You’re listening to the Transform Your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled, People and Your Ego Grind You Out? This is another conversation with a sorcerer, my brother-in-law, Don Xavier. And this was a conversation from July the 4th, 2022. What I’m going to share in this episode is in that conversation with him, it was all about ego and other people sucking your playing on your ego. Many of you are spiritualists. You might have heard some of this or thought about it before,but I’m going to share some other things that quite literally when I heard them, they’re quite mind blowing. And that’s why I mentioned the concept of our people drawing you out. Because in this episode, he talked about Einstein and he talked about energyand magnetics and body and water and how these all work together.and how people can literally physically dry us out by us getting into our ego. So if you’d like to see whether or not people are literally drying you out through your ego, keep listening. Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start transforming your life from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years.Here you’re going to find no rah rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of brain science, transformational psychology, and ancient wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you.because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here. Okay, people drawing you out. What an odd thought, right? I mean, literally, I had never thought about it that way. Well, I had a little bit from an incident many years prior, but in this conversation, when he asked, are people mentally drawing you out?
Physically, energetically, and of course mentally, there were several of us in the room and we’re kind of like, we had never thought about it in that way. This conversation goes in a couple of different places. Number one, I’m going to talk about ego gratification and how people actually, they enjoy their ego to be stroked. And then I’m going to talk about the physical and the energetic ramifications of that. And in my opinion, as I open in the introduction, I think there’s some very impactful thoughts in this particular conversation. So the intention of this episode is to get you to start thinking about how people control you. Maybe it’s you trying to control them and the physical and energetic effects of that. So Don Javier, this is a quote. When people feed your ego and you take the bait, you give 500 % more to them. Now, knowing him as I do, I’m assuming that 500 is simply an arbitrary number, but what he really meant was is you give a whole lot more to people when they bait and they feed your ego. And he said, you allow them to take 500 % more from you. Basically what he’s saying is you allow people to take a lot more from you. when they massage and they stroke your ego. And he said, quote, people get easily manipulated by their ego. I do remember when he said this. I think back to a program that I’ve never been to, but a friend of mine used to be a trainer in a programcalled Landmark Forum. They’re still around today. And many people say my program, TCP, is like Landmark Forum on steroids. Actually, that’s literally what a student once said.But in Landmark Forum, they have a phrase about human interaction and they call it a racket. And it goes like this. okay. You like me and because you like me, I like you. And so because I like you, now you like me even more. And because you like me even more, I like you even more. Now what we do is I buy your bullshit, you buy my bullshit, and we are in a racket.
That’s what many of us do with our egos, but we allow it to hurt us not even knowing that we’re doing that. And he did say here, I’ll just mention casually and come back to it a little later on. He goes, many people think my ego, they’ll say things like, I’m right. I know I’m right. People have to listen to me and I’m the only one that’s right. But they don’t even see that they themselves are getting into their ego. Okay, so then he goes back to.Many times people want to take something from you and they feed your ego and stroke your ego so that you allow them to do that. Now, as I’m saying this, I’m recalling where this conversation came from because I think a couple of other people were in the room. James Wedmore might have been there. If you’ve never heard of him, he’s very big online. And Catherine Zinquina, she’s known as a manifestation babe, might have been also in this conversation, I’m not sure.And he was probably talking to all three of usabout how much work we do with the public and how easy it is to let people stroke your ego. I simply don’t know that I mastered it, but I just don’t get into it a lot. I know people say mean things about me. People say good things about me. And it doesn’tmatter. I just do what I do. And of course, I can’t speak for the other people that were in the room, but I’m thinking that’s where this conversation was born. And then he said,Many times people want to take from you, as I just said a couple of minutes ago, and they feed your ego. So you feel good when your ego is being stroked, but you’re also giving away more than what you would have been giving away or given to them. In another situation, you might not have felt so good about it, but you feel good about it like a drug because you’re getting your ego stroked. And then he said, quote,I’ll talk a lot about that in this episode. When you allow that, you give them a lot. And at the end of the day, it’s a lot of draining and you don’t even notice that it’s happening in the moment. So you think about your ego being stroked. You don’t recognize that as your ego is being stroked and you’re playing into that, you’re literally simultaneously in the same moment draining your energy. More about that in a bit.
