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The Jim Fortin Podcast

EPISODE 11: “The Real Reason You Never Have Enough Time To Do All That You Want To”

April 24, 2019

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If you’re like most people you go through your days never having enough time, always playing “catch up” and wondering what you can do differently to get things done, right? If this is you, then you’re going to love this podcast episode because getting everything done that you need to is not about managing your time, it’s about prioritizing your commitments and values. When you know what you value most and what you’re committed to, it’s then easy to understand how you need to prioritize your time. If you don’t know what you’re committed to you don’t know how you’re choosing and when you don’t know how you’re choosing you’re mismanaging your time.
Actually, the reason most people never have enough time is because they manage their day by time, and when you manage your day by time, you’ll never have enough time. Look at your own life and you’ll probably find that to be true. If you want to “catch up” and be productive and get things done then you must start managing your time by commitments and values.

In this episode I discuss:

  • Managing your time is no longer about the clock
  • Whenever you manage your time by time or circumstance, you will never have enough time
  • Prioritize your time, energy, and effort to get you to bigger long-term rewards, than chasing your tail every single day
  • What am I committed to? Whatever you are committed to is what you want to prioritize
  • If you don’t know what you are committed to, you don’t know how you’re choosing, then you do not know how you are investing or squandering your time
  • Whatever you’re in the habit of, is how you invest your time
  • What am I committed to and who do I have to BE to make it happen

Transformational Takeaway

Instead of working from the clock, and by the clock, where you want to start working from is, what am I committed to?

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Full Episode Transcript


You are listening to episode number 11 of the “Transform your Life From the Inside Out” podcast. And if you’ve ever said relative to time, that you don’t have enough time and you’re overwhelmed and you’re always chasing hours and you can’t get it done and maybe you’ve even said, “You know what, I wish I could clone myself because I need more of me.” Then you’re going to love this podcast. See, managing your time, effort and energy are all about your unconscious paradigms and habits and not about a clock. And when you start working from there, managing your time becomes very easy. Stay tuned. Hi, I’m Jim Fortin and you’re about to start transforming your life from the inside out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no ra-ra motivation and no hype because this podcast is a combination of brain science, transformational psychology, and ancient wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.

