You’re listening to Episode number 45 of the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. Now in this episode, I’m going to talk about why it’s so hard to break your bad habits. Now, you may or may not know that episode number five, it’s also about habits. But in this episode, I want to give you the exact strategy that I referenced in episode number five. And it’s the strategy that I used to kick a 20 year Diet Coke habit. And I’m going to give that strategy to you step by step in this episode. So keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered a leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Hacking Your Brain’s Auto-Pilot to Break Bad Habits For Good
Okay, so as you may or may not know, I’ve already created a podcast on habits, episode number five that I told you about in the introduction. Now, in that episode, I told you, and I don’t know, you know, how new you know you’ve been with me or how long you been with me. And I want to suggest also let me segue here. If you’re new here, go all the way back to the beginning. And start there start with episode number one, because they don’t necessarily build on each other, but yet they complement each other. So if you’re new here, go back to episode number one. However, you may want to start with episode number five. Because I told you in that episode, I’m going to teach you the exact process that I learned that I tweaked that I figured out. And I used that psychological process, I call it a strategy.
I use that very simple four step strategy to literally eliminate a 20 year old Diet Coke habit that I had. And that was many years back that I did it. Now about diet coke, you can use that but you can substitute your own habit, whatever it might be. And just substitute Diet Coke as I tell you the stories, because in the process I’m going to give you it has nothing You know, it has nothing to do with Diet Coke. So just substitute whatever bad habit, sabotaging habit, counterproductive habit, you know, substitute whatever habit it is that you want to replace. But I’m going to give you the exact processes, steps and again, they are like really simple a third grader could do it. It is so simple.
Before I do that, I just being transparent with you here before I actually created this episode. I’ve hired a video marketing company. And I’ve shot a year worth of video content. And one of the videos which we’re going to use YouTube, one of the videos was on habits. So you know, as I sat down to create this episode for you, I just I don’t want to reinvent the wheel. And you know, episode number five is very in depth. And I mean, I covered a lot in that episode. So I don’t want to just sit here and rehash episode number five. So what I’m going to share with you is,
it would serve you well. Anyway, if you’ve been with me for a while, go back and listen to episode number five. And you can do it, you know, you can stop here and go back right now and then come back. Or you can finish this episode and then go back to number five. But it will serve you well to go back and listen to number five. And the reason why research also demonstrates that and by the way, I think it’s episode number five. I didn’t go log but I’m pretty sure it’s number five.
So anyway, research demonstrates that we forget 89% of what we hear and even what we air quote, learn within 30 days of it’s not reinforced. And I’ve gotten many emails from people and Instagram notes and everything else. And by the way I’ve mentioned before, if you have a question you want me to answer on the podcast, please do not send it to my personal Instagram, because it’s probably going to get missed. And I definitely want to at least get your question on the list.
But research demonstrates that we literally forget not you know 89% of what we learn with within 30 days if it’s not reinforced. So go back to episode number five. Now what I do want to do is I do want to recap episode number five before I give you the four step strategy sequence to break any bad habit. Also, I want to point out that I talked about in episode number five, there are no such things as good habits or bad habits. The brain just knows habits. The reptilian part of the brain does not know what a good habit is, right? bad habit is per se, it just actually works from habits.
I do want to recap a little bit of Episode Five. So there will be a little bit of overlap, but not much. So episode number five, I talked about the research done at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig Germany, one of the foremost research institutes in the world, what they’ve discovered is that 95% of everything that we do on a daily basis, everything that we do is, brain based, it’s habit based. And we go through our entire days on automatic autopilot. As a matter of fact, we go through most of our days on brain based automatic autopilot or on unconscious autopilot.
Something else that I talked about in that episode, and I want to reinforce it, maybe you’ll hear it in a different way this time. And I also know from people going through my training programs, when many people repeat the programs multiple times. And they grow in the programs. And they will say you know what, when you talked about XYZ in the last program, I didn’t even hear you. Well, the reason why is because the brain filters it out. So by going back and listening to episode number five, if you’ve been listening, since you know, since number five, you will hear a lot of stuff that you did not hear the first time through. But I did say that episode. And this is so simple, so simple. And by the way, I’m not tossing any stones, because everything I’m sharing with you, you know, I’m an earth school also. And these are things that you know, I’ve had to apply my own life and master and work with and struggle with and triumph over. And you know, we’re no different. We’re all just on different paths in this lifetime.
