple. And when it comes to changing your blueprints more specifically, what many of us need to change is, and I’ve been there. We must change our level of self-esteem, our level of self-value and our level of self-worth. Because if we don’t value ourself, we put ourselves out to the world and it can be, we don’t value ourselves. So, we don’t value the work. Even if we work for a company or we don’t value our products or services or whatever it is, if we’re entrepreneurs. And if we don’t value it, Then how can we expect the world to know the value of it and value it themself?
So, as I said, I want to go to a few different places in this episode and I’ll do my best to tie it all together, but it’s really pretty simple. But I want to go back to. A, an episode of American Idol. I don’t really watch TV, but I actually, I admit it. I got hooked on American idol and I really enjoyed American Idol for a model, no 20, maybe 12 to 2017 or so. And there was somebody that caught my attention. Back, I don’t know, 6, 7, 8, 9 years ago. His name is Phillip Phillips. And when I watched him audition. My first thought was, man, that guy’s got it. He’s got the “it” factor. And even if you go to YouTube right now and you search for that Phillip Phillips. American idol audition. Watch that now I don’t know how, I don’t know how I can do it, but what I do is I don’t just watch people analytically. I watched their body language. I watch their presence. I watch how they use their body language. I watch and listen to what they say. I listened to what they don’t say and what I really listened to is what their body’s telling me over what their mouth is telling me.
And that being said, I’ve always had an uncanny ability to pick winners or top two or three, you know, finalists on American idol. And when I saw Phillip Phillips, I said that dude can win it. And he did now fast forward a few years. There was another kid, I don’t know, maybe five years ago, his name was Scott Wolf. And when I saw Scott, I said that kid. Can win it. And interestingly, the judge, I think it was Keith Urban back then even said that kid can win it. Now Philip Phillips won, Scott Woolf didn’t Scott Woolf came in number five when I believe. Watching him. He’s comparable to Phillip Philips in terms of skill, but he’s different. So what you may want to do, and this will demonstrate my point is if you want to see this and you want to hear it then go to YouTube and look for Scott Woolf , Philip Phillips. Now it’s in quotations, home and raging fire. What that’s the quote, home and raging fire finale. American idol, Season 13.
And. When you watch Scott audition. He’s very tight. He’s very reserved. I mean, he just doesn’t, he’s not exploding at you and he’s holding back. And then you watch Phillip Phillips and man, that guy just explodes now. Where did all this come from? Where it came from, is it came from. They might have comparable skill levels. So, you may have a comparable skill level to other people, but they make a lot more money than you as an entrepreneur or an artist or at work or whatever it is, wine because of what’s coming from inside of them. I also want to point out in fairness is that when I watched this one, I’m telling you about on YouTube. It was the season 13. Phillip Phillips. I had already had a few years of national exposure and experience. Scott Wolf did not. So I take that into consideration, but if you go back and you watch their first audition for both of them, they both showed up with amazing skill level, but they both showed up very differently. And they showed up based upon their subconscious identity.
Now, talk more about that later and an episode or so. But people will often say, or parents will say things like you’ve got to live up to your potential. And that’s not entirely true because your potential is capped by your identity. So what you’ve got to do is expand your identity and live up to your identity. So my question for you is how do you show up and life? How do you show up at work? And I’m going to say something. That candidly might piss a lot of people off. And that’s okay. And I think it’s more for even the yes, and I am being I am generalizing here, but for the younger generation, Because I see evidence of this over and over and over again. I’ve seen it three times in my own life in the last month.
