You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is part of a series, and it’s titled Conversations with a Sorcerer, Healing and the Power of Frequency. Last episode, I talked about healing. I talked about blessing water, I talked about the 528 frequency, and I talked about more, and I want to pick up in this episode and continue talking about healing. Briefly mentioned hormones. I want to talk about attitude. I want to talk about frequencies, and I also want to talk about how we manage these frequencies when it comes to our healing. Now, right now, you’re listening, and maybe you don’t need any healing physically. But you know what? There’s someone in your life who does need healing, and perhaps at some point in your life you will also need some kind of healing, because that’s just part of our human experience. So again, we’re going to talk about healing in this episode, water frequency and basically how to heal ourselves in the ancient ways. Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation, and I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here you’re going to find no rah, rah motivation and no hype, because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one, to take your life to levels you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you, because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay, so as a reminder, this is a part of a series that I’m doing conversations with a sorcerer. And this conversation is a recapitulation of a conversation that I was part of, I guess, back around 2022, or so, with Don Xavier and someone that was working with him for healing, and they were actually in town, and I went over to his house for dinner as they were chatting. So, picking up from where we left off last time, and I covered part of this. Everything is frequency. Your cells resonate, and your cells are also frequency, because they resonate with frequency. Healing is frequency, wellbeing is frequency because frequency is the cosmos and the cosmos is all. He’s been on the podcast before, and I remember talking about a guy named Bruce Lipton. Many of you that are listening to the podcast have probably heard of Bruce Lipton, an amazing guy. Bruce and I were chatting, and Bruce made a comment, very powerful comment, and he said, no amount of medication will heal anyone. Healing does not come from medication. Now, if you remember, in the last episode, I talked about taking your car, my car being a Porsche, and Don Xavier said, Well, you take it to the manufacturer, somebody that’s qualified. You don’t just have Joe Schmo mechanic locally, which we don’t even have a lot of mechanics in Sedona work on your car, meaning you go to the experts, you go to the source. And the same thing with healing, we have to go to the source. And the source is consciousness. The source is the cosmos.
Don Xavier talk briefly in this conversation, and I’ll mention it more in just a moment. I suppose if I, if I conjure up some more memories of this conversation, but this is, this is a part of our conversation that he didn’t dive into a lot. He was talking about males and females, and he was talking about how important it is that we balance our hormones. And of course, females perhaps might have more challenges at different times of the month, and as they age, balancing our hormones. But males, also, we have to balance our hormones. And in this conversation, he was talking to a woman, but he talked also about body chemistry and hormones. And the reason I’m keeping this part of the conversation in here, especially as it applies to females. It’s a bit esoteric, but he was talking a little bit about moon cycles, and many decades ago, he taught me about and introduced me to what’s called the Mayan 13 moon calendar. Now I don’t know, probably 150 episodes ago or more I talked. About the Gregorian calendar that we use in the world, meaning the 12 months and then all the days are a little different. One month has 28 days. Other months have 30, etc., etc. There’s no symmetry to it, so to speak. And in the Mayan calendar, the Mayan 13 moon calendar, there are 13 cycles of 28 days.
The Mayan moon calendar actually corresponds to cosmic rhythm. So, he was talking about in this conversation that women in particular, at least in reference in this conversation, it’s important that we live in rhythm with the natural cycles. Just being transparent, many years ago, he told all of us that work with him to start living from the 13-moon calendar. Candidly, though running a business and having employees and a team and coaches and the Transformational Coaching Program and the podcast and other programs that I run, my life is pretty hectic, and when I have appointments, I have to manage them by the regular calendar that all of us use for the most part, the Gregorian calendar. But the problem with the Gregorian calendar, which was actually sanctioned, or whatever, by Pope Gregory, the problem with that calendar is that it corresponds to no natural cycles, and what it does is it pulls people out of their natural cosmic rhythm, which actually buffers, it dilutes our level of conscious awareness. So anyway, back to hormones very quickly. He was talking about balancing hormones, and when you balance your hormones, that brings more order into your life, that brings more wellbeing into your life.
Now, again, he didn’t go as I alluded to. He didn’t go into it a lot on this particular conversation, but he just basically threw out things that he’s mentioned over the years to me and those that work with him, and when he talked about him before, is in a great deal more detail, but things that we put in our body affect our hormones. He had mentioned in this conversation, things like sweet potatoes and talking about the benefits of eating sweet potatoes. You know, I’ve been amazed over the years working with him, the alchemy that he brings from nature into healing, everything from purple potatoes to sweet potatoes. And there’s been times I’ve had ailments that many of us have on the planet, and is like, oh, okay, get this kind of potato and do XYZ with it, get a purple potato and do this with it. Get this and do that with it. After I had the stroke, he said, we’re going to heal you to get you off your medications, but we’re going to heal you in the ancient ways. We’re going to heal you with ancient teas. And it took him some time, but he also had to, actually, for lack of better words, channel the herbs that I needed. And he gave me a list of herbs and things that I needed.