But I said in that episode, and maybe me staying at this time, you might hear it a different way. But everything in life, considering the fact the scientific research that 95% of your day is on autopilot. Everything is about training yourself. Consider that everything is about training yourself. And you do what you do, because you have trained yourself or other people have trained you and those habits. And you do not do what you do not do because you don’t have the habit, and you have trained yourself or other people have trained you.
Recently in my Transformational Coaching programs, somebody asked me a very simple question. They said, Jim, why do I keep falling back into old patterns again? Well, that’s a really simple answer. Simple, I mean, like mega simple. It’s just habits. That’s why this in my interpretation, the episodes on habits are I believe some of the most powerful episodes that I will create for you. Because your life literally is an amalgamation of your habits. You might have heard me say before that you don’t get in life what you want, because that is left brain analytical thought you get in life, what your habits are.
Let me explain here very quickly, even though I talked about it in episode number five, we’ll talk about habits in three parts of the brain, you’ve got the oldest part of the brain we all have, which is the reptilian brain, the function of that part of the brain is survival fight or flight, then you have the most brain which is called the mammalian brain, which is also the limbic system, and it’s the emotional part of the brain. And then you have what’s called the prefrontal cortex, which is the largest part of part of the brain. It’s the part of the brain listening now saying, yes, this makes sense. I get it turn left at this light, what am I going to have for dinner tonight, etc, etc. It is the thinking part of the brain.
Now, what happens is that people have the thought, I want to change XYZ about myself, which comes from the actually pre-frontal cortex, the thinking the executive part of the brain, things like you know what, I really look fat in these pants, or, you know, a guy could say, I don’t like really look that good, you know, summer’s here, and I don’t look that good taking my shirt off at a pool party. So I’m going to diet and I’m going to run, I’m going to exercise, I’m going to go to the gym, whatever. So we have this thinking part of the brain that actually thinks that we want to change certain habits. And many times we attribute it to mindset saying that we want to change our mindset. But anytime anyone says they want to change their mindset, what they’re really saying is they want to change their habit. And what they really mean without knowing it. And with what I teach people is they want to change their brain set, they want to change their habits.
So the reason it’s so hard for most of us is that the analytical thinking brain says you know what? And I’ve been there and I’m going to use my example for many years ago. You know what, I’ve read these articles, Diet Coke is not good for you. I used to have one a day, sometimes two a day, but generally I rationalized it and said I would drink Diet Coke after lunch because I don’t drink coffee, which is what we do we rationalize our behaviors. You know, being a hypnotist for many years, women would say, Well, I eat because I’m lonely. I eat because I’m bored. I eat because of this or that I eat because I’m sad. And men say it too. But I work with a lot of women. And we eat because we eat plain and simple. But But what we do as humans is we rationalize it. So I would drink the Diet Coke and rationalize it.
But years ago, I thought you know what I read some stuff on what’s it called aspartame or whatever it’s called the artificial sweetener and it’s not good for you and a higher incidence of stroke and diabetes and heart attacks and all this kind of stuff. But yet, I felt like I air quote was addicted to diet coke. I don’t even tell people I would say things like, you know what, I don’t know what I don’t know what they put in this but holy cow this stuff is addictive. Now, that could also be a story in itself, which actually perpetuated the habit I do not know. I mean, I could have been addicted because you know again, air quotes thought that I was addicted to diet coke. And then Episode Five, I told you that I’m going to show you a four step sequence to literally bust any negative counterproductive sabotaging habit very, very quickly. I’ve used it myself to stop drinking Diet Coke, which I drank one, maybe two a day for 20 years. And I did it in the same sequences same time, which is also habitual. But I’m going to share with you the four simple steps at the end of this episode. So what happens
is the reptilian part of the brain the oldest part of the brain where habits you know, habits reside. Let me explain here let me go back here so we have the prefrontal cortex thinking part of the brain saying no Diet Coke, but Diet Coke for me was a habit and the reptilian part of the brain is responsible for habits. So what would happen is that would set them up for a battle. My thinking part of the brain no Diet Coke would battle the reptilian part of the brain. Yes, Diet Coke Diet Coke is a habit. And then I got into what I would call a habit battle. Have the coke don’t have the coke. Have the coke don’t have the coke have the coke.
Oh, my willpower is wearing down which I explained in episode number five, my my willpower is wearing down. Hmm, okay, I will have the Diet Coke. Therefore, I’m reinforcing the belief that you know what Diet Coke is addictive, and I cannot stop Diet Coke. And this cycle of negativity in terms of meeting the Diet Coke habit continues on and on. And on. Also, which I talked about in episode number five, is will power does not work. Many people think that willpower is trying to make something happen. And there’s different wills, we can use our willpower we can use our will as a human being, which is a whole different episode. And then do not confuse that with willpower, which people think is strength of mind.