Now I grew up a hardworking Texas farm boy. And I learned that many years ago, if I want to get something done and I want to, I want to make something happen. I’ll make it happen. And I was talking to three young people here in town where I live small town in Sedona, Arizona called Sedona. And all three of them were scraping by for money. And I said, why don’t you do X, Y, Z to create enough money to stabilize yourself, to create your dream things that you want to do? I’m not kidding you. All three of them literally told me. No, I can’t see myself working in a grocery store or something like that. My thought was well fine go hungry then. And not literally, I wasn’t saying that, you know, in a mean kind of way or anything like that, but you know what. How they’re showing up and are not getting what they want is a reflection of their identity. Because everything, your effort is a reflection of your identity. Your dedication, your commitment, your self-integrity. These are all reflections of your identity. You know, some people for example, will start something and they’ll finish the whole project. That’s a reflection of their identity. Some people will start a project and they won’t finish any of it. That’s reflection of their identity.
I do want to point out two people can start a project and finish at different points. That’s not entirely a reflection of their identity. That could be a reflection of the way their brain processes information, but make no mistake. They’re both identities related. You know, some people in life show up a really strong, some people show up meek. And in fairness to everyone. There was a time in my life. When, if I really want, when I was younger, I noticed this about 20 years ago. Is if I really wanted something badly enough, I would run through a brick wall to make it happen. But what I also noticed is if I didn’t want to make something happen, which is pertains to all of us. Then guess what? I would quit too early. I wouldn’t do the work. And then I would wonder why I didn’t get what I thought that I really wanted, which to some degree I probably really did not want. So. We’re all learning our lessons, every single one of us. But what I’m telling you right now, and I’m hammering home and I’m on a soap box about it.
Is that what you create in life? Is a 100% reflection of your subconscious identity. Now you might think, well, Jim, come on, dude. I know that I’ve been listening to you for a while I’ve had people. And I know because they tell me, listen to the podcast for two years before Transformational Coaching Program. And they’ll see, I’ve been listening on the sidelines for two years. Well, you know what. Is you’ve been listening, but you haven’t been applying. You’ve not been, you’ve not been taking the, what you’re learning the information and the knowledge, and then changing on the inside, which is where all the change has to happen.
So the way that I coach, when I’m coaching people in my group is people can tell me all day long, what they want, what they think they want, who they are, et cetera. And I do listen, as I mentioned before, But what I listened to even more, and this is how I coach people. I listen, air quote to their context which means. Their behavior because their behavior will tell me anything and everything. Even the subtleness of their personality. And even in congruence by watching the body language, unconscious communication coming through their body. We’ll tell me everything that I need to know to coach someone. So, my whole point here is this. Because I’m going to take this somewhere very specific in this episode. Is every single thing that you do or do not do or think, or do not think is plain and simple a reflection of your identity.
And when we’re talking about specific outcomes, what you will do and what you will not do, and the results of that. We can look at three life areas. We can look at your wealth your health and your relationships. So, let’s start with that one. Let’s start with relationships. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but sometimes when I need to veg out and especially when I’m being creative and I don’t know why. But I’ll just watch something mindlessly. You know, in the background on TV. And generally it’s something that’s going to be a reality show because why I love to watch behavior. And how people respond in the world. And I look, I look for patterns. There was a show that I saw maybe 10 years ago, 12 years ago. I don’t know. And I watched an episode last night and it’s called intervention and it’s on Netflix. Now in this episode, they had a guy and his girlfriend. Both of them we’re addicts. They were actually both, I believe, shooting up heroin. And notice that you generally never and I say generally, but pretty much for the most part, you never see someone that has a very healthy lifestyle living with an addict or vice versa. Why because we attract our identity. We attract who and what we are.
And the thing is, this is I’m going to share. I’m going to give you a little caveat here. Is that we attract who and what we are. And if we think literally not very much about ourself, we will attract people who will confirm that identity by not treating its well, which then proves to us. See, I told you I was not worth that much. It’s pretty. It’s pretty, it’s pretty crass, but a psychologist, one of my teachers in college. She used to say. And she was basing this upon external looks, but she used to say again, Dr. Meralda and she was very candid and she told me she did that for shock value. But she told me. And the class one time. She goes if you look at. A college campus. And I went to a small school. So you can look at the college campus. She goes, you will always see the campus king, with the campus queen. And the campus ugly with the campus ugly. Now, again, those are her words verbatim, not mine. And you know, I’m like Dr. Meralda, why are you so candid? What is that about your direct? And she goes, I just do it for shock value. And there’s a whole lot more to that story in the way she used to dress and everything else. But anyway, that’s for a whole different another conversation somewhere else.
