You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled, Are You Spiritual or Spirit Like? Many people who listen to the podcast, definitely identify as spiritualist. And what I want to share in this episode, there’s a difference between being spiritual and spirit like. Now of course, all of us by nature of existing, we are spiritual. But yet when I look at our ways of BEing, meaning how we show up in this human experience, I look at that experience and I ask, is it more of a 3d experience and way that we show up? Or is it more of a spiritual way that we show up? And I want to look at that in this episode. And what prompted it was looking at my own behavior, my own thoughts, which I’ll share in just a bit. And I remember many years ago back in the, and he didn’t coin the phrase. But I heard this back in the early 1990’s. And I used to listen, listen to a lot of Wayne Dyer back then. And Wayne Dyer has said, there’s a difference between being a Christian and being Christ like. So that’s what prompted this episode and I want to look at with you, are you being more spirit like? Meaning it’s just really kind of talk and lip service even know you identify with it or are you being in terms of your ways of being an energetically more spiritual, keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay. So, are you a spiritual or spirit like? Let’s take a look at that. And as I was saying in the introduction, there’s a difference between being a Christian and being Christ like. it was Wayne Dyer, who I heard that from many years ago. When you could say Muslim or Hindu, or you could pick any of the organized religions, Buddhism. I mean, it just doesn’t matter. But the thought process was there’s a difference between dogma and actually, you know, things, you just talk about the dogmatic aspect of a religion and then demonstrating the religion. And I don’t know, the Wayne Dyer has said it. So, I don’t want to attribute because he might or might not have said this, but I know I’ve thought about it or heard it over the years.
We can look at people who go to church on Sunday. And they’re listening to the sermon because they go to church because they say, you know what? I am a, I’m a, you know, I’m. I’m only as an example, I’m not picking on any religion. But they could say I’m a Christian and they go to, and by the way, anybody from pretty much, any organized religion for the most part can say this, or they’re this way. So, they may go to service on Sunday morning, Saturday, whenever they go. And they’re following the message and they’re really getting it and they resonate. Then they’re identifying with a message yet they leave church. And I know I’ve mentioned this on the podcast before. And they’re yelling at traffic and they’re screaming at people and they’re mad at lunch and they’re angry at this and angry at that. But yeah, just a couple of minutes earlier or a couple of hours earlier. They were identifying with the identity of being whatever that religion is and the tenets of that religion don’t endorse their behavior.
So, there’s a difference between. Let’s say being religious and religious like spiritual and spiritual like Christian and Christian like. And I mentioned spirituality because I identify as a spiritualist and many people listening to the podcast. Also identify as spiritualist. But another phrase that I heard many years ago is an, especially on my spiritual path, working with a shaman. Is, there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. I would have to guess that many people listening to my podcast, this podcast. What identify again as a spiritualist. So, there’s a difference between knowing things about spiritualism. And walking the path of spiritualism and that’s really, I guess I’m saying it a little better than what I said in the introduction. That’s what I want to talk about in this episode. And then what prompted it? Because when I create these episodes, I’m looking for my own thought processes, things in my life. Things that I’m working on in my own time, my own way, my own spiritual development.
And I was talking to a friend a couple of days ago. And we were talking about getting the gathering California. And in that conversation and I’ve known this friend probably 30 years. And what I know about this friend is, they tend to get into a lot of, let’s say earth, school experiences, and a lot of earth school emotions. And another way to say it is a lot of earth school nonsense, maybe that’s a way to put it as well. Basically, they get into their crap a whole lot. And when he was texting me. He was talking about; he would not be able to get together. And he, and you know, in this trip to California, and he said something along the lines of, in the text. Well, maybe the universe will bring our energies together at another point and time when we both have the intention for that to happen.
And I read that and I, I promise I w I wasn’t judging him. But I’m thinking, you know, that kind of air quote talk. That talk I’m familiar with from him and in my own world. But I notice he doesn’t walk the talk because of a lot of the things that he does in his life. So, you know, I noticed that he gets Literally obsessive with things like work and deadlines and money. And in particular, something that really, really, he gets into is, are people judging me? Let me compare myself to other people. And what are people going to think about me? Now you’re probably already recognizing. How spiritual and again, I’ll take this apart and I, again, for the second time or third, there’s not any judgment here, so I’m not saying, oh, you’re good or you’re bad or you’re no, no. I’m just wanting to look at this for some self-inventory so that we can grow.