He said, it’s very taxing and draining when we let people do that because everything is energy. Now, I remember when I started with him back in 1996, two of the first lessons and concepts that he brought to me, number one, was about conserving your energy. And what he taught me back then was, that shamans learn to conserve their energyAnd he was using it in the context of being a warrior, like a warrior, like a Native American warrior, that they had the energy when they needed it to go into battle or to go hunt. And he said, shamans conserve their energy so that they have it when they need it. And then the other thing he started talking to us about, and I’ve done other episodes on this before, actually I think episode number six is about this, quieting the mind.But the other predominant thing he started working with us on is quieting the mind. But for the purpose of this episode and this podcast and this episode, I’m talking about obviously conserving your energy. And my comment is notice, notice how many of us I’ve done it before. I don’t do it so much now. I’ll talk about that later. Actually, I’m very protective of my energy now and my space, even my home.Very few people come into my home because my home is my sanctuary and I don’t want their energy in my home. Not that they’re air quote, bad people. I just don’t want them tracking, so to speak, like going outside and getting muddy feet and tracking it in. The same thing with their energy. If they’re carrying a lot of anger or resentment or shame or these different kinds of things, I’m not judging, but we carry that energy like fumes around us and behind us and that I don’t want that brought into the house.because it consumes my energy. But my point to you is start noticing how many of us let the world, the news, people around us, things that happen in the world, how many of us let the world wipe us out? We let the world drain us. So think about that. So Don Xavier went on to say, if you allow yourself to get fed by your ego,
then your normal reaction is that and you automatically provide that person 500 % more and by the end of the day, you are drained. Notice the first sentence. If you allow yourself to be fed by your ego, think about that statement. If you allow yourself to get fed by your ego, and I’ll dig into that more and just in just a bit. And I also want to share a line in just a bit, something he said that literally just knocked me over in understanding this concept and our ego. So a way to put this in simple terms is start noticing how people literally perhaps give you a lot of compliments and you kind of know they don’t mean it or people are buttering you up or how they’re praising you. And even if you’re buying into it and they’re genuine about it,Notice, even if they’re genuine about it, many times we buy into it and then we puff up, so to speak, ego-wise and we think, you know, I’m this big banana and I’m this and I’mthat, I’m this and I’m that. It’s all toxicity because what we do is we puff up our own ego and our own ego identity as people are actually stroking our ego identity and then we relish in it and we bask in it. That is not healthy.
I remember one day in Sedona about two years ago, we have a lot of people, a lot of spiritualists visit and this person who listens to the podcast walked up to me and she said, are you Jim Fortin? And I said, yeah. And she started crying and I thought, Whoa, okay. We just met. I knew I could read her energy though, but it’s kind of odd. Somebody just starts crying, you know? And she said, thank you. My partner just passed and listening to your podcast in a particular episode. Really, really, really helped me get through what I was going through. And she asked if she could give me a hug. And in that moment I said, absolutely. And that’s fine. But she came with a pure and open heart. Now, what I did not do is I didn’t think, whoa, okay, look at me. I helped this person. No, I simply, and people might even, they might interpret it in the wrong way.
I do what I do. Some like, some don’t like, and that’s fine. It just is what it is. Because I know if I let myself get puffed up by my ego and my own self-importance, that’s going to hurt me. And if I hurt myself, I can’t help other people. But what I want you to also notice, and I know for a fact, doing the Transformational Coaching Program for many years, many people often forego their own needs. because they place the values and the needs of people in front of their own because they’re getting their ego massaged. So think about that. Many times we don’t, we do things we don’t want to do. We say things, we go places, whatever it might be, and we really don’t want to do it. We don’t feel good about it, but our ego has been massaged so much that we’re like, okay, I’ll do it. And it’s all because back at the starting point, we allowed our ego to take over, we allowed our ego to be massaged and consumeus. Then we end up doing what we don’t want to do and we’re letting other people consume our energy. And that is not helpful at all. And so then Thothambir said here, and then you notice you start being like a prune until you stop doing what I’m talking about, which is meaning letting people suck you dry through your ego. And he also mentioned Albert Einstein, which I’ll get to in just a bit. So he said, when you allow yourself without even thinking about it, people love to feed your ego because they’re going to get to you. They’re going to get something. And many times they don’t even know that they’re doing it, but they’re doing it in a way that what he calls sucking you out, meaning sucking the energy out of you. And in that moment, he goes on to say, you feel great because you’re getting your ego fed and they feel great because they’re stroking your ego and they’re getting something back from you. So both of you are getting something through the vehicle of the ego, but it’s not healthy for either party. So ponder that, sit with that and think about just recapitulate times you’ve been with people. And I do have to say there are times that people really are genuine. They’re very loving.