But here’s what I want you to understand. You will gravitate to someone who will validate your own self-image. And then guess what? You will accept these people that gravitate toward you, that it validate yourself image. And these people let’s say that you do not think a lot of yourself. And let’s say you’ve got somebody who believes that they need to dominate people or tear people down. And you don’t think a lot of yourself, then what you will do is you will a crack the person that will tear you down. Why that validates you but the other person also gets validated. Why? Because they’re the kind of person who likes to tear people down. And they’re in a relationship with someone who likes to be torn down, which validates, Hey, some people like to be torn down.
So we’re going to talk about this in a later episode. But the truth right now is this is that you gravitate and you pull people into your life. You pull people who reflect the value that you hold for yourself, you pull people who reflect your self-worth your self-esteem and the value that you see yourself as, and hold yourself with. Next one, we can talk about health. We can talk about genetics. I had Bruce Lipton on the podcast, maybe, I don’t know, 3, 4, 5 months ago. And Bruce said there is no cancer gene. Dr. Bruce Lipton. I mean, the guy is really pretty much known as the father of epigenetics. Now what I’m not going to go into here is the biology and all that kind of stuff. But what I want to share with you is this. I read some research one time that said pretty much 90% of all illness is lifestyle related. Meaning things that you’re putting in your body and in the U S people put a whole lot of garbage in their body, all the chemicals and the toxic things people put in their body.
I mean. Seriously you listening right now. Do you drink soda? That stuff is toxic. Diet Coke is toxic. Soda overall is toxic. Do you eat Doritos? I haven’t had a Dorito in 25 years, and I think they’re kind of good. I don’t know. I don’t remember. Like Doritos, the chemicals and food in the United States. And why do you think we see a population with 80% of the population overweight and so many people sick, the things people put in their body, but I want to talk about lifestyle because lifestyle is not just the external thing of what you put in your body. Or things that you put in your body externally. From the external world. It’s also your internal processes, meaning how you think. So, your lifestyle is both external and internal. And everything I’m saying to you. I apply to myself because I have not eaten at the McDonald’s literally since I lived in Atlanta, Georgia, and that was 25 years ago. And even then I was working out five days a week and I literally just, I don’t know why I remember, but I ate a McDonald’s one day.
But see, when it comes to health, I had heart failure and a stroke in 2020. Now I had some, you know, I had some, some, I had a role in that I did. There’s no question about it. And when I look at the lifestyle role, I’ve always been healthy. I’ve worked with a Shaman, a real one for 27 years. Now I’m taking more supplements than, you know, Billy Graham had pills. Literally Carter had pills or whatever that phrase is. I literally take 20 different supplements a day. And I’ve always been very active until the last couple of years when I started really, really building the business that brought you, you know, you to me. Now. What I don’t know is, I don’t know the background of my father because I don’t know my biological father. My mother and father the night she told him she was pregnant. He basically went into a rage as I, my family, by the way, my biological, my mother years ago, my family was an episode of Jerry Springer, Springer. As I undressed. Now, my mom was full of a, what they say, piss and vinegar. I mean, she would just tell you to go to hell. I mean, she’s would just spoke her mind.
But as I understand, she told my biological father she’s pregnant. He went into a rage and she hit him in the head with a frying pan and left. Now that’s the story that I know on. I never asked my mom. But I don’t know my family medical history. And when I had the heart failure, the doctors are scratching their head going. We’re baffled we have no idea what calls this, so it could be energetic as well, but something I want to share with you. My brother-in-law has And Don Xavier, he came to visit me in Sedona. He lives here now, but in 2019. And the first thing he said when he got out of the car, driving from Texas is stop you need to slow down. You’re actually running on hyperdrive. You’re taxing your adrenals. Slow down. I didn’t listen.