Managing Your Time Isn’t About The Clock

All right. This is not going to be a time management episode. I’m not going to talk about time management and give you processes or tactics or any of that. This episode is about your brain-based habits. It’s about your unconscious paradigms and it’s about your unconscious values that drive you. Because see, these are all internal things and these all drive what you do. And then what people try to do is they try to actually fit their unconscious values and habits and paradigms into a clock. And then, like I started this episode with, is most people never have enough time. So, this is not going to be a really really long episode. Hopefully, I’m going to make it a little shorter. But definitely, once you’re done with this episode, you’ll understand that managing your time is no longer about the clock. Something else that I want to mention is that one of the biggest traps that a lot of people get into is they manage their time by circumstance, they manage their time by time, and they manage their time by convenience. What I want you to get, and this is something that I learned from a coach of mine, and it was life-changing (and you may want to write this down, you hear me say if you’re not driving, you know, you may want to write this down). But it’s a simple phrase, “When I manage my time by time, I never have enough time.” I’ll repeat that, “when I manage my time by time, I will never have enough time.” And, the same thing applies to our circumstances and convenience. When I manage my time by circumstance, I will never have enough time. And when I manage my time by convenience, I will never have enough time.
You know, we’re not going to get into this podcast and this episode, but managing our lives by convenience is what most of us do and then we wonder why we’re not getting the outcomes that we want. All right. So I just said that many of us work by circumstance. Here’s something else that I want you to understand — is that when we work by circumstance (I tell people this all the time. And people, they get it, they understand it. But people don’t know it. But here’s the thing when, we work by circumstance…), when you work by circumstance, you repeat your circumstance. Let me give you a great example of that. Many times people will say things like, “You know, Jim I want to go into your coaching programs, but I don’t have the money right now.” So what they’re doing here is that they’re saying, “In my circumstance I don’t have the money. So therefore I’m not going to do it.” And then what they’re not recognizing is that they’re working from their circumstance. They are the person who created their circumstance. And if they never change who they are, they never change their circumstance. (missing)…I’m going to do XYZ this week. And when you stand back and you look at it, you know what you’re doing with your time. Every bit of your time is invested in chasing, you know, short-term tactics to make you money. And when you do that, you will never ever ever make the amount of money that you can make. Where we ideally want to work (and you can ask different people and time management experts and blah blah blah, but what I’ve noticed in my own life where you ideally want to work) towards is you want to work towards looking at a three-year strategy. Meaning, what can I do today to have my business up and running? Where it be in the art of my life, or my health or whatever it is in three years. Also a caveat there, there’s no reason to worry or fret or any of that. I’m speaking more in terms of business. And when I say worry, I know some of you listening might have said, oh my God three years. I need money now! Or I need health now! Obviously, I’m talking about focusing on it now. But when I’m looking at also is what can I do in terms of long-term strategy as opposed to short-term tactics to actually create the outcomes that I want to create in life. Because if you notice when you’re working the tactics, which this week is about time (and you know the allocation of it) have you noticed that when you’re working the short-term tactics, you’re generally like a dog chasing its tail? I mean you’re running from this to that, to this to that, this to that, and you never get off the hamster wheel.
You know a great example of that, is I used to coach heavily in the real estate industry. And I remember this woman. She was she told me she was 55 years old and she was telling me about how she was building her business. What she was doing, she was door-knocking everyday, which by the way is tedious. I mean, you’re literally pounding the pavement, beating on people’s doors looking for somebody that’s looking this, you know sell their property. And it’s a lot of work. And I said, you know, there’s a bigger story here. I’m like, do you have any money saved, etcetera? You know, you have investments (and all these kind of stuff)? And she’s like, “no.”. So what she’s doing, she’s using all of her time, a hundred percent of her time to work a short-term tactic of door- knocking, as opposed to actually allocating part of her time to look at a long-term strategy so that she doesn’t have to door-knock anymore. And quite literally as I said, she’s on a hamster wheel because every day it’s the same thing over and over and over and she’s caught in the trap. Not only that, she said she’s 55. I’m 54. I don’t think 55 is old at all. I tell people 50 is the new 30. However, she doesn’t have any money saved. And this tactic that she’s trapped in literally keeps her trapped, and chasing her tail, and running every single day doing the same thing over and over and over again. That’s why it’s so important that you prioritize.