And I had to get these herbs and prepare them in a certain way and then steep them overnight and have one tea in the morning and one tea in the evening. But he’s always used himself teas, and he’s always talked about this, the healing properties of teas. Now, a lot of us think that teas, especially in the West, we think that teas are simply just teas, but you know what teas actually have? The chemical compounds of the herbs in the teas, and the chemical compounds are what heal us. And it’s even been proven that a lot of modern-day pharmaceuticals, medications have synthetic properties that you find in the herbs ancillary here, he had mentioned also in this conversation with the woman. So, if you’re female, you may want to do your own research on this. I don’t know. I’ve not done any research, and they didn’t talk about it any further. But Primrose, so you may look up the herb, Primrose, PR, I, M, R, O, S, E, and see what properties that has and how that may be of service to you as well.
Okay, as I’ve mentioned before, many times it’s like a maze following him, because many times in a conversation and conversations with him have started, and I’m not exaggerating, sometimes at 10pm at night and they’ve gone till eight in the morning. No exaggeration. But generally he won’t start talking to us that are with him until we’ve all become quiet, at least mentally, doesn’t mean we’re sitting in silence, but he waits for the opportunity to talk, and if we’re too busy chattering and side talk and everything else, then he doesn’t go into the more profound, ancient wisdoms, but he skips around a lot. So, in this conversation. He also went into emotions, and he talked about healing, of course, this whole conversation, but he talked about people’s reactions when they subscribe only to Western medicine, pharmacology, Western doctors and healing, and then when they get a diagnosis, and I remember him saying, many years ago, and this helped me tremendously, when I was sick in 2020.
Because he said, many times when people get a diagnosis, and it’s what they deem to be a negative diagnosis, they go into all of this fear. And he said, the problem with that is when we go into fear, fear is energy. Now, what are your cells responding to? And your cells can’t heal you and organize and become orderly if you are in negativity, because it’s just an opposing energy. And I remember him saying many years ago as a family dinner, and he just said, you know, when people get a diagnosis, many times they go into fear right away. And that’s not where we want to go. Where we want to go is okay. And I can heal this. I will heal this.
And I remember saying in the last episode, or the one before, or there the last couple of episodes, Saint Germain said, when humans understand how the universe works, they will cease to believe in miracles. So, I know back to the conversation I had with Bruce Lipton, is that all healing comes from consciousness. All healing, no matter what an ailment or what ailment you might have, all healing comes from consciousness, and consciousness comes from where I hold my attention, which is why I’ve said before, it’s so vital that you manage your attention, because you are where your attention is. And I remember back when I was in the hospital in 2020 with heart failure, and the doctors literally, matter of fatly, said, you’re in heart failure, and the ER, before they wheel me up to a room, and the cardiologist all came and all that. I mean, not that day, but and I had zero worry, none, none.
And surprisingly, because I don’t to this day, the worst part of heart failure and the stroke was being in the hospital, toxic, toxic, toxic, negative energy at a place you’re supposed to heal. That was my experience, and I had the hardest time energetically in those places, because there’s so much fear in hospitals. So, when they told me, I was like, okay, because I knew, I knew that I would heal, and I knew that I had the ability to heal because I am consciousness.
Now you may want to search back through prior episodes. I had an episode with a gentleman named Bob Cafaro, and I found Bob through his YouTube TED Talk. And Bob had multiple sclerosis. He’s very unhealthy. And Bob healed himself, and the doctors wanted to write him prescriptions for disability, telling him he was going to go blind, and it’s a for most people, it’s a deadly air quote disease. Bob healed 100% and he healed very quickly, and that’s what your body can do. But Bob also said, and I’m gonna, I’m gonna diverge from that a little bit. Bob said, accept the diagnosis, not the prognosis. And many people, what they do is they hear the diagnosis, they go into fear, and then they hear the prognosis, and that becomes their reality, because they accept the prognosis. My divergence from Bob’s comment is not to accept the diagnosis, because that’s a declaration, but to hear the diagnosis and release it and do not accept the prognosis. Accepting the prognosis is what relegates people to that particular outcome for that prognosis.