Four months later, my body did slow me down. But okay, let’s go to identity. What do they learn? My mother. My mother was a doer. I mean, she would go and go and go and go and go and go and go and go. And go and go and go some more. So, I learned many years ago, and that’s why I’ve created a lot of what I’ve created this through my own life experiences. You’ve got to be the Be-er before you can be the Do-er, which is the Go-er. Because you can go all day long, but who’s the being, doing the doing, which is therefore the going as well. So I would go a hundred miles an hour. And it’s no secret that I was burning my adrenals out. And then everything else that actually snowballed from that. But you know what. It’s all a reflection of what I learned in my formative years and my subconscious identity.
Okay, enough of my boring story, but you know what, same thing with you. You’re causing the circumstances of your life. Based upon your subconscious identity, but I want to share more about that in just a minute. But stop right now. Are you in traffic? Are you in your living room? Are you at the gym? Where are you? Are you in a clean or messy apartment or home? Do you even have a home? Go look in the mirror. What’s your health. Are you fit? Are you healthy? Are you unhealthy? Go look in your garage. What type of car do you drive? Do you drive a high-end Mercedes-Benz at $175,000 a year. Do you drive a $18,000 a year Kia.
Now again, that could be just a matter of, Hey, I don’t want a $175,000 car, even though I can’t afford it. I want a Kia, but you get the point here. Do you rent your place? Have you bought it? Is your place paid for what’s your bank account look like right now is your bank account just overflowing. Is your bank account empty. How about marriage? How about relationships? If you’re in a marriage. How long have you been in the marriage? Are you on your first. Marriage. You’re on your second marriage. If you’re on your first marriage, is that a happy marriage? Maybe it’s your fourth marriage. Is your marriage happy? And is it fulfilling?
What about sex? There’s a large percentage of people and not because of a lack of desire, it’s because of the breakdown in their relationship. That are in sexless marriages. Do you have a loving, intimate relationship? Now what I’m saying here with all these examples. Some of these things. Basically, they might have physical conditions that precede, meaning the physical element or whatever it is, but overall. Every bit of your life. And there might be an exception or two here or there, but every bit of your life is a 100% reflection of your blueprints. And a big part of that reflection is the value that you hold for yourself. The self-worth as a being that you hold for yourself.
I wanna stop the episode for just one moment and I want to say this. If you’re liking this series on identity, then you’re going to want to dig deeper and you’re going to love my up and coming BE DO HAVE challenge. I don’t know how long you’ve been listening to the podcast, but for many years I’ve done twice a year a series called the BE DO HAVE Series. I’m stopping that I do believe, and we’re going to turn it into a challenge. It’s really simple it’s a nine day format, and we’re gonna be starting this in a couple of weeks. Now, I’m not going to be doing it on the podcast, but I’m telling you about it here on the podcast so that you can get registered. The BE DO HAVE concept is a foundational performance concept. BE DO HAVE means you must be before you can do, which is identity. You must do before you can have. And when you have your being and your identity aligned, things start to work for you. In this nine day challenge, we’re breaking it down into a bite-size format, and it’s gonna be different than what you’re learning here. It’ll overlap a little bit, but the whole point is I want you to start mastering this concept of identity and being. So go to to get on the wait list. Okay, back to the episode.
So, question for you. What are you creating in your life? Because what we can see in your external life is a reflection of your internal life. Whether it be a home, a car, a job. And just like me or Sam Wolf or Phillip Phillips. We’re all creating from the inside out. Now just a couple of minutes ago, I said I wanted to get specific about valuing your value. I want to dig into that. If you want to go over to, your three biggest problems in life, your health, your money, and your relationships. And that report its audio as well. I share with you that guess what? You’re creating your three biggest problems and especially money problems and to a large degree health problems and to a large degree relationship problems because of a lack of self-worth.
