You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This is another episode with Gary Zukav and it’s titled Gary Zukav Deep Dive #2. I’m doing these deep dives, not because, you know, I want you to hear me talk or I’ve got to opinionate or whatever it might be. I’m doing these actual recaps of what Gary and I talked about, even though you’ve heard it, if you’ve listened to the episode of Gary. I’m doing them to accentuate some points from my perspective, my model of reality. And my almost three decades of working with a Shaman. I know that when we hear things from different perspectives, it may register differently. So, I’m doing this to create perhaps a different perspective or a new perspective or another and hopefully you can assimilate what you’re learning a lot better by getting at least two perspectives his in mind on the things we’re talking about. Hopefully you enjoy these episodes. I’ve got several more coming. We have six in total sorry, eight in total, four with Gary and I visiting and then four with me recapping. So, this is the recap from the first interview. Enjoy.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah-rah motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay. So, in this episode, as you, the last episode that is that Gary and I did. We’ve already. Released two episodes of Gary and I chatting. And I want a deep dive in this one. But I want to talk about some questions and things that I asked Gary and deep dive into those as I’d mentioned earlier. And love that’s something we’re all familiar with and we’ve all heard it our entire lives. And we all think that we know what it means. But really what is love? And over my decades, working with Don Xavier, he’s always talked about love and unconditional love and everything is always love, love, love, love, love. I mean working with him sometimes I feel like 1960s, counterculture, hippie peace and love. You know, the Beatles. All you need is love, et cetera. But it’s important. I don’t even know the right word. It’s so profound. It’s the essence of our existence. And most of us don’t understand it.
I remember many years ago asking Don Juan. Who is the mentor to Don Xavier? What love was. And he basically shared the same thing that Gary did, but a little differently. And he said many of you on the planet and earth school. He goes many. You think that love is a feeling or a sentiment? You know, oh, from the bottom of my heart, I have this feeling that I love you. And he said to me that love is not a feeling. It is not a sentiment. Which is the way that we understand it. He goes, love is a frequency. And I want to talk about that a little bit. So, I asked Gary about unconditional love. And when it comes to unconditional love, most of us think we love. But in truth, what we do is we love conditionally. And I remember Don Xavier was saying to me many years ago. That even unconditional love is not love. And then Gary and I talked about it.
And as you heard him say in the last episode, Love is love. It’s as simple and profound, the zap. And conditional love, which is what many of us have is conditional love. But that’s not love that is a variation. And Gary didn’t say that I’m just choosing a word there. It’s basically like water down love. And I can’t think of a good metaphor right now, but you know, you let’s say, for example, you look at gold, a gold bar. Gold and it, and it in and of itself 24 karat gold are pretty much a hundred percent gold. But then you mix some other metal in with it and it’s no longer what it was. And the same thing with love. Love is love, but when you mix something in with its conditions, it is no longer love. And Gary had mentioned that conditions are artifacts of the five sensory perception.
So, my thought right now to share with you is think of someone. That you deeply love. No matter what. And as I’d mentioned earlier, Notice that for many of us. It’s really more of feeling. And we love that person until they do X, Y, Z. And it can be anything. Leaving dirty dishes on the counter. And we, we fly off the handle and we yell at them. But yet out of the, you know, out of the same I was going to say out of the other side of our mouth, what we do is we say, I love you and I love you, and I love you, but why can’t you do A and B and C and D and E. And why can’t you do blahblahblahblahblah. Well, many times the feeling that we have. We think that it’s love, but we’re experiencing the love as an emotion. And everything is a frequency and that’s a frequency too. But it’s not the frequency of love. You know, the best way that I think I can explain it or share a conception about it. Is like the golden mean. Phi it is sublime it is perfection.
There was some research done you know, several years ago. And I don’t know where I read this research. But the research stated and said that when we are in the state of feeling unconditional love, The blood pressure on the walls of the heart. Go to the ratio of the golden mean. So, to at least create maybe some understanding here. Love is sublime. I mean, it’s the most sublime thing in the universe. And as kids. We don’t learn, love that way. We learn love as the sentiment or the emotion, and then the sentiment or the emotion tied to a particular behavior. And looking at your own behavior, what you want to look at is do I love people when they do certain things, but then I don’t love them when they do other things.