So, he gets into a lot of these 3d things. And yet he also out of one side of his mouth. He talks about a lot of things like peace and love and light, which he talks about a lot. But yet he doesn’t live in the peace and the love and the light. So there there’s a disparity between what he says and the way that he’s being. And that goes back to the introduction and that there is a disparity between being, and again, the only reason I’m using it as big as I heard it and just stuck in my mind when I heard it. And again, it could be, you know, Muslim or Buddhist Buddhism or whatever, but there’s a difference between being. I’ll just say religious and religious like or religious and spiritual like that seems to fed a little bit better. So, you know, working with a shaman now I’m going on year number 27 I believe.
And I’ve had all kinds of opportunities over the years to experience some very profound spiritual things. Things that are non-ordinary reality. Things that we would say okay. There’s no way. I just saw what I saw and I don’t mean little optical, illusions or tricks of the mind or anything else. I mean some very significant things. And I’ve had these experiences even starting back from my very first sacred journey with my brother-in-law Don Xavier in 1996, when we went to Chichén Itzá on the spring Equinox. And I was air quotes, seeing things that were non-ordinary reality. But yet what I look back at my behavior back then. I, and I’m sure not a lot, but a little bit. And I don’t share a lot because it’s not so much familiar to me these days. But I used to get into a lot of anger back then. No, I don’t mean overt displayed anger. Anyone, as I’ve said before, who knows me will tell you they’ve never seen me yell or scream at anyone or any of that. But it was a lot of low-grade sieving anger. And what I noticed many years ago. Well, the things that I used to get into just to share big time were a lot of anger, low grade. And basically, that was more than eight anything coming from control issues.
A lot of anger, a lot of fear and big time for me and for a lot of you listening, and this is one of the biggest limitations you have and is one of my biggest limitations is expectations. So, as I look back at myself, back in the 1990s, Yes. I was knowing what the spiritual path was. And I was absorbing it. And I was talking to the game. Though there was a significant amount of time. Where I wasn’t walking the path. So, I knew the path. But I wouldn’t walk the path. And what I find is that many of us don’t walk the path because we’re the opposite of being spiritual. We are into our human 3d ego convenience. Meaning, I’ve got to make things easy for me. I’ve got to make it quick. I don’t have time. It’s not convenient for me to sit down and connect with divine mind. It’s not convenient for me to go on a sacred journey of some sort it’s not you know, convenient for me to go to a BIP and sauna meditation, things that people say.
I’ve been there again. I get it completely. And so, we just want to look at that because I know that in the past and I’ve talked a little bit about this on the episodes. We have choice. We always have choice. Now when we find yourself in negativity and I do want to point out a little distinction here is that every single thing on the planet is for lack of better words, spiritual. But it has different degrees of spirituality. Now I mentioned also before a book called the Kybalion and K Y B A L I O N, which. And the Kybalionis seven cosmic laws. And one of the cosmic laws is that everything in the universe is a degree. Temperature is as a degree, for example. So, when we, we get into our emotions, well, we can look at is what are the degrees or what is the degree of our emotions? And is it a higher frequency emotion? Like love and peace and kindness and bullous and joy. Or is it a lower frequency emotion now, again, they’re all emotions and they’re all being had by the human being, having the this the spiritual being, having the human experience. But look at the degree of the emotions that you get into. And so then is an, are those degrees more along the lines of your 3d experience in your 3d personality? or are they more along the lines of higher frequency in yourself.
So, I think you’re getting the whole point and what I’m looking at. Just, you know, self-observation for us and there is no right or wrong. There is no good or bad, or you’re doing it right. Or you’re doing it. There’s, there’s none of that. It really just depends upon what experience of life you want to have. But I think a good question to ask yourself is am I really a spiritualist or am I spiritual thinking? Now for some of you listening, this might not resonate at all. The spite, the fact that I said, and I’m very confident in saying this we’re all spiritual. Everything is spiritual, whether or not we know it. But the question to look out for this episode, the predominant question, and I’ll give you some more questions in just a bit, so we can explore this. Is, are you a spiritualist or are you a spiritual thinking kind of individual? There are two very different things. And as I’ve already talked about, you know, one is lip service. And the other one is an awareness and a way of being.
