You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled, pretty simply go beyond your limits. If you’d like to actually start thinking about ways to go beyond your limits, then keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming Your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in subconscious transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life, then this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Your Limits Are Simply A Matter Of Your Perception
Okay, so going beyond your limits, I have a couple of angles that I’m going to go in this podcast. You know, as I’m doing these, I sit down and sometimes I start days early, even if the podcast is, let’s say 30 minutes long. It’s not just 30 minutes long, because I’ll start, you know, brainstorming about what I want to do. And what I want to say, and then I’ll you know, I’ll go well, okay, I like this angle. But I want to add this, oh my gosh, I just throw off my entire angle. Now I’ve got to re angle it again. And when I say angle, I mean in ways that I can present something they give you, you know, really, really, hopefully many times profound or deep or at least worthwhile food for thought. So anyway, a couple of different angles in this podcast, but I want to talk about obviously, going beyond your limits.
Now, I think by this point, if you’ve listened for any amount of time, you know that I’m not a fan of the, the marketing hyperbole and the the internet gurus and the rah rah marketing, you can do it you you know, you can win, you know, succeed and achieve. And I believe in you and all that mumbo jumbo. And I’m just not a fan of it. You know, and people will say things, especially you don’t see, you don’t see women doing it. For the most part, you see young men, and they’re like, dude, go beyond your limits, and no fear and all that. You know, that’s ridiculous, thinking it’s nothing more than sophomore motivational thinking. That being said, I’m like, Jim, hopefully you didn’t bite off more than you can chew. And you can actually deliver what you want to deliver in this episode. And I think that I can.
But what I want you to get is that, your limits. And I know, you know this, but I want you to contemplate this is that your limits are nothing more than self imposed or even more specifically, your limits are simply a matter of your perception. They’re how you perceive yourself, and what you can and you cannot do. You know, I know you’ve seen cases of this, somebody that you think can do something, and they do it and you’re like, how did they pull that off? Oh, my gosh, you know, and we’ll talk about that in a minute. Want to share a story here? He was in one of my programs, literally. I don’t know not, you know, 20 years ago, almost. And his name is Terry Hitchcock. And when I met him, he was actually promoting a feature film that it was having done about his life. And it’s already been it’s been out for I don’t know, maybe I don’t know, 5,7,8,10 years now. And it’s it’s narrated by I forgot the guy’s name Billy Bob Thornton or something like that.
The guy’s name is Terry Hitchcock. And what he did is truly, truly extraordinary. And that’s something that we say can’t be done. Now, if I have my math correct, he was 57 years old. And what had happened and I’m not going to go into his whole story. You can look it up online. But what he did is he said I’m going to run from I believe, I believe was Minneapolis, to Atlanta, Georgia. In 1996. He wanted to run to the Olympics. You know, he was an older version or around that time. I guess Forrest Gump was a little later on. But he said he was going to run to bring awareness to single families in the US. Now here’s the thing. No big deal, right. I mean, okay,well, let me let me take this apart.
Here’s what he did that I I think his extraordinary is that he ran 75 consecutive marathons. Yeah, he ran over 26 miles per day. And he told me many times he went over the 26 miles, he ran 26 miles per day, for 75 days in a row, no training 57 years old. And are you ready? Two weeks out of the out of the hospital after having a heart attack. Now, people were saying, obviously, you can’t do this, you can’t, you know, people were telling him doctors and his all of his care, you know, care team was saying you can’t do this. But yet he did it. And I’ve always I mean, I’ve had the good fortune to meet a lot of extraordinary people, or rather people that have done extraordinary things in their life. Let me put it that way.
And I remember, many years ago, I was talking to a guy that you may or may not know who he is, he was an internet sensation, probably 10,12,15 years ago. His name is .Nick Vujicic. And Nick also is one of those people that does what I consider to be extraordinary things in that Nick was born with no arms, and no legs. Yet he was an a motivator to, you know, younger people all around the world, about I’m guessing 1015 years ago, because I guess I met him, you know, about 10 years ago or so because I knew his manager who lived in Dallas, and that came to Dallas and I was introduced, etc. But the guy had no arms, and no legs, also, no self pity. And he was actually motivating millions upon millions upon millions of people around the world. And, you know, I look at, you’ve heard me talk a lot from the very first episode about self image. And specifically, what is your subconscious identity. And I look at what was their subconscious identity that took them to a place where they could do this.