Well, willpower does not work and you have many episodes in your own life. And when you look at your own life, you will find many times and you’ve tried to use willpower, it has become an amazing, amazing struggle for you. And go back and listen episode number five. And I will explain why willpower does not work. And actually willpower reinforces the habit and makes it even harder to quit. The very simple explanation is because if you’re thinking about By the way, the unconscious mind is not thinking negatives.
To give you an example, if I said, Don’t think of a pink elephant, you have to think of a pink elephant to know what I do not want you to think about. Now, when people are thinking about, for example, trying to use willpower to stop drinking coffee or Diet Coke or sugar or whatever it is, when you’re using your willpower. Where’s your attention, your attention is on not doing the behavior. And if you’re thinking about not doing a behavior, what are you thinking about, you’re thinking about the behavior, hence, you’re actually making the behavior harder to stop. Okay, something else I want to explain here a few more things. Let me go a few more minutes. And then I’ll give you the four step process.
So the reptilian part of the brain, the oldest part of the brain, where it works from is that every habit that you have, because the reptilian part of the brain is responsible for the autonomic nervous system, fight or flight keeping you alive. And this is where our habits are housed in that part of the brain.
Now, the reason that we create habits is for the brain to conserve energy and to save energy. It’s also a survival mechanism. What I tell people is, you know, imagine for a moment, if you had to actually learn how to ride a bike or drive a car or wash dishes, or get dressed, you had to learn how to do it every time you did it. I mean, your life would would be one continuous learning cycle of learning how to wash dishes, or drive the car or whatever. But we learn these things. And the brain learns these things, for efficiency reasons to conserve energy.
So the reptilian part of the brain works from every habit that you have, is necessary for your survival. Now, when the analytical brain thinks about it, the prefrontal cortex, you’re like, well, that’s ludicrous. I mean, smoking, I don’t want to smoke anymore. And I don’t want to drink Diet Coke, and I don’t want coffee and all these things that many of us do. Some people here listening also are going to say, Well, a lot of these things are physically addictive. I’m going to tell you right now, that is not true. I thought Diet Coke was addictive. It was not true. I dropped it literally in a matter of an hour or minutes, which I’ll teach you how to do.
People will say, well, smoking is addictive. Well, if that’s true, then how can being a hypnotist for many, many years and master hypnotist? How come I could stop people from smoking packs of cigarettes a day, they had no cravings and they had no withdrawal from nicotine was like they never smoked. So what I want to share with you, I don’t know the exact degree. But I do know that many of the things that we think are biologically addictive, that is a cultural illusion that we have learned and it is not true. But it is true for us because we believe it’s true for us.
I’m quickly interrupting this episode because I want to share something with you that can transform your life, I want to tell you about my upcoming no charge a live online training on September the fourth, it’s called the be to have series, a three part live training to transform your life from the inside out. If you’re not getting the results that you want in life or business, then you’re most likely working backwards, you’re working from the outside in. And this training will turn all of that around for you. There’s going to be an amazing giveaway at the end of the three part series. And it’s going to be a $3,000 Prize.So make sure that you’re signed up, you can sign up at And the link is in the show notes. And in my Instagram bio, enjoy the rest of this episode.
Want to do again being a little repetitive, I want you to go back to episode number five. And listen to that because there’s no point in me rehashing an entire episode when everything is right there in that episode. But I do want to cover a process here, which is also covered in episode number five. But I want to cover it here because I’m going to lead into it in just a little bit to share with you because there’s an aspect of that process.
So what happens is whatever habits we have, and if you notice most of your habits happened in sequence, let’s say you smoke, for example, and you draw it you smoke on the way to work you smoke at 10 o’clock, you smoke at lunch, you smoke at three o’clock you smoke at five o’clock, etc. For the most part, you probably have a pattern to your habits. So what happens is the brain metaphorically speaking, has actually recorded and knows your sequence of habits. So then what happens is, the brain knows let’s say you smoke on the keep this simple. You smoke three times a day, you smoke in the morning at lunch and in the evening. So let’s make this really simple.