And many people listening can say, Jim, come on. What are you talking about? I’m a, I’m a mega producer at work and I’m this. I’ve heard it all. Okay. And when it comes to being a super producer saying, I don’t, I don’t devalue myself. I, I think highly of myself. Well, many times in life we can achieve because of a lack of value on ourself. Like I mentioned before, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Richard Nixon. Both were Uber achievers, politically why because of their lack of value for themselves. So the key is that all of us, which when you go to Jim your problems, your biggest problems come from your lack of value. when you find greater value in yourself, Many of these things, these big problems will start to go away. Why the main reason why is because you’re showing up in your life as someone who values the value that you’re bringing to the world. And when you show up in life and you value the value that you’re creating for the world. And you demand people that are in service or you’re in service to meaning people that might’ve hired you as a coach, a coach, or a consultant or whatever.
You demand, they pay you the value that you’re worth Then you’ll start creating the wealth that you want in life. You know, I alluded to it a bit earlier and I posted this maybe back on, on the, maybe the first 20 podcast episodes. And I said that you don’t get paid in life for the value that you create in the world. And this kid he was, and I’m not taking away the fact that he was a kid, but he was probably 21. And he goes, I’m going to argue with you, Jim. He said we get paid based upon the value that we create in life. Well, the kids wrong. And I believe that for a lot of years, Here’s the thing. There are a lot of people, maybe even you. There are a lot of people who create a lot of value. And then we’ll have two nickels to rub together. So if you want to get paid more in life, whether it be a job or, you know, you’re working for someone or whatever it is,
You’ve got to get paid, what you’re worth, but yet many people are afraid to ask for what they’re worth. Many people will accept a lot less than what they’re worth wine, because the ball says, Hey, I’m not going to pay that. And the person doesn’t demand their value in return and guess what. They never get the value they deserve. I had a student in my last transformational program and I’m really proud of the guy. He was a senior level and the program is already done. We do two a year, maybe. Later we’ll start doing more. I don’t know. But he went to his bosses and there was a position that opened up in his company and his bosses actually came to him and talked to him about it.
And he was interested. Now he had already learned these things from me and my transformational coaching program. And he, when they, when they came to him about the position, He demanded a significant pay raise because he said I’m doing so much as companies not even paying before. They’re taking advantage of me, and you know what? I like my job. I want to keep my job and I’ve been there for a long time, but they take advantage of me because I, I bring extreme value and I’m not paid for it. So when the company came to him and offered him a position that someone else had vacated to give him more responsibility. They offered him no more money. And what he did. And I, I admire this guy because he had a lot to lose in terms of having a family with several kids. He told the people, look, I do A and B and C and D for you guys, you don’t value my work. And if you don’t value my work and pay me what I’m worth. I’m going to leave.
Now that’s risky for a lot of people. He called their bluff because they said they weren’t going to do it. He called the bluff. Guess what? They kept him. Plus they gave him the money he demanded because they knew he was worth what he was asking for. And I’m not going to go into this here, but telling you, you know, telling you I have a company I’m going to tell you right now, you lose a key employee. It’s going to cost you a fortune to replace them. So you think about what your employees are worth. But think about what you’re worth to your employer, that’s valuing your value. What if you’re a coach, are you charged? And you can get big time results. Are you charging 200 an hour or 750 an hour.
What if you’re an entrepreneur. Are you charging the low into your marketplace, but you’ve got a high end product that really helps a lot of people. And it’s a really good product. Or are you charging for that product? What it’s worth? What if you’re an online coach, like I am. Are you charging a thousand dollars for your programs? Are you charging 5,000, 10,000? Charge your worth. Now I want to share from personal experience. When we raise our price points and we start valuing our value. Speaking for me, but again, I’ve coached so many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people. And more than that, I can tell you. For many people. It’s scary to take that leap to start devaluing your value because what we get into when it’s brain-based is holy shit. If I tell them what I want, they’re going to tell me no, and then I’m going to have less and we will fight to keep what we have. It’s just. It’s a survival mechanism. So it can be scary as hell to say you’re going to pay me what I’m worth or I’m going to walk.