Now I want to give you a simple story here is, you know, if you’ve listened for any amount of time, you know that my brother in law is a shaman, a sorcerer, a Babalau. And anuwal, and if you look up, some of those things aligned are very false definitions of some of these things. Like, for example, anuwal online, the definitions are completely inaccurate. Because my brother in law only works in the light. He’s a healer. People’s waiting list is years long. He’s very cheap. People come to him from all over the world, for healing of all kinds of things. And anyway, I was with him. A couple of years, this was two years ago, he and I were on family vacation. And there were just four of us. And we were sitting on the back deck on the beach. And he brought something to me, I’m not going to be too descriptive here. So I’m sorry for being so clandestine with my languaging.
But he brought something to me and he had me, let’s say consuming some things. And he had me consume something. And then again, and again. And he came to me, and he said, Okay, here, and I said, No, I can’t. I’ve, I’ve already done three is what I said. And he said to me something that literally just changed my life in that moment. He said, Why are you counting? Stop counting. And I recognized that he was giving me more opportunity to grow and the way that he was taking me through this experience. And I was saying no, because my perceived limitations, were saying, No, you’re done. And when he said,when he said, Why are you counting? And that moment, I recognized that had I not been counting, then I would not have said no, I’m done.
But I had this perception that I was done, because I was counting. So what I want to share with you and by the way, a lot of times I pedaled with headlines, and I was gonna I was going to name this particular episode, something along the lines have stopped counting in your life and start achieving or something and it’s like now that doesn’t work. And then I play with them for a few days to find what does work. But I realized that if I’m not counting, I have no internal barometer or gauge, specifically to tell me to stop doing something. Now of course we want to take into consideration health and wellness and being cautious with our health and being responsible with our health and things that we do.
When I was looking at it i recognized that doesn’t apply to a lot of my life nor does it apply to yours and what i recognized it’s that for me and we’re all the same is that it’s my counting that significantly keeps me trapped and many limitations and i recognized to bust limitations plain and simple stop counting let me give you a couple of more tangible examples here i remember many years ago when i was a young man back in my 20’s and even into my 30’s and into my 40’s.I always had trainers and i worked out i mean i was one of those guys that i’d go to the gym five days a week why because i was counting five days a week I got to go to the gym. And I was I was pretty pretty devoted to lifting and staying in shape and and going to the gym and taking care of my body and remember 1992 for some reason that popped in my mind i can’t remember the rest of the dates today but that popped in my mind and I was doing leg presses. And he was pushing me pretty hard his name is Craig.
And he was pushing me and a leg presses where you you know you sit down in a little cradle and you lie back and you use your legs and mainly your quads your quadriceps to push weight up and he put some weight on that when he did i thought jeez that’s a lot of weight and around rep number nine and when we started he said okay we’re going to do for your final set we’re going to do 12 reps and I’m like okay and around rep number nine I started giving out and I’m like Craig I’m done he’s like no one more and okay I push it out bang it out and then I’m like Craig Im done and he’s like no one more and I’m like okay and I did it and I’m like Craig no really i’m done he’s like no you’re not one more and I pushed out one more and i’m trying to think are we at 12 now that’s nine to 12 and I did it I did the 12 reps and something he said to me changed my life as well.
He said to me which I want to talk about in a minute as well because it applies to our lives in so many ways he said is that your mind will give out before your body consider that your mind will give out before your body and in that moment I realized it’s all in the mind and something that just popped into my mind as i’m doing this episode is that remember when we were I went with my brother in law on what I call a sacred journey my family’s to go on sacred journeys on every spring equinox to a power spot on the planet and we’ve been to Machu Picchu a few times and Haleakalā and inside many nights the king chamber the great pyramid two nights inside Palenque ad two nights inside Teotihuacan, Mexico etc but we were at Uluru which is the largest monolith in the world in Australia it’s it’s actually the crown chakra on Pachamama mother earth and when you read it takes if you read about it it takes six hours for a person to walk around it six hours.