So, I asked Gary, as you heard and his opinion, plain and simple. What is love? And Gary said it’s on. I love that. The definition it’s pretty simple. It’s all inclusive. It supports without second agendas. And then he told the story again. If you’ve listened about being at Ram Dass’s house in Maui, Hawaii. He developed after their first meeting of personal relationship with Ram Dass. Who was a very impactful and influential spiritualist and spiritual teacher through a lot of the seventies and eighties and nineties? And I know a lot of them were friends. For example, Gary and his wife are I’m sorry, a spiritual partner. Linda lived in Maui. I believe. As did Wayne Dyer as did Ram Dass and perhaps a few others. But he mentioned walking through Ram Dass’s house. And somebody also asking, you know, do you love me more than that person? Do you love me more than that person, et cetera? And Gary recounted a picture frame that he saw on the wall. And it had a little piece of dirty carpeting and the picture frame. And what he was saying. Is somebody was asking him Ram Dass again, do you love this? Do you love that? Do you love this? Do you love that? Do you love the dirty carpet as, as much as you love me? And Ram Dass said yes. But here’s the thing. And here’s the, the higher awareness for a lot of us. Let me back up here and share an example. You know, living in Sedona. I know it’s a small town.
If you live here, there’s only 8,000 people that live here. And if you live here, you know, a lot of people, you see them, you know, we have a couple of supermarkets, but I go to Whole Foods and. I know a lot of people that go to Whole Foods. I mean, I know most of the employees that work there and I see a lot of local people. And if you don’t know him personally, you see on quite a bit. And my massage therapist, Jacob. Is literally the most. One of the most compassionate and loving people that I know. And I was talking to another massage therapist at the gym one day and he was saying how slow business was and how challenging it was. And the guy that I know named Jacob. He requires he’s this book requires a week notice. And I said, Jacob, how do you think that you create in this small town? You create this waiting list and you take a week to get in to see you. Yet this other person that we both knew was scrimping and, you know, Scratching and scraping for business. Now, both of them are equally gifted when it comes to body work, because they both had worked on me.
When one was a busy, I’d go to the other and vice versa. And Jacob said to me, I bring so much love. To what I do. So, I ask you the things that you do for occupation. Do you bring love to it? Or do you bring the, I have to do it. This suck I hate this. I hate my life. I hate my job et cetera. So, what do you bring? Now, let me go back to Ram Dass and we’ll take this apart a little more. So as Gary was relaying is, and I’m going to slow down here because it’s so distinctive. Is that Ram Dass was not looking at things and then placing, I’m going to say it in my words. He wasn’t looking at things like the individual people that the person was asking about. Do you love this person and that person and this person and that person as much as me or the dirty carpet? These were all external things. So, Ram Dass was not looking at each thing and accepting or denying it. He was simply as I feel oftentimes like my massage therapist, Jacob does, he was basically sharing his consciousness. And my brother-in-law Don Xavier. And all the years that I’ve known him. I’ve never one time ever seen him angry. I’ve never seen him condemn anybody. I’ve never seen him maliciously, belittle anyone, or dare at all, or tear anyone down. He basically just allows and he allows with an open heart and he shares his consciousness and he’s my brother-in-law. So, I’m used to it and, and honestly, being family, we spend family time together, et cetera. So, I guess I would say I’m a bit anesthetized to even him being a Shaman and that I experienced him both as a shaman in my mentor, but also plain and simple dude. And he’s a really cool dude, but my brother-in-law.
I have seen people meet him and start crying. He just emanates he oozes just love. And I even had somebody one time that I introduced to him. And when we left. That person said, what did he do to me? And I’m like, what do you mean. And that person said it feels like he punched me in the heart and opened it up. And then this friend just burst into tears. So as is Gary recounted that story about Ram Dass. It takes me to this, you know, little story about Jacob, the massage therapist. Who I enjoyed being around and he does amazing bodywork? But it also reminds me of my, my presence with my brother-in-law Don Xavier. He’s that very same way. And you may remember in the very first episode of Gary. I said that talking to him is like spiritual comfort food. And I said, you know, you’re just, you feel good to be around. And he even recount that instead of, well, you know, I would like that too. I like to be around people like that. And what I want to point out is that Gary and I. Are developing a personal friendship and relationship. And I do love Gary very much. He’s, he’s an amazing man, in my opinion. And Gary is that same eminent, an emanating, a love, whether it be on a podcast episode. Or whether it be talking to him, just sitting here personally, talking to him. He’s the very same person that emanates love. So back to Ram Dass, many of us think that love is a behavior. It’s not a behavior. It is something that we are. Many of us think that love is an action. Oh, I want to show love to XYZ person. So, I’m going to do X, Y, Z for them. And it can be or manifest as an action. But love of itself. Is there frequency. It is the state of consciousness and evolution of the being.
