You’re listening to the Transform your Life from the Inside Out podcast. This episode is titled and it’s part of the identity series and it’s titled What Is My Message? Everyone has a message. Even if they don’t call it a message, the way that you live your life is a message. And in this episode, I want to talk about people or some people that have lived an extraordinary life. Extraordinary life. And I want to talk about. You know what their message was. But I also want you to look at. What is your message? Keep listening.
Hi, I’m Jim Fortin, and you’re about to start Transforming your Life from the Inside Out with this podcast. I’m widely considered the leader in Subconscious Transformation. And I’ve coached super achievers all around the world for over 25 years. Here, you’re going to find no rah rah motivation, and no hype. Because this podcast is a combination of Brain Science, Transformational Psychology, and Ancient Wisdom, all rolled into one to take your life to levels, you’ve never thought possible. If you’re wanting a lot more in life, to feel better, to heal, to have peace of mind, to feel powerful and alive, and to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life and this podcast is for you. Because you’re going to start learning how to master your mind and evolve your consciousness. And when you do that, anything you want, then becomes possible for you. I’m glad you’re here.
Okay. So before we get started, I want to recap the episodes we’ve done and the topics we’ve done so far in this series. And I’d recognized a couple of days ago that I don’t think I did this in the last couple of episodes. I think I started this way, but I didn’t do it the last couple of episodes anyway. Episode number one of this series, the identity series. Episode number one. Was who are you? Episode number two what makes you matter? Episode number three the patterns of your life. Episode number four. Do you value your value? Episode number five. How are your identity being a self-fulfilling prophecy. Episode number six. Your identity confirms itself. And this is the seventh episode. And this episode is titled what is your message?
About six months ago, my director of operations came to me. And she said to me, she said, Jim. How do you want to be remembered now in that moment? I wasn’t, I didn’t have any plans to leave the planet at that time. And I’m still here. But it got me to thinking and she said, how do you want people to remember you. And now, as I’m telling you this, I recall why she asked me that question. Because I think Bob Proctor left the planet that week. Now Bob Proctor, candidly. I don’t know really anything about Bob Proctor. I’ve never listened to a single anything of his, but I do know that a lot of people listen to him. And I think that he’s a mentor to a lot of people. And I think his work is in personal development and manifestation and things of that nature. But what she was getting at is Bob Proctor left the planet and he’s remembered by a lot of people for being X, Y, Z. And she asked me. You know, how did I want to be remembered? So I’m asking you, how do you want to be remembered when you leave the planet.
See how you live, your life will be what you’re remembered for and by, and how you live your life. That is your message. Everyone every single human being on the planet has a message. Even if they don’t call it a message. Let me go here first. What is a message? The definition of message is a significant point or a central theme especially one that has political social or moral importance. Well, I don’t know that your life has political importance. I don’t know that it has moral importance. I mean, that’s a completely subjective term, but I know it has social importance to people in your family, your community, maybe people in your entire state, maybe even people in the country or the world. I don’t know. But what I know is how you live. That is your message and let me ask you. Have you ever heard the phrase before? You cannot not communicate. Every single thing that you do. Everything that you do as a communication and every bit of your communication is a message. You know, coaching the amount of people that I do. I, when I’m coaching people, I watched them, but I watched people in general, you know, people call it people watching. And most times people aren’t people watching their people observing. Whereas I people watch, I watch what they do. I watch the speed. How fast are they walking? What is the context of that? Are they talking with their left hand? Are they talking with their right hand? What do they laugh at? What are they do not laugh at? What do they say? What do they do not say?