Three things, three habits three times one habit three times. So what happens is the brain says, okay, we know that she smokes at nine at noon, and at six. And again, I’m making all this up. So what happens is like an alarm clock, the brain says okay, prior to nine o’clock, I’m going to give her I need to remind her to get into the habit, because I’m just dialoguing and making this up as if the brain we’re talking the reptilian part of the brain. And the brain would be saying, you know what my job is her survival, my job is to actually make habits happen in sequence, whatever they are. So therefore, I’m going to make sure that she does the habit. Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to give her a cue, like a little bit of a nudge, what I’m going to do is I’m going to give her an urge, prior to the habit having having to happen.
So if she smokes at 9am at 8:50, I am going to give her the urge to want the cigarette, because when she has the urge, therefore she’s going to remember Oh, okay, yeah, I’ve got the search here, even though the person is not thinking about it, oh, I want a cigarette. So what happens is the brain literally is set like on autopilot, the reptilian part of the brain, then what happens is the queue comes in, and the queue actually creates the urge and the urge creates the desire. And then what happens is we most of us when we go into the habit cycle that the habit loop, we go right into the habit. Now, where I was a Diet Coke is when I want it and this is why it’s so hard to break your bad habits.
Here’s where here’s the whole podcast is going to rest on this is what I call your habit voice, which I talked about in episode number five, but I’m going to go farther here. So what happens is that voice in your head says, oh, okay, yeah, I felt like a cigarette right now. Or I feel like a cookie or I feel like a Diet Coke. Or Oh, yeah, I feel like playing a game online wasting, you know, wasting time there. Or I feel like this or I feel like that. So what happens is there is this entire strategy on the brain. And then what happens when we want to quit the habit? What happens is our habit voice. Actually what happens here is habit voice says it’s like nudging you habit voices like a con-person, a con-woman, a con-man. Notice I’m actually appealing the both genders because I got emails on that also about that. But habit voice, it’s that voice in your mind. That says Go ahead, you know, Yeah, go ahead. It’s okay, have one more cookie. Go ahead, have one more Diet Coke, or things like you know what, your weak and you shouldn’t try to resist a cookie anyway, because you’re going to fail.
Now here is the power is that when we learn to dialogue, when we learn to dialogue with habit voice, we can destroy a habit very, very quickly if you follow the exact very simple steps that I give you. And again, for the fourth or fifth or sixth time, go back and listen, episode number five, what most of us do is we fight the urge. So we have the habit, we have the urge, which is the queue, and then the urge pops up. And then when we want to start a new behavior, what we did was we fight the urge and we try to use willpower, then we get in the habit battle have the cigarette no have the cigarette no have the cigarette no, then what happens is the thinking part of the brain loses to the stronger part of the reptilian loses to the stronger part of the brain, which is the reptilian brain. And then what happens many times we create self talk about that. And our self talk many times as well. There you go. See, I knew that I couldn’t quit, I’m going to be a lifelong smoker, whatever, it is so hard. It’s so hard, it’s so hard to quit no matter what I do, I can’t quit, etc, etc, etc. Okay.
Now, what I want to do is I want to show you in just a moment, the sequences, the four simple steps. And if you’re in the car, you cannot write these down right now. Come back and listen later. And I want you to write these four steps down, I want you to commit them to memory, put them on a three by five card, put them in your pocket, but learn this strategy, it will set you free. And I know because it did for me and I’ve had many students tell me my coaching programs, it has set them free also have a lifetime of counterproductive sabotaging habits.
Before I go into the four steps, the four step sequence that you’re going to go into, actually, it’s five steps, as I think about it, because there’s something here that I want to add that will just transform your life when you get this. And as a matter of fact, I asked my students recently, I just finished a group coaching program, we went 15 weeks. And I said you guys remember week number one, what was the most valuable line I told you the entire program. And they all knew it, and I’m going to share that with you is step number five. And just a moment, I do want to add one more thing here, and then I’m going to give you the steps, what I want to add is that your habits come from the reptilian part of your brain. But what many do is we personalize the habit, meaning we make the habit about us as an entire, you know, being a human being, we make it our habit. And then we actually many times we put you know, quanta and qualification on it.
For example, like cookies, like I talked about, we will now if you’re if you have a habit of you know eating a cookie every day, or six or whatever. But what happens is many people make that about them. Oh, I am a person who eats a dozen cookies a day. And that means that I am weak. And that means that I just can’t resist sugar, and etcetera. Now when I started here, and I said many times in episode number five, and I’m going to say it here, a habit is just a habit.