And, you know, as we think back to Ram Dass, I don’t know if I asked Gary or Gary said, but. The question was, was Ram Dass, making himself love all of those things. Meaning a loving the carpet and loving XYZ person or person a and person B and person C or person D. Now, what I mean was, was Ram Dass. Applying himself looking at people, let’s say he had four people at dinner saying I love number one and number three, but number two, and number four, they can be kind of a pain in the ass. I don’t I don’t think so. I don’t love them so much. That would be applying yourself and your thoughts to the person. As opposed to being in that state of consciousness. That is love. And the same thing with my, with Don Xavier, my brother-in-law. Is the same way being, you know, he has said to me before? I love all people. In the same way. But many of us, we love other people through their behavior. So, I wanted to share that thought. And the question is, do you truly love people through their behavior? And is your love conditional. And if it’s conditional, then it’s not loves. It’s conditional love and love related to a behavior or your model of reality or your interpretation of reality. But it’s not the divine essence of love. Now what I want to point out also is all of us, including me. Including Gary, including Don Xavier. All of us are on the planet, learning our lessons. We’re in earth, school, learning our lessons. We’re just all learning different lessons and a different level of evolution.
So, for me. Candidly. There are many things in my life that I love. And there are things in my life that candidly I don’t love. And that tells me I have a hell of a lot of work to do. And I’ve got more ever a lot of evolution to do. Not more I’ll a lot of evolution. To do. But you know what. Gary’s comment was, and it’s very profound. Is that the world is made of stuff? And then the question was, what kind of stuff are we made of. And a truism because everything is consciousness. Everything is electrons, neutrons, and protons. We are made and we are made of the stuff of the universe. Think about that. We, and you know that, I mean, that’s why ashes to ashes, dust to dust. You are you know; molecular the universe is molecular. We are made of the stuff or the universe. It could be my microphone, everything has consciousness or this desk, which used to be alive and it’s still consciousness because it’s still vibrating and it still has frequency. But the universe is made of stuff. And stuff is all things and what Gary shared stuff is love. Love is the universe. Universe is love. So, ponder that. Love as the universe. And you are in the universe is love.
Okay. I want to segue from the episode for just one moment. And I want to ask you, where were you most stuck in 2023? What things held you back the most? When I ask people, you know, why they’re not getting what they want in life, people often say, well, I was stuck with X, Y, Z, or, and this may resonate with you, I feel stuck. If you’re feeling stuck, one question I want you to ask yourself. Is, what is it costing me? What is it costing me to not resolve this and to battle being stuck? And when you add that up, whether it’s money and especially in business, but in your health and your relationships, when you add that up, it’s extremely costly to be stuck in life.
Now, all that’s being said, I created a new. challenge I created that last year, many thousands of people have gone through it and it’s called the Get Unstuck Challenge. Interesting, the name’s all about getting unstuck. Now in this challenge, it’s a nine-day challenge and I walk you through at a very profound At a very spiritual, level, and even at a cosmic level, I walk you through who and how you’re being as a being, meaning your presence on the planet. And when you understand that, when you understand the nature of you at a very deep level, now you might’ve heard me say, we Do have before, and that’s more about 3d reality.
Who do you have to be so you can do so you can have, but I’m talking, you know, what does it mean to be? And then what is that power associated with that? When you understand that you automatically get unstuck in life. This program never offered it before to you guys. We’re offering it now. I don’t think we’ve offered it to the podcast and an ad. Maybe we have, maybe we have, I don’t remember anyway. It doesn’t matter because we haven’t offered it. A lot. of we have, but we’re offering to get unstuck challenge again. It’s only 97. Thousands of people have been through it and they rave about the results they’re getting. And I know that you will do the same thing.
So again, ponder the question. What does it cost me? What am I giving up? What peace of mind? What happiness? What money? What relationships am I giving up in life because I am stuck in my own crap. Now, as you’re thinking about that, click the link, go to tcp.jimfortin.com/unstuck again, and we’ll drop the link in the show notes, tcp.jimfortin.com/unstuck Download the program. You get started right away and your life will start changing dramatically. When you apply what you’re learning in that program, your life will start changing in very dramatic ways, very, very quickly. And as a matter of fact, in the next nine days. Okay, back to the episode.