But here’s the thing. Some people will. Be let there’ll be given walking papers, meaning the boss might say, Hey time, for you to go. But you know what? That’s a victory because that now means it can go find somewhere else and work with other people who value their value. But what most people will do is say, I don’t like it. But, okay. I agree. And in that moment, if or when you do that, which I had to cross that bridge you’re victorious because in that moment, your self-esteem is just shot up a hundred fold why because you’re demonstrating to yourself and to the world that you value your value. Other people for me, we’re not going to take advantage of me and use me for a dime when I was worth a hundred bucks as a metaphor. In my transformational programs, even this last round or the round before I asked people, You know, what’s been one of the most transformational things you’ve done, which we do it over a process and I coach people through it. It’s not just a little podcast episode like this. And many people in my program have said that, you know what, the most important thing that I started doing to dramatically change my life is I started recognizing my value. I started loving myself. I started finding value in myself. And I took that value to the world and I wanted reciprocity for my value.
If I was going to get people value, I wanted equal value back and a professional relationship that right there will make dramatic changes in your life. So, if you want to attract more abundance and more wealth, bottom line, you got to value your value. And that value is not on your product. The value is on how you value yourself as the one putting out the product, whatever it might be. And as you already know that value in yourself as a reflection of how you see yourself. And, you know, maybe at this point, you’re not sure of how you. How you see yourself, quote, air quotes, see yourself. Because that can be such an intangible thing and you might even think, well, how do I see myself?
Something that popped into my mind about 15 years ago, when I wrote it down on a whiteboard in my office and it stayed there for about a decade. Here’s something that changed my life and it just popped into my mind. I didn’t hear it anywhere. So, kudos to me or divine mind that came through me. But what I said was, is I said, I treat myself. Like I perceive myself. And if I perceive myself. As worthless and valueless. That’s how I treat myself. So you look at how you treat yourself, look, look at your external world. How do you treat yourself with your external world while however you treat yourself? Is exactly proportionate to the degree that you value yourself. So if you want to know what self-value you hold again I look at how you create yourself and the handwriting’s on the wall.
Okay, quick caveat here. Is my audience being probably about 60% female. And for whatever reason, different reasons women tend to get into personal development more than men. What I’ve noticed is that women tend to work on themselves personally and professionally. And men come more times than not. For professional development, so they can be a better caretaker provider. And even on a social scale that might provide them of, so, you know, more social prestige and everything else, which is partly a survival mechanism. But what I want to share with you is you’ll never see men running around talking about, Ooh, I got a low self-esteem. Well, look at their behavior. Guys, fellows, you are as susceptible to low self-esteem as anyone else listening on this podcast. Why? Because you learned it from mommy and daddy. When you were 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 years old. About your worth and your value. All of us, I had to work on it for many years. We have to find the value in us. Because when we find the value in us, then we value our value and we take that value to the world and we ask for it and the world will pay that value back to us.
So your transformational takeaway like me or Sam Wolf or even Mother Teresa. We get in life. What we create. And what we create comes from the degree to which we value our value. Okay, next week, we’re going to dig into what are your gifts and what are you giving the world? Shocker I know you’re, you know, I’m going to say this, but whatever your gifts are, you might not recognize them. And then you have to look at of my gifts. What do I give to the world? And even notice there that you will only give to the world based upon the degree to which you value your work. I see it all the time with artists on my group, they will do some mind-blowing, extraordinary work, some extraordinary art. But they don’t value themself. Therefore, they don’t put their extraordinary value out to the world. Next episode. What are your gifts and what are you giving to the world? Thanks for listening. And I’ll catch you soon. Bye-bye.
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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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