Now, what I told her, is what I prioritize is what can I do to build a long-term strategy. So that in three years (and it can be sooner)..I mean, one of my clients built a company that does a hundred million dollars a year in four years. But what I’m always looking at, I mean) it could be one year could be two years, it could be three years. Three years is not the magic number. It’s just a number that I work by. You know, it can happen a lot quicker. But what I’m telling you, is you want to actually prioritize some of your time and your energy and your effort to something that’s going to get you bigger long-term rewards than chasing your tail every single day. So the best place for you to work from and to think from in this moment is, what am I committed to? Now the lady who’s door knocking what she’s committed to is short-term tactics. But she didn’t even recognize she was committed to it. I mean she didn’t get up every day and say, you know what? I’m committed to chasing my tail today. I’m committed to chasing business. I’m committed to short-term tactics. No, it was completely unconscious. It was habitual. It was her unconscious paradigms and her value system. So a takeaway again (write this down) is, what you want to look at is WHAT AM I COMMITTED TO? Because whatever you’re committed to is what you want to prioritize. And then whatever you prioritize is where you want to invest the most amount of your time energy and money to get the bigger long-term outcomes.
You know, something that we do as I tell people that we’re also the biggest liar to ourselves. I see many people say things like, “Well I’m committed to my health.” Well, many times people aren’t committed to their health. I haven’t done it a lot of years. I used to be a hypnotherapist and I’d have women come to me and say well I want to lose weight because I want to be healthy. That’s generally not the case for most people. Most people, and especially women want to lose weight. Why? Because they want to be sexy to their husband, or their partner, or they’re going to take family pictures in three months, and they want to look better, or they’re getting married, or they’re going on vacation this summer, and they want to look good on their bathing suit on the beach. Most of us lie to ourselves about why we think we want the outcomes that we want. But let’s take, going to the gym, or health club, or diet or whatever for example (and by the way diets don’t work, but that’s a whole different episode). But people will say things like, you know what, I want to get healthy and I want to go to the gym. And then what happens because we’re talking about time this week, is they never go to the gym. And the reason they never go to the gym is because they’ve habituated, and they are a person who is in the habit of never going to the gym, or they don’t value help as much as they think that they do, or they’re not committed to it.
So as you can clearly see, it’s obvious that it’s not about time. It’s about what are the habits? The brain-based habits? What are the unconscious values? And what are the unconscious paradigms? That’s what you want to look at which is why I just said where you really want to work from is, “What am I committed to?” We’ll talk more about that in just a moment. Use the word commitment a few times and I’m, you know, I’m certain that I’m going to do an episode on commitment at some point. However, most people want things, and generally it’s an idle wish or a left brain analytical desire. Like, I want that house, or I want that car, and they never find themselves creating it. And the reason why is because they can’t stay committed as because it’s not in their identity. As I mentioned before, you know, you might have heard me say before on another episode or somewhere else is, that my dad was an alcoholic. And I don’t know if they’re related. So I’m going to just give you the example here, but my dad (oh actually I don’t think they are related, could be), but my dad was actually more committed to being an alcoholic. Then he was anything else and of course that’s brain-based. And you know, there’s chemicals involved and all this kind of stuff. So I’m going to leave that at that there for now. However, when it comes to commitment, I watched my father never finish anything ever. I mean, he starts projects, home projects, whatever, and he would never finish. I can’t think of one thing he ever finished. I’m literally, you know over the years, I’m like, well, did Dad ever finish and you know anything? And he never did.
So I learned at an unconscious level, which I do not operate from that place anymore, that it’s okay to actually want things and not commit to them. And the reason that I tell you that is if I had to guess that probably applies to a lot of you listening right now, is that you want things, but you don’t commit because you’ve never learned how to commit to things. So just take a look at that. Because as I said a little earlier, we fool ourselves. You know, many times also I see people will say things like, “You know, I’ve wanted a brand-new house for 10 years…Why I wanted to start a you know…A new company for seven years…And I’ve wanted this or I wanted that..” And they always throw in like a lot, you know, three years five years, whatever and what I’ve recognized, and they don’t recognize is because you’re working from the outside instead of the inside out. What I recognized is they don’t understand the fundamentals that you’re learning here and all these podcast episodes is the “be-do-have” models. We have to “be it” on the inside first. So what I’m wanting a drive home for you, it’s what I’m wanting you to look at in your own life. Instead of managing your days in your life by time. Hopefully this is going to reinforce one of the very first episodes that I did, is what we have to go back to is WHO DO I HAVE TO BE? Because who your being will determine exactly how you actually either invest or squander your time.