And the reason why in NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming. There’s an acronym B M I R .I’ve mentioned that once or twice you know, here before in the podcast, B M I R is a Behavioral Manifestation of an Internal Representation. What that means is whatever your behavior is, is a representation of your internal system. Meaning you’re thinking. All behavior comes from your thinking conscious or subconscious. So when I watch people, all I’ve got to do is watch and closely, closely watch the behavior. Maybe you can even call that observing, even though I just used it in a different way, a couple of minutes ago. But let me put it this way. I have high sensory acuity. Other word is sensory acuity, meaning I have unhighly acute and a sensory way to the behavior of other people. And I watch what they do because what they do, their voice inflection. Their voice inflection. Again, the way they move the way they don’t move. Everything. They do communicate something to me and a communicates a message. And then what I’m doing when I’m coaching people, I’m watching their message through their body. And I’m listening to their mouth and I’m trying to reconcile both in my mind. Are they matching? Are there words matching the body language? And basically that’s how I coach people, but the whole point is. Everyone is communicating something in some way, every single time they’re in your presence.
You know, as I think back about communication. A crazy example popped in my mind today, as I was thinking about this episode. And I go back to about fourth grade, third and fourth grade. My best friend in third and fourth grade. His name was David his last name doesn’t matter. And we were really good friends till maybe, I don’t know, fifth or sixth grade thereabouts. And when we got to junior high middle school. I started the park company with him. I remember one day he and another friend were talking. And I walked up to the two of them. And I just stood there. I just like, basically, I was like, hey guys, what’s going on? And they were talking, and he didn’t say anything. Now I grew up in Texas and I did too. Don’t judge, but a lot of people wear boots, cowboy boots. But I was wearing tennis shoes this day. And I walked up to them. And., He didn’t want me there, but he didn’t just say, could you leave, could you give us some privacy? He stomped on my foot. As hard as he could. And in that moment, I said, this is not a person I want to be friends with. I don’t like the way that I was treated. And I don’t know that I thought about it that way consciously, but that’s how I felt emotionally. Now in that moment, he was communicating what was inside of him. So, we parted company in middle school. Years later when I was in college. I heard that he murdered his wife who was pregnant. And when I heard the news, actually I knew who his wife was because I grew up with her for a few years.
When I heard that news, it didn’t surprise me because that person was in him. 15-20 years earlier, whatever it was. Now, there are all kinds of other factors that could play in here and everything else. But the whole point is is I watch. Because everything’s a message. And you know, I think back here as I’m recording this, I don’t really have any notes, but as I’m recording this right now, The Dalai Lama said, or it was the Buddha, one of the other. Apparently, they’re the same thing. But anyway, some wise Buddhist said. You cannot be angry if there is no anger in you. So I look back at David and I think what was his identity? How was he hurting? You know, did he have all this anger? How come he was hurting people. How can we add all this rage? What caused that? And what did it say about his identity? And so, I mentioned moving away from David in terms of friendship, think back to the last episode or so when I talked about the similarity between identities and the stronger, the similarity, the stronger the relationship, and the more this similar that identities are, the weaker, the relationship is.
And then I think back to after college, a really good friend of mine, his name is Andy Tyson. And Andy lived in Atlanta and after college I waited tables. We waited tables together at a restaurant called Chops. A very high-end steakhouse at Atlanta. Andy. I’ve not seen him in probably 25 years, maybe longer Andy was the most kind loving and graceful person or one of the kindest, most loving, graceful people that I’ve ever met in my life. And that was Andy’s message. He demonstrated his message through his behavior. Notice, both these people that I’m talking about. They both impacted me, but they impacted me in very different ways. So your behavior impacts people, but your behavior is your message and as I think about messages, how was your life. How was your life? How do you live your life as a message? You know, again, a lot of things want to do these episodes, just come to me. And my, my brain has the ability to just piece together information. But I think back about a guy. And you might think he had this is why one of the reasons we can judge. Well, one of the big reasons is no one gave us the right to judge, you don’t have the right nor do I to judge anyone no matter what. Anyway, this guy’s not on the planet anymore. And a friend of his for many years is a friend of mine still. And this man, his name was Mr. Sasakwa. Mr. Sasakawa. was the wealthiest man on the I’m sorry, not the wealthiest man on the planet, the wealthiest man in Japan, back in the eighties.
And one of my friends who I’ve known for decades, who was a good friend of his said, you know, a lot of people didn’t like Mr. Sasakawa, but what they don’t know is that he, with his wealth, single-handedly helped eradicate financially speaking eradicate smallpox from the planet. He gave hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars to the UN and the different organizations to find a cure for smallpox.