And when I was with my brother in law he took off walking around it when we got there and he took off walking around it and I literally almost had to keep up a job to keep up with him and we walked around it in three hours and mind you the normal walk time around that is six hours and we did it in three and I said how did you do that which is a former episode and instead i used my will now the reason I’m telling you that here and it popped into my mind is to reinforce that all the things all of the limitations and I know you’ve heard this but dig into this there’s some meat in this everything is in your mind and i remember just off topic here many years ago when I was creating my company called mind authority which i saw the name today and i was going to actually use the phrase everything is mental as my company tagline and our friend is like you know that’s probably not a good idea with everything that’s going on at the post offices and places like that everything is mental is probably not a good you know unique selling proposition for your business.
But anyway another story here 1992 same year as I said I used to work out a lot and was working with my friend Doug and he was doing bench press and I said Dougie, let’s put 20 more pounds on your, you know, on your bar. And he’s like, Oh, I remember him just going like that that humming, you know? And nodding No. And I’m like, come on, you can do it. He’s like, No, I can’t do it. And so he did a couple of reps. I forgot how many reps he did. And he went to the bathroom. And when he did, I slipped on the extra weight when he was in the bathroom, and he didn’t know it. And he came back. And of course, I didn’t tell him. And it already said something because he was qualifying. He said something like, No, I’ve already done eight reps or not, what 10 reps, whatever it was 10 reps or whatever. And I said, Well, okay, great. You already did it. That’s fine. Let’s finish up our workout. So we can get out of here.
And he laid back. And he did the final reps. But he didn’t know that he did the final reps with the extra weight. So the point is, is he did it, but he didn’t know that he could do it, because he was qualifying and quantifying reps, and poundage. So again, the whole topic here is, the topic is, it’s your perceptions that limit you. Because let me let me ask you this in your own life, as you’re listening right now, has there ever been a time, Think back to a time in your past? Has there ever been a time that you’re like, there’s no way I can do something, I just can’t do it. And then guess what? You have to do it, you got to figure out you got to do it. And then guess what? You do it and you’re like, Whoa, I didn’t know I could do that. Now, I think every one of us has had something like that in our life. And I want to tell you right now, just being candid, I think, you know, I’m pretty dragged by this point, if you’ve been around for any amount of time, is what I want to point out is if you’ve never been in the place where you did something that you didn’t think you can do, then guess what plain and simple, you are not challenging yourself. And you’re not anywhere close to getting to an edge of a comfort zone. And the bad news is, is that not much is going to change in your life. Because by self image on identity, we live over and over most people same day, day in day out.
So until you actually challenged that comfort zone, which is all perception, then you’re never going to grow and you’re never going to create more in life. Now, I know that I mentioned in it was probably 75,80,100 episodes ago, basically a long time ago, is about Navy SEAL training. And, and I’ve watched a lot of documentaries. And I think a lot of us know that it’s pretty tough, or at least we perceive it to be tough from what we hear. And 90% of people that start Navy SEAL training, they quit. And I think something like 10 to 20% quit the first week. I mean, it’s brutal. But the Navy, the Navy SEALs have what they call the rule of 40. And the rule of 40 means that when you think you were absolutely 100% done, just like I thought with my brother in law’s I’d mentioned to you earlier beginning of this podcast, just like I talked about lifting weights, here, here’s the thing, when you think that you’re done, and there’s nothing left in you, you still have 40% left, just ponder that. Consider that. When you think you’re at the end of your rope. There’s nothing more you can do. Now what most of us do, is we roll over and quit. But the reality, and I know that many of you have proven this to yourself, is you’ve still got 40% left.
Now what I want to share with you is basically I do a lot of research on things as well mind brain research. And what’s theorized about this is that it’s obviously not our actual output that’s limited. It’s our perception of what we have left. So basically the perception, which I mentioned perception a couple of times ago, or a couple of times in this episode. It’s our perceptions of what we think have we have left in us that will either gets it will get us to quit or continue. Because so many people and I’ve been there as I’m not tossing any stones, so many people quit so early in life. And I also want to point out that I’m not telling you that’s rah rah motivation. never quit, never quit, you know? Win win, I don’t think you’ve ever even heard me say in this podcast, you got to win. I don’t subscribe to that kind of thinking.