So, what I want to share also is all of us are seeking higher ground in life, whether or not you identify as spiritual or not. We’re all seeking higher ground in life. And I find that we can find that higher ground when we’re carrying less weight, meaning less of the 3d ego things, less of the human experience, less of the past history with us. Which is what many of us humans tend to do. So, what I want to point out is some people listening to this, not everyone, but some will say, oh my gosh, oh no, I’m not spiritual enough. And I think I’m a spiritualist, but I’m not being as all. Now I’m messing this up. I’m not good at this I’m bet. Don’t even go there because the key, there is no such thing as perfection in some blindness in your growth. The whole key is that you grow and you evolve, but it’s not about perfectionism. It’s not about getting an, A plus in class and being the best spiritualist at the head of the class. This is not what it’s about.
So, what we want to look at is how trapped we are in 3d. How trapped we are and the human experience. How trapped we are in the dogma. And, you know, I, I look at the world right now. This is February of 2024. And all the chaos in the world, the political chaos, the economic chaos, the religious chaos, the fundamentalism in the world. And many of these people are not anywhere close even the ones that are pronouncing to be deeply religious et cetera. They’re not into the divineness of the religion, which means being Christ, like they’re into the dogma of it. Because being spiritual again is about the essence of your being not about your dogma, not about a set of rules or ways that you have to be, or any of that. So, please understand again it’s a way of being and the most powerful way that we can be to be is to be devoted to the evolution of our consciousness that in itself is not being spiritual, like, but being you know, being a spiritualist, being devoted to the evolution of our consciousness. And that means in my words and my terms. That means that we’re working towards the evolvement of yourself. Okay. And as I said, a couple of minutes ago, Observe yourself. And notice how you conducted yourself today. Now, let’s say again, that you’re a spiritualist, how much anger did you get into today? How much hate how much judgment. How much fear, how much, you know, condemnation of other people did you get into? Because what is not positively spiritual, so to speak.
Let me segue before I share this. Don Xavier and I were talking a lot, a couple of years ago. And we were talking about, I think I’d asked him what really is sin. Because it’s not something I subscribe to, but the religions are all about good or bad, right or wrong. Here’s this set of rules. And if you don’t live by these rules, then you are a sinner. And then if you’re a center you’re going to be punished and you’re going to go to hell etcetera etcetera et cetera. So, I asked him, I think. What really is the ultimate sin? And he said to me, And I’ll expand upon it as best I can. It’s nothing in terms of like earth shattering. It’s in your life every day. But he said the opposite of spirituality and sin is actually the negative emotions. The fear, the anger, the hate, the greed, the envy, the shame and a negativity. Those are sinful. Things.
Okay. I want to segue from the episode for just one moment. And I want to ask you, where were you most stuck in 2023? What things held you back the most? When I ask people, you know, why they’re not getting what they want in life, people often say, well, I was stuck with X, Y, Z, or, and this may resonate with you, I feel stuck. If you’re feeling stuck, one question I want you to ask yourself. Is, what is it costing me? What is it costing me to not resolve this and to battle being stuck? And when you add that up, whether it’s money and especially in business, but in your health and your relationships, when you add that up, it’s extremely costly to be stuck in life. Now, all that’s being said, I created a new. challenge I created that last year, many thousands of people have gone through it and it’s called the Get Unstuck Challenge. Interesting, the name’s all about getting unstuck. Now in this challenge, it’s a nine-day challenge and I walk you through at a very profound at a very spiritual, level, and even at a cosmic level, I walk you through who and how you’re being as a being, meaning your presence on the planet. And when you understand that, when you understand the nature of you at a very deep level, now you might’ve heard me say, Be Do Have before, and that’s more about 3d reality.
Who do you have to be so you can do so you can have, but I’m talking, you know, what does it mean to be? And then what is that power associated with that? When you understand that you automatically get unstuck in life. This program never offered it before to you guys. We’re offering it now. I don’t think we’ve offered it to the podcast in an ad Maybe we have, maybe we have, I don’t remember anyway. It doesn’t matter because we haven’t offered it. A lot. of we have, but we’re offering to get unstuck challenge again. It’s only $97. Thousands of people have been through it and they rave about the results they’re getting. And I know that you will do the same thing.