They’re very concerned. They’re very caring. They’re very conversational. And they’re not sucking on your ego. They’re not pulling you in via your ego. They’re not sucking you dry.
But I noticed, and I want to give you a tangible way, noticed many years ago, I went to an event that a friend was hosting and I was also a headliner at that event.And he said, Jim, we’re going to do a VIP dinner tonight. Do you want to go to that? And I said, no. And the reason that I said no was because it had happened many times before and I knew what was going to happen. And I’m not even comfortable sharing this because I just don’t like the way it makes me feel by even saying it. But many times when people sit around me, they want to talk about something in the podcast and they want to talk about something, you know,something somewhere.They’ve heard from me and they don’t even recognize that they’re sucking on my energy. And I’m kind of like, can I eat? Can I enjoy my time? Can I just be here? And mind you, like Don Xavier was saying earlier, they’re not doing it to hurt me. They’re doing it because they’re wanting something. So what I learned many years ago, and I’m very kind about it, is don’t let people stroke your ego and don’t buy into it.And if you are allowing that, simply notice it, take a step back and stop allowing it. So for me, over the years, the more exposure I’ve gotten, the more of my own exposure I’ve had to limit. Because exposure to a lot of people literally this day and age, I can feel them picking up my energy. And when they pick at it, I’ve got to protect it. And that’s even working itself. And I’ve got to protect myself energetically before I even go tolarge events, which I don’t enjoy doing anymore because of the energetic pull on them. And again, I don’t feel comfortable saying this because I’m in the world to serve, but many times it’s easier for me to serve virtually than it is when I am around people, mainly for me. And I’m going to say this because many of you can relate. I’m clairacentient. I can feel people’s energy. And when I’m physically around them, I can even see it on a camera or video. But when I’m around them, I can really feel it and a lot of energy.
it doesn’t serve me well to be around. But the same thing applies to many of you listening to this podcast because many of you, not all, and that’s okay, there’s no judgment, many of you are very spiritually gifted. But what I do know is all of you are here for a reason. You wouldn’t be here unless you were energetically drawn here for something. That being the case, be careful how you invest your energy and how you let other people suck on your energy. Don Xavier went on then to say, many people develop spiritual ego and that is not good. And what I’ve noticed is that many times, many spiritualists in particular, and I’ve said this before, they will look at people that are in religion and they’ll make fun of them and they’ll say things like, can’t believe they’re stuck in organized religion and they can’t, all these kinds of things, not even recognizing they’ve developed spiritual ego, then they’re looking down on other people.not even recognizing that they’ve turned their spirituality into a religion because religion is something you believe strongly. And then they’re getting into their ego gratification and their ego reward from looking down on other people. We have ego. Even Don Avere, he said it, everyone has ego on the planet. The key is awareness about your ego. And then he went on to say, he talked about how many times and I’ve seen this.