Something one of my coaches said to me (and I’ve had coaches literally in my life for over 25 years, and one of my coaches – phenomenal coach!): “That if you don’t know what you’re committed to, you don’t know how you’re choosing.” You might want to write that down. If I don’t know what I’m committed to I don’t know how I’m choosing. Now, let’s apply this to time, and where you invest time. So let’s say for example, (I’m going to just use because it’s a real life example that just pops in my mind. Well, everything’s real life that I talked about), there’s a particular client that I remember this example. I live here in Texas and he actually was in Dallas as well. And we generally have until last couple of years, we generally have very mild winters????? And I remember we were talking about playing golf one afternoon. And I said, “Are you going to play golf on Friday?” And he said, “Nope!” He goes. “I’ve got something else I have to do” (relative to building his business). And in that moment that I recognize, because I’ve watched them build a lot of things, I recognized that if we were going to play golf that’s a matter of us using our time. And where he was working from, is he was working from I’m more committed to building my business than I am playing golf. However, if he would have actually said sure let’s go play golf. What I want to demonstrate here is let me go back to the phrase. If you don’t know what you’re committed to you don’t know how you’re choosing. So when I asked him if he wanted to play golf, he made a choice and his choice was, nope, I’m going to build my business, because he knew what he was committed to.
So I also want you to look at where that plays out in your own life. The people who ask you to do things like, “Oh sure! Let’s go do it!” Yeah, I’m going to blow off something else. Which means you’re investing your time in something that doesn’t actually get you to the bigger outcomes that you want. Why because you don’t know what you’re committed to, and when you don’t know what you’re committed to, you don’t know how you’re choosing, and when you don’t know how you’re choosing, you do not know how you’re investing or squandering your time. So the ideal approach is for you to decide what you’re committed to. And then what you want to do is you want to break that down into small steps and small tasks. A big strategy, and it’s a faulty strategy that I see a lot of people use, is that when they have a big problem in life, they’re looking for big solutions. And that’s generally ineffective strategy. What I mean by that is, if they need a lot of money, they’re swinging for the fences. I mean, they’re actually looking for big solutions. And what I’ve noticed is, really what generally works overtime is little solutions will fix big problems. But generally, big solutions generally won’t fix big problems. So, that all goes back to consistency — is that most of us do not work by consistency, and we don’t work by consistency because we’re not committed to something. So I know this is going to be mechanical for right now, but I want to get you started somewhere. Because I know that in the earlier episodes we did talk about subconscious reprogramming. And my opinion, that is the most (which I didn’t teach you guys here in the podcast, but I got you guys started and my interpretation subconscious reprogramming is the most) valuable, most valuable life skill that you can never learn. Because you can use it for, you know, use it for health and wellness. You can use it to reprogram your unconscious paradigms, your habits, everything! But yet, a lot of people they hear it, and I’m like, “Oh, that’s nice.” And they go about their life, and they completely forget about it and then wonder why they’re not creating what they want.
But to give you some tactics here instead of long-term strategy (which I guess you could turn it into long-term strategy as well), it’s like I just said, so you decide what you’re committed to. You then break it into small tasks. And then what I want attention about is, you know, people having big problems wanting big solutions doesn’t work that way. Break it into small tasks, break in the things that are simple. Why? Because simple things give us quicker wins. And when we get quicker wins, we are then more likely to continue with the behavior as opposed to something bigger we’re trying to tackle, we don’t achieve it and then we quit earlier. Then what you want to do is you want to prioritize your tasks and then you want to habituate your task. And there isn’t an episode here on habits. So, that’s a pretty simple formula. But again, it’s simple, but a lot of people won’t do it. And the reason they won’t do it? Let’s go back to habits again. Somebody asked me recently, they said, “Jim why don’t I do the things that I know that I need to be doing?” Plain and simple, you’re not in the habit of it. When I say plain and simple, life really is plain and simple. And we human beings, we love to complicate things. I mean, we love to make things really hard and actually much harder than they need to be. I know over in the habit of episode that I said, and I know when I say