Next, we talked about incarnation. You know, in my work of Don Xavier, I’ve been shown so many things. And my time and a lot of it non ordinary. And working with Don Xavier, he’s literally taking me on journeys outside of non-ordinary reality. And I am or have been exposed to non-ordinary realities to see things, to experience things, too. To hear things, to feel things. That are beyond the five physical senses. And I know that we don’t die. Mainly because I was at that door, you know, at that doorstep in 2020. I know we do not die; nothing dies. I know the deepest fiber of my being. Everything is energy. Everything is consciousness that is physics, nothing dies. It simply changes forms. And Gary and I talked about incarnation and we talked about incarnating and your task or your mission while you were here on planet earth in earth school. And Gary was talking about, being a nonphysical entity. That is, that is his guide named Genesis. No, I don’t know if he ever talked about Genesis when he was on Oprah. He was on Oprah; I think 36 times. And I think Oprah might have been even too mainstream for him to talk about getting information. From non-physical beings and beings, not on the planet. And he was totally at a mission. And what I want to share is that the soul, your soul incarnates voluntarily. Your soul was not made, was not forced didn’t lose a bet. Didn’t lose, you know, whatever, like, oh crap. Now I got to incarnate. I lost the bet. No, you, you choose to incarnate. And this is something I’m going to share with you. Gary’s quote. Don Xavier has said the same thing. But in a different way.
Because many years ago, I used to laugh and joke and I’m like, what the hell? Why, why. Why, why would I incarnate on this planet with so much hate and so much? So much just vileness and nastiness and just the things that people do to each other. I don’t get it. How do people burn other people and shoot other people in the head and, and how, how, how I don’t understand? And a question that I had is why, why, why would I choose to incarnate? Well, this podcast is one of the reasons. But Gary said and I’ll dig into this if you knew what needs to be accomplished to have a life on the planet. You would walk every moment with appreciation and gratitude. And millions on your planet. Are on the planet regret being on it. People that commit suicide that are not plagued by perhaps a mental illness they’re wanting off the planet. And even right now, a couple of years ago, I was asking Don Xavier. Why or what’s causing the suicide rates to increase in the planet. And he was saying, well, we are evolving as a species, which Gary talks about us. Us moving from a five sensory to a multisensory beat multisensory being there we go. And Don Xavier was telling me, you can look up the Schuman Resonance. You can look up the magnetic poles on the earth, all this stuff. You can find online. And he said human consciousness is shifting and raising to higher levels of consciousness. And some people that might already be predisposed to take their own life. Might even be more predisposed. And he actually said they would probably be more predisposed given the higher frequencies on the planet and they can’t manage the frequencies. But where I was going here. Is Don Xavier told me years in his own words, he said, metaphorically. He goes, there’s a waiting list of beings that want to incarnate on this planet. We were even talking he and I bought the ascended masters. That would be Lord Sananda. His name is Lord Sananda RA. You may know him as Jesus Christ, but it’s cosmic name is Lord Sa n a n d a R a. And he says, once the ascended masters have left the planet, they can’t come back. And there are some that regret because they miss the experience of having a body. And we don’t often think about that, but what’s the experience of having a body.
So, Gary and I went on a talk and he said, you know, before incarnation. Each soul confers with other souls before incarnates meaning before we incarnate. And before you’ve incarnated with people that you have in your life that you’re close to or had experiences with, or even people you meet in passing. We metaphorically had conversations before we incarnated. Hey, when we get down to planet earth, these are the things that have to happen to co-create for us to help both of us with our evolution. Which I even asked Gary about that at one point, because Oprah had said that without Gary Zukav the Oprah show would not have been what it was. And I even asked Gary one time, not when we were, we’re recording. What do you think you’re an Oprah’s karma was? And Gary actually started giggling and he goes, I don’t know. I’ve never thought about that. Because my thought was. At some point before they incarnated, they agreed to intersect and cross paths. And they agreed so that he could bring his wisdom to her. And she agreed so that she could bring his wisdom into her life. So, they both won and that she got Gary for her own teaching and her audience. And he got her for the exposure to expand his mission, which I’ll mention in just a moment. And he talked about. But his mission is, well, I’ll talk about in just a moment.