But a lot of people say never quit. What I want to say is be smart about that. Because sometimes quitting, and re evaluating is the smartest thing that you can do. Because just because you’re doing something and you’re relentless, doesn’t always mean that you’ve got the best strategy for execution and creating the outcome that you want. I also want to point out that this approach to this mental strategy has done wonders for me in my own life, in that if you’ve listened for any amount of time, if you’re not brand new, you know that last year, I had what they call a congenital heart failure. And today, according to cardiologist, my heart’s perfectly fine, whereas I’m going to go here for a reason. doctors tell people Oh, it’s a lifetime thing. And you’re going to have heart failure and congenital heart failure for the rest of your life. And you have to live your life like an old person.
And, you know, be careful doing this nonsense, nonsense. Because I remember doctors coming in the chief cardiologist, and an assistant cardiologist, and I remember the assistant cardiologist telling me, all the bad things that could happen, like you may not recover. And you might only have, you know, 30 40% of your heart function for the rest of your life. I didn’t listen and literally went one ear out the other. And the chief cardiologist came in later. And he said, that you know what I give you I think he said, I give you an 80% chance of 100% recovery or something. I don’t know what it was. I didn’t pay attention. Because where I was, is, these are all their perceptions based upon the limited evidence they have in the medical community over the last 40 years. And even though it’s 40 years, humans, as a species are mediocre. So why would I let the world of mediocrity determine their baselines for me, I’m not buying into it. And then some other things happen. And the doctors think it was genetic, is I had a hemorrhagic stroke just three months ago, and today, I’m pretty near fine.
When I say pretty near, I get a little tighter than I used to a little quicker. But you know what, I’m stronger every day. And that’s the mindset that and I actually, honestly, I do self hypnosis every single day, twice a day, I’m healing myself from the inside out. But it’s that 3d thinking in the world, the universal perceptions, the universal rules, about things about life about what we can and cannot do that keep people trapped. Now, this is only a generalization. But when I look at things in the world, if the masses are running to the right, I’m going to go to the left. And if they’re running to the left, I’m going to go to the right, because I know many times the masses are running in the wrong direction. And that’s a whole different podcast, let me tell you.
And, you know, I tend to attract people that are thinking outside of the box to some degree, or they, they’re thinking about thinking outside of the box, or they’re thinking ahead of the masses. And I know that and I’m not going to apologize for that. Because let’s talk marketing. That’s my target market is people who actually want to think outside of group and mass think, because if you follow mass thinking, you’re going to be trapped in the mass world of mediocrity. And that means for a lot of people, a world of poverty, on a world of sickness, and a world love and happiness. And the fact that you’re here means that you do not want to be in that world.
Okay, so let’s go back to kind of, as I said, I’m going to jump around a little bit is counting is we tend to quantify and qualify life. And then we also measure it against good and bad paradigms. Because if our quantifications and qualifications meet what we call good standards, then we’re good. And if they meet bad standards, then you know what, we’re bad and then many people feel bad about themself. I remember when I was at didn’t even pop my mind tell write down when I was in the hospital for heart failure, not the stroke. But I was in the hospital for heart failure. Oh, and by the way, let me Okay, let me tell these two stories. The heart failure one they had me sucking on this little thing or blowing air into it. You’re looking for this little barometer thing on the inside, how high can you get the little wedge, basically.
And when I was first in the hospital, that first couple of days, I could only get it like at 30%. Now, you know, one year later, I can blow the top off from it. But I could do that, you know, months ago. Because I healed very quickly, let me point out here where I was going is that strokes are the third largest cause of death in the United States. And again, the doctors are baffled why I had heart failure and why I had a stroke when I’m an extremely healthy liver, living person. To go off topic completely, my brother in law said to me, the shaman, he said to me, that he goes, this happened to you, so that you can grow. And when you can grow more, it happens so that you can help more people. because let me tell you being close to death twice, and being in the hospital for heart failure, which the heart and the brain are the two most vital organs in the body. That’s some serious stuff. And they were challenging, especially that, well, they’re challenging in different ways, because they had different, they had different effects on my body.