this, and I know people hear it analytically. But later, what I recognize is they hear it, they understand it, but they don’t know it. What I said in that episode (and actually I don’t remember if I did say it, or didn’t, but I’m 99% percent sure that I did) is that everything you have in life, everything, everything you have, everything you don’t have, is a reflection of unconscious habits. Then, whatever you’re in the habit of is how you invest your time. So when I started, as I said this is not about time. This is about habit. And what you may want to do is go back and search, or listen to the earlier episode on habits. Because see you don’t get in life what you want. You don’t get in life what you want. I know I said it in that episode. You get your brain-based unconscious habits. And if you want more in life, (and by the way, we even use our time habitually) if you want more in life, stop, you know, stop doing all these things that people do (which I’ll get to in a moment about beliefs). Stop that and habituate it.
Actually, let’s get to it now. When I say beliefs (and I believe I mentioned in that episode), is people actually left-brain analyze. Yes, and they will say yes, I believe I want XYZ. I want a new house, number one Diamond blah blah blah status in a Multi-Level Marketing Company. I want this, I want that. And I believe that I want it because I see other people having it. If they have it, I can have it. Only reason they don’t have it (and it never happens 98% of the time) is because they don’t have the unconscious paradigms. And again, the paradigms are what drive the investment of time. You know, I used to speak at the same events as Robert Kiyosaki. I don’t know if he’s still out and about or, how big he is or whatever. He wrote the series, and this whole foundation was Rich Dad Poor Dad. But he said, and you might have heard this before, something along the lines of the most valuable asset that you have is time because you cannot get your time back. So what you want to start looking at, is what you’ve been committed to, and people also don’t understand that. I do a transformational coaching program which by the way, I’ll mention in just a moment because we’re actually opening the doors again in May. However, for now, we do a week on commitment and people will say, “Oh my God, I never realized that I’m not really committed to anything in life.” Ive never been committed to anything. I’ve never gotten anything done. I basically have just used tactics day by day to get through life. And what I tell people, every one of you listening right now, is that you’ve always been committed to something. You were always committed to something, it’s just a matter of what you’re committed to. And then whatever you’re committed to is how you invest your time energy and everything else.
So, let’s say for example, you’re a hundred pounds overweight. Well, and by the way, I can defend every bit of this. I might hear somebody saying this, and they’re going to take offense to it or whatever. But it all goes back to the paradigms. And we learn our habits through habituation very early in life and our unconscious paradigms. But where I’m going here is somebody could say, “Well, I’m not committed to being overweight.” Well, if you’re doing all the things that you’re doing, you’ve got paradigms unconsciously that drive it, yes, you are committed to it. So, a person is lying on the couch and they’re watching, you know, all these reruns of TV shows and everything else. You know, three hours a night and they’re overweight. This is only an example, guys. No offense to anyone, just an example on a metaphor. Well, you know what you’re committed to, to the ways of being in the habits that get you, you know, that you invest your time in the way that you do where you squander it and you get the outcomes that you don’t want. A bigger takeaway here, or to simplify this, (and listen very carefully), you’re always committed to something. It’s just a matter of what you’re committed to. You’re committed to the gym, or you’re not committed to the gym. You’re committed to healthy eating, or you’re not. You’re committing, you know committed to lead generation or business building or building relationships, or you’re not. And you are in varying degrees, but you’re not. If you’re not getting the results that you want, then you’re more committed to doing and being and using your time in ways that don’t get you the outcome that you want.
Okay, that was a mouthful. I got that out and hopefully you understand that by this point. And hopefully you’re getting in your time with me is obviously, you know, you’re here. You’re here because you want to go to a higher emotional state in life. I mean, that’s we’re all wired, we want to go to higher emotional states. You look at babies crying in the crib. I mean a baby is crying because they want to be held, they’re hungry, they want love, they want their diaper changed. They’re wanting to go to a higher emotional state. You’re here. And you’re listening because you want to go to a higher emotional state. But hopefully, you know, in your entire time with me, you’re getting that creating the higher emotional state which means the outcomes that you want in life is not about doing more. It’s about being more. Everyone wants more, and they think they have to do more. But that’s the wrong and ineffective and broken strategy. It’s that you have to BE MORE, which goes all the way back to I believe episode number one or number two. And I am referencing those because a lot of this content ties together. Even though they’re different episodes, it all ties together. When I talk about being, let me give you an example here. Many years ago, I used to work out five days a week. I mean, I was in the gym lifting free weights literally every afternoon, Monday through Friday. And the time that I’d go to the gym there is like, 3 o’clock in the morning, and there were a lot of people in there. And there was this other guy that worked out when I did, and he was like an extraordinary shape. I thought he was a trainer. But he was actually training on its own time or something. And he spotted me one day and we started talking. And I said, “Are you a trainer?