It is not you even though your brain is in your body, it is not you doing the behavior, it is your brain, you have to get that please it is your brain. So what we do is we personalize it. Now again, there’s subtle distinction there. But I think it’s pretty clear. What I’m saying is, you know the cookie, and you have one every day, it’s your brain doing it. And then people personalize it and say, Oh, I’m so weak etcetera. So we want to create that distinction. Because what I want to start doing right here is and when you go back and listen to episode number five, this response will be like I mean crystal clear to you, it’ll make 100% sense even though I’ve just covered and highlighted in this episode, it’ll be 100% clear to you.
What we’re going to do, and again, you may want to write this down. Here’s what happens. Let me tell you the anatomy of what happens is that the habit alarm which I covered here, and in five, episode number five, the habit alarm goes off in the brain, then what happens, which I’m being a little repetitive, but hopefully just stay with me, then what happens is the urge comes up, which is a compulsion. And then what you literally do is you say I want or I feel like I want or I need or I’m thinking about having the Diet Coke, then what happens because the brain reptilian part of the brain really wants you to do that habit. Because that part of the brain works from the habit is a you know, it’s a survival mechanism. So then what’s going to happen that part of the brain called the habit voice is going to pop up. And that voice is going to say yeah, yeah, yeah, have the Diet Coke.
Here’s where most people collapse now, and they go into the habit. Here’s where you are going to actually split from that and eliminate the habit. I have to be candid here. When I had the Diet Coke habit. I really, I mean, seriously, I thought, wow, this is I mean, this stuff’s got power over me this This is crazy. I mean, come on, what do they put in this that makes it so addictive. And when I put together in my mind, and I figured this out, and I put this process together, I literally even though I’ve said it before, I really want you to understand this is that I stopped a 20 year habits that I talked to myself about for a good 10 years wanting to quit and thinking that I couldn’t quit. I stopped literally with no cravings and a matter of I don’t know, one day, one afternoon, and I ever remember the intersection that I was sitting at because part of my habit loop was I would come home from lunch, I work from home, but I go out to lunch every day just to get out of the house. And there’s a 7/11 on the corner. Now, I wouldn’t keep Diet Coke in the house. Because if I knew if I kept in the house, I would drink it. But I knew if I went to the 7/11 on the corner, then I could buy a diet coke there. And that would say she ate my urge, which was a habit for a Diet Coke.
So all right, so I’ve covered the four steps that your brain goes through. Now, let me give you the responses. Okay, here’s what you want to do. And you can write this down and just use it exactly. And the way that I give it to you. Number one. So when the compulsion in the urge comes up, whatever it is, and you no longer want it. Here’s your steps. Number one, write this down. You’re going to say to yourself, this is just a habit. It is not me. That’s step number one. This is just a habit. It is not me because remember, most people personalize the habit and the habit comes from the brain. Step number one and I’m going to repeat myself a lot because repetition is the mother of all learning. Step number one, write this down. This is just a habit. It’s not me. Okay, that’s step number one. Now, you already know you’re having an urge. So what you’re going to say to yourself next is this. You ready? Here it is, this urge will go away. When I dis miss it. This urge will go away when I dis miss it. That’s step number two. I’ll explain this mess in just a moment. And I do explain it thoroughly and episode number five. Step number three, you’re going to say this to yourself. It’s just my habit voice. It’s not me. It’s just my habit voice. It’s not me. Next step is this are you ready. I choose to dismiss the urge and habit voice now. I’ll repeat that. I choose to dismiss the urge and my habit voice now. So obviously, what you’re going to do is you’re going to dismiss habit voice and you’re going to dismiss the urge.
As a matter of fact, to make sure that you go back to episode number five. I’m not even going to explain what dismiss is because I explained it very clearly the distinction between dismissing something and ignoring it. What most people try to do is they try to ignore the urge. And when they try to try to ignore the urge, the urge, urge gets stronger. So go back and listen to episode number five, where I clearly actually talk about the distinction between dismissing and ignoring. So what you’re going to do is you’re going to dismiss the urge and the habit voice. Now what you will say to yourself, and then finally, the last step is this. And you will say this, and this literally is metaphorically tattooed on my forehead, it’s to me the most powerful thing, probably that I mean, and I say probably, I could pick a handful of things. But to me, this is pure power. And the final thing you’re going to say to yourself as I move my attention,I move my attention. And that’s it.
Because see, I don’t know if you know how long you’ve been with me and how many episodes you’ve listened to, but you are in your life where your attention is. And have you ever noticed that when you want Diet Coke, to give you an example of that you want a Diet Coke, or a cigarette or whatever? Well your attentions on that. And the more that you keep your attention on that the more that you want it.