So, when people accept the prognosis, they become the prognosis, and whatever that prognosis is that’s been given to you from other human beings, that becomes your experience of life. So, Don Xavier was saying, back to the conversation, when we go into fear, he said very emphatically, that is not assisting the body. Ponder that that is not assisting the body. How does worry assist your body? How does worry help you heal? It doesn’t. So, the question is, what frequency is all the fear creating? Back in episode, I believe number nine, when I was talking about money, I believe it’s number nine, how people use the law of attraction to repel money, because we are always attracting because we’re creators.
But if you remember I said, we go from thoughts to feelings to vibration to frequency. So, if you subscribe completely to Western medicine and pharmacology, what are your thoughts? If doctors say, Oh, I’m sorry. You know, Mr. Smith, Miss Smith, this isn’t looking good. You need to get your affairs in order and all these kinds of things. What are your thoughts? Now, that’s, of course, the worst-case scenario, but all healing. What are your thoughts? Did a podcast episode, and I believe I titled it, Are You Smarter Than a potato? And last night I was in the kitchen and I cut my little finger. That whole episode, the one, Are You Smarter Than a potato? Is about that same thing. Notice when you have a small cut on your hand, as I mentioned before, you never sit there and go, Okay, you’re looking at your little finger, or your finger, your hand, whatever. You’re never screaming at it and worrying, are you going to heal? Are you going to heal? Oh, my God, you already know automatically it’s going to heal. Now this is me sharing this with you, but I’m sure I’ve learned part of this from Don Xavier somewhere. So, when you cut your finger and it’s a little cut, I didn’t need a little kitchen cut, I already know it’s going to heal.
But let’s go to the opposite end of the spectrum. How about when people have something, they deem to be significant with their health notice they throw right out the window. Oh, my little finger can heal, because that’s what the body does, that’s what energy does, that’s what consciousness does. They throw that right out the window, and now they’re concerned about this air quote, big thing. So, remember, we go from thoughts to feelings to vibration to frequency. So, if you’re in fear, what are your feelings? What’s your vibration and what is your frequency? And as I said, as he was saying, just a couple of minutes ago, if that frequency is fear, that’s not helping your body.
And then he went on, I just love this little comment, this little line, and I wrote it down. I’m sure you’ve heard it somewhere before, but I just heard in a different way. When I heard it, the body is a miracle machine. I remember not in this conversation with him, but one time he and I were talking, and he said, the human body is the most advanced technology on the planet, because it’s infused with divine, universal consciousness. But think about that for a moment. Ponder that the body is a miracle machine. And he said, when we assist the body through teas, through things that we’re putting in the body, through managing our emotional states, when we assist the body, the problem will heal automatically. But what most of us do is we focus on that problem?
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. I’m sick. I’m sick when I had the heart failure and the stroke. Just never let myself go there. Granted, there were days that I felt better than other days. There’s no question about that. But yet I knew that I was healing and I would return to 100% health and wellness. So, in this conversation, the person that he was talking to, she was talking about a female problem, and she was speaking rhetorically to Don Xavier and those at the dinner table, and she goes, Do I still have it? I don’t think so. And that was her exact comment, I don’t think so. And Don Xavier chimed in, and he said, I don’t think so. Is not good enough. Now ponder that for a moment. Think about the difference between I think so, or I think I do, or I’m not sure, but maybe versus I know that I’m 100% healthy. I know that I’m 100% Well, let me segue here for a moment with my own commentary. Remember the conversation Bruce Lipton and I is that humans are not cured from pharmacology. Don’t believe me. To look at the amount of people that are on depression medication and they still have depression. What about the amount of people that got the covid vaccination and they still got? Covid.
So, these things can supplement, but it’s not what heals us. Now think about the difference in words. Well, I think I’m okay, I think I can heal, versus I know. I know, because even myself, when I was in the hospital, the doctors were giving me all these diagnoses and when I had heart failure, I was basically like that old phrase, you know, talk to the hand. I just I didn’t want to hear it when I had the stroke, just being transparent, the neurologist did get in my head a little bit, and Don Xavier snapped me out of it very quickly. And he said, I’ll just paraphrase. He goes, that guy that gave you the diagnosis, and he never met him, physically, literally, is about to retire, which is what he did when he was working with me. The first couple of months, I only talked to him like twice, and he said that guy’s medical education is so outdated for technology and research today, meaning even knowing things like neuroplasticity, which they didn’t even know. When this guy was becoming a doctor, and he said to me, he goes, you gave your power to that doctor who’s completely outdated. Take your power back.