…” and I even said “…you know what” (because you know, I’ve been in a lot of gyms over the years, and many times trainers are not even in shape) This guy was walking his talk and I said, “you know what, you obviously know what you’re doing. I want to hire you as my trainer.” And he said “I’m not a trainer.” And I said, “What do you do?” And he said, “I’m in pharmaceutical sales.”.
What I want to point out here about how we invest our time comes from who we are. Something he said to me was this. “Because I’m in pharmaceutical sales…” and he goes, “you know what, I go to a lot of business dinners. And we go out, and everyone else eat steak and potatoes and salads and dressing and wine. When I have, you know, chicken and steamed veggies and rice and water.” And this is what he said that I want you to understand. And this also comes to identity. And identity actually determines how he uses his time. So he uses his time in the gym five days a week. And this is what he said. He said, “I do that because that is who I am.” So, if you want to know who you are, look at how you use your time. Because using your time again as external will tell you who you are, and your unconscious values, your unconscious filters, and your brain-based habits. So, your transformational takeaway: Instead of working from the clock and by the clock, where you want to start working from is, “what am I committed to?” Now, even by saying that it doesn’t mean that you will actually be committed to it. Our objective is to actually condition you, and habituate you to being committed to it. So, what I suggest you do is what I said a little earlier is let’s take the gym for example. Let’s say that you’re committed to being in shape. Let’s say that you want to go to the gym. What a lot of people do not do is they do not recognize the difference between macro habits and micro habits. And then what they do is they don’t have the micro habits to support the macro habits. So the example of that about the gym would be this. Let’s say the habit of going to the gym is the macro habits, the big habit, the target goal. However, every morning you’re like, “Where’s my gym clothes? I don’t have any clean clothes to wear to the gym. Where’s my gym shoes?” “Oh my gosh, I’m running late today, and my gym bag is not packed.”.
Well see, that gym bag being packed is a micro habit that supports the macro habit. So what I would tell you to do is, every night before you go to bed, you have your gym bag packed and you have it in the back seat of your car or, wherever you have it or however you’re going to get it. You know, you’re going to get it to the gym, and you have that because you’ve used that micro habit that you need by not doing the micro habit to sabotage the macro habit. So, one of the takeaways this week is, look at your habits and start small. And when I say start small also, it would be the micro habit. What is something that I can start doing small everyday that will actually you know, when I do it, I can habituate it. And if I do this every day, then this will get me the outcome that I want. Something else is, look at your values and I’ll give you some examples. In my transformational coaching program, we do a week on subconscious values. And I’m going to go on a little bit of attention here because this will be a big aha for a lot of you. And generally, not always but I work with with pretty much 80% professionals of some kind or another. They’re in some kind of professional career, or they are a business builder entrepreneur. And what we do is, we go through a subconscious values exercise. And what’s shocking is the amount of people after we go through the exercise. I’ll say what are your top 10 values, and then I break this down even further. And I take people through a process to actually help them unconsciously determine their values, not analytically determine their values. And what’s interesting is, I would say (and I’ve done this long enough to really project this or prognosticated or whatever or guess is that) probably 50 to 70% of people that are business people don’t even have money in our top ten values. Now the interesting thing about that is because they don’t have money. And their top 10 unconscious values is they’re never making any money. And then they wonder why they’re broke. and they analytically think well, I’m a business owner. I’m an entrepreneur. I need to make money. Well, the reason they don’t is because that’s not in their unconscious values.