And as I look at that, and I think about that. That was his message not entirely what people thought about him, but his message was. I don’t know a better word that a massive, massive service to humanity. And then I look at MLK and we all know his well, many of us know his analytical message, meaning what he spoke. But I think that MLK operated as we all do in a way that I call didactically. Didactically means a person or when they’re being didactic, they are apt at teaching and the word didactic is Greek. So MLK he could teach through his speaking. Now you could say, well, he had affairs or this or that. I mean, everyone has a life. There’s no question about it. Everyone has their personal lives but when I look at what he did for social justice and the United States. He, he gave his life. He has a message was social justice inequality. And he lived that message so powerfully and so pervasively it cost him his life. What about Nelson Mandela? What do you think if you had to speculate, what do you think? Nelson Mandela’s what do you think? If you had the guests. What was Mandela’s identity about social justice? And freedom. I don’t know. But it’s not too hard to speculate what about Gandhi? What do you think his identity was about social justice? How about this? Let’s go the opposite direction. What about Ted Kaczynski?
The UN bomber, what do you think his identity was about social justice. What about Hitler? Seriously. What about Hitler? What do you think his identity was on the flip side? What about Einstein? What do you think his identity was? What I’m trying to share with you. And I haven’t really prefaced. What I’m going to say at this point. The best way. The most powerful way to live your life. Is in conjunction and service to other people. See, this is what gives your life meaning. Whether it’s being a dad and the meaning of your children or a mother in the meaning to your kids or someone that’s making political statements in the world. And they’re powerful people again, I’m not picking, I’m not a partisan anymore whatsoever. I used to be in younger years. I’m not anymore, but I think about, you know, I think about some of the most impactful people. I was telling my coach and team a couple of days ago, as I was showing them some things about body language.
I said, if you want to watch some powerful people. Go to the 1976 Democratic National Convention videos on YouTube. And watch Barbara Jordan that woman was powerful. You can go back years earlier. What about Hubert Humphrey? Look at Ronald Reagan. I forget the politics, the man communicated his ideology, which is what says identity through his politics. So, we’re, constantly communicating. But what I’m looking at here and what I’m wanting to share with you in this episode. Which we’ll get to. What is your identity? When it comes to making the world a better place. What is your identity? About you even serving people and how you do it.
I want to segue here, but I want to, it’s going to time to this episode, but I want to share a thought with you. I heard many years ago was probably back in 1991, 1992 or something. I used to go listen to motivational speakers and Zig Ziglar said. And I really didn’t get it back then. And Zig Ziglar was a very, very well-known motivational speaker in the United States. Zig Ziglar said something like you can have anything in your life you want, when you help enough people get what they want. Where I’m going here is many people listening. Maybe even you right now. Many people listening has money problems. And what I want to share with you. None of you there’s not a single person here that has a money problem. I don’t care if you got negative you know, dollars in your bank account. Or Deutsche marks or Japanese yen or whatever it is. You don’t have a money problem. If you don’t have money in your life and abundance in your life, what you have is an exchange problem. See you get your money. Money comes to you attract money through your service and you use your message to do your service.
Everything, every single thing in your life is about exchange. If you’re listening on a phone right now, you would exchange money for that, or you would exchange something somewhere to somebody for that phone or a laptop or wherever you’re listening right now, there was some exchange somewhere in that relationship. And I said everything and I mean, everything is an exchange, drugs, buying drugs, selling drugs, and exchange food, buying, selling, making. The ingredients of food, et cetera, et cetera, and exchange labor. Prostitution’s an exchange, an exchange of a physical, you know, physical pleasure for money. Exchange candy ideas, books, attention, everything is exchange. So. What I’m looking at is what is your identity that’s leading you to either exchanging or not exchanging with other people to bring more abundance and affluence into your life. Because if you’re not bringing that abundance in again, it’s not a money problem. It’s an exchange problem.