Because I’ve seen extraordinary things working with him and people have like, you’ve helped me cure this, you’ve helped me cure that, et cetera. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t do that. You helped me in business and my business exploded, whatever it might be. He never gets into the, well, I’m glad I could do that. I’m a big kahuna. He never gets into any of that. He simply will just very humbly say, good, I’m glad you’re doing well. And he leaves it at that. But he said, talking about ego also jumping around here, he goes, many times I tell people things and they say, they say, I already know that. Then he says, OK, then I go in a different direction and they say, I already know that. And then he thinks, why did you call me? Now, here’s a very pivotal point that I want to share. Quote from Don Javier. When you know everything that is the ego eating the person. The ego has taken over. I’ll repeat it because when you really look at that, it’s like, holy mackerel. When you know everything that is the ego eating the person, the ego is taking over. As I said earlier, everyone has ego as part of the experience.We just can’t let our egos consume us. We can’t let the egos of other people consume us and dry us out. I do want to point out when people come into TCP, the Transformational Coaching Program, the very first week I will tell people to come empty because many people will come and they’ll say, I know this, I know that, I know this, I know that. Well, you’re here for a’re stuck somewhere in your life, which means you don’t know it. You might understand it, but you don’t know it. And what I want toshare with you listening is when you already know something or think you know something, there’s no further growth or discovery. Your growth and your discovery comes from not knowing something and then being curious about it. Don’t have your went into.And I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time here, but he talks a lot about physics, a whole lot, and he emerges physics and spirituality in terms of the way humans understand spirituality. And in this conversation, he said, but think about the quantum. And then what he said was brain thinking. And then that goes from there to mind and from mind to emotions, from emotions to feeling, from feeling to vibration, from vibration tofrequency. And then he hopped around a little more and he said, the whole being is electric, meaning your whole being is electric. And he said, which I’ve said before, we are electromagnetic. And he said, I come to be even more electric than magnetic. I’m not going to hop into that in this episode, but I thought I’d share that pointbecause some of you might find some value in me planting that thought or sharing that thought with you.
Then Don Xavier went into ego. That is how people get people. Think about that ego. That is how people get ego. People get you through them feeding your ego and then you actually might get other people by feeding their ego. And that’s how our energies are drained. The example that I gave earlier was people literally stroking our ego.
And then we end up doing things we don’t wantto do. Khan people, this is what they do. They stroke the ego, which is the greed of the person that they’re preying upon. We do this, and we’re still in political season in the United States. Take a step back. Take a step back and look at the amount of ego and campaigns. Even picking one party over the other is all ego. It’s all self-importance. Now again, it’s all part of the human experience, but we have to recognize when it’s happening. And then he talked to me personally, and this is a bit personal, but I’ll share it. And there’s not much here to share, but I’ll share it. He said to me, this was before 1996, back in the past, before the path, they got you through, meaning me, they got you through your sexual energy. The most powerful energy that people have and people can be controlled through their sexual energy. And then he asked, are people draining you and controlling you or are you controlling other people through that energy? And it doesn’t matter me being an identifying as male. It doesn’t matter whether it me, a male or a female. That’s the way that we control people also through energy is we literally stroke the ego of another person. when we might have a sexual agenda in mind and that is the person. We look at the physical act of that. Okay, that’s one thing. That’s all most of us think about. But what is the energy we are sacrificing? What is the energy we are giving up? So what I’m asking you here, your sexual energy is your most powerful energy and how are you using your sexual energy? Are you using it to literally suck on other people’s energy via their ego or vice versa because remember, we are energetic beings. And then in this conversation, again, he went somewhere else. This was definitely a zigzag conversation. And he said, when you know the basics of quantum, meaning quantum physics, then a transformation happens like it did for Einstein. Now, when I heard that again recently as I was actually creating this podcast for you,I was kind of scratching my head. This was a couple of years ago and I’m thinking, where did he go with that? But this is what he said, quote, Einstein was an incredible science guy who came to be awake and came to be a believer at a time. And there was a time he was a non-believer because he was all science. Now, let me take that apart. Don Xavier said, quote, he did not believe in God. Everything was based in science.Now I do want to reiterate, Don Xavier does not promote religion in any shape, form or fashion. Zero promotion of organized religion. So when he uses the word God, what he means is divine mind, consciousness, the quantum field, the quantum dimension, you know, whatever you want to call it. It’s not God in the Judeo-Christian or any other organized religion type of way. So DX said, about Einstein, in his growing, someone brought to his attention dimensions. He was into all other stuff, but not dimensions. Quote, when someone introduced him to the concept of dimensions, he could see how the quantum universal laws and mechanics work. And that’s when he became a believer and he started talking about a creator and he started using a different language.