But notice, for example, that you’re thinking about a Diet Coke, you know, have a Diet Coke, and you’re in the car, then you almost have an accident, whoa, now that scared you and the brain got into action and everything else, you’re no longer thinking about a Diet Coke, you no longer even want a Diet Coke. Why? Because your attention is not there. When your attention is somewhere you are thinking about that thing. And here’s what I want to share with you. You can’t want something if you are not thinking about it consciously, meaning once the urge pops up for you, which comes from the reptilian brain, then you start thinking about it. Now you want it because your attention is there.
But when you move your attention, then what happens is the brain actually moves to whatever you’re focusing on. Now, here’s the cement here is what will happen is the habit will leave very, very quickly. Literally by the very next day, I had maybe like at 10% urge for Diet Coke after that I’ve never had another urge since then, why? Because the reptilian part of the brain if you could see it dialoguing, and it was dialoguing. It would sound something like this. Well, you know, I gave him an urge for a Diet Coke. And I gave him you know, I know that he had one every day at one o’clock I gave him the queue. I created the urge. I gave him habit voice and he dismissed it. And then each time I went through that sequence again to give him all that you know, the whole sequence to create the habit, he dismissed it.
Therefore, I’m no longer going to actually execute on the habit loop. Because every time I do, he dismisses it. So what’s the point of executing on the habit loop? Now if you could listen into your reptilian brain, it would sound something like that. So there’s your five steps right there.
To recap very quickly write these down. This is just a habit. It’s not me. This urge will go away when I dismiss it. It’s just my habit voice. It’s not me. I choose to dismiss the urge and habit voice now. And then finally, I move my attention. Okay, there you go. So this will complement these two episodes work hand in hand number five and number 45. So write this down, apply it and send us to support support at and let us know how this is working for you. I’m guaranteeing you just stick with us and you stay right on script as I’ve given it to you. And it will be very, very easy for you to actually transform yourself out of your old counterproductive sabotaging habits.
Now, your Transformational tTakeaway that you know this week is there’s a couple of things. Number one is that everything in your life for the most part 95% everything that you do. 95% is a habit. hHabits are not personal. They come from the reptilian part of the brain. And your transformational takeaway is obvious is the five step process that I gave you. Master learned that process work through it in your mind. It also works I want to point out for not just physical things, but it also works for and by the way, I know I know, I’m going to get email and as people are going to email, email me about addictions and everything else. But I’ve seen people use this and I’ve used it in hypnotherapy with people that have addictions. And I’ve watched them move through it very quickly. But what I want to point out is that you can also use this process with habit of thinking like I’m not good enough or bad things are going to happen, or whatever it might be for you recognize that if you’ve got a counter-productive thought over and over and over and over again, that is a habit and you can use this very same process. So your major Transformational Takeaway is the five steps that I just gave you.
Okay, the next episode is going to be with Jason. Jason is actually currently enrolled. He’s been through one of my Transformational Program a couple of times. And he’s going to he’s actually enrolled to go through a couple more times. Jason is an Olympic medalist and in that episode he’s going to share with you he’s going to share with you and I think this will be all think I know it’s going to be an extremely valuable episode, he’s going to share with you how he held himself back for helping people for over a decade, because something that was stuck in his mind about that Olympic medal that he won, and something that somebody told him about that Olympic medal, plain and simple.
He was told even though he was the winner of an Olympic medal, he was told he didn’t deserve it. And he believed that some part of him and he lived for over a decade, not helping the amount of people that he could help because he believed something that someone else said to him. So if you’ve ever been in a place where you believe things, which by the way, most of your life is a belief and you are trapped in that very same place. Even if you don’t want to admit it. You’re going to love the next episode with Jason on Monday, the Transformational Story.Okay, take care and make it an awesome day to day. Bye bye.
Thank you for listening to this entire podcast. If you’re the kind of person who likes to help others, then share this with your friends and family. You know, if you found value, they will too. So please share via your social media channels. Also, if you have questions, I’m here to assist. You can email me questions to support at And I may even use your question for a future podcast episode. Also, if you want transformational content like this daily, connect with me on Instagram, my Instagram name is Finally, I do have a personal request. I believe that we’re all here to help others and to grow and evolve ourselves. together. You and I let’s help more people. If you would, please leave a review on iTunes and a good one by the way. I’d be grateful and through your assistance together, we can transform more lives. Thanks for listening.