So, when we say things like, I know, even if we’re not experiencing it yet physically, they get nothing consciousness, even if we were not experiencing it physically, and we’re in pain like I was after the stroke and heart failure. But when I work from, I know, what’s that frequency versus Oh, I hope I get better. I hope I get well. When we work from, I know that’s a declaration. And then what we declare is what we are in consciousness. And then what we are in consciousness is what we manifest, what we attract and what we create. So, what you want to do is you want to train yourself to talk to yourself in the right way. Here’s a phrase that I love, and I think Don Xavier said this to me many, many years ago. But we speak our lives into existence. Ponder that one we speak our lives into existence. Every word that comes out of your mouth is creating, whether it’s creating what you want or creating what you don’t think you want, you are still in the active process in creating any time you speak a word, and I love Khalil Gibran quote is that words are simply drippings from the mind, and if you’re holding in your mind, it’s going to be hard to heal from this. I’ve got this lifetime problem. I have Crohn’s. Notice what people say. I have Crohn’s. I have this I am depressed. I have Hashimotos. I have irritable bowels, all these kinds of things. When you speak like that, you are speaking those things into existence because you’re creating but you’re creating more of what you do not want.
So, what we want to do is speak in first person positive and declare it, I am perfectly healthy. I am healthy in all ways. Now, of course, you can wordsmith this, but we want to speak with declarations that assert the outcomes that we want to create. Because we have power. We have the immense power of healing, I don’t know, maybe a dozen ago episodes It was titled, you’re the ultimate power in the universe. You are the ultimate power in the universe because you’re the power of the cosmos, because you are consciousness, and the universe is consciousness, and we can heal ourselves. Okay, back to the hormones, and just mentioning that again, actually, I only had one little line there, just to remind you to do your own research, natural healing, naturally balancing the hormones. And if I didn’t have anybody to guide me, where I would start as looking into Ayurvedic and I’d start looking into natural, ancient healing ways, Chinese medicine and Indian medicine, because those cultures have been around for 1000s upon 1000s of years, and many people in those cultures still work from the old ways, like shamans and Don Xavier does now, in this conversation, he also started talking about lymphatics and the lymphatic system. And basically, he was saying, which the lymphatic system is like the garbage dump for the body. And he goes, we need to flush the lymphatic system.
And many years ago, everyone that works with him, he told us to get a bouncer and start bouncing. And I think. All of us like popcorn. And of course, in our own homes, we had what are called belicon, B, E, L, I, C, O, N. You can do your own research, but if you study the physics of bouncing, it’s very, very powerful for the body. And he was even teaching me years ago, we don’t have to bounce like a maniac when he bounces. I mean, he just turned 70. Notice what I’m even saying there. I’m saying that if that’s as if that’s an old age, because that’s what we believe in culture, he’s as vibrant and as healthy as somebody in their 20s. I’ve been on family vacations before, when he takes a small bouncer. And I kid you not. I mentioned before, he will bounce for 90 minutes and 145 beats per music, he’ll put some music on and just bounce, bounce, bounce. And he’s was in his 60s, and late 60s at that point, so he talked about bouncing and how bouncing his exact words, they flush the sewer lines of the lymphatic system, and they clean the lymphatics.
Okay, so talking a bit more about mental attitude, he said in this conversation, and he said before, and you know, you’ve heard it from the motivational speakers, is that attitude is vital. Here’s the thing, though, something he didn’t say, and I want to add here, is that attitude, which is what I often talk about our subconscious identity. Our attitude also comes because we can only have an attitude based upon what our subconscious identity is, and if a person’s identity is, I’m poor, I’m broke, I’m poor, I just can’t get ahead in life. Why do people hate me? Why is life so hard, then that’s going to precede the attitude. So be mindful of this, and look at this in your own life, but your attitude literally, it directs your physiology. It directs your cells. It determines what’s going to happen, because your attitude is mental, and it talks to your body. So, what he was saying was, your attitude is power, use your own power, because you are the guide of your own intelligence.
Okay, so that wraps up this particular episode, and we’re going to pick up and go one more episode on this. But your transformational takeaway in this particular episode is a bit of a mishmash, in that healing does not come from pharmacology. Healing comes from consciousness and to heal from no matter what it is that ails you. And if you know somebody that has cancer or different things in their life, or Crohn’s or a chronic illness, whatever it might be, share this episode with them. Healing comes from your consciousness, not from pharmacology, not from Western medicine, because if it came from Western medicine, then pretty much everyone who used Western medicine would heal, but we know that they don’t, okay. So, your transformational takeaway is your healing comes from your consciousness. Okay, thanks for listening. I’ll catch you over on the next episode or another episode. Bye, bye.