But they happened. And I’ve learned lessons that I never would have learned, had I not gone through that. So if you ask me, because I believe everything is a blessing. If you ask me what I trade those experiences, pardon my language, but I would say Hell no, I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Because what they taught me about myself, and life, and deeper spiritual connection, and a deeper following on the on the spiritual path that I’m on, and power the mind, you can’t buy that. You have to experience it, because we don’t learn anything until we experience something. But anyway, we learn the doctors, all these doctors are telling me this and that and all these numbers. I don’t want them. I don’t agree. And I’m not living by them. So what I’m sharing with you is what are the paradigms that you’re living by? When it comes to money? Are you good enough? Are you not good enough because of the quantifiable and qualifiable paradigms about what is a good income, or air quote, a bad income, and actually is going to go somewhere else I want because those of you that are extremely analytical extremely letter, linear thinkers have a harder time with me because if I jump around a little bit that throws you off, because your brains like linear, linear linear, Oh, my gosh, he went off track all no call 911.
But good and bad. I was going to do a podcast on that soon also. And that that’s a completely unhealthy paradigm to live by being good enough, or being good enough, because we’re taught as children, the world is all about good or bad. And we have to live within those paradigms, when they’re nothing more than social constructs and their perceptions about reality and are not true. Because we’re trained to small kids to quantify Think about this. I mean, even your parents would reward you if you do X, Y, Z, that I’m going to give you two cookies. Or look at this. I was I earned my parents love by the quality, and how high my grades were quantification and qualification, or in sports, what team you’re on. And then guess what? when you’re a kid, you’re taught if you’re on a winning team, you’re a great candidate. If you’re on a losing sucky team. Well, you know what, you’re part of a losing sucky team, and the reality. It’s just quantification.
So what I want to share with you here is to simplify this is that counting, it leads many people to feel either good about themselves, or bad about themselves and good about their abilities or bad about their abilities. And over the years, and over time I’ve learned is I don’t count. I don’t I don’t count. Well, I mean, you got to count some things like your money and stuff like that, if you’re paying for something, but you know what I mean, or I hopefully not I mean, is that I don’t attach value outcomes to numerical outcomes. Because when we count, we limit ourselves and we count limiting ourselves that we have reached or we have not reached a certain marker.
And then again, for many people that makes them feel good about themselves, or bad about themselves. Now want to point out here also, counting plain and simple is quantifying yourself. Listen very carefully. Counting is qualifying yourself as limited, when you literally are an infinite, unlimited being. And you look around you. There’s evidence of people doing extraordinary things all around the world. We all have that in us, because that’s who we are. So what we learn is we learn through the quantification qualification to put ourselves in little boxes. Because what I want to share with you, like Terry was talking about earlier, you know, Terry Hitchcock, the runner is the guy who’s 57. And he had a heart attack. What are people in this society by their doctors trained to think about themselves. But you know, what, he didn’t perceive himself in the way that the doctors are trying to identify him. Think about that.
He didn’t perceive himself, and the way that doctors tried to identify him and to get him to identify with. And guess what, the guy did something that even I called impossible. I mean, heck, running from Minneapolis to Atlanta, yikes, running 75 miles per, you know, I’m sorry, not 75, that would be a feat, running 26 miles a day, for 75 days in a row. He didn’t listen to the mediocrity of people around him who quantify and qualify life. Something popped in my mind many years ago, and I had it on my office whiteboard for probably 10 years. Hopefully, you can find the value in this. And it’s pretty simple. And it dawned on me one day. And it dawned on me, because I was literally being really hard on myself about something. And I wish I could remember what it was, because I’d share it with you. But I was being hard on myself. And then something popped into my mind. And I recognized that you know what, I treat myself, like I perceived myself. Consider that we treat ourselves like we perceive ourselves. And if you treat yourself badly, and poorly, that’s how you perceive yourself. And that’s a reflection of self worth, and self esteem.