Einstein went into the labyrinths of dimensions and he really got into it as he came to be a believer of the consciousness of creation, meaning in layman’s terms, God. That’s how Einstein came to air quote believe in God is through basically observing the dimensions and the physics around dimensions. Then he said, Tesla came And he already knew and he started talking about energy from the beginning, energy, frequency and vibration. And you will understand the universe. Quote, Tesla was advanced for his time. Quote, early on, Einstein was getting fed by ego as in I am right. Everyone else is wrong. I am right. And many people fed his ego. And then Don Xavier literally has got a great sense of humor. And he said, and by and by no means was he a handsome guy. He had an immense amount of attraction from people because he was extremely, extremely intelligent. People were fascinated by him. And yes, he had a lot of women around him, but not because he was a handsome guy, but because he was fed by his ego. And the moment he started exploring dimensions,He then knew he could not feed his ego anymore. You know, I do want to make a comment about Einstein there and some things that we’re seeing happening in the world. I’m not a big news watcher, but I saw some atrocious things that were being texted to people in the United States the day after the election. Misogyny, racism, etc. And Einstein did say the human spirit must prevail over technology. And what he also saidis I believe that the abominable deterioration of ethical standards stems primarily from the mechanization and depersonalization of our lives, a disastrous byproduct of science and technology. Nostra culpa. We are to blame. And that’s food for thought. You know, many times people erroneously say that Einstein said something like, when our technology surpasses our humanity,It didn’t say it in that way, but it meansthe same thing. And we’re seeing that now in the world where many people’s technological skills are surpassing their humanity. You may, you may not know what I’m talking about from last week. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. But the day after the election, there were some really, really toxic texts being sent to hundreds of thousands of people in the U S it was all racist and about misogyny anyway.
So a mind blowing thought is this, DX, because he related it back to Einstein, okay?He said, ego is frequency and your body is water and water is frequency. And he said, quote, he, meaning Einstein, was drying himself out. And he even asked, why am I thirstier and my skin is drier?This is how intelligent and smart that the man was. So essentially, what Don Xavier was saying, that Einstein was saying, basically paraphrasing or putting into his own words, Einstein was saying, the number one thing is that I am water. And then he recognized Don Javier’s words, uh-oh, I’ve got to stop this. If I allow myself to get dry and dried out, then I’m going to die.
And he said, Einstein had the thought, I have to work with the number one intelligence that I carry. And that is energy. And that is the water in me. And then Don Xavier said, I don’t think, I don’t know if a lot of this is published. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I don’t know. I didn’t go look and maybe he explained it. But Don Xavier said, quote, and he stopped it. Don Xavier says, pretty humorous, he was an ordinary looking guy with bad hair.and he had all these women around him and they would chase him and he had an attraction to women and he would get seduced by his mind. But he learned he could not do that. And mainly he was getting seduced by his ego until he had these epiphanies. And then Don Xavier even said, quote, we are kind of joking and laughing about this in a jovial way. And Einstein did have problems with women.And then went on to say, Einstein’s thought was, I have to stop doing all this because I’m giving my life force, my energy, my water away. It is my life force and I have to keep it. So where am I going in this episode? I’ve gone a lot of different places. And as I said, in these episodes, Don Xavier zigzags around and I go with literally just what’s divinely led. And when I started thinking about this episode, I’m like, okay.
And I just started looking, I’ve got thousands of recordings and hours, and I just start scrolling and wherever my finger just stops on my phone or my laptop or wherever, that’s the episode that I pull forward. And the takeaway more than anything is to look at the energetic ramifications of us getting into our ego, because we don’t think about it that way. We don’t think about, if I get into my ego, we never say,Well, what’s that going to do to me energetically or physiologically? What’s that going to do to my body? But we let people stroke our egos all day long. Why? Because it feels good. They enjoy doing it because they’re getting something. So we’re getting the stroking. They’re getting something because they’re stroking the ego. Everybody gets something. And it’s a toxic relationship of ego when we let people do that. And then we let people as Don Xavier say, we let them suck us dry emotionally, physically and energetically. So your transformational takeaway is what I just said. But take a step back and notice how you feel when you’re, you know, you’re leaving people. And after you’ve left them, do you get in the car? Do you shut your front door, whatever it might be and go, wow, peace in the house now or peace in the car or I’m away from them. and notice how your energy starts to settle. It starts to settle because you were letting other people suck the energy out of you. That’s not a healthy place to be. And what you want to do is you want to preserve the energy because you want to preserve the body like I started this episode on. The most important thing a shaman can learn is how to conserve their energy. And when you learn to better manage your ego, you then better conserve your energy. Thanks for listening. I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye bye.