So, you know when you look at your own life, if you’re not making money (I’m going to tell you this because people have all these convoluted beliefs about money), it’s probably not in your value system. And then if it’s not on your value system, you’re not doing it. And if you’re not doing it, that means you’re not investing your time in a way to create the outcome that you want. You know, on the flip side of that, for example a good friend of mine. He does very very well financially and one of his highest values is his kids. He’s got two small kids. So what he will do is when it comes to investing time, he literally, well actually if he has to he has to pick between business and he’s not in crunch time or his family, he will always pick his kids because why? That’s a higher value to him than making money. But also, he does have (I’ve coached him actually), he does have money in his higher values. But notice what I’m sharing with you here is that he will determine how he’s going to invest his time based upon his unconscious value system. So going forward, no longer do we actually work by the clock. We work by our habits and our values and our commitments. And when you do that, you will find things changing for you. So, you may want to write this down (and I say again mainly because it’s just a habit is, if you’re not driving, it’s a sentence that will serve you well as this): What am I committed to? And who do I have to be to make it happen? What am I committed to? And who do I have to be to make it happen?
Okay, before I tell you about the next episode, I want to actually just tell you just a tiny bit about the upcoming transformational coaching program. And by the way, that’s what the program is called TCP, the transformational coaching program. You know, the fact that you’re here as I said earlier means that you want to create better things in your life. You want more. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. I mean, why listen to a podcast unless, you know, if you’re not wanting to get something out of it. So, even though I know that a lot of people are getting a lot of responses in this podcast. It’s doing very well, and people are messaging a team, and everything else. I know that you’re getting a lot out of this, you know, this podcast, these episodes. However, if you’re interested and truly transforming your life at a core level, my transformational program, it’s a 12-week very intensive, (it is a group), but it’s a very intensive step-by-step program that I’ll walk you through to quite literally reinvent yourself, reprogram yourself, rewire yourself from the inside out. All I’m going to say right now is go to the the show notes and you will find a link to the waiting list. The waiting list doesn’t obligate you for anything. It simply means that we will make you aware, because you’ll be on our list. We will make you aware of a live training that I’m going to have prior. And, you know, we’ll send you the page on it and everything else.
So, if you’re serious, I mean truly serious. And, you’re no longer wanting to work by your circumstances, and you’re wanting to create different and better circumstances, then at least, you know, whatever you do click the link. Learn more about the program, and as you learn more about it, you may or you know may not find it is for you. But you will not know until you click the link. Be on the live training we’re having an early May. And at that point you might find that it’s you know, it’s exactly what you’ve been looking for to transform your life. One more thing. I know I said it a little bit, but the transformational coaching program is not just information. It’s weekly homework, it’s process, it’s me literally walking you through a reinvention of yourself at the core level. Alrighty, so as you know, now we’re going to two episodes a week. And next week is a Q&A episode, next Monday, I believe. And what I’m going to be answering are three questions from somebody that submitted questions on that episode. And those questions are going to be: “How to be accepting of the way that things are?” And by the way, that’s the biggest thing that most that makes most people unhappy is, they do not accept life as it is. They accept life as they interpret it and they want it to be. Therefore, they become unhappy. Question Number one. Question Number two is: “How to stay happy every day when something bad happens?” I’d mention in the prior episode, stop working from good to bad. That actually write their sets people up for a lifetime of unhappiness. We work from what is, which again I’ll go into deeper in that episode. And actually I’m going to leave her a question. She asked three. I’m going to leave it at those two. So, how to be accepting the way things are, and how to stay happy everyday when something bad happens.
Okay, that wraps up this episode. Like I said, go over and below at the show notes, click the link, get on the waiting list for the transformational coaching program. And I’ll catch you over on a live training relative to that program, or I’ll catch you over on the next episode. I want to share with you also something that I say to a lot of people, and especially people that work with me. So I’m going to say it and I’ve never said it in this podcast is: We are living in very very tumultuous times right now on this planet. We have a lot of chaos going on in the world. The world needs you, it needs me. The more that we evolve ourselves, the more that we grow, the more that we can help other people. So thank you for being here. Thank you for sharing. And I’ll catch you over on the next episode or wherever I catch you next. Okay. Bye.


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Jim Fortin

Jim is an international subconscious self-transformation and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based transformation and high performance. Using a brain based approach coupled with transformational psychology and ancient wisdom Jim has created programs that create long-term core-level life transformation in his students.

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