Okay, I told you I was going to put a lot of thoughts together in this episode. We’re not done yet. But anyway, I’m putting a lot of thoughts together. But if you would, please let me put another thought in here is there’s episodes on AYNI, ancient Incan for reciprocity of life, if you would, please, we’re getting close to 2 million downloads. And I know that’s qualification, but I’m having fun with this. I’m having a great time. And I want to actually surpass that and reach more people. mainly for me, you can ask anybody, my team, I never qualify about money, or how much money we make or how much I really don’t care. I just want to know generally, how many downloads? Are we out at the podcast and stuff like that. But I want to keep mainly reaching more people.
Now, for the AYNI the reason I mentioned that, all these episodes are work, whether you think so or not, I mean, even if it’s a 30 minute episode, trust me, these are work all the time, I’d got to sit down and think you know, and think through them and send it to my team, and they write the copy on it, and everywhere they load it and everything, it’s work. All I’m asking is if you find value, if you don’t find value then stop listening, plain and simple. Go Go, you know, watch, listen to something else. But if you find value, please share and your feeds, and with your friends and with your family. And please leave a review. And the humble request, please, if you find the podcast worthy in your estimation, and your quantification and qualification, let’s use them there. Because it’s actually helps the algorithms which means I can reach more people.
Do you see how it’s built into our world that’s gonna say, leave me, you know, if you would leave me a five star review. I can have the most amazing podcast in the world, but tons of not five star reviews. And basically, it’s also brain based to some degree because the brain, the brain looks for what’s called high contrast. But we’re rewarded in the world to contrast things and for qualification, but anyway, if you would go leave a very positive five star review. That would be great. And it helps it helps the algorithms as best that I know and we can reach more people. Okay, a couple of parting thoughts. If you want to know the truth, I’m telling you, the truth is that you’re unlimited.
Now you hear your parents because it’s social speak. You hear your parents when were kids I don’t know about you, but I heard it. live up to your potential live up to your potential blonde and as a kid, you’re like, yeah, yeah, roll your eyes, mind your parents back, blah, blah. Or this day and age. If your kids kids roll their eyes in front of their parents. It got grown to two weeks for that. Anyway. quantification. There we go. Two weeks for rolling my eyes. That my parents they’re strict. But anyway, is we are unlimited. Were unlimited. And you hear your parents telling you to live the dream potential but they have it incorrect it’s not living up to your potential it’s basically your identity so when people tell you to exercise your potential live your potential what do we have to do which goes back to all the ways to episodes 1,2,3,4 and 5 and they’re about is we have to expand our subconscious identity because you can only operate in the world and you can only function within the context of the image you have of yourself let that settle in I told you i was going all over the place this episode like a bumper cars so I apologize for that but hopefully you guys are finding takeaways is that it has nothing to do with your potential because your unlimited potential it’s your subconscious identity about your potential that is what is limited it’s not you who can’t do things it’s you and your identity who thinks you can’t do things.
So here’s your weekly transformational takeaway is it’s pretty simple and i’m going to just tell you if you don’t put this out on wheels and go out and exercise it then nothing’s going to change in areas that you want to change but you will never know what you can do in life until you go beyond your limits because your limits which is where we started this podcast they’re not limits they are perceptions of limits and you’ll never leave the perception and explore like slim and put it this way you’ll never expand the perception until you go beyond the old perceptions of what you can and cannot do okay thanks for listening and I’ll catch you over on another episode do what you can to make it a great day to day bye bye.
Thank you for listening to this entire podcast if you’re the kind of person who likes to help others then share this with your friends and family you know if you found value they will too so please share via your social media channels also if you have questions i’m here to assist you can email me questions to and I may even use your question for a future podcast episode also if you want transformational content like this daily connect with me on instagram my instagram name is @iamjimfortin finally I do have a personal request i believe that we’re all here to help others and to grow and evolve ourselves together you and iI let’s help more people if you would please leave a review on itunes and a good one by the way i’d be grateful and through your assistance together we can transform more lives thanks for listening.