And the exchange problem comes, which I’ll get to in just a minute, comes from your identity. Let me give you another example here I mentioned him before. I don’t know, maybe, I don’t know, 8, 9, 10. I don’t know, years ago, thereabouts. I had a client who was a real estate agent. His name is Mike. And he was making about seven 50 a year. And he hired me because he wanted to get to a million a year. And I remember very early in our time together. I said, Mike, this is what has to happen. And it doesn’t matter what the specifics were or any of that. And he said, Jim, I’m not going to do that. He goes, this is exactly what he said. He said when I take care of my wife and family first. Then, and only then will I start thinking about helping and taking care of other people? And I didn’t say it right then. But in that moment, I recognized. I can’t coach this guy. He’s not a good fit for me in the way that I coach, because I know that money. And wealth and abundance are created through exchange. And he won’t exchange what he’s doing. Is he’s being self-interested. He’s being self-centered and he’s being selfish.
So, you look at that. And when I look at it, I can’t tell stones. I mean, this day and age I give and I give and I give, and I give. Look at this podcast as an example. I don’t have guests for the most part. Every single, a lot of people probably don’t recognize this. Every single episode I have to give. I have very few guests, maybe one out of 200. And how many episodes have got, what? 5, 6, 7 guests maybe. Every one of these episodes has to be created. And I have to think through and I have to work through and I have to record every single episode. And where do I give from? I give from my 30 years of experience in the personal development industry. And I give from my 27 years of apprenticeship with a shaman. And I give from my 58 years on the planet. And I give from my experience of literally having heart failure in a stroke and the same year in 2020 and what I learned, and I give, and I give and I give and I give, and I get.
Of course, some of it, some of it comes back to me. But a lot of people taken, nothing comes back. That’s okay. My life is spent in service. Now you might’ve heard me say before. That you’re only, you’ve only got, you know, you’re here for two reasons and that’s it. I don’t care what you think. Think about this a lot. You’re here for two reasons. You’re not here to get a damn gold watch. You’re not here to be a millionaire by the way. I have both, but you’re not here for those things. There are things. They’re not going to leave the planet, you know, with you. You are here to serve. You’re here to serve other people and to help them have a better experience of life. And in the process of that inadvertently you will grow and evolve yourself. You were here for two reasons to serve and evolve and grow. And when you serve other people, which is the giving, which comes from your identity of being a giving person, you evolve and you grow automatically.
So let me ask you a question how long have you been listening to the podcast? My podcast has millions upon millions of downloads. And many people listen and listen and listen. And oftentimes they think that’s enough. When in reality, it’s not enough. You see, we get a lot of communication here on the team. People writing in. Asking questions about something on the podcast. And when I read people’s questions. What’s very obvious to me is that they’re asking questions from a blind spot. Meaning they’re asking from so to speak left field. So let’s take care of that. What I’m going to do for you guys. My podcasts followers only, I’m going to do a special live coaching session for you guys. This is not for the outside community. It’s just for you guys. And what I want to do is I want to take things that are challenging you in life, money, health, relationships, and I want to actually literally coach you through these things that have not resolved themselves in your life. And the way that you want them to. So, go to jimfortin.com/identity and get registered. No matter where you are in life I promise you this will be eye opening for you and you’ll start to see things that you haven’t seen When you listen to the podcast what you don’t recognize is that you’re listening from your blind spot which means things that I’m saying don’t get resolved or integrated into your life. Why Because you’re listening from a blind spot Let’s change that now again jimfortin.com/identity .I appreciate you listening and I’ll catch you on that special live coaching session.
I want to share a quick story with you here about Mike. Mike was in my Transformational Coaching Program. Probably two or three rounds ago. And when I say probably I’m not sure if it was two or three rounds ago, but I think it’s actually two and three rounds ago. I think he went through two rounds. And Mike is a former alcoholic and an addict. And he was, it didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. He was floundering when he met me. And in our time together, he watched me serve people in my Transformational Coaching Program, where I coach in there. And I’m in there every day with my coaching team. And we’re constantly coaching and leading people alongside of the weekly assignments that people have and the weekly primary coaching calls and things of that nature. And Mike recognized that his calling his mission, his message was that, you know what. And this is what he said. I’ve recovered from really, really bad alcoholism. I’ve recovered and I know how to show other people to do it. And how to leave addiction behind them, but not in the conventional ways that most of us are taught that don’t work for a lot of people. He goes, I’ve been there, I’m healing and I’m healthy, and I can lead other people to higher ground.