So, Gary had said, there’s nothing waiting for you here. Not even a future. What he meant was is when you incarnate, there’s nothing waiting for you on the planet. It’s not like you were incarnating into, oh, I have to do X, Y, Z while I’m down there. Okay. Let me pack my backpack and that’s why I’m going down there. And I’m going down to the planet to do X, Y, Z. Now that may be partly going on but you incarnate to create. And I say this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. You are a creator. Every single thing you have in your life, you listened to the podcast because you’re wanting to create something more. And mainly it’s because you’re experiencing a loss in your life at some place. And you want to fill that loss, perhaps thinking it’s going to make you happy to fuel that loss. So, you’re looking for something you would not be here for the most part. If you were not looking for something. The truth is created. We are creators. That’s what you are a creator and you are a reflection of the creator that created you to be a creator.
I’ve talked about that many times about going to the ocean and taking out a drop of salt water. That salt water is of the same composition and consistency that the water in the ocean is you are a reflection of the creator you are of the same stuff. The same stuff that the creator is what the creator created. You can create because you are a creator. You know, I say it and some people, or a lot, many people of our time with it. And especially because they’re putting a definition or a meaning on the word, but the word God. You are as much God as you attribute the powers. To what you may think is a deity of being God. You are that you are a creator and here’s the kicker. You’re so powerful. That you have, you’ve heard me say before is that life is not a choice. I say it differently. And I learned this from Don Xavier. Life is choice. You chose to incarnate. That was the ultimate choice relative to your experience in this lifetime. You chose to create, I mean, sorry to incarnate. And because you chose to incarnate, you came here with choice. And everything that you want or that you have, or you don’t want, or you don’t have was all listen, very carefully. I request that. Please listen. Everything that you want and you don’t have is because you’re making choices to not bring that into your life. You’re making choices to live in a way that I actually preclude you from having that in your life. It could be a $10 million home. It could be the ideal partner. It could be whatever you want it to be, but you have made the choice. Talking about choice something else I want to mention. And I’ve said before, I’m going to slow down here.
Is there is only as I, as I have been taught, and I know this at a soul level. There’s only love. And fear. Everything else is a reflection of those two emotions. And what we have to look at in those states of being what we have to look at, and I’m going to, I’m just going to tell you where most of you make your choices from. And I was the same for many years of my life with that. Do you make your choices from love or do you make your choices from fear? So, think about that. Do I make choices from love or do I make choices from fear? And if you want to talk about the material world, most of you make your choices from fear. I can’t do X, Y, Z, because I’m afraid of ABC. I can’t go into coaching mode, Jim and work or Jim because I don’t have the money. And I’m afraid that I can’t make it back up or I won’t make it back up in time or whatever it might be for you. I cannot do X, Y, Z because a blank that is a choice make that is being made from fear.
So, Gary went on to say is that soul gives to the incarnation, the part of itself that it desires to heal through the incarnation in earth school. Something that Don Xavier told me is that, and I mentioned a lot on the podcast before is that we have to be in matter. Non-physical beings cannot manifest on the physical plane. We must be in physical body. To manifest on the physical plane. So, you being an earth school, you were in the physical body. You have the God-given power to manifest and create to the same degree. That the Divine Mind. Call it God, Divine Mind. Yakphei. whatever you want to call it. You have that power. And then Gary went on to say as well, you might’ve heard this, I’m sure you did. Maybe you did. I don’t know. We have a sacred contract when we come to the planet. I remember Don Juan Matuse, who was the mentor to Don Xavier. He was Don Xavier benefactor, meaning mentor.
He was also a Sorcerer and a Shaman and Nagual. And Don Juan once said to me, back in the late nineties. He used to call me Jaimito. When he would connect with me, he would call me, Jaimito. And Don Juan was and lived all of his life in Mexico. And Jaimito is young James in Spanish. So, he would call me, Jaimito and he said to me one time, Jaimito the most important thing I ever did. Was I decided what I needed to do? Before I crossed over. The most important thing I ever did was I decided what I needed to do before I crossed over. Now what he meant by crossing over is leaving the planet. Crossing the veil leaving the physical body. And Don Juan was saying. And I’ll talk more about this in just a moment when it comes to meaning in our lives. Don Juan was saying the most important decision or realization I ever had in my time and earth school. Was deciding and knowing what I had to do before I left earth school. We’ll talk about that a little more here and about what you’re to do while you’re here, your soul contract. But the question is, do you know. Are you, you as somebody said something to me one time and hit me pretty hard? And it was about 15 years ago. And they said to me, Jim, you’re just marking time until you die.