So again, ponder the question. What does it cost me? What am I giving up? What peace of mind? What happiness? What money? What relationships am I giving up in life because I am stuck in my own crap. Now, as you’re thinking about that, click the link, go to tcp.jimfortin com/unstuck again, and we’ll drop the link in the show notes, tcp.jimfortincom/unstuck Download the program. You get started right away and your life will start changing dramatically. When you apply what you’re learning in that program, your life will start changing in very dramatic ways, very, very quickly. And as a matter of fact, in the next nine days. Okay, back to the episode.
So, a lot of times when I put these happen, I’m laughing at myself. I put these episodes together, even like this one. They just come to me. And there are many times I will sit around for a half a day thinking, okay, how do I organize what I want to share in this episode? How do I organize that? And candidly, I’m not being very spiritual when I’m going to say. I’m sitting here going okay. I’m hoping I’m creating something in this episode that they get value from. And then my ego goes into, well, you could do this differently. You could do that differently. So, all I want to share is that I’m also learning my lessons. But, but spirituality. The essence of being is not about a destination. It’s not about getting an, a plus and a minus a B plus whatever it might be. When many people get into and I do to some degree, or I did, I don’t really anymore because I’m at a point in my life where, Hey, it is what it is. I think many years ago in my twenties, I did. In college and earlier in high school. I was getting into being the air quote, good student. And I noticed a lot of things in my life. I would attempt to bring their persona of being the good student. Meaning trying to get it right. Trying to do a little better than everyone else. Yeah. I used to do that. I used to say, you know, not perfecting it, but how can I do this the best I can possibly do. It’s going to be amazing, etc. And any more. I don’t go there. I’m just going to okay. How can I improve? A little more today. How can I grow a little more?
And the main thing for me, which is the essence of divine mind and spirituality. How can I have. Which is one of the highest energetic, spiritual frequencies. How can I be and have peace of mind today? So, I guess a simple way to put this. Is everything that causes you any kind of negative emotion is the opposite of your highest frequency, which is the essence of, of divine mind and spirituality. I’m going to give you a thought here. I mentioned it before a couple of times. I want to give you a thought, use it any way that you want. And this is something that I heard and read many, many years ago from Don, Juan Matuse, a Shaman and a sorcerer. And he was a teacher of my brother-in-law Don Xavier. And he said, and I might have even mentioned that recently. He said, I give myself to the power that rules my destiny. I give myself to the power that rules my destiny. So, think about. Let’s be a little introspective here. What rules your destiny? Is it your spiritual evolution? Or is it your 3d human experience? Because that’s what you’re giving your power to. And if you’re not sure it’s really simple. Because this will be a telltale sign. Look at your activity. Meaning look what you do day in and day out.
So, are your days full of things? That are all 3d. Running around paying your bills, work, whatever it might be for you. And again, I’m going to say for the 4rth time it’s not about being right or wrong or good or bad, it’s just about awareness so that we can grow and evolve. But where I work from is, I often think to myself and reevaluate and look at. And so, to speak a prize, just so I’ll know where I am in my own growth is. Am I committed and am I devoted to my spiritual evolution, to my spiritual growth? And then what I look at is whatever I’m doing all day long. It doesn’t matter what it is. Whatever I’m doing. And it doesn’t mean I’m going to sit around in my meditation drive room in my house. I don’t call it a meditation room, but I do it so you can understand and put literally a name on it, but I don’t sit there in the room all day long meditating going.
And I talked, I’ve talked about this before. I don’t even meditate because meditate many make it a practice when meditate is a state of meditation is a state of mind and a state of being. But I look at where I hold my awareness throughout my days. And as my awareness on being calm. Being at peace. Connecting in the ways that I do it with divine mind with divine source. Being mindful of the ways that I’m managing myself or am I in my 3d things? Any fear? Any worry, any ego, any, any, any of that? Because I know if I’m in those things that I’m not living on purpose. And I’m definitely not aligned with higher spiritual frequencies. So, your transformational takeaway, a couple of thoughts here. Is many people listening will say, okay, I want to be more spiritual. How do I be more spiritual? None of you, you don’t have to try to be more spiritual. You are spiritual by the fact that you’re on the planet. So being more spiritual is not about getting more things. And by the way off topic, the more spiritual you are, the more in tune you are with divine mind, divine energy, the easier your 3d life becomes.