As a result, he went on to start doing this as a profession plus he started the podcast and mainly as, as it pertains to this episode, This was his message. You can heal, you can live a better life. You can. You know, you can escape addiction. That was his message but he went out and he took his message to help serve other people. And my mind, that’s not really different than what MLK did. He served his mission or Mandela. So, or people like that. They have their mission, which is, you know, translates into their message. But all of it starts at the level of identity. You know, I just, it just dawned on me right now. One of my coaches, Dr. Laurie Emery, , and she was a guest here on the podcast, maybe six months ago. She’s one of the most amazing women that I know, and she is a relationship coach and she’s damn good at it. Very good probably the best I’ve ever met and.When I was in coaching, there was a small group program. I was in coaching. I was in the program with her, I don’t know, maybe 10 years ago. And Laurie this was not contrived. But Laurie said Jim you grew up poor. You grew up struggling. You do what you do, which means work in this industry. You do what you do so other people don’t have to go through what you went through. Other people don’t have to struggle that talking to you right now is my message. I live my message. Do I want to always do these podcasts, candidly. Hell no, I don’t want to do them when I’m tired and I have no idea what I’m going to do. You know, particular week? Hell no, I don’t want to do it. I just don’t want to do it.
But I do it because this is what I do, which is part of my identity on a big part of my identity is I serve, I serve, I serve, I serve. And I saw a meme one time. Meme or something and it said something along the lines of when I leave this planet, I want to slide into home base. And I want to say, holy shit, that was a wild ride. And I have been used up and that’s the way that I live my life through my message. But that comes from my identity of serving. So, you know, you look at other people, look at Oprah. You know, Oprah said something many years ago. And that’s what I’m talking about right now. This is what I’m talking about. Use your life, how you use your life is your message. I had a guy just a while back. He was the founder of charity water and go listen to his podcast. You know, that episode in his story. I mean, he talked about earlier in life, he used to be a bar promoter, alcohol promoter or something like that. And he decided that he wasn’t using his life. So if I could postulate here, his message was, and he did say this exactly. All that I did was got people drunk for a living. That was his message and he’s and he said, that’s not, that’s not what kind of life is at. And then he started charity water.
Which by the way my tribe, the Transformational Coaching Program tribe, and my students have raised over a quarter of a million dollars in the last two years for charity water. And I’m grateful for that and thankful for that. And all of you that have been former students or our students, and you contributed to that mission to help with charity water. Many years ago out of college, I worked at the Carter presidential center in the executive offices of Jimmy Carter. He had long left the white house. By that point, if this was in the nineties. And I remember standing at the copy machine one day. And again, I was in the executive offices, which was his office. And I was standing at the copy machine and there was this a printout. And it had former, it had several former American Presidents. It had, you know, prior to Carter, I think it had Nixon and Ford and a couple of other Presidents. And they all had golf bags on their shoulder. And Carter literally all you could see was his feet and his ankles. And one of the former presidents looked up, you could see him looking up at Carter saying dammit. You’re supposed to stop growing when you leave the office. But Carter, carter lives his message Carter. A lot of people don’t know this. See a lot of people when they go is a former president and that’s habitat for humanity wrong. Yes, that is true but wrong. That guy does things that you can’t even fathom and imagine. Everything from brokering peace around the world to literally getting companies to do all kinds of things, to cure river blindness in Ghana. I remember when I worked there. He literally got a pharmaceutical company to give the drugs to cure. You know, river blindness in Ghana. But that was just one of a bazillion things that he does. The whole point is oh, that guy. Literally. He lives his life. He uses his life. And through his behavior, that’s his message and his message is healing for the planet.