So, the question for you, are you using your life? To advance your spiritual evolution and growth and to help raise humanity. Or are you simply marking time by looking only and caring only for yourself and what you can get are created in the material world? If you’re looking only at the material world and what you can get and what you can create in the material world. And how important you are and what people are gonna think of you. Then you’re simply to some degree marking time. You know, Don Xavier once said to me, and I don’t want to use, I’m not real comfortable using this word, but I’ll use that. And I’ve used it before, but he said, if you’re not living on soulful purpose and you’re getting into your emotions and you’re letting your physical 3d emotions run your life you’re wasting your life. When you think about it that way, you’re like, I was like, holy shit. That hit pretty hard. I’ve got to work on that one. And you hear Gary mentioned, Gary I said, my contract is. And he was told by Genesis the nonphysical entity that guides him. Is your contract with the universe is to embody and master authentic power? To help teach it to others. I’ll repeat. Your contract meaning Gary’s Gary Zukav he’s impacted, I don’t know, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people by being on Oprah and his books are bestselling books. Your contract with the universe is to embody and master authentic power and to help teach it to others. And that is exactly what he does. And he even says, you can hear him say it feels good. It feels right. I didn’t think about it. What I do the Transformational Coaching Program, this podcast they feel right to me. Truthfully and all transparently parents assay. I’m doing this right now, like 11 o’clock at night after I just did a, like an hour and 1545 minutes, sorry, hour and 45-minute presentation earlier after having a full Workday. That’s how busy my container of skin is. My life has right now. And I even said, do I want to do this tonight? No, not really, but I do it because I told my team and they know that I got to deliver it by a certain day. But it’s not an option for me not to do the podcast. Why because that’s who I am and that’s what I do. You know, I don’t have the heartfelt or apparently the energetic presence that Gary Zukav might have or Don Xavier. But I care as much.
And my nature like Don Xavier’s mentor is to rattle the cage. I mean, there are so many times I’m like, okay, please just get it already. Get, but you know, I look at Don Xavier is my example. And I look at the fact that he does what he’s calls using his patience basically, he just, Hey, he waits till the person gets it and then okay. They get it and they learn. So, I’m learning that as well. And hopefully by the time my intention is by the time. I’m older, like Gary in my eighties. I will also exude that energy and that love and that present presence. And we’ll see. So, when Gary was talking to Oprah, he and I were talking and he even said in the second interview, the second interview, which you probably just listened to, where did last week? About Oprah and Oprah connecting with him and giving him accolades and saying things like, you know, if it wasn’t for Gary, Zukav my show never would have gone to the direction that it did and had it not gone to the direction that I did. I would probably, I may not have become the influencer that I was.
And Gary said something that Don Xavier is set also. And I do kind of in my own baby way and I’m learning and I’m pretty good at it. But Gary said, I never took it personally. Meaning her having him on the show. He knew at some level there was a soul contract. And Don Xavier says, when people give me, I’m going to use my word, not his, but when they, aggrandized him, and they give him kudos. And thank you, Don. And thank you for helping you with this and that and this and that. He’s never. I’ve never seen him bend over backwards and go, oh, okay. You’re welcome. And yeah, you no, he simply just smiles and it’s a very soulful, very gentle smile. And that’s generally the end of it. And Gary got that message by working with Oprah. And, and being on Oprah it’s he recognizes it’s not about him. For me, my podcast is not about me. There was one time, you know, living in Sedona. He, there were nine on a heat, but a woman. There was living here in town. I was actually shopping. For a birthday gift for someone. And this woman walks up to me. And she says, are you Jim Fortin? And I said, yeah, why. And she started crying. And I didn’t know her. And she says, I listened to your podcast and she goes, thank you so much. My partner recently passed and by your podcast episodes. You helped me get through that. And I’m so grateful.