Most people that backwards. They try to make their 3d life a lot easier and they ignore the spiritual aspect of themselves. But the truth is your 3d life gets a lot easier when you pay more attention to the spiritual and higher energies and frequencies and aspect of yourself. Okay where I was going there. Many people want to be more spiritual and they’ll even say things like I need to be more spiritual. No, it’s not about being more spiritual. It’s about letting go of what keeps you from being that spiritual, divine essence. It’s about letting go of the crap that we learn as kids. The fear, the anxiety because you’re not born with these things. The shame, the greed, the hoarding, the worthlessness. These are all things that we are taught through human experience, and we learned them. These are the things that keep you from connecting with higher essence with divine mind. So, it’s not about becoming more. It’s about letting go of more.
I remember I was watching and this was twenties. I don’t know. Geez, 25 years ago, whatever. An episode of Friends. I think most of us are familiar with Friends the tv show and remember watching an episode and one of the characters was into a lot of anger or shame or something. And they said, well, this is what people do they get into this. And I thought, what if I were a ten-year-old watching that? What would that teach me? Two characters on TV are teaching me to get into my anger or shame or whatever it was because what I just learned on TV is that’s what people do. So, what you want to look at your first step is just take a little gentle survey. Third time. No right. No wrong. Just look at your actions and your thoughts throughout the day. What’s the predominant focus of those actions and thoughts? Are they higher frequency emotions? Peace. Love. Kindness. Trusting in Divine Mind. Or are they lower frequency things? Greed fear, anger. Shame. Resentment. And a lot of these things that we get into. Now some questions for you. This is from the Sedona method. It’s just a healing method created many years ago by a guy who lived here in Sedona, Arizona. And adversely I have bought his house a couple of years back. But I didn’t do it because of it going to require way too much remodeling. But the guy who created the Sedona method lives here, lived here in Sedona. Hence the name Sedona. But one of the questions he would ask people is. Can I let go of these things? Now I’m jumping all over the place in this episode. I know it. Hey, just roll with it. Okay. Because I am not doing this episode again because I don’t have the time or the bandwidth to do it today. So just roll with it. And like this say in Texas, you chew the meat, you spit out the bone, take what. Take what works for you. But I look at can I let go of these things? And then if I can’t let go of something, meaning I’ve got my teeth into it. And I’m just wanting to hang on to it. Then I look at okay. What’s causing me to hold on to this and to not want to let it go.
Another question that I asked myself. Is how would my life be better by letting all of this go? So, I’m giving you food for thought there, but I’m want to give you. And maybe I should have done the episode about this. Because this is really the direction, I want to go with the podcast I’ve talked about and I’ve gone that way for a lot of years, but even more. So, I want to go at even the more spiritual direction. And the question is this. The final question, I believe. Is how would your life be different? If you trusted in the power of your soul 100%? Because what I’ve noticed is, we will trust things about the physical experience we will trust the sun is going to come up tomorrow. We will trust that our heart is going to be tomorrow. We’ll trust we have the energy to get out of bed. We’ll trust that we have the divine consciousness, whether or not we’re using those words. We’ll trust that we can heal yourself. So, we’re constantly trusting spirit. We’ll leave out, hop on an airplane. Run by created by humans, even driven by other human beings and we’ll trust. But when it comes to trusting the most powerful force in the universe, Divine Mind. At our soul we don’t trust. And we don’t trust because we can’t see it metaphorically. Well, I guess. It’s not a metaphor. We can’t see it. We can’t feel it. We can’t touch it and we can’t taste it. When in reality all you’ve got to do is look at the world and it’s all divine creation, divine energy and divine consciousness.
So, we have proof of it. But we won’t trust the proof at our own individual experience. So. Your final takeaway question is how would your life be different if you trusted in the power of your soul 100%? By the way I’m testing out a new microphone tonight. We’ll see how it works out. My team is very good about, about cleaning things up. So, if the audio is, I know it’s been off the last couple of weeks. If the audio is off. No worries. We will get it cleaned up. So anyway, you might say, well, you’re contradicting yourself, Jim, because you’re in an, a three D. No, I’m not in the 3d crap. I just wanted deliver the best possible experience for you guys. Okay. Thanks for listening and do what you can to make it a great day today. Bye-bye.