So I know that I’m not, you’re not, we’re not Carter. We’re not Oprah. But look at your own life. And everything I’ve said here, do you live for others? And in the service of others, or do you live for yourself? I want to point out it’s no one’s right to judge you, whether you live for yourself or you don’t, or you’re live for others, no one has that right to judge you. But I learned when I was a kid. I learned to live for others by watching my mother. I want to tell a quick story here. I grew up in Real Hondo, Texas. It’s a very, very small town. Today, it’s pretty much a desolate town. Near Padre Island, Texas near Brownsville, Texas. It’s in south Texas. We’re very poor and I remember one day in fourth grade I walked in the class. The teacher was not there yet. And all the kids were huddled around this one desk with a girl sitting at the desk. And I remember her name today. I’m not going to repeat it, but I remember her name today. And the kids were making fun of her. And they were making fun of her because she wore the same clothes to school every single day. She had one, I guess, one dress to wear to school. And that was it. And these other kids who were poor were literally tearing her down and making fun of her. And that hurt me as a kid. I’m like, that’s not right. And I went home, and I told my mother about it. And she said do you know where she lives? And I said, yeah, she rides our bus. I know exactly where she lives. My mother says, okay. So, she goes and talks to my sister. She gets a lot of clothes and my sister wouldn’t wear didn’t want to wear any more out of my sister’s closet.
And said tonight, I want you to show me where that girl lives. So that night we got in the car, we went to where this girl lived and my mom dropped off a box of my sister’s clothes. The next day. This girl came to school, wearing my sister’s clothes. And that moment, I recognized that, you know, the little things. How we live. What we choose. This is our message. This is what makes a difference in our life. This is what makes a difference and other people’s lives. And where I work from. I want to build as many people as I possibly can. And I’m just going to be transparent. I have an extremely abundant life. Financially, I’m wealthy. I’m very fortunate. But when I work from. Is, I don’t know who said this Rockefeller or Ford or somebody. But they said I’d rather have 1% of a hundred people’s efforts than a hundred percent of one person’s effort. So, I look at what I do. And the more people that I can help have a better experience of life, a better quality life. Guess what? I reaped that all back energetically in terms of Goodwill and many other ways that helps give me what I want in life, which is what I started with. And this all comes from the story that I just shared with you about my mom and this person. It comes from my identity.
Because see, when I really adopted that identity of service, not even knowing I was doing it. I can’t consciously think back to when, but I know that story when I was in fourth grade and I was 10 years old, that impacted me for a lifetime. And that’s how I live because that’s part of my identity. So you already know by this point, you’ll learn your identity as a child. But how is it playing out now? Is it helping you make the world a better place? Is that helping, you know, you really take away and then add a little bit to the world. Is it helping you know, make the world a worse place. How was your identity contributing. Because again, everything you do is your message. And people are reading that, not even knowing that they are reading it. So where to go from here. Back to Mike that I mentioned earlier. Or my mother, et cetera. Who had an impact in my life. And now I impact, I don’t know how many hundreds of thousands, if not more lives around the world. As a result of my mother. But I’m no different. No better. I’m not bigger. I’m not worse.
Look at Ralph Nader. Look what he did or Erin Brockovich and the movie. The whole point is this. What is your message? And in particular, are you living for yourself because that’s the message people are going to read, not even knowing they’re reading it. Or, and this would, this is what creates extraordinary lives. Are you living for something bigger than yourself? That’s where we want to live from. That is the most amazing life you could possibly live is when you live your life for something bigger than yourself. So, think about this. Who would I be? How would I feel. And what would I do? If I truly from the heart lived my life for something bigger than myself. Who would I be? What would I feel? And what, what I do. If I lived my life to make the world a better place when I leave it than it was when I found it. That is a very powerful place to live from. And like I said, at all times, you’re living your message, but how powerful do you want your message to be. So, your transformational takeaway. Okay, quiet. Take a self-assessment. Take an honest look at yourself. Look at where your life is right now today. And then ask yourself. Who is this person? Does this person live only for themself and their survival and their gain. Or do they live for the evolvement and the expansion of other people? Who. Who is this person? Thanks for listening and I’ll catch you over on the next episode, which will be the last episode of this series. I’ll catch you later. Bye-bye.
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