And my thought was. I didn’t do any of that. I didn’t do any of that. It’s simply came through me that is divine mind. And divine spirit working through me. What I want to share with you. If you’re doing things. And you’re looking for the aggrandizement and the accolades, and you’re looking for people to pat you on the back and to praise you and all those kinds of things. I would venture to say that you’re doing it for the wrong reasons, whatever it is that you’re doing. You’re doing it for the accolades and the kudos and the, the satiation and the pleasure of the five senses and the personality and the human ego. So, do what you do from the heart. And then Gary and Gary said on the podcast and we’ll see, we’ll start the wrap up here. Is, if you want to know what your inner contract is and I run into so many people. And I tell people that your purpose. On the planet is not a vocation. You probably heard me say that. Your purpose is to be that’s your purpose? What you do is your activity and behavior while your purpose is being executed and it being here. Or being fulfilled, not executed, but fulfilled and being here. So, Gary said, if you want to know your inner what’s, your inner contract is follow your meaning. That leads you to love. It leads you to creating. Or the creation of authentic power and aligning with your soul.
And then I look at mother Teresa for example, and I mentioned her before mother Teresa. She did her contract. She did what she was supposed to do while she was on the planet. You know, we have free, will we have choice? Mother Teresa could have common. She could have said, nah, that leper stuff and helping the poor and caring. And now all that I’ll pass on all that crap this lifetime. I basically want to learn to buy real estate and I want to buy multi-family properties and build a real estate empire. Could she have done that? Absolutely. But she lived her soul contract. As it is right now, I’m living my soul contract and I’m asking you I talked about on a former episode. What makes you matter? cause see what makes you matter is what gives you meaning? What gives you meaning is your soul contract being tapped into and recognized? If you hate your job. Hint, hint, hint. It doesn’t make you matter and it’s not your sole contract.
I see so many people and TCP the Transformational Coaching Program. And they want to live their soul contract. They want to live in higher mind, soulful evolution. But they are so white knuckled hanging on to their job. For fear, for fear, for fear. And remember I said earlier, See, they’re making choices. And they’re hating their job, but they’re doing it through choices. So, I ask you are you again, making your choices through love or through fear. So, think about what makes you matter. And for the majority of the population. It’s either they’re either, either survival-based or they are 3d based, meaning the homes and the cars and the accolades and the praise and all these things that satiate the five senses, the human identity and the ego. But none of these things are of the soul. In terms of the soul contract.
I mean. We don’t come to the planet with a soul contract to buy a collection of Rolls Royce’s or Rolex’s or whatever it might be. And what I want to share with you is what makes you matter? Is pretty much only relative to your experience on the planet. Sharing your life and your experience with other people. It’s not about the money and the homes and the cars and the ego and that identity what makes you matter? Think about this is your service to other people. And you might not have thought about it that way, but if you’re like most of us on the planet and especially listening to the podcast, you have this very special feeling in you, there’s loving feeling in you. When you do something to help other people, you know, what helped them and you feel good about it? That’s what makes you matter.
And I’ve talked about before the motivational speakers saying things like you got to find your, why you got to find your, why. Personally, I think that’s bullshit. It’s all 3d identity and ego looking for the why 9 times out of 10. What I find is when you find what makes you matter on the planet then you have found your soulful calling. You know, if I ever do quit doing and I ever stop what I’m doing, meaning a Transformational Coaching Program. Candidly it’s crossed my mind. And if I ever stopped the podcast and doing it, candidly it’s crossed my mind despite the fact that it’s in the top one 10th of 1% of ranked podcast in the world and two categories. I’ve got it for me. It has to matter for me. It has to be important. And if I ever feel like it’s not, then I’m going to look for, okay, what makes me matter? And what makes my heart sing tremendously and don’t judge.
It’s not your place to judge, man. It’s not my place to judge you for this. But what makes me monumentally happy? Is animal rescue. I absolutely love animals. And if I stopped doing what I was doing now as a vocation. I would definitely buy like a kennel or have one put up on my property and I’ve got plenty of space where I live. I would build the kennel and start a dog rescue place where stray dogs can come and be rehabilitated and be, and produced to forever families. That makes my heart sing. Well, I do it. Well, I not do it. Who knows? But all that matters is like Don Juan I know what I’m supposed to do, and that can change as I evolve and grow the same thing for you. I know what I’m supposed to do before I crossover.
Okay. That wraps up this recap thank you for listening. And then the next episode posted obviously will be another chat with Gary and I, and eventually I’m excited to get to these episodes because Gary’s two favorite topics, which are also mine our love and death. And as I’ve said, you’ve probably heard me say, and you’re probably like tired of hearing it. The most powerful, powerful thing you can do is intimately understand the concept of death. That is your greatest advisor. Death is your greatest advisor in Gary and I are going to be digging into that soon. Okay, thanks for listening. And I’ll catch you over on another